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Liar Game Mafia | GAME OVER! Who won the 100 gazzillion yen?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether

Round after round of the Liar Game tournament have built up to this, the final round.
Round after round of the Liar Game tournament have changed you... All for this, the final round.

You step out of the car and start walking towards a large mansion on top of a hill. You arrive at the doorstep, when, without missing a beat, the door opens. You are greeted by a trio of men in masks.

"Follow us", they say.

As you follow them, you notice that the mansion is quite a lot larger than it looked from the outside. There is one thing bothering you... Nothing but silence fills up the mansion.
After a while, you arrive in front of two large, wooden doors. One of the men speaks to you: "Go inside, the final round awaits".

As you step into the room, darkness and silence greet you. Your eyes take a while to adjust, but eventually you see that the room has multiple doors. It looks like seven other candidates entered the same room through these doors.

Hearing a squeaking sound, you turn around, only to see the door from which you came close before your very eyes. You hear speakers turn on, and quickly turn back around.

"Welcome everyone, to the final round of the Liar Game tournament!"

The lights spring on, and upon inspecting the room, you see two men in masks standing besides a table on the other side of the room.

"Gather around, everyone."​

As you approach the table with the other candidates, you notice a name plate on this man's suit. You can make out the name "Xonar".

"My name is Xonar, and I will be your host for this round. For this round of the Liar Game tournament, we bring you...


Werewolves? You remember playing this game once, back in high school. Taking a look around, you discover that the other players seem to be just as unfamiliar as you with the game.

"This game of Werewolves will, however, have quite a few twists."​

The man steps aside, revealing the table and it's contents. You see eight touch-based hand held devices lying on the table, each one is named.

"Please, grab the device related to your codename."​

You move forward, grabbing your device. Your screen appears to be blank.

"This game of Werewolves will be played entirely electronically. Each of you has a room assigned to yourself in which you will reside for the remainder of the game."​

"Is there enough food?", you hear someone ask.

"Rest assured all your needs will be satisfied."

"On to the game. The rules and list of participants will now be shown on your device, please take a look..."​

[Collapse="Rules & Info"]Fundamental
1.) Don't be an *** to others, *****. Treat them like you want to be treated.
2.) Once you have died in the game, you are not allowed to make any more posts.
3.) No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise.)
4.) Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread.
5.) Do not edit your posts. Double posting is fine in its place.
6.) You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images, videos or links in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.). This rule only applies to posts in the thread. If you are allowed to communicate privately with other players you may freely quote mod communication there.
7.) You may not post screenshots of any kind.
8.) Posting in non-English, invisible, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is prohibited. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
9.) You may not quote logs of communication with other players (including hydra communication). You are free to paraphrase.
10.) Unless stated otherwise, all Night Actions should be sent to the mods via PM. Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken.
11.) If you are unclear about any of the rules then you are expected to ask the me for clarification before taking any action which you believe may break a rule. If you are unclear about any information in your role PM or the sample PM or any mod communication, feel free to ask me about it.
12.) Punishments for breaking any of the rules of this game include but are not limited to: temporary or permanent Moderator Votes, Modkill, forced replacement, etc

Voting and Lynching
1.) Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, Vote: Gheb.
2.) To unvote, use the command unvote. For example, Unvote vote: Evil Eye. You do not have to unvote before voting again.
3.) No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
4.) After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. The Twilight phase ends when I post the lynch scene and officially begin the Night phase.
5.) The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
6.) There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase, regardless of whether the thread is closed or not.

Activity and Deadline
1.) You are expected to be able post every 24 hours, however you are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods (however much I think that is) will result in your replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. When feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill. If you are a player with a history of bad activity, it is possible it will take less prods before your replacement than it will take for others.
2.) I do not expect to grant deadline extensions, barring extenuating circumstances. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Certain game events may also result in a change of deadline.
3.) Days will generally last 7 days.
4.) Nights will generally last approximately 48 hours.

1.) All roles have been assigned entirely at random.
2.) This is an open set-up, as touched upon later.
3.) Modkills only end Days if the player being modkilled is town-aligned. Otherwise, Day continues. Exceptions to this rule may be made based on the state of the game and my personal judgment.
4.) Hydra accounts are not allowed.
5.) While characters are sometimes be bound to a person, a role is never bound to character. i.e. Yokoya will not automatically be scum.

[Collapse="Player list"]
1. Gheb_01 Modkilled Day 1.
2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
3. Ryker Sworddancer.
4. Circus
5. J Lynched Day 2.
6. July Died Night 2.
7. Overswarm
8. Raziek Died Night 1.


"However, that will not be all for this game. We decided to introduce an entirely new mechanic. It's called...


"For the rules regarding contracts, please refer to your device."​

You look at your device, the rules start appearing:

[collapse=Contract Rules]Contract rules:
Contracts will allow players to contract each other, with the mods to punish should they not follow the contract. The mod will be the party to control everything, and can be used to withhold the contract or even make things easier and more controllable.

1.) You may request a contract with another player by sending an empty QuickTopic link containing the contract request to the game moderator and a player you want to have a contract with.
2.) The contract has to be structured as shown in the "sample contract" posted below.
3.) In the QT the players discuss their contract and must come to an agreement within 48 hours; The contract becomes valid as soon as both players agree and the mod approves. If an agreement isn't found within 48 hours the contract will not become valid. Once agreement is reached, the mod will approve or disapprove the contract, based on the requirements stated within these rules.
4.) You are not allowed to use the QuickTopic to discuss anything but a contract.
5.) Punishment and conditions within a contract may only regard players signing the contract. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
6.) A punishment must be a negative effect. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
7.) Each contract request requires one contract slot. Each player has three contract slots that will count as "filled" for as long as a contract is valid. The contract slot will be emptied once the validity of a contract has expired.
8.) A contract slot counts as used even if a contract has not found agreement. It will remain a filled slot for as long as the contract was requested to be valid.
9.) When a contract is broken, it will no longer be valid and free up the slot it used.
10.) You are responsible for your contract. If a contract has been broken, the person not receiving punishment has to bring it to the attention of the mod within the same Day phase. After that it will no longer be punished.
11.) Should you call upon punishment, it will be active from the moment you requested it, should it be valid. The contract will be in effect from the moment it was agreed on, should the mod approve.
12.) The conditions and punishment of a contract are only valid within this thread. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
13.) You are not allowed to link to any QuickTopic in the game thread.
14.) You are not allowed to edit/delete messages within a QuickTopic.
15.) When a player dies, all contracts relating to the player will end.
16.) Contracts may not affect night kills.
17.) Should someone offer you a contract, you are allowed to amend this contract once as long as it stays within the general direction of the original contract. There may only be one amendment per contract offered in total. Amendments must be underlined.
18.) Mod kills induced by contracts will end the day if town, and end the day in the case of scum.
19.) No contract may force a player to break a rule
20.) No contract may refer to role PM information or other contracts; i.e., you cannot force someone to post in their alignment color nor can you force them to link you to their other quick topics
21.) Posting in non-English, invisible, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text within the QT is prohibited.

Any and all PMs sent to me must also be sent to I am Zim!

[collapse=Template]This is the template for requesting a contract:

Contract Request: playerX


Punishment for breaking the contract:

Valid through:
Z (game days or real life days, if time is used, you must use CET!)[/collapse]

[collapse=Sample Contract]Sample contract:

Brosuke wants to make a contract with Jumpman.

Contract Request: Jumpman

Jumpman will keep his vote on Lord Chair for the entirety of Day 2. In trade for this, Brosuke will allow Jumpman to control his vote for the entirety of Day 3, via PM.

Punishment for breaking the contract:
A mod-kill for the player breaking the contract.

Valid through:
Day 2 – Night 3 [/collapse]

[collapse=Signing / Refusing]To sign/refuse, PlayerB posts this:

Contract Request from: playerA

So, for example, Jumpman would post;

Contract Request from: Brosuke


Contract Request from: Brosuke

As you can see, contracts and punishments are very free-form. You can sell a lot, from making a case to voting to using a specific night action. You can even contract someone to claim.

However, these mechanics means that modding this game will be a lot tighter. No more “vote kuz”, you have to state “Vote: th3Kuzinator”. I will be nitpicking everything, and following the rules is 100% necessary.

Please note that the rules with regards to Contracts can be adjusted at any time by the mod, but this will be clarified upon. This will not affect already on-going contracts.

[collapse=Example QTs]

"We will be playing with an open set up. I once again request you look at your device. Your role will also appear on the screen."​

Looking at your device, the set up seems simple.

[collapse=Set Up]
Two mafia goons, without a Night Kill
One independent serial killer
Four town vanillas.
One town doctor.

"Should you ever forget anything, you can call upon these rules within your device."

"Before we begin, I'd like to divert your attention to your co-host this game."​

A man steps out of the shadows.

"Hello, my name is I am Zim!. I will be your co-host for this game. I wish you all good luck."

"With that, I think our introducion is done. Once everyone arrives at their rooms, we will start a pre-phase in which everyone can make contracts and start talking. This phase will last three days."

"Good luck."​

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Easy post with everything.

[Collapse="Rules & Info"]Fundamental
1.) Don't be an *** to others, *****. Treat them like you want to be treated.
2.) Once you have died in the game, you are not allowed to make any more posts.
3.) No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise.)
4.) Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread.
5.) Do not edit your posts. Double posting is fine in its place.
6.) You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images, videos or links in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.). This rule only applies to posts in the thread. If you are allowed to communicate privately with other players you may freely quote mod communication there.
7.) You may not post screenshots of any kind.
8.) Posting in non-English, invisible, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is prohibited. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
9.) You may not quote logs of communication with other players (including hydra communication). You are free to paraphrase.
10.) Unless stated otherwise, all Night Actions should be sent to the mods via PM. Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken.
11.) If you are unclear about any of the rules then you are expected to ask the me for clarification before taking any action which you believe may break a rule. If you are unclear about any information in your role PM or the sample PM or any mod communication, feel free to ask me about it.
12.) Punishments for breaking any of the rules of this game include but are not limited to: temporary or permanent Moderator Votes, Modkill, forced replacement, etc

Voting and Lynching
1.) Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, Vote: Gheb.
2.) To unvote, use the command unvote. For example, Unvote vote: Evil Eye. You do not have to unvote before voting again.
3.) No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
4.) After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. The Twilight phase ends when I post the lynch scene and officially begin the Night phase.
5.) The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
6.) There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase, regardless of whether the thread is closed or not.

Activity and Deadline
1.) You are expected to be able post every 24 hours, however you are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods (however much I think that is) will result in your replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. When feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill. If you are a player with a history of bad activity, it is possible it will take less prods before your replacement than it will take for others.
2.) I do not expect to grant deadline extensions, barring extenuating circumstances. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Certain game events may also result in a change of deadline.
3.) Days will generally last 7 days.
4.) Nights will generally last approximately 48 hours.

1.) All roles have been assigned entirely at random.
2.) This is an open set-up, as touched upon later.
3.) Modkills only end Days if the player being modkilled is town-aligned. Otherwise, Day continues. Exceptions to this rule may be made based on the state of the game and my personal judgment.
4.) Hydra accounts are not allowed.
5.) While characters are sometimes be bound to a person, a role is never bound to character. i.e. Yokoya will not automatically be scum.

[collapse=Contract Rules]Contract rules:
Contracts will allow players to contract each other, with the mods to punish should they not follow the contract. The mod will be the party to control everything, and can be used to withhold the contract or even make things easier and more controllable.

