#HBC | Gorf
toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Your royal highness, Gordito, presents:
The Tale of the Kingmaker; The Founding of DGamesia!
This story will take place in D Gamesia, a land where colonists from near and far had decided to settle and make a new colony, free of the hells that were their respective home lands. They came from high and low, and once the D Gamesia flag was pinned into the ground, they decided that nothing but a monarchy would suit them well. But not just any monarchy. An anonymous man was anonymously chosen to be titled as the Kingmaker. And he was chosen to choose a wench in the village to become King! Once that king was no longer able to serve his kingly powers, the Kingmaker had the obligation to deem another villager as the King.
After all of that was said and done, the members of the village gathered ‘round and decided to formally make a constitution for D Gamesia. Once completed, they kept it upon the top of the local gathering place, which they later called the D Gamesia Social Thread:
Player list:
1. Meadowsizzle (Sold2/Ryker)
2. Raziek
3. Marluxia_ (Shadow Moth/J)
4.Zεη Asdioh
5. th3duder (th3kuzinator/Tom)
6. ForeverZero (frozenflame751/Overswarm)
7. Purple
8.Chaco Nabe
9. Beat!
10. Sworddancer.
11. Soupamario
12. vVv Chibosempai
13. -Vocal-
Marluxia_ (Shadow Moth/J)
vVv Chibosempai, Villager, executed D1
Meadowsizzle, Villager, assassinated N1
ForeverZero (Frozenflame751/Overswarm), Assassin, executed D2
th3duder (th3kuzinator/Tom), Villager, assassinated N2
Raziek, Villager, modkilled N2
Zen Asdioh, Assassin, executed D3
Beat!, Kingmaker, modkilled N3
Chaco Nabe, Villager, executed D4
2. Red Ryu
3. Ranmaru
Important links:
D1 Begins!
D1 Ends, N1 Begins!
D2 Ends, N2 Begins!
The Tale of the Kingmaker; The Founding of DGamesia!
This story will take place in D Gamesia, a land where colonists from near and far had decided to settle and make a new colony, free of the hells that were their respective home lands. They came from high and low, and once the D Gamesia flag was pinned into the ground, they decided that nothing but a monarchy would suit them well. But not just any monarchy. An anonymous man was anonymously chosen to be titled as the Kingmaker. And he was chosen to choose a wench in the village to become King! Once that king was no longer able to serve his kingly powers, the Kingmaker had the obligation to deem another villager as the King.
After all of that was said and done, the members of the village gathered ‘round and decided to formally make a constitution for D Gamesia. Once completed, they kept it upon the top of the local gathering place, which they later called the D Gamesia Social Thread:
The village praised the constitution, and decided that the best way to celebrate a new land was to have fun while drinking rum, and toasting what is now known as walrus. So they danced, drank, toasted, and partied the night away. And once the sun lit the sky, they noticed that D Gamesia had been ransacked. In fact, they had noticed a peculiar note laying upon the ground.Fundamental
1. I am thy storyteller, Gordito. Thou shalt put no other storytellers before me, and therefore inactivity in this game is not excusable by activity in other games. If you have a dispute with me, you will let me know privately through PM or instant messaging. I am infallible. That said, sometimes I will make simple mistakes to test if you are paying attention; if you believe this has happened, please address the simple mistakes in the thread in bold.
2. Dead men tell no tales. Once you have died in the game, you are no longer allowed to make any more posts in the thread for any reason whatsoever unless you have replaced back into the game.
3. Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread.
4. Editing your posts is not allowed.
5. I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing.
6. Personally attacking another player is not allowed.
7. You are not allowed to quote your role PM or quote a fake role PM. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM.
8. Do not post hidden text. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. Posting text with the intent to hide it from other players, e.g. by changing the text color to resemble the page background, is not permitted.)
9. Do not post in code.
10. You must post in English.
11. All rules are written on a dry erase board, meaning if I find a rule unnecessary, if I find a rule to need change, or if I feel that a new rule may be added, I may do so.
