#ChiSports Memorial Tournament
Co-hosted by the Game Preserve
Just a big Thank You to #BasedChi
Also it's Metaknight legal.
Relevant Prices
$10 vBrawl Singles
$10 vBrawl Doubles (Per teammate--$20 per team)
$5 Brawl- Singles
$5 Brawl- Doubles (Per teammate--$10 per team)
$5 Ultimate Marvel Singles
Venue fee is back to FIVE DOLLARS since we're back at the Game Preserve!
BRING TVs. Four pools on four TVs is lame and it sucks and it takes forever. Be a super cool guy and bring a TV for a waived venue and my everlasting gratitude!
3 Stock, 8 minute timer
Team Attack: On
Items are set to "off" and "none"
Double Elimination for doubles & singles
Life-Stealing is Legal (Doy)
All sets with the possible exception of winner's finals, loser's finals, and the championship are best of 3 matches (Losers and Winners Bracket Finals are best 3 of 5 matches)
If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage. If both are tied, then a 1 stock replay will occur on the same stage, same characters.
In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors
- In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port.
-If the game ends in a suicide attack, honor the results screen. Should the game go into Sudden Death, there will be a one stock, 3 minute rematch on the same stage with the same characters.
-You are responsible for your own controllers, so be sure to bring an extra controller in case something happens to the one you are using. If your controller malfunctions mid-match, you may request a restart, but both parties must agree on it.
-Each player/team is allowed one stage ban—the chosen stage cannot be chosen by either player for the entire series. You can either choose to ban a stage before the first round, or before your opponent’s counterpick.
-No chaingrab can last past 300%. Any chaingrabbing that exceeds 300% is considered stalling and will result in a forfeit of the match.
LoZ's Stupid Boner Rule - In the event that you should find yourself excessively enjoying a match or it's surroundings, you are required a 5 minute break to walk it off. This is not optional.
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%
Under 24
1st - 50%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%
24 or Over
1st - 45%
2nd - 23%
3rd - 15%
4th - 9%
5th - 4%/4%
The neutral stage will be picked by stage strike method—each player/team takes turns striking one stage at a time, until there are only two neutrals left. The team who striked second then gets to choose between the two remaining neutrals. If there is a problem deciding who strikes first then a simple game of RPS will determine who picks second.
Note: No Player/team can choose a stage they’ve already won on. You can, however, choose a stage you have already lost on.
Pokemon Stadium [Melee]
Battleship Halberd
Castle Siege
Yoshi's Island [Brawl]
Lylat Cruise
Pokemon Stadium [Brawl]
Delfino Plaza
Final Destination
Frigate Orpheon
Rainbow Cruise
Anyone can suggest moving a banned stage to the CP list up until the week of the tourney, but the TOs have the right to deny movement of certain stages (I.E. 75m)
Any player is allowed to play on a nonlegal stage, as long as both players agree to play on that stage. No johns if you lose on a stage you agreed to play on.
The Game Preserve
101 W. Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47404
Parking can be found at the 4th Street Garage!