Welcome to Antonio Bay...
A quiet New England town, the children frolic and play in the private school a few towns over. Only the men and women of the village remain to run it in the absence of their next generation. Only they remain to experience the horrors that will come...
The Fog, developed by me (but inspired and aided by Eor), will deliver the same sense of adventure and paranoia that The Thing did on a grander scale. If you thought the Antarctic research station was too stuffy and claustrophobic, check this out: You have a whole town to explore!
The power will be out when you awake in the morning. That's just the first of a series of horrors that will come. People walk among you in this town. You are interacting with real people, not NPCs. Some of these people are your friends. Some have other motivations, beyond your comprehension... and theirs.
Here is a map of the town:
I - Nick Castle(sheepyman)'s house
II - Hal Phibes(Eor)'s house
III - Erica Parker(Wikipedia)'s house
IV - Stevie Wayne(Tom)'s house
V - Sheriff Simms(Mediocre)'s house
VI - Anthony Song(Mr.Lombardi34)'s house
VII - Deputy Laugher(Marshigio)'s house
VIII - Kathy(Flipstar) & Al Williams's house
IX - Machen(Ronike)'s house
X - Dan O'Bannon(Kitten)'s house
XI - Bennett(spam_master)'s house
XII - Omelito(Handorin) & Sandy Fadel(tmw_redcell)'s house
XIII - Eric Waterman(smashman90)'s house
XIV - Mayor Cress(frozenflame751)'s house
A - I-59: The I-59 is the only way to get from Antonio Bay to anywhere else in the state, and is a sprawling mass of urbania saved from the town only by Inver Forest.
B - White Beach Lane: The main residential street in town, it waves along the western shores and houses most of the population with a beautiful view.
C - Clay Street: The main commercial street, beautiful sycamores and blossom groves line this east-west divider.
D - Whidmoore Drive: After Alan Whidmoore, one of the founding fathers of the town. Lead to either of the town's cutting edge facilities; its wharf and medical clinic.
E - Memorial Boulevard: In honor of the victims of the Crash of 1965, the eastern portion of Whitecrest Lane lapping delicately across Elissa's Bluffs was renamed.
F - Carpenter Crescent: Only a true carpenter could have cut through the thick pine trees of Inver Forest, and the Parish's private road was thus named.
G - Old Mill Road: There was a time when the town ran solely on the waterwheel and coal. Eventually, in a controversial move, the old historic mill was torn down by entrepreneuring Dr. Cress and replaced with a state-of-the-art hydro dam that soon made Antonio Bay a rich township.
Stores & Commerce
I - C-Store: At this convenience store, people of the town come to get gas, munchies, cigarettes, and what have you. Smitty also owns this--the place runs itself, essentially on the honor system.
II - Smitty's General Foods: The local supermarket. Dale Smitty runs this place where you can get your usual grocery and nutritional fixin's. Smitty lives on the second floor.
III - Phibes's Literary Emporium: This bookstore is run by the town coroner's brother, Daniel.
IV - Waterman's: The only restaurant in town, and as such, it serves every type of cuisine you could imagine. Run by Eric Waterman.
V - Rivers's Tavern: The local watering hole, frequented by the alcohically driven and most of those working for Pointpower Industries. Run by Marcus Rivers, who also lives there.
VI - Omelito's Pizzeria: A favorite of the town, they deliver anywhere within fifteen minutes. Run by Sandy Fadel's father, Omelito.
The Strip: An outdoor mall formed by a series of small, conjoined apartments with viewing windows from which to sell merchandise while pedestrians enjoy a walk down the south beach. From West to East, there is a furniture shop, a candle & antiques shop, an electronics shop, and a bar.
Antonio Bay Drive-In: The local drive-in theatre, residents would simply drive off the road onto the smooth tarmac to enjoy a film after paying admission at Smitty's. It has been shut down temporarily due to the power outages. The last film shown was The Thing From Another World.
Special Locations
I - Machen's Rentals & Repairs: Doubles as both a boat and car shop and a boat rental outfit.
II - Coast Guard Headquarters: Because Antonio Bay is such a strong sailing community, Coast Guard inspector Nick Castle was given a grant to erect a headquarters with which to keep in contact with the national regiments and make reports.
III - Office of the Mayor: Here, Mayor Cress makes his decisions about policy, and Kathy Williams plans local events and festivals.
IV - Sheriff's Office: From here, Sheriff Simms and Deputy Laugher police the town of Antonio Bay.
V - Weather Station: Dan O'Bannon runs the local meteorology center during the graveyard shift to provide KAB with its up-to-date weather reports.
Pointpower Industries: The local hydropower station, owned by Mayor Cress, has been out since last night. Anthony Song and Erica Parker, the attendants to the station, have been spending most of their time drinking.
Antonio Bay General Hospital: The local hospital. Dr. Hal Phibes runs the place essentially himself, though there aren't many injuries to treat. Dr. Phibes acts as both coroner and medical doctor. When there's the occasional (rare) homicide, Hal helps Simms and Laugher.
Parish of Antonio
With occasional help from Bennett, the local handyman, Father Malone runs the local church by himself. Although it is in the wilderness, it is a very nice and well-kept church, called one of America's Most Beautiful Cathedrals by Time magazine in 1978.
Other Landmarks
Antonio Bay Memorial Park: Built in honor of the town's one hundredth year anniversary since 1880, this terrace was laid brick for brick by Mrs. Williams. The sculpture, crafted by Doug Machen, is to be revealed at a midnight ceremony.
Inver Forest: The wilderness that had to be cleared to build Antonio Bay, the beautiful coniferous trees were left alone to the East except to form a path to the Parish of Antonio, and a crosscut road to reach the I-59.
Antonio Beach: A beautiful beach that wraps around the west and southern edges of town, where most of the residents have settled. It is a tad rocky, but still a gorgeous sight. It's too cold to swim, this time of year.
Elissa's Bluffs: The treacherous precipice the town's founders had to face whe settling the town. It is said that a ship crashed there close to the settlement date of Antonio Bay, and thus the anniversary is also a somber one.
Spivy Point: The treacherous rocky area including and west of Elissa's Bluffs, featuring vicious rapids and seas. Houses the KAB lighthouse radio station.
KAB - Easy Listening: The local jazz station, run by Stevie Wayne during the late hours of night. This lighthouse was cleared out years ago to form the station, far from town so that it can send its radio waves to other nearby towns.
Wharf: A big spot in any fishing and sailing community, many residents own boats or rent them often from Machen, all of which are housed here. The general path to reach open sea, to avoid the rough seas by Spivy Point, is to sail west, under the KAB bridge.
The first and most important thing to do is to go to go to the KAB lighthouse. Although you will start with a radio (the power has knocked out all things, phones included), you will not have the universal frequency. As such, until you get the KAB frequency, you cannot post in the thread, and must play through PMs to me.
It's quite simple, really! If you have the KAB frequency (and your radio on you, more importantly), you can talk to people in the thread and play no matter where you are, even if you're underwater! Well, not underwater. Then you'd sound like this: Blurb glurble blargle bluuuurrrrgh. But anywhere else. Adversely, even without a radio/without the KAB frequency, you can post in the thread IF you are in a group of people that has at least one radio with the KAB frequency.
Simply speak conversationally to talk, it's quite easy. You just need to fit the above radio criteria.
To perform an action, you must say what you want to do in bold. And again, you need a radio with the KAB frequency, or to be in a group with one.
IE: If Matt was playing, he might post like this:
Alright, guys, I'm going home.
I get in my car and drive home, with the intention of watching some gay porn.
Assuming all goes well, I will post a nice, moody update about what has happened, containing that action and all other public actions. For example, I might say EE downs a pint and slaps Scav's butt. The wind making her nipples stand on end, Azua wraps a coat tight around her chest and asks Revolutions to take her home. Matt gets in his car and drives away.
However, when Matt is out of sight of the others, anything that happens to him is private, if he does not make it home. That's right, your action won't always happen, it depends on external factors such as good old lady luck, and the actions of others that may have been posted/PMed to me before yours. Thus, Matt may get a PM saying:
As you drive home, you fondle your erection lightly, thinking of the gorgeous African males you will soon be viewing. Unexpectedly, a fog bank swamps your car. Unable to see where you are going, you crash into a tree. The steering wheel snaps away as you crash into it and the steering column pierces your crotch and drives deep upward into your torso. You are dead, and the game has ended for you. The last thing you see is the silhouettes of ghostly figures around your car, backlit by an eerie glow in the fog.
You don't need to post everything you do, even if you have the KAB frequency -- it's simply an option. If you planned to steal a car or some food, for example, you would PM me describing as much. Note that playing through PMs is exactly like the thread, except only I see your actions.
If you are in the company of someone and want to say something only to them, send a PM to them AND me (this is VERY important, not sending a game-related PM constitutes cheating), along these lines:
I whisper to [name of person you whisper to]
I really don't like that Scav guy, I find him to be girly and I think we should slash his tires.
Obviously, exercise your common sense. If scav is right next to the person you were whispering to, he'll probably hear it.
You don't have to whisper to people to talk to them privately. Everyone has a private frequency, and you can ask them for it. This will give you the option of PMing them, even if they're chilling at the Parish of Antonio and you're at Smitty's buying some lumber. However, they HAVE to give it to you willingly. If Scav asked the person that hates him for his frequency, he could refuse, and that's that. If Scav PMs that person regardless while not in whisper range, that's cheating. Sending someone a private radio call will give them your frequency, though not your name, so be careful of that, if you were planning to use that as an anonymous weapon. NOTE that you must also send the PM to me as well, as with whispering.
Psychological factors are absolutely HUGE in this game. Although there are indeed dangerous things happening in this sleepy East Coast town, becoming a hermit is absolutely NOT the answer. You are encouraged to socialize. You have jobs. You have hangouts. Make use of it all! In this time of crisis, it's important to maintain an aura of normalcy, especially during the day, because when you give up and stop doing that you start to become stressed. Being stressed will cause slips of the tongue, nervous reactions. This can add up to disastrous effects. For example, the character Nick Castle is a smoker. If he were to ignore his habit for a day or two, his hands would start to shake. This would interfere with his sense of balance and his reflexes.
But it can get much, much worse. Ultimately, you can lose your mind completely. Your objectives will completely transform, and nothing you see is reliable ; it may or may not be real. This will get you killed -- if not at the "hands" of the fog, then certainly by other people, or a car, or a bear in the forest. To maintain sanity in the game, simply make an average life for yourself by day. Socialize, eat out, engage in your hobbies, et cetera. I will be keeping a specific chart (well, a text chart) on my googledocs of everybody's sanity based on their activities, so don't expect to live long if you spend the first day boarding up your house from the inside.
Most of you will have friends and family, and taking care of them is paramount -- the loss of a family member will be absolutely disastrous, and will damage your level of sanity irreparably.
The Fog. No one knows what is in the fog, but this mist can kill. Also, keep your eyes peeled for traitors in your midst.
The basic human drive is survival. You can technically win the game simply by surviving the fog, but if you are the sole survivor, you can expect your sanity to last all of a couple hours. Thus it is good and important to try to unite Man within Antonio Bay, and maximize the survival rate.
For traitors, your role will be known to you. Your motivations will be explained. You must disinform, monitor, and do whatever it takes to ensure to reign of the fog is a permanent one.
There are two ways to win for the standard, nontraitor humans ; weed out the traitors and kill them. There is a second part to this method that you will, hopefully, discover in the course of the game. The other method is to solve the mysteries of Antonio Bay. Almost every citizen of the town is in possession (or at a leverage to soon possess) a vital clue to the mystery that is Antonio Bay. I will not hold your hand on this one, you need to get creative. The mystery cannot be solved by one clue in and of itself, however. Thus, you must amalgamate and collaborate. Be careful, however! Knowing who to trust is important... share your clue with a traitor, and you may end up giving Them a headstart on dooming the human campaign, or in the case of bigger clues, you man damn the trail altogether by giving them a way to cover-up the mystery.
We're gonna need a TON of people to fill this character roster, so post early with your preferred characters (that aren't taken) and your odds of getting a character you want are much higher. I accept bids for characters by any method of contact.
An old war vet, David Simms retired to a quiet life as the Sheriff of Antonio Bay after being honorably discharged from the U.S. Army. Doesn't care for Castle. Hobbies: Shooting (he has a spot in the woods he likes), eating. Played by Mediocre.
The other half of the town's law enforcement, Nick Castle was in the Navy, but left, and doesn't like to talk about it. Dr. Phibes's best friend. Doesn't care for Simms. As a port town, Antonio Bay was selected for its own Coast Guard station, and he was placed as the local Coast Guard Inspector, nominated by the Mayor. He took the job reluctantly. Hobbies: Drinking. Played by sheepyman.
Father Malone lives off in the Parish of Antonio, tending to it. Viewed as a bit creepy, but has maintained the church since he was a very young man, and is endeared by the town. Lives at the parish. Hobbies: Church Stuff. Played by camo-man.
Dr. Hal Phibes has been a close friend of Nick Castle's for years, and runs the hospital efficiently on its own, having nurses there only part-time from out of town. He prides himself that the only time another doctor ever set foot in his hospital was the Crash of 1965, over at Spivy Point, when dozens of injured were saved thanks to his efforts and others. Phibes is immune to Castle and Simms's bickering, respecting them both. On the town's very rare homicides and deaths he acts as coroner. Brother of Daniel Phibes, who he visits semi-frequently. Hobbies: Reading medical journals, drinking. Collecting art. Played by Eor.
When her husband died, Stevie never really got back to dating. She took the insurance money and started up the KAB radio station after buying the old lighthouse a few miles out of town. KAB is a smooth jazz bit that she puts on autopilot during the day, working the midnight shift from six at night to three in the morning. Has a son. Hobbies: Denying date requests, KAB. Played by Tom.
A drifter from out of town, she came from the big city. What lead her there is unknown, but she was picked up by Nick Castle, and has been staying with him. Hobbies: Unknown. Played by KevinM.
Everybody loved John's father, but he died at sea when he was young. Childhood friend of Machen's, but they haven't talked much since. Doesn't socialize much, if ever, except for work. Bennett is a handyman, the best in New England. No known family or friends to date. Hobbies: Unknown. Played by Spam_Master.
Dan Dan the Weather Man, he works at the local meteorology center and gives up to date weather reports on the night shift, while out of towners take over the frequency during the day. He is generally well-liked in the town, albeit a bit smug. An old friend of Eric Waterman, and they go to Rivers's Tavern often. Is hot for Stevie Wayne. Hobbies: Being rejected by Stevie Wayne, shooting pool. Played by Kitten.
In her sixties now, Kathy is known to the town as the prudent Director of Tourism and Restoration, the one position delegated down from Mayor Cress. Shrewd and efficient, she gets things done best, as