- Joined
- Jul 9, 2007
- Messages
- 5,164
READ THE RULES!!! Just about all of you should be familiar with most of them, but I have made some modifications to them for this game specifically. I don't want to have to modkill someone because they didn't bother to read a minor rule change.
[COLLAPSE="General Rules and Information"]
Helpful Links:
Newbie's Guide to Mafia | Basic Rules of Mafia | Common Roles
Fundamental Rules:
- Don't be a ****. It is natural for discussion and debate to become heated in games of Mafia, but try not to get worked up to the point of ruining the experience for yourself or others. We're all here to have fun.
- Editing your posts is not allowed; multi-posting is fine and is encouraged in place of editing. Any and all edits will result in a MOD vote. MOD votes last until the end of the current Day phase.
- "Liking" posts is only allowed if you are a player currently in the game (no outsiders, no dead players, no replaced players, etc.)
- Unless your role specifically states otherwise, you may not converse with any other players outside the thread, dead or alive.
- Do not quote role PMs or any other form of communication with the Game Moderator. You may paraphrase your role PM as you see fit, but keep everything in your own words! Posting your Role PM or any form of mod communication will result in an immediate modkill. If you are concerned about how to adhere to this rule, contact me. In addition, for minor flavor reasons specific to this game, you are not allowed to reveal what your character's "color" is (if you're unsure of what I mean by this, contact me). Treat it as confidentially as the actual image in your role PM.
- The use of non-English, invisible, hidden, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is strictly prohibited. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
- Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken.
- HYDRA SPECIFIC RULE: A hydra will receive a MOD vote for each time one of its heads posts in thread off-account, regardless of whether or not the hydra later quotes the offending posts. There is no limit to the number of MOD votes a single hydra can accrue, but a hydra cannot be hammered by a MOD vote. MOD votes expire at the end of each Day phase.
- You are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. If I decide that you have accumulated to many prods, you will be replaced or a modkilled depending on the circumstances. I will tell you if I am considering replacing/modkilling you for activity reasons.
- If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill.
- In the event that I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the replacement player. If a replacement player cannot be found, I will modkill the slot.
- Day phases will generally last approximately 7 days.
- Night phases will generally last approximately 48 hours. If you have a Night action and do not wish to use it, please send me a PM stating so.
- Night phases will end when either 48 hours have passed.
- Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold Vote command. For example, Vote: Evil Eye.
- To unvote, use the command Unvote. For example, Unvote, Vote: Tom. You do not have to unvote before voting again.
- No Lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
- After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene (or "flip") is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. After the flip is posted, the game will move to the Night phase.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If the deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
- There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase.
- After you have died in the game, you are allowed one final (and short) "Go Town/Scum!" post.
- This is a Closed Set-up for 15 Players with all roles assigned at random.
- This game is a Full Reveal game, meaning that, upon death, role/alignment information about the player is revealed.
- I confirm the absence of the following roles in this set-up: Jester, Mime, Politician, Rogue, Survivor
- I do not confirm the presence or absence of any other roles.
- I confirm there is a Town faction [called Town] in this game and there is at least one Mafia faction; although I do not confirm the number of Mafia factions.
- I neither confirm nor deny the presence of any Independent role(s).
- I confirm that all information revealed by myself in public is strictly accurate.
[collapse=Sample Role PM]
"This song is for the guy who keeps yelling from the balcony, and it's called 'We Hate You, Please Die.'"
Crash Wilson
Alignment: Town
Role: Vanilla
Fun Fact: Crash used to be the frontman of the band Crash and The Boys, until a "hostile takeover" resulted in a name change to The Boys!! And Crash!
You are Lucas "Crash" Wilson! You are the titular "Crash" from such well-known local bands as Crash and The Boys and The Boys!! And Crash! You and "the boys" (one of which is technically a girl) used to compose a local garage band that played fast (sometimes very fast), loud, rock music with electric guitars and such, until relentless rehearsing eventually bestowed upon you the ability to manipulate sound through sheer willpower. This allows you to play music without any instruments! For some reason, it also requires you to wear goggles and big, goofy, rubber gloves. Or maybe that's just your stage uniform now? I don't know.
Special Abilities
Special Attributes
Win Condition
K.O. all enemies!
The Roster:
- Ranmaru
- Kary
frozenflame751Raziek- Zen
- PrivateJoker-Brown
- FullMetalLynch (Young Neil, Town Vanilla) K.O.-d D1
- J (Wallace Wells, Town Amnesiac Cop) K.O.-d N1
- soupamarioyoshiluigiwario (Knives Chau, Mafia Goon) K.O.-d D2
- Gova (Stephen Stills, Town Vanilla) K.O.-d N2
- Red Ryu (Kim Pine, Mafia Goon) K.O.-d N2
- BarDulL (Gideon Graves, Hated Vengeful Townie) K.O.-d D3
- KevinM (Julie Powers, Mafia Stalker/Traitor) K.O.-d D3
- Potassium (Jason Kim, Town Vanilla) K.O.-d N3
- Vinyl. (Todd Ingram, Town Roleblocker) K.O.-d D4
- Nabe (Ramona Flowers, Town Jack-of-all-Trades) K.O.-d N4
- --
Day 1 Begins | Night 1 Begins
Day 2 Begins | Night 2 Begins
Day 3 Begins | Night 3 Begins
Day 4 Begins | A CHALLENGER APPROACHES | Night 4 Begins
Day 5 Begins