#HBC | Nabe
Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
- Circus
- Overswarm
- Ranmaru
- Sworddancer.
- July
sneakytakoRajam- J
RykerBRB, Not Posting. (Ryker/Gova)- Le Bateleur
- Private-Joker Brown
- Raziek
- Chuckie (Kataefi/vanderzant)
Jdietz43BarDulL- ѕoup
- Kary
- Potassium
- Red Ryu
- Sold2
- BarDulL
- You?! Apply today!
As one, you and seventeen other people snap awake and find yourselves on what looks to be the floor of a nightclub. No music is playing, no sounds can be heard aside from the collective breathing of the room. Dim emergency lights sparsely illuminate the room, occasionally flickering. You're not sure as to the size of the room...
Nearby, in what seems to be the center of the room, are two tables each laden with food, treats, a bowl of punch... it looks like you were all having a party. A Christmas party, judging by the two Christmas trees set up on the stage nearby, surrounded by presents.
As you try to come to grips, you realize that you don't seem to know any of these people. Did you drink too much last night? Everything is a haze. You can't remember who any of these people are. Thinking about it... you can't even remember who you are. It must've been some party for everyone to pass out on the floor like that.
Under one of the tables, there's a present.
The presentation is very nice.
Under the box is a card, made from everyday paper. The front is messily scrawled with the message, Happy Holidays. Inside, there's a longer note written in the same hand.
Someone opens the present. Inside is only one thing: another piece of paper, seemingly torn from a notebook, with one word written on it in deep, dark gouges of black ink.
Everybody turns as one to see what they hadn't noticed. There is a second floor, a sort of balcony with a bare steel staircase leading up. It's very dark. You all spread out to look for a light switch.
...Illuminated in the multi-coloured club lights just above the second floor is a body, a man. Hanging from the rafters by a noose, he is quite clearly dead.
Everybody runs for the doors. But not a single door will budge, even to hard shoulders slamming against them, nor will they break. There are no windows. There is no discernible way out.
You look at everyone in turn, and they all return your wary glance. You must be connected to these people somehow. But one or more of these people must've committed this murder, and you're locked in with them. If you could only remember who you are, or who they are... but for now, you'll have to make do with democratic mob justice!
Nearby, in what seems to be the center of the room, are two tables each laden with food, treats, a bowl of punch... it looks like you were all having a party. A Christmas party, judging by the two Christmas trees set up on the stage nearby, surrounded by presents.
As you try to come to grips, you realize that you don't seem to know any of these people. Did you drink too much last night? Everything is a haze. You can't remember who any of these people are. Thinking about it... you can't even remember who you are. It must've been some party for everyone to pass out on the floor like that.
Under one of the tables, there's a present.
The presentation is very nice.
Under the box is a card, made from everyday paper. The front is messily scrawled with the message, Happy Holidays. Inside, there's a longer note written in the same hand.
Season's greetings!
I've decided to take an active role in these proceedings. I know you won't mind too terribly. I'm really looking forward to seeing the result.
I hope you'll all enjoy this present greatly. I know I enjoyed putting it together.
- N
I've decided to take an active role in these proceedings. I know you won't mind too terribly. I'm really looking forward to seeing the result.
I hope you'll all enjoy this present greatly. I know I enjoyed putting it together.
- N
Someone opens the present. Inside is only one thing: another piece of paper, seemingly torn from a notebook, with one word written on it in deep, dark gouges of black ink.
Everybody turns as one to see what they hadn't noticed. There is a second floor, a sort of balcony with a bare steel staircase leading up. It's very dark. You all spread out to look for a light switch.
...Illuminated in the multi-coloured club lights just above the second floor is a body, a man. Hanging from the rafters by a noose, he is quite clearly dead.
Everybody runs for the doors. But not a single door will budge, even to hard shoulders slamming against them, nor will they break. There are no windows. There is no discernible way out.
You look at everyone in turn, and they all return your wary glance. You must be connected to these people somehow. But one or more of these people must've committed this murder, and you're locked in with them. If you could only remember who you are, or who they are... but for now, you'll have to make do with democratic mob justice!
Voting and Lynching_________________
Activity and Deadline________________
Game-specific Rules and Notes_______
Other Notes______________________
- Disputes with and private questions for me should be handled through PM or instant messaging. If you notice that I have made a simple mistake or if you have a simple question, please address them in the thread in bold.
- Dead men tell no tales. Once you have died in the game, you are dead (unless, later, I tell you you're not). Dead players are not allowed to make any more posts in the thread for any reason whatsoever. Upon death, you will be notified of the existence of a green room where you may speak to myself and other dead players, if such a room exists for this game.
- Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread. If your role PM does allow you this power, you are to have conversations in your Quicktopic, or to post all conversation logs you have. You are not allowed to quote private conversations in-thread or share QT links; you may paraphrase, just use common sense.
- Editing your posts is not allowed.
- Personally attacking another player is not allowed.
- You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake, to anyone. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. You may not post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.). Take special note that if you do have communication with other players outside of the thread, this rule does not apply within said conversation.
- You are not allowed to post any images from your role PM.
- Do not attempt to post generally unreadable or hidden text, as by changing the text color to match or resemble the page background. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
- You may not use ciphers, encryption, or similar techniques within this main game thread.
- You must post in English within this main game thread.
Voting and Lynching_________________
- Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, Vote: Tom.
- To unvote, use the command Unvote. For example, Unvote, Vote: Swiss. Unvoting prior to revoting is not required, but is appreciated.
- ”No Lynch” is a viable voting option and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
- Players who cast the final vote in a lynch are strongly encouraged to post the word hammer in various colours and text sizes. Image macros, Youtube links, and/or references to parachute pants are not officially sanctioned, but will be permitted if exceptionally funny.