1.) You may request a contract with another player by sending an empty QuickTopic link containing the contract request to the game moderator and a player you want to have a contract with.
2.) The contract has to be structured as shown in the "sample contract" posted below.
3.) In the QT the players discuss their contract and must come to an agreement within 48 hours; The contract becomes valid as soon as both players agree and the mod approves. If an agreement isn't found within 48 hours the contract will not become valid. Once agreement is reached, the mod will approve or disapprove the contract, based on the requirements stated within these rules.
4.) You are not allowed to use the QuickTopic to discuss anything but a contract.
5.) Punishment and conditions within a contract may only regard players signing the contract. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
6.) A punishment must be a negative effect. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
7.) Each contract request requires one contract slot. Each player has three contract slots that will count as "filled" for as long as a contract is valid. The contract slot will be emptied once the validity of a contract has expired.
8.) A contract slot counts as used even if a contract has not found agreement. It will remain a filled slot for as long as the contract was requested to be valid.
9.) When a contract is broken, it will no longer be valid and free up the slot it used.
10.) You are responsible for your contract. If a contract has been broken, the person not receiving punishment has to bring it to the attention of the mod within the same Day phase. After that it will no longer be punished.
11.) Should you call upon punishment, it will be active from the moment you requested it, should it be valid. The contract will be in effect from the moment it was agreed on, should the mod approve.
12.) The conditions and punishment of a contract are only valid within this thread. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
13.) You are not allowed to link to any QuickTopic in the game thread.
14.) You are not allowed to edit/delete messages within a QuickTopic.
15.) When a player dies, all contracts relating to the player will end.
16.) Contracts may not affect night kills.
17.) Should someone offer you a contract, you are allowed to amend this contract once as long as it stays within the general direction of the original contract. There may only be one amendment per contract offered in total. Amendments must be underlined.
18.) Mod kills induced by contracts will end the day if town, and end the day in the case of scum.
19.) No contract may force a player to break a rule
20.) No contract may refer to role PM information or other contracts; i.e., you cannot force someone to post in their alignment color nor can you force them to link you to their other quick topics
21.) Posting in non-English, invisible, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text within the QT is prohibited.

Any and all PMs sent to me must also be sent to I am Zim!

[collapse=Template]This is the template for requesting a contract:

Contract Request: playerX


Punishment for breaking the contract:

Valid through:
Z (game days or real life days, if time is used, you must use CET!)[/collapse]

[collapse=Sample Contract]Sample contract:

Brosuke wants to make a contract with Jumpman.

Contract Request: Jumpman

Jumpman will keep his vote on Lord Chair for the entirety of Day 2. In trade for this, Brosuke will allow Jumpman to control his vote for the entirety of Day 3, via PM.

Punishment for breaking the contract:
A mod-kill for the player breaking the contract.

Valid through:
Day 2 – Night 3 [/collapse]

[collapse=Signing / Refusing]To sign/refuse, PlayerB posts this:

Contract Request from: playerA

So, for example, Jumpman would post;

Contract Request from: Brosuke


Contract Request from: Brosuke

As you can see, contracts and punishments are very free-form. You can sell a lot, from making a case to voting to using a specific night action. You can even contract someone to claim.

However, this mechanics means that modding this game will be a lot tighter. No more “vote kuz”, you have to state “Vote: th3Kuzinator”. I will be nitpicking everything, and following the rules is 100% necessary.

[collapse=Example QTs]

[collapse=Set Up]
Two mafia goons, without a Night Kill
One independent serial killer
Four town vanillas.
One town doctor.

[Collapse="Player list"]
1. Gheb_01 Modkilled Day 1.
2. th3kuzinator Asdioh
3. Ryker Sworddancer.
4. Circus
5. J Lynched Day 2.
6. July Died Night 2.
7. Overswarm
8. Raziek Died Night 1.

This is a link to the current CET:

Please note: This is a test run. Breaking the game is endorsed, but I would prefer it if you message me about it instead of applying it, so we can fix it. It is a mafia game at heart, after all.

[collapse=Rule edits]
Mod note:

Rule 18 changed!

18.) Mod kills induced by contracts will not end the day.
18.) Mod kills induced by contracts will end the day if town, and end the day in the case of scum.

Based on the fact that the players can use contract-breaks to constantly kill players. Please keep this in mind when making contracts. Should there be any existing contracts, they will not be affected.

Mod Note:

Rule #20 has been altered!

20.) A contract may not directly or indirectly force a player to reveal any information in their role PM
Changes into:
20.) No contract may DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY refer to role PM information or other contracts; i.e., you cannot force someone to post in their alignment color nor can you force them to link you to their other quick topics or do an specific action based off of information a player could only know from their role PM
Otherwise contracts could be worded as such so that on the death of someone who you could communicate with outside the thread, be it via NKill, modkill, or lynch, you must vote yourself. As originally stated, this doesn't refer to the role PM in question.

Only a contract you request will fill up one of your slots.

That is to say, accepting a contract will not fill your slot!


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Suddenly the doors flew open, revealing men in masks, holding them. Enough hints, time to search for the room.

After walking around, you stumbled upon your room. Once inside, your device began to vibrate. Upon inspection a pop-up appeared;

"1 New Message!"​

Looking around the room one last time, you decide to sit on the bed and look at the message.

"The pre-phase will now start! You are allowed to talk and request contracts. Good luck."​

Multiple buttons appeared on the screen. The rules, the set up, the player list, the thread in which the game were to take place... and a large button named "Contracts".

Thus it begins...

Start of Day 0!​


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
V/LA for most of today at least. Minor family emergency. Should be fine tonight.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Busy a lot recently, but will be active to play.

Also, NO ONE DO ANY CONTRACTS YET. None. Zero, zilch, nada. Not a one. Do NOT accept any and do not write any of your own.

I broke this game six ways from sunday prior to this thread being created and am responsible for most of the zillion extra rules you see there. I don't think it has any obvious "broken" stuff left, but that doesn't mean we can't have setups.

Ryker, do you think potential "traps" should be public in nature and attempt to make them work that way or do you believe that we should have a "wild wild west" style game where everyone is working on their lonesome until they feel otherwise inclined?

Personally, I'm of the mind that open information will be far more useful this game than simply hiding.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Just don't break the ****ing game. I also broke it about seven times before the game started. You can play it like some Reverse Chainsaw Massacre abomination if night actions are involved. Then there's about 6 other ways you can break it with night actions legal. That was the big one I wanted gone. As long as "set-ups" aren't game breaking, then I'm fine.

That said, I don't like the idea of contracts. I don't think we as town have any business touching them outside of a game breaking scenario which I don't condone on principal.

If they're gonna be used at all, there's no reason not to have them as public information. I don't intend on putting anything behind the curtain. See no advantage.

Clarify what you meant in that post. Looks like should we publicize any contract made or should we be allowed to operate as individual cells.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I already sent in my contract requests ... then again I don't think there's anything dangerous to them right now anyway and I doubt the people I sent them to have any interest in "breaking" the game anyway. There's nothing amazing in those contracts either. Just a couple of conditions that [hopefully] help me obtaining reads on players I struggle with at times.

I assume most contracts will be used for that purpose and it's also how I will likely proceed throughout the game: make some condition that removes things from a player's posting style that you consider a possible "falsification" of his play. It helps me to get reads I might otherwise not be able to get to the same extent so I consider that a beneficial way to use contracts.

Should be fine to talk about contracts and being open about them too. If people want to I can openly state what contracts I've made and whom I've sent them to.


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Mod note:

Rule 18 changed!

18.) Mod kills induced by contracts will not end the day.
18.) Mod kills induced by contracts will end the day if town, and end the day in the case of scum.

Based on the fact that the players can use contract-breaks to constantly kill players. Please keep this in mind when making contracts. Should there be any existing contracts, they will not be affected.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Also, both of my requests have not yet found agreement with the players I proposed them to so there's still a chance that I'm not making use of them if I find a really good reason not to. I really don't think "breaking the game" could be a factor considering how harmless the contracts are though so I'd like to hear more / better reasons than that. Before that I consider the benefits of these contracts to be good enough to balance off the small chance of somebody finding away to break this again.

And this game is about using contracts. I'm really curious to see how one can make ideal use of them.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Just don't break the ****ing game. I also broke it about seven times before the game started. You can play it like some Reverse Chainsaw Massacre abomination if night actions are involved. Then there's about 6 other ways you can break it with night actions legal. That was the big one I wanted gone. As long as "set-ups" aren't game breaking, then I'm fine.

That said, I don't like the idea of contracts. I don't think we as town have any business touching them outside of a game breaking scenario which I don't condone on principal.

If they're gonna be used at all, there's no reason not to have them as public information. I don't intend on putting anything behind the curtain. See no advantage.

