RPG changed it to double elim, but lets look at it this way:
Had he kept it at single elim (which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard), I would have gotten last place. Instead I came up through losers and got second.
RPG, you could learn a thing or two from Pinkchucks. Instead of panicking, flipping out on Light (or any of us for that matter), and trying to argue, she instead smiled and answered our questions and took our suggestions. She listened to the people filling the pot and paying venue fees for your tourney. Something you should learn from.
You see we aren't trying to spite you. We have been to several tourneys and hosted our own. WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING! So when we make a calm suggestion, I advise you to listen. And don't stress over trivial matters.
In terms of skill, SP impressed me in friendlies teams. And you were ok in singles. Know that I don't try in friendlies until after a tourney when it doesn't matter if someone learns my playstyle, but I think in tourney you would have done ok against me. Maybe a 3 stock (possibly 4 if I tried with sheik). Good stuff though.
RPG: you improved a lot. You have tech skill you just don't know how to use it. I could nair oos all day against your pressure or even shield grab you, something I shouldn't be able to. Dair lower on the shield next time k. And more lasers.
Oh and that last match was a 2 stock easy. I went out of my way to suicide kill you as a joke instead of grabbing the edge. I was at maybe 3%, so I humbly ask you not to go around bragging that you brought me to my last stock in an intense match or whatever. If you wish, I will happily MM you as many times as you want. You've improved, but your falco is too slow as it is right now. Keep it up and soon you'll be pushing me, just not quite yet