- After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. After the lynch scene is posted, the game will move to Night. The Twilight phase will last 12-24 hours, or the remaining time of the Day phase if that time is less than 12 hours.
- There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase. Videos you just have to share can be private messaged to me directly for safekeeping.
You know the ones.
Activity and Deadline________________
- You are required to post every 72 hours, and to make at least 10 posts every Day phase. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods over the course of the game (however many I think that is) will result in your punishment, replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. When feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill.
- Day phases will be 7 days long. (168 hours if you'll be keeping track with an hourglass or similar.)
- The players may vote for one (1) deadline extension of up to 48 hours throughout the game, as fitting. In the event I need to replace a player, I may also extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Other than by these events, no deadline extensions are likely to be granted.
- Nights will last 48 hours. If you have a Night action and do not wish to use it, please send me a PM to that effect, so I don't have to wait until deadline to know. That said, deadlines are deadlines, and I will not accept late actions unless you beg really hard.
- In the event of Crashboards, I will be wishy-washy about any of the above rules as necessary.
Game-specific Rules and Notes_______
- In this game, you will play as an Amnesiac.
- Every player will receive a Matryoshka Present at the start of the game. These Presents are layered, with each layer providing more information about your role in this game. To open the next layer, you must make a Guess about its nature, what it contains, etcetera.
- Once per Day and once per Night, you will be allowed to PM me with a Guess about your Present, about your role, or even about the true theme of this game. This will be an open-ended process -- try to discern what you have available to you in order to make your deductions. Your Guess can be somewhat ambiguous (I'll tell you if it's too ambiguous) but label it somehow; I need to know that you're making your Guess for the phase.
- Making a Guess every phase is not necessary, but strongly recommended.
- If you make progress on your Present thanks to a Guess, you may Guess again immediately during that same Phase.
- Once you've opened your Present entirely, you'll regain your memory. You will remember who you are (your true character), and you'll be informed of and able to make use of any natural ability or abilities you might have.
- If you gain abilities from a correct Guess during a phase, you can make use of them that same phase, if they apply.
- Each player begins the game with a natural Present-Opening Strategy. This strategy outlines an alternative method that the player has available to them to open their present. These strategies are unique to each player. Some strategies will take effect over time, while others are based on the choice to activate them. Some strategies might have associated punishments.
- Strategies that need to be activated will take up a Phase's Guess, and vice versa.
- To confirm the receipt of your role PM, please send me a Guess for Night 0 i.e. the confirmation phase. If you manage to open your Present entirely, and your role applies to Night 0, you may use it. Night 0 is a phase of this game. No night kill will take place during Night 0.
- When the true theme has been discovered by all living players, I will announce the true theme publicly.
- Until the true theme has been announced, role reveals upon death will reveal very little. After the announcement, prior role reveals will receive revisions to their corresponding true characters.
- There is at least one standard mafia faction in this game. They are also Amnesiacs. At the beginning of the game, they will have no private communication. I will not reveal anything else about the nature of this faction or about the existence of others.
Other Notes______________________
- I do not confirm or deny the existence of independent roles or third factions.
- Modkills only end Days if the player being modkilled is town-aligned. Otherwise, Day continues. In the event that a player is modkilled during Twilight/Night, the modkill will affect the next Day phase (meaning that Day would automatically end if the player is Town and that Day would continue as normal if otherwise). Exceptions to this rule may be made based on the state of the game and my personal judgment.
- I do not confirm that all information relayed from the Game Moderator in private is strictly accurate.
- I do confirm that all information relayed from the Game Moderator in public is strictly accurate.
- Natural Action Resolution a-gogo, baby.
Hello, and welcome to the game, Dead Guy! You're not sure who you are, but I bet you're feeling a little cheerier with a present in your hands. (Or you would feel that way, if you weren't dead.)
What you do know is that you know very little. You're an Amnesiac, Male. You have no idea why this is happening to you, but damned if you're going to take it lying down. (Or hanging up, as the case may be.)
Present-Opening Strategy:
You feel you're the type of person who might test a present's contents by Burning It!
Send me a PM with the command Burn That Present! to do so. After doing do, you'll have a good idea what was inside it from its reaction to flames! Smoke composition is very telling.
Bear in mind, if you successfully Burn That Present! during a Phase, you will spend your Guess for that Phase by doing so.
Other Thoughts
You don't think you're the murderer, but you're not sure... You don't even remember the basics about yourself. What are your goals?
There are 5 layers left on your present. (And in your case, they'll probably stay there.)
What you do know is that you know very little. You're an Amnesiac, Male. You have no idea why this is happening to you, but damned if you're going to take it lying down. (Or hanging up, as the case may be.)
Present-Opening Strategy:
You feel you're the type of person who might test a present's contents by Burning It!
Send me a PM with the command Burn That Present! to do so. After doing do, you'll have a good idea what was inside it from its reaction to flames! Smoke composition is very telling.
Bear in mind, if you successfully Burn That Present! during a Phase, you will spend your Guess for that Phase by doing so.
Other Thoughts
You don't think you're the murderer, but you're not sure... You don't even remember the basics about yourself. What are your goals?
There are 5 layers left on your present. (And in your case, they'll probably stay there.)
- For those of you who played the last Party game, lessons learned there may be valuable here.
- Don't worry if you have no idea what's going on! You can scumhunt if nothing else.
- A search engine is a powerful friend.
- No role is sacred, no role is damned. Except Jesters, who likely aren't in this game.
- If independently-aligned players exist, they will have more information than the mafia, who will have more information than the town. As town, strike a balance between conservation of information and cooperation towards the theme.
- This game has the potential to be hard as bricks for every player. Play hard.
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