Clarify what you meant in that post. Looks like should we publicize any contract made or should we be allowed to operate as individual cells.
The last sentence is it. "Should we publicize contracts (and therefore, plans with contracts) or should we operate as individuals?"

The former is good in many ways. For one, contracts don't really help town except in the case of stubborness. "Okay, you want OS dead? I'll vote him today, but you vote for whoever I want tomorrow". That I can see, but that's still not inherently pro-town.

What's more, contracts HURT scum. If we assumed Gheb was scum, we could easily bombard him with contracts to reduce his influence on the game or essentially make a player "voteless" for a day. There are many other such possibilities, but that's a black/white example. We can hamstring people before we kill them, at least in the day phase.

I already sent in my contract requests ... then again I don't think there's anything dangerous to them right now anyway and I doubt the people I sent them to have any interest in "breaking" the game anyway. There's nothing amazing in those contracts either. Just a couple of conditions that [hopefully] help me obtaining reads on players I struggle with at times.

I assume most contracts will be used for that purpose and it's also how I will likely proceed throughout the game: make some condition that removes things from a player's posting style that you consider a possible "falsification" of his play. It helps me to get reads I might otherwise not be able to get to the same extent so I consider that a beneficial way to use contracts.

Should be fine to talk about contracts and being open about them too. If people want to I can openly state what contracts I've made and whom I've sent them to.

I would like no open statements on contracts until everyone has posted and given their thoughts on the "open or closed" question I presented Ryker earlier. Afterwards if town wants an open game, then yes.


Contracts can be misleading. I wrote up a few in advance of this game, many of which result in a player's modkill almost against their will. Doublespeak and vague language can and will result in your modkill, I've asked the Mod. In other words, if a contract is confusing but the mod has interpreted it one way and you the other, the Mod is god and will strike you down.

With that in mind, if we DO use contracts here are a few extra rules for US:

1) All contracts must be in plain speak.

2) All contracts must avoid paragraphs at all cost and make simple one or two line statements where applicable.

3) All contracts must use simple English.

I feel these rules would be acceptable to all of us. There's no reason to not follow those rules, and they help town and avoid confusion.

I have another question for town once they've all posted.

And yes, I would totally break the game if I had the chance. That's what a beta is for!

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Rule 2 can be omitted as long as the other two are followed although I can't think of anything you'd need more than 3 sentences for.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
The contracts I made follow these rules I guess.

Personally, I would prefer an open game in regards to contracts. I see no room for lies or manipulation considering there's always two players involved in a contract so the other side can always confirm.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm pretty much fine with having contracts and the like to see how it goes because it feels incredibly cool. Idk, I just really like this idea and wanna see how it will go.

Opened/Closed, doesn't really matter to me haha.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@OS: All those rules are fine by me. I would prefer an open game, and I'm fine with the use of contracts. ToDay it seems like contracts would be best suited to helping get reads and that's it; thus, punishments for breaking contracts D1 shouldn't result in modkills as punishment or anything so extreme.

Next 24 hours are the last 24 hours of class/schoolwork I have until Spring Break so my activity will be scattered until then.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm of the mind that open information will be far more useful this game than simply hiding.
If they're gonna be used at all, there's no reason not to have them as public information.
Personally, I would prefer an open game in regards to contracts.
I would prefer an open game, and I'm fine with the use of contracts.
4 / 8 players so far are explicitly for an open game.

Opened/Closed, doesn't really matter to me haha.
5 / 8 players so far are either explicitly for an open game or not against it.

Kuz, Circus and Raz are the only ones missing.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
That's majority, so while I still want Kuz, Circus, and Raz to answer I think that we've determined for them with majority vote.

Our primary concern is kililng the Serial Killer. There is absolutely no connections to him whatsoever; however he has to avoid being lynched to win. We all know how this goes, we're all experienced, and we all know what to look for.

Contracts will do very little that I can think of off the top of my head to stop him, but they maybe useful in the future.

With that in mind, I would like everyone to add to every contract they make the following end:

"This contract will be valid only until the Serial Killer dies OR (other ending)"

This way, any potential contracts we may devise to kill the Serial Killer or at least trap him will not hinder us past their point of usefulness.

