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??????????????????????????????? (new:12/12/06)

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Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
September 5th, 2006

Up in the Sky By Lois Lane

The class 7 meteor shattered upon impact into at least six smaller pieces, seen above. Photo courtesy of STAR Labs.

METROPOLIS - At approximately 7:30 last night, a meteor estimated to have measured at least thirty-five feet in diameter broke through the atmosphere, headed straight for downtown Metropolis. Astronomers estimate that the high incoming velocity of the large space body was unusual given the angle of its approach, as was the integrity of the meteor itself, as no evidence has been found to suggest that any of the outer crust burned away upon entry. The predicted damage would have been catastrophic had it not been for Earth's favorite son.

Superman's timely intervention comes as no surprise to residents of the City of Tomorrow, but that is not to say the events that transpired were entirely without surprises. Dozens of witnesses attending a wedding atop the newly completed Arcadia Tower corroborate that they saw Superman fly in "faster than a speeding bullet" to take the brunt of the would-be disaster off the shoulders of our fair city. On contact with Superman, the meteor broke apart into a currently-estimated six smaller pieces, while a larger central piece remained in Newtonian conflict with the Man of Steel. Although things seemed glum at one moment, witnesses report that in the time it took them to blink, Superman had diverted the course of the meteor towards the open ocean nearby.

Things began to escalate from here. Sailors working on government contract to salvage the wreck of the U.S.S. Montgomery reported seeing the impact as Superman and the extraterrestrial body struck the ocean. Moments later, a sleek, black flying craft of unknown origin swooped in from across the southwest to investigate the fray, and almost as soon as it was on the scene, Superman emerged from the sea with a companion that seemed hostile.

"The plane, ship, whatever -- it was swoopin' in," said Bo "Bibbo" Bibowski, a loader on the salvage vessel. "And that thing, that alien or whatever, it was hittin' Supes. [That's] when it got crazy though. Real [expletive omitted] crazy."

According to Bibowski and others aboard his craft, this unknown entity engaged into combat with both Superman and the aircraft. Somehow, the "monster" was able to run across the water -- a feat normally thought to be impossible, even by Superman's standards -- and was headed toward Metropolis. Various tactics seemed to be used by both Superman and the pilot of the unknown craft to little avail before the airplane was able to contain the entity in some kind containment unit.

Superman wasted no time in grabbing the unit and flying the captured creature up into the sky. The black jet was quick in its pursuit. Details from here become more difficult to piece together, our correspondents in NASA confirm that Superman broke through the atmosphere into outer space with his captive in tow, followed quickly by the increasingly mysterious jetcraft. It is currently inferred that the creature was able to escape its containment device, but was hurled away by Superman shortly before being struck by a missile from the craft. Its fate after this point remains unknown.

Air Force officials were tight-lipped when pressed about the subject of a possible visit by extraterrestrial intelligence, both in its obvious political implications and the creature's exact intentions for Metropolis, and indeed if the city was even selected for a landing site or a random -- and almost disastrously unlucky -- roll of the cosmic dice. An Air Force spokesman stated that the United States is "investigating the veracity of all relevant claims thoroughly." In the meantime, they've tried to discourage local folklore that has already begun to spread, dubbing the creature "Doomsday" after the unimaginable destruction it nearly caused.

Questions abound and are still being investigated by the Daily Planet. Who was the pilot of the black craft, and how does it possess such impressive technology as to temporarily contain that which the Man of Steel could not? Was this the debut of a new revolution in Air Defense technology? Was this a rogue action by some unknown, well-financed and -- luckily for us -- civic-minded third party? Why is STAR Labs researcher Professor Hamilton completely unable to explain the lack of any erosion damage to the smooth meteorites that broke away upon impact, which seemed to encase the creature? Why does it seem to have sustained no damage at all apart from fractures across pre-designed fissures?

In more tragic news, there have been five reported deaths as a result of the falling meteorite pieces. Oscar LaHoya, 23, was killed on impact while walking home from the grocer. Marvin Hayes, 67, Victor Strauss, 51, Elina Baylock, 30, and Officer Mike Flannigan, 25, were all killed when a second piece struck the route 35 bus through downtown. At least eight more were injured, all of whom sustained non-critical injuries. Although these deaths will not go unmourned, there is some solace to be taken in that what could have been so much was contained.

At present, at least two of the meteorites seem to be missing. Police and military police are investigating.

Last Son of a Lost Land? By Clark Kent

The last known whereabouts of Arthur Currie, 26

AMNESTY BAY - Dr. Stephen Shin, a notable marine biologist in New England, may have ended his career -- and the life of a young man.

