DtJ Hilt
Little Lizard
Majora's Mask Mafia
Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia! This game will take it's characters from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. There will not be any characters used from any other Zelda game that do not also appear in Majora's Mask. The game will begin once each player has confirmed that they have read both their role PM and the rules below. Hope everyone enjoys this game. It will be my first time running a game in DG, other than Newbie Mafia 8, so I'm a bit nervous, lol.
[Collapse=Rules]General Rules
- It's just a game. Try to have fun, but don't prevent others from enjoying themselves as well.
- Once dead, you're dead. Players that have died may not make any more posts in the thread, for any reason.
- Unless you're given specific permission in your PM, no one is allowed to communicate with each other outside of this thread about this game. This goes for players that have died as well. If you are dead, you may not talk to anyone that is still alive in this thread about this game, and vice versa.
- As long as this game is ongoing, do not publicly speak about this game, linking to this thread.
- Do not edit your posts. Double posting is allowed and encouraged as a replacement for edits.
- Do not quote anything directly that you receive in a PM from the mod, real or fake (meaning, don't post something, saying that it is a quote from the mod). Disobeying this rule will result in an immediate modkill.
- Do not post any pictures that you were sent in your role PM. This includes posting the actual picture, or a link to the picture). Disobeying this rule will result in an immediate modkill.
- You may not post any screenshots. Any screenshots posted will immediately be edited out by the mod.
- Speak only in english. Posting in another language, encrypting your
- post in some code of some way, or anything similar to this is not allowed.
- Do not quote logs of communcation you have had between yourself and another player. You may paraphrase instead.
- Failure to send your night action will result in no night actions being performed.
- Failure to adhere to the above rules will result in modkill or replacement at the mod's discretion. If you are unsure of whether a post would violate one of these rules, you are more than welcome to ask me personally, beforehand.
Voting and Lynching
- During the day you may vote for any player by posting (in bold) Vote: Player. For example, Vote: Xiivi.
- To remove a vote, you may use the Unvote command, by merely posting Unvote. You do not need to Unvote before placing your vote on another player.
- The day will end when a majority vote has been reached, or the predetermined deadline has arrived. Each day phase will last, roughly, ten real days. If the day ends without there being a majority, no player will be lynched.
- No Lynch is a valid vote choice. If a majority vote No Lynch, then the day will end without anyone dying. For example, Vote: No Lynch.
- After a majority vote has been reached, the game will move to Twilight Phase. During this time everyone is able to still speak, including the player about to die. After the lynch scene is posted, the game will move to the Night Phase.
- Night Phases will last roughly two to three days. During this time nobody is able to speak in this thread.
- You are required to make at least one post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will receive a prod through PM. Receiving four prods will result in a replacement or modkill, depending on the situation. I will warn you personally beforehand if I'm considering replacing or modkilling you.
- The players are able to vote for a deadline extension. This may only be done once per game and is granted if a majority of the players do so.
Helpful Rules and Links
Newbie Guide | Basic Rules | Common Roles | Smashboards Mafia Archives
[/Collapse][Collapse=Player List]Alive
- Adumbrodeus
JoanBudSir Bedevere- DanGR
- Swiss
- X1-12
Pierre The ScarecrowFrozenFlame
- Roxy
- Vocal
- Nabe
- Overswarm
[/Collapse][Collapse=Sample Role PM]
[/collapse]Welcome to Majora's Mask Mafia, ____! You are Pamela, the Vanilla Townie!
You are an only child, living only with your father, who has a bit of an obsession with the Gibdo's of Ikana Canyon. In fact, the two of you left the bustling life of Clocktown for your father to research the ghosts and spirits of Ikana. You've been through a lot with the recent... situation he went through. Though that's all over now, and the two of you can return to living your life peacefully.
You are Vanilla Townie and have no abilities.
You're town aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.