That is my other question. I do have more, but will again wait. In a "Liar" game I'd prefer to keep this organized and truthful.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Jump off a cliff with your terrible plans, J.

Neither J nor Ryker should comment further on this until everyone is accounted for and we have a game plan set.

I do not want tangents yet.

Let us remain cohesive for now.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
He sent a silly contract request asking me not to post insults or death threats in exchange for him not posting emoticons or a couple speech things that annoy me on threat of a posting restriction requiring me to be "super-duper nice."

No real tangent.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
He sent a silly contract request asking me not to post insults or death threats in exchange for him not posting emoticons or a couple speech things that annoy me on threat of a posting restriction requiring me to be "super-duper nice."

No real tangent.
I find it incredibly disheartening you cannot follow simple instructions.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Only a contract you request will fill up one of your slots.

That is to say, accepting a contract will not fill your slot!

This will be added in the second post for easy accessibility.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
So I have a question: With contracts, it seems the most people can do to manipulate another player is by messing with their votes or exchanging them or whatever ya know? So should we talk about these types of contracts first?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I think those that modify behavior are quite a bit more powerful, actually.

Forcing inactive players to make X number of posts? Forcing Ryker to keep his mouth shut? Incredibly handy.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
My opinion on trying to manipulate someone's vote with these contracts only have counter-intuitive motives for town to use them since everyone in the playerlist is smart enough and has the best capability to use their vote well. It only seems for scum-motivation to manipulate a player's vote in this game style.

Also, why would town try and make a punishment being Mod-kill because in the end that possibilities of town getting mod-killed to scum is much worse. It also benefits mafia more to have a mod-kill because it ends the day phase.

I don't really see any pro-town benefit to using contracts in this game by what Gheb said in inhibiting players and helping players acquire reads on your slot/their slot by compromising to things. (Like I tried to do with Ryker for me but he shot me down as soon as he got it).

I'm going to be open with a contract I accepted. I accepted a contract that I would not post in emoticons/long words to explain emotion/pictures to express emotion or anything of that nature. The person who sent the contract, I understand why and I also kind of like this opportunity to be able to try and play a tad differently and help them read me better in a sense if that is what they feel hurts their ability.

The "reward" I guess for me doing that is the person will not be voting me unless they are the "hammer" of my lynch so in reality they can still vote me but they just have to be last.

The "punishment" is that if I fail to comply to the contract I have to change my posting color to black for the rest of the game. Which would make it harder for people to read what I do/say and inhibit me more than the emoticons I use. So I'm willing to give them up for that factor.

I kind of tried to use this contract in order to help benefit me in another contract with Ryker but no dice.

Speaking of dice, I just realized we all have dice sans Raziek which is sad a bit. July has red but the rest have gold. This is gonna be a fun game haha.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Hm, manipulating someone's personality is more manipulative? I didn't think so but it could be the case.

The reason I tried what I did with Ryker was because he is hard for me to read since nowadays his posts just blend together with a string/spew of insults. Plus insults always put a damper on games and are fundamentally not fun/nice. I'd rather just play a clean/fun game since this is an experimental private game haha.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Haha of course not Raziek.

....this no posting emoticons thing is hard especially when Raz did it and I was about to. I've had to edit my posts before I sent them out for like everyone of them.

Also another note about contracts, I have no idea what to do with mine and I am probably going to safe the rest of contracts till later in the game.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Do remember what Xonar said:

Only the contracts YOU make take a lot.

You can have 15 contracts as long as only 3 of them are yours.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I understand that, I just meant that I, myself, am not sending out contracts till later if ya get me.

If people send me contracts, I'll dwell over them and decide then.

Since Ryker declined my one contract I sent to him, one of my slots is gone so I have two.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I find that I really don't give a ****.
If you're not going to play a team game, I'm afraid you will be my only vote regardless of the circumstances until you play ball. If I can't trust you to follow simple instructions in a game that has such precarious rules, I can't have you around.

To clarify, it is possible that if you were scum I would have been able to confirm as such had you not replied as such. Your reply and action on the contract make that impossible.

Are you going to play ball, Ryker?

If not, I am stating openly I will be willing to accept contracts with others to let them take my vote in the future should they be willing to assist me in removing you.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
So I have a question: With contracts, it seems the most people can do to manipulate another player is by messing with their votes or exchanging them or whatever ya know? So should we talk about these types of contracts first?
I've been thinking about the dangers of messing with people's vote. Specifically, I'm thinking about being careful about the number of contracts out there at once and the possibility of people breaking them and incurring punishments.

For example: If everyone has a contract and everyone has a punishment of being voteblocked the next Day for breaking it, and 5 people break their contract, a majority of players wouldn't even be able to vote the next Day. I strongly suggest being careful about contract exchanges and punishments that affect voting for the next Day phase so such an imbalance doesn't occur.

I think those that modify behavior are quite a bit more powerful, actually.

Forcing inactive players to make X number of posts? Forcing Ryker to keep his mouth shut? Incredibly handy.
I think modifying behavior has much clearer town intent at this point. I am in the process of accepting a contract (amended it and waiting for a response) that is really aimed at me being more active and not posting only walls (I'll elaborate on the details of it if the person who sent it accepts my amendments). Anyways, I think that behavior they want me to change is because those are areas where they have an issue getting a read on me, and I'm willing to comply or at least try. J, we're you saying something similar in this post:

My opinion on trying to manipulate someone's vote with these contracts only have counter-intuitive motives for town to use them since everyone in the playerlist is smart enough and has the best capability to use their vote well. It only seems for scum-motivation to manipulate a player's vote in this game style.

Also, why would town try and make a punishment being Mod-kill because in the end that possibilities of town getting mod-killed to scum is much worse. It also benefits mafia more to have a mod-kill because it ends the day phase.

I don't really see any pro-town benefit to using contracts in this game by what Gheb said in inhibiting players and helping players acquire reads on your slot/their slot by compromising to things. (Like I tried to do with Ryker for me but he shot me down as soon as he got it).

I'm going to be open with a contract I accepted. I accepted a contract that I would not post in emoticons/long words to explain emotion/pictures to express emotion or anything of that nature. The person who sent the contract, I understand why and I also kind of like this opportunity to be able to try and play a tad differently and help them read me better in a sense if that is what they feel hurts their ability.

The "reward" I guess for me doing that is the person will not be voting me unless they are the "hammer" of my lynch so in reality they can still vote me but they just have to be last.

The "punishment" is that if I fail to comply to the contract I have to change my posting color to black for the rest of the game. Which would make it harder for people to read what I do/say and inhibit me more than the emoticons I use. So I'm willing to give them up for that factor.

I kind of tried to use this contract in order to help benefit me in another contract with Ryker but no dice.

Speaking of dice, I just realized we all have dice sans Raziek which is sad a bit. July has red but the rest have gold. This is gonna be a fun game haha.
The example of the contract you explained you accepted and your reasons for accepting seem to be in line with what I said about contracts modifying behavior having more clear town intent behind them, but the bolded part threw me off.

Also side note with the dice, I actually think Nabe had decided that Gheb and I got joint MVP for Pizza, and Kuz and I got MVP for FFIX so I think I'm at gold dice now :D


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
All contract punishments should add "to be given/activated and taken away at the (name of person who did the contract)'s bidding with no limitation during the timeframe of the punishment".

This means you can say "Breaking the contract results in (player) being voteblocked for the following day phase, to be activated and taken away at the (name of other player)'s bidding with no limitation during the timeframe of the punishment".

In short, we can't be hamstrung into a situation where 5 people can't vote because the punishment would be able to be turned on/off like a light switch. As we are being open about our contracts and any and all contracts are two-way streets, it should be easy to catch a liar. Our biggest concern would be the Serial Killer learning the identities of Mafia and vice versa, and those two pairs working together to discredit other. This is unlikely without town also discovering their identities and is not something on my radar at the moment; merely something that needs to be considered. We should all look for clues and hints.

Can anyone find any issues with this?

And to the contracts that have been proposed, I'm waiting on Ryker's response.
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