Welcome to Pokémafia, a game designed by M3D. This game takes place in the Kanto region, and will involve some of the initial #1-151 Pokémon as well as two legendary trainers, Red and Green. In this game of rival factions, you will have the chance to explore and evolve, but remember that the most important factor towards any victory will be effort. You may be of different alignments (and your alignments may change!) but remember that no one can win without effort - so scumhunt, or manipulate, and most of all, have fun.
Read the game-specific rules. Read all of the rules, but please read the game-specific ones until you completely understand them. If you make a mistake making your actions, and you do not correct it before deadline ends or I am not able to check with you before deadline ends, you may not make an action, or the action you make may not exactly be the one you meant.
I'd like to take this time to thank M3D for designing the game. It is a good one, all design credit goes to him, and I'm absolutely delighted for the opportunity to put it together and run it full of flavor. I'd also like to thank the people who run Bulbapedia for the use of their sprites, even though this thanks will probably fall on deaf ears.
[collapse=Helpful Links:]Newbie Guide: Introduction for new players.
Basic Rules: General rules that will help you understand the game.
Common Roles: Description of common and uncommon roles.
Smashboards Mafia Archives: Examples of past Mafia games in Decisive Games.[/collapse]
- Inactivity in this game is not excusable by activity in other games. If you have a dispute with me, you will let me know privately through PM or instant messaging. My decisions are final, but if you think I have made a small mistake, you can let me know by addressing me in the thread in bold.
- Once you have died in the game, you are no longer allowed to make any more posts in the thread for any reason whatsoever unless you have replaced back into the game.
- Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread, regardless of whether or not that person is in the game. If your role PM does allow you this power, you are to PM all conversations to the mod.
- Do not edit your posts. Edits will be reversed.
- I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing.
- Personally attacking another player is not allowed.
- Do not quote any PMs sent to you by me in the thread. This includes any additional PMs I may send to you outside of your role PM. Doing so will automatically get you mod-killed.
- You are allowed to quote mod PMs privately to any member that you are allowed to communicate with outside this thread.
- Do not post hidden text. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. Posting text with the intent to hide it from other players, e.g. by changing the text color to resemble the page background, is not permitted.)
- Do not post in Orange.
- Do not post in code.
- You must post in English.
- There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase.
- Disobeying any of these rules may result in your mod-kill.
- Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, vote: M3D.
- To unvote, use the command unvote. For example, unvote vote: Eor. You do not have to unvote before voting another.
- No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, vote: No Lynch.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a pre-set deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
- After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. After the lynch scene is posted, the game will move to Night.
- You are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods (however much I think that is) will result in your replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you have pre-planned absence, then please notify the game mod ahead of time and you will not be prodded. However if your absence is for an unreasonable amount of time, you may be forcibly replaced regardless of advance notification.
- The players may majority vote for a deadline extension. This can only be done once.
- Extensions will be given depending on the circumstances, such as an 11th-hour replacement.
- Each night, you may both explore an area and make an action. If applicable, you may choose to forfeit your action and instead evolve. To reiterate, each night a player may explore one location and choose between evolving or performing a night action.
- Many locations lead to new location options. Once you reach a final destination, you cannot return there. For instance, if you went to X Town and you were given the choice of going to A house, B house, or C house, and you went to B house, the next night, you could not return to B house, but you could go to A house, C house, or another town.
- If a player evolves or their alignment changes, they will be given a new Role PM. If information in the new PM contradicts the old PM, the new PM is correct.
- If you have an item or find an item, you may use it only during the Night phase. However, during the Day or Twilight phase, you may give the item anonymously to any other player by sending me a PM explaining your actions. The transaction will occur when I reply back to you in confirmation. You may hold more than one item. 1-time use items must be activated by the player, but held items are passive and always work as specified. Unless otherwise specified, using an item counts as performing your nightly action.
- With some exceptions, actions done by players are resolved based on their Pokemon's speed. This includes the exploration order, so if a faster player visits the same area you do on the same night, they may find something that you don't.
- If a trainer is knocked out, all of his Pokémon will faint.
- The game begins on Night 0. During this unique introductory phase, players are allowed to explore locations only - no evolving, recruiting, killing or any other night actions may be used.
[collapse=Locations to Explore:]
- Pallet Town
- Viridian City
- Viridian Forest
- Pewter City
- Cerulean City
- Vermillion City
- Lavender Town
- Celadon City
- Fuchsia City
- Saffron City
- Cinnabar Island
- Victory Road
- Mount Moon
- Power Plant
- Seafoam Island 1
- Seafoam Island 2
- Pokémon Stadium
[collapse=Sample Role PM:]
Identity: You are wild Pokémon Paras.
Type: Bug/Grass
Speed: 40
- Stun Spore: Each night you may choose one player, and there is a 50% all of their actions will fail that night.
- Rare Candy: Use it to instantly evolve to another form, does not count as night action. (Use Once)
Win Condition: You are a wild Pokémon, and you win when all threats to the wild Pokémon are eliminated.[/collapse]
Fighting Fit:
RonikeXonarKirbyoshi- Gheb_01 (Independent Pokemon Serial Killer Mewtwo) survives
SwordsRBrokenGuusreplaced soaring-raptor-blast who replaced replaced Ryker Day 2Meta-KirbyMcFoxOmisHandorinSummonerAUKevinMChiboSempaifrozenflame751Junglefeverreplaced Chaco Day 2
- Kirbyoshi (Weedle, wild Pokémon Weedle, unevolved vanilla), lynched Day 1
- Omis (wild Pokemon vigilante Mankey), killed N1
- SwordsRBroken (wild Pokemon, unevolved vanilla) lynched Day 2
- KevinM (Red Team Pokemon Trapper Dugtrio), killed Night 2
- frozenflame751 (wild Pokemon Doctor Venusaur), modkilled Day 3
- SummonerAU (wild Pokemon Thief Gengar), killed Night 3
- Ronike (wild Pokemon Static Pikachu), killed Night 3
- Xonar (wild Pokemon Absorber Mew), killed Night 4
- Meta-Kirby (Green Team Trainer: Green Recruiter), lynched Day 5
- McFox (Green Team Pokémon Charizard - Pokemon Smokescreener), exited the game with Green Team Trainer Day 5
- ChiboSempai (Red Team Trainer: Red Recruiter), killed Night 5
- Guus (Red Team Pokémon Blastoise - Pokémon Bubbler), killed Night 5
- Junglefever (wild Pokemon Trapper Dragonite), modkilled Day 6
- Handorin (wild Pokemon Roleblocker Snorlax), endgamed
Bill's PC: