#HBC | ZoZo
Shocodoro Blagshidect
Round after round of the Liar Game tournament have built up to this, the final round.
Round after round of the Liar Game tournament have changed you... All for this, the final round.
You step out of the car and start walking towards a large mansion on top of a hill. You arrive at the doorstep, when, without missing a beat, the door opens. You are greeted by a trio of men in masks.
"Follow us", they say.
As you follow them, you notice that the mansion is quite a lot larger than it looked from the outside. There is one thing bothering you... Nothing but silence fills up the mansion.
After a while, you arrive in front of two large, wooden doors. One of the men speaks to you: "Go inside, the final round awaits".
As you step into the room, darkness and silence greet you. Your eyes take a while to adjust, but eventually you see that the room has multiple doors. It looks like seven other candidates entered the same room through these doors.
Hearing a squeaking sound, you turn around, only to see the door from which you came close before your very eyes. You hear speakers turn on, and quickly turn back around.
"Welcome everyone, to the final round of the Liar Game tournament!"
The lights spring on, and upon inspecting the room, you see two men in masks standing besides a table on the other side of the room.
"Gather around, everyone."
As you approach the table with the other candidates, you notice a name plate on this man's suit. You can make out the name "Xonar".
"My name is Xonar, and I will be your host for this round. For this round of the Liar Game tournament, we bring you...
Werewolves? You remember playing this game once, back in high school. Taking a look around, you discover that the other players seem to be just as unfamiliar as you with the game.
"This game of Werewolves will, however, have quite a few twists."
The man steps aside, revealing the table and it's contents. You see eight touch-based hand held devices lying on the table, each one is named.
"Please, grab the device related to your codename."
You move forward, grabbing your device. Your screen appears to be blank.
"This game of Werewolves will be played entirely electronically. Each of you has a room assigned to yourself in which you will reside for the remainder of the game."
"Is there enough food?", you hear someone ask.
"Rest assured all your needs will be satisfied."
"On to the game. The rules and list of participants will now be shown on your device, please take a look..."
"On to the game. The rules and list of participants will now be shown on your device, please take a look..."
[Collapse="Rules & Info"]Fundamental
1.) Don't be an *** to others, *****. Treat them like you want to be treated.
2.) Once you have died in the game, you are not allowed to make any more posts.
3.) No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise.)
4.) Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread.
5.) Do not edit your posts. Double posting is fine in its place.
6.) You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images, videos or links in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.). This rule only applies to posts in the thread. If you are allowed to communicate privately with other players you may freely quote mod communication there.
7.) You may not post screenshots of any kind.
8.) Posting in non-English, invisible, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is prohibited. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
9.) You may not quote logs of communication with other players (including hydra communication). You are free to paraphrase.
10.) Unless stated otherwise, all Night Actions should be sent to the mods via PM. Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken.
11.) If you are unclear about any of the rules then you are expected to ask the me for clarification before taking any action which you believe may break a rule. If you are unclear about any information in your role PM or the sample PM or any mod communication, feel free to ask me about it.
12.) Punishments for breaking any of the rules of this game include but are not limited to: temporary or permanent Moderator Votes, Modkill, forced replacement, etc
Voting and Lynching
1.) Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, Vote: Gheb.
2.) To unvote, use the command unvote. For example, Unvote vote: Evil Eye. You do not have to unvote before voting again.
3.) No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
4.) After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. The Twilight phase ends when I post the lynch scene and officially begin the Night phase.
5.) The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a preset deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
6.) There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase, regardless of whether the thread is closed or not.
Activity and Deadline
1.) You are expected to be able post every 24 hours, however you are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods (however much I think that is) will result in your replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. When feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill. If you are a player with a history of bad activity, it is possible it will take less prods before your replacement than it will take for others.
2.) I do not expect to grant deadline extensions, barring extenuating circumstances. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Certain game events may also result in a change of deadline.
3.) Days will generally last 7 days.
4.) Nights will generally last approximately 48 hours.
1.) All roles have been assigned entirely at random.
2.) This is an open set-up, as touched upon later.
3.) Modkills only end Days if the player being modkilled is town-aligned. Otherwise, Day continues. Exceptions to this rule may be made based on the state of the game and my personal judgment.
4.) Hydra accounts are not allowed.
5.) While characters are sometimes be bound to a person, a role is never bound to character. i.e. Yokoya will not automatically be scum.
[Collapse="Player list"]
4. Circus
7. Overswarm
"However, that will not be all for this game. We decided to introduce an entirely new mechanic. It's called...
"For the rules regarding contracts, please refer to your device."
"For the rules regarding contracts, please refer to your device."
You look at your device, the rules start appearing:
[collapse=Contract Rules]Contract rules:
Contracts will allow players to contract each other, with the mods to punish should they not follow the contract. The mod will be the party to control everything, and can be used to withhold the contract or even make things easier and more controllable.
1.) You may request a contract with another player by sending an empty QuickTopic link containing the contract request to the game moderator and a player you want to have a contract with.
2.) The contract has to be structured as shown in the "sample contract" posted below.
3.) In the QT the players discuss their contract and must come to an agreement within 48 hours; The contract becomes valid as soon as both players agree and the mod approves. If an agreement isn't found within 48 hours the contract will not become valid. Once agreement is reached, the mod will approve or disapprove the contract, based on the requirements stated within these rules.
4.) You are not allowed to use the QuickTopic to discuss anything but a contract.
5.) Punishment and conditions within a contract may only regard players signing the contract. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
6.) A punishment must be a negative effect. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
7.) Each contract request requires one contract slot. Each player has three contract slots that will count as "filled" for as long as a contract is valid. The contract slot will be emptied once the validity of a contract has expired.
8.) A contract slot counts as used even if a contract has not found agreement. It will remain a filled slot for as long as the contract was requested to be valid.
9.) When a contract is broken, it will no longer be valid and free up the slot it used.
10.) You are responsible for your contract. If a contract has been broken, the person not receiving punishment has to bring it to the attention of the mod within the same Day phase. After that it will no longer be punished.
11.) Should you call upon punishment, it will be active from the moment you requested it, should it be valid. The contract will be in effect from the moment it was agreed on, should the mod approve.
12.) The conditions and punishment of a contract are only valid within this thread. This will be judged by the mod when an agreement is reached within the QuickTopic.
13.) You are not allowed to link to any QuickTopic in the game thread.
14.) You are not allowed to edit/delete messages within a QuickTopic.
15.) When a player dies, all contracts relating to the player will end.
16.) Contracts may not affect night kills.
17.) Should someone offer you a contract, you are allowed to amend this contract once as long as it stays within the general direction of the original contract. There may only be one amendment per contract offered in total. Amendments must be underlined.
18.) Mod kills induced by contracts will end the day if town, and end the day in the case of scum.
19.) No contract may force a player to break a rule
20.) No contract may refer to role PM information or other contracts; i.e., you cannot force someone to post in their alignment color nor can you force them to link you to their other quick topics
21.) Posting in non-English, invisible, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text within the QT is prohibited.
Any and all PMs sent to me must also be sent to I am Zim!
[collapse=Template]This is the template for requesting a contract:
Contract Request: playerX
Punishment for breaking the contract:
Valid through:
Z (game days or real life days, if time is used, you must use CET!)[/collapse]
[collapse=Sample Contract]Sample contract:
Brosuke wants to make a contract with Jumpman.
Contract Request: Jumpman
Jumpman will keep his vote on Lord Chair for the entirety of Day 2. In trade for this, Brosuke will allow Jumpman to control his vote for the entirety of Day 3, via PM.
Punishment for breaking the contract:
A mod-kill for the player breaking the contract.
Valid through:
Day 2 – Night 3 [/collapse]
[collapse=Signing / Refusing]To sign/refuse, PlayerB posts this:
Contract Request from: playerA
So, for example, Jumpman would post;
Contract Request from: Brosuke
Contract Request from: Brosuke
As you can see, contracts and punishments are very free-form. You can sell a lot, from making a case to voting to using a specific night action. You can even contract someone to claim.
However, these mechanics means that modding this game will be a lot tighter. No more “vote kuz”, you have to state “Vote: th3Kuzinator”. I will be nitpicking everything, and following the rules is 100% necessary.
Please note that the rules with regards to Contracts can be adjusted at any time by the mod, but this will be clarified upon. This will not affect already on-going contracts.
[collapse=Example QTs]
"We will be playing with an open set up. I once again request you look at your device. Your role will also appear on the screen."
Looking at your device, the set up seems simple.
[collapse=Set Up]
Two mafia goons, without a Night Kill
One independent serial killer
Four town vanillas.
One town doctor.[/collapse]
"Should you ever forget anything, you can call upon these rules within your device."
"Before we begin, I'd like to divert your attention to your co-host this game."
"Before we begin, I'd like to divert your attention to your co-host this game."
A man steps out of the shadows.
"Hello, my name is I am Zim!. I will be your co-host for this game. I wish you all good luck."
"With that, I think our introducion is done. Once everyone arrives at their rooms, we will start a pre-phase in which everyone can make contracts and start talking. This phase will last three days."
"Good luck."