Shin made headlines around the world last month when he made a pair of especially bold statements. The first was that the fabled lost continent of Atlantis is very real. The second was that it's people somehow live on -- including one living among us, at least until recently.

Throughout New England in the last year, and particularly in the Boston area, a hero named Aquaman has been cited as preventing seaside disasters, rescuing marooned or capsized sailors, and even stopping mundane robberies farther inland. Eyewitness accounts suggest that Aquaman held both great physical strength and an impossible mastery of swift navigation through the roughest seas of the east coast. Shortly after making his claim about the discovery of Atlantis, Dr. Shin offered an Atlantean explanation for these seemingly impossible feats, going on to reveal the purported true identity of Aquaman -- Arthur Currie.

Under currently unknown circumstances possibly related to the sudden media attention stricken upon the Currie family, Arthur's father Tom Currie, 49, suffered a severe heart attack. He died in hospital earlier this week after a failed bypass attempt. Media frenzy over the alleged living wonder of the world continued, with an energy at the Currie family-owned lighthouse ranging from skeptical cynicism to open curiosity. Ed Gills of our Boston office recalled: "[We] were camped out there, day and night. Just waiting for him to show his face. How long could he wait, right?"

Reporters waiting for a comment got their wish on the day of Tom Currie's funeral, however, as Currie soon emerged from his home, shattering the door off its hinges. He was reported as belligerent and despondent, demanding to know what the journalists on scene wanted from him. Currie then ignored the obvious replies, allegedly stating that: "I don't belong here. I see that now", just moments before leaping off the nearby bluffs into the sea. After days without word from the supposed Aquaman, the Amnesty County Sheriff's Department is currently investigating the incident as a suicide.

Arthur Currie had no surviving kin to make a comment.


WNT - 650
LXC - 890
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APH - 105
MDE - 295

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
December 12th, 2006

Planetary Pieces

South American "Angel" Northbound By Lois Lane

The mysterious Angel Woman is seen traveling across the skies of Costa Rica. Photo courtesy of Arenal Observatory Lodge.

SAO PAOLO - Citizens of Brazil were treated with what has become a familiar sight here in Metropolis earlier this week -- a mysterious figure dashing across their skies. A seemingly winged woman, and yes you did read that correctly, has become somewhat of a fixture in the South American nation and surrounding countries over the last month. On multiple occasions, this "Angel Woman" is rumored to have halted violent riots and gun battles in the city's many sprawling slum districts.

Where she came from has been the talk of social media all across Latin America. It is hotly rumored that she arrived in a spaceship that crashed somewhere nearby in the Atlantic Ocean, but the Brazilian Air Force would not comment other than to say that they are not looking at extraterrestrial possibilities at this time. This coming just a few months after a likely extraterrestrial show of force here in the United States, where one of its major cities is protected by a self-professed extraterrestrial, Metropolitans would likely feel otherwise. Regardless, there is no denying that this angelic woman's appearance has been both puzzling and shrouded in mystery.

The South American rumor mill was churning nonstop on any subject from where she had come from to what she ate and where she slept. Apparently indifferent to such things, the Angel Woman ignored numerous attempts to contact her by Brazilian media and journalists. She also showed little particularity about her briefly adopted home, soon setting about a Northward journey. Similar unconfirmed reports of her stopping violent incidents have peppered across other Latin American countries in the Gulf of Mexico and Central America, where she was recently photographed flying through Costa Rica.

Where is she headed? The illustrious and industrial Mexico City? Or is Earth's Greatest Nation about to receive yet another visit from forces of unusual and mysterious origin? What are her intentions? Whatever stories develop, the Daily Planet will keep you updated.


Mayweather wants the TKO -- "No Matter What!" By Steve Lombard

Mayweather rests between rounds at his latest bout. Photo courtesy of ESPN.

Ted Grant gets rough with a reporter who asked him if he's too old to keep boxing. Photo courtesy of Galaxy Broadcasting

LAS VEGAS - Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is a fighter that needs no introduction. An undefeated world champion, scrappy 29 year old has set his sights on a new opponent. Although Mayweather is a formidable force when it comes to getting what he wants, he has one problem -- his dream opponent is Theodore "TKO" Grant, the 245 pound juggernaut of a heavyweight. Mayweather is no stranger to bulking or cutting to compete in multiple divisions, but everyone from his doctor to professors of biology says the necessary weight gain simply can't be done while keeping him in fighting health.

Ted Grant, himself undefeated, surprised many when he appeared on the mid-level New York circuits in early 2001, at the ripe age of 35. Subsequent research has shown that Grant was a contender among smaller circuits in his hometown of Brooklyn, but for whatever reason never advanced beyond the odd fight for many years. That all changed in 2002, when he managed to finagle a bout with fellow aging boxer Lennox Lewis. While Lewis had made his stand as an older, wiser fighter, critics were relentlessly against Grant, calling him everything from the wrong side of thirty to a total bum even if he wasn't. That all changed in an instant when Grant knocked Lewis out cold in the third round with a devastating haymaker.

Eager to test his mettle, the WBC threw a number of much young opponents Grant's way, most of whom didn't make it to round five. Apparently satisfied that this wasn't beginner's luck or the last spark in an old dog, they gave him a title fight against graying world heavyweight champion, Evander Holyfield, in 2002. Grant sent him to the mat twice in the first three rounds, and down for the TKO in the seventh. Since then, Grant has maintained his belt, and there have been many challengers hoping to usurp it.

Certainly, Mayweather vs Grant is a fight any boxing fan would dream of. Perhaps they could host it in Grant's native Brooklyn? The Rumble in the Concrete Jungle? Still, a number of physicians consulted by this writer agree that Mayweather's notion is a pipe dream. Mayweather disagrees. "I want to fight this man, even if it takes me years. Whatever it takes, no matter what. We're gonna show him who's the best a what we do."

Mayweather may get his wish, if the FDA approves a health supplement currently in its final testing phase over at LexCorp's world headquarters in Metropolis. Tentatively dubbed "LexMilk", the synthesized vitamin and hormone treatment is rumored to increase one's muscle and bone density to levels greatly above those provided by one's genes and good old Mother Nature. If the FDA approves the supplement, it is expected to find its way into the MREs of every man and woman in the American military by sundown, but civilian retail is expected as well.

Would CEO Lex Luthor be willing to donate some LexMilk to Mayweather's cause? As a sports fan and an admirer or warriors in general, I certainly hope so. While Ted Grant is undoubtedly one of if not the best currently competing in the sport, the soon-to-be-forty year old surely knows he's coming into his twilight years at the very least. What does TKO Grant think of all this, one might wonder? "So he comes up a few classes to take me on. I can respect that, I guess. But if he comes up to me I'll knock 'im on his [expletive deleted] same as the rest."

Letters to the Editor Edited by Perry White

Finally met Superman
When that alien thing dropped down into Metropolis, one of the meteors (or is it meteorites I guess?) hit the bus I was driving. The impact broke three of my ribs and one of my legs. While the adrenaline was still going I pulled the only rider, an old man, off the bus. I didn't think much of it, just doing my job. Imagine my surprise when Superman of all people dropped down to say hi! I'm sure he had better things to be doing given what had just happened, especially if you buy the alien invasion rumors, but he still stopped to talk to me. So cool. He called me a hero and sung my praises for a couple minutes about helping the old guy off the bus and apologized to me for not saving me. Apologized to me! It's just a busted leg! Supes is unreal, he's just as nice as everybody always says. I love you, man! Hope you read this! Keep savin' the day!
-John Niles

Big Blue definitely knows how to make you feel warm and fuzzy

don't be fooled!!!!
The complacency if this rotten, insipid city never ceases to astound me! HELLO! The Superman thing was all a big hoax! It's a way to distract you from the microwaves!!! It couldn't be more obvious!! Make a big news story, build up the alien threat, that way nobody's looking at the REAL threat, our so-called "government"! WAKE UP, SHEEPLE! SUPERMAN IS PROPAGANDA. THE ONLY ALIENS ARE THE ONES IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND CONGRESS. And don't get me started about taxes! Exercise your rights under the FAA, you idiots! Demand to see their birth certificates! You'll see! You'll ALL see!!!! Idiots!

Oddly enough, I think I trust the government more after reading this. Must be all those microwaves!

War profiteering makes me uneasy
I'm disturbed by the amount of our national budget is finding its way into LexCorp's portfolio in recent years. Ever since Luthor coaxed his way to the front of the defense industry DARPA and the DoD have been throwing billions of dollars in his direction every year. There's no denying the importance of national defence, but to run this close to monopoly can only be a bad thing. Are other companies even on the bid anymore? The fact that we're in two wars, one of which was totally unnecessary, only makes it worse.

I want to see more oversight on where our defense dollars are going. I want to know that we're using our defense projects in response to military needs, not creating military needs to use our defense projects. Luthor is becoming too powerful.
-P. Hamilton

The defense industry could use some new players at the table, that's for sure.

-the condiment king

Mustard gas wouldn't be a bad way to go.
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