And with that note in mind, a vast majority of the village left in a flash. Few villagers were left, and to make matters worse, the kingmaker had yet to make a king! The rest of what was left of the village knew that the group of assassins were hiding within them, however. And they wanted nothing more than to eradicate them from D Gamesia and to make D Gamesia a peaceful, wonderful land as it started. So with that in mind, they added to their constitution:Dear members of D Gamesia,
Allow me to introduce the writers of this letter. We three are a group of assassins, looking to take over this pathetic excuse for a village. The land is quite healthy, and we can use it to start our own nation! So unless you’d like to stay and watch as your village slowly crumbles, you are more than welcome to leave.
Sincerely, a group of assassins
Voting and Lynching
1. On Night 0, the Kingmaker will announce who he has decided to make his king privately with yours truly. Once I get his nomination, I will begin the first Day.
2. Upon Day start, I will announce who was crowned King of D Gamesia.
3. Once the King of D Gamesia has declared the phrase OFF WITH [PLAYER X]’S HEAD, said player will be sent to the noose for lynching.
4. After the lynching, Night will start, and the King shall step down from his position, and the cycle continues.
Activity and Deadline
1. You are required to post at least once in every 48 hours. Failing to do so will result in a prodding. An accumulation of too many prods (as I define “too many”) will result in a forced replacement, or a modkilling. I will warn you ahead of time if I plan on taking one of those courses.
2. THERE IS NO DEADLINE. Yes, I said it. There is no deadline. However, if a majority of the village requests for a deadline to be made, or if I feel the game is becoming stagnant, I will initiate a deadline, most likely to be 48 hours from said initiation. Nights, however, will last 48 hours, and a failing to send in a Night action will result in a non usage of a Night action.
3. Once during the course of the game, the village may decide to request a deadline extension. Upon majority rule, I will extend the deadline.
Any further questions may be asked either through thread, private message, or through instant message. Have fun, and remember, the sake of D Gamesia relies on all of you!Game Specific
1. All roles are assigned entirely at random.
2. This game has an open setup with one village faction, and one assassin faction.
3. This game has an open setup:
x8 Villagers
x1 KingmakerHello there, Player X! You are a Villager! Although you have no special powers, your goal is to maintain the sanity of D Gamesia by ridding the village of all of the assassins. You win once all of the assassins are lynched, and the village is at peace once again.
x1 HeroHello there, Player X! You are the Village Kingmaker! Each Night, you are able to crown one member of the village as King, and one member as a back up king, in case your original king is murdered by those ruthless assassins! You may not choose a king that you crowned one Day as the king or back up king the following Night. Once you die, a random villager will be crowned Kingmaker of D Gamesia, but your choices for king will be used during that Night. You win once all of the assassins are lynched, and the village is at peace once again.
x3 AssassinHello there, Player X! You are the Village Hero! You reign supreme to all other Villagers, in that if a king decides that you are to be executed, the village will fight that notion, and will kill the king instead! Once revealed that you are the hero through that power, however, you will not be allowed to become King of D Gamesia. You win once all of the assassins are lynched, and the village is at peace once again.
Hello there, Player X! You are one of three Assassins! You, along with Player Y and Player Z, are trying your best to run D Gamesia into the ground so that you three may rule the land and use it for your own well being. Each Night, one member of the assassins may send me a request to kill any player. Once received, said player will be revealed dead once the Day has started. You win once the assassins have a majority rule over the village, and can rule D Gamesia in their own way.
Player list:
1. Meadowsizzle (Sold2/Ryker)
2. Raziek
3. Marluxia_ (Shadow Moth/J)
5. th3duder (th3kuzinator/Tom)
6. ForeverZero (frozenflame751/Overswarm)
7. Purple
9. Beat!
10. Sworddancer.
11. Soupamario
12. vVv Chibosempai
13. -Vocal-
Marluxia_ (Shadow Moth/J)
vVv Chibosempai, Villager, executed D1
Meadowsizzle, Villager, assassinated N1
ForeverZero (Frozenflame751/Overswarm), Assassin, executed D2
th3duder (th3kuzinator/Tom), Villager, assassinated N2
Raziek, Villager, modkilled N2
Beat!, Kingmaker, modkilled N3
2. Red Ryu
3. Ranmaru
Important links:
D1 Begins!
D1 Ends, N1 Begins!
D2 Ends, N2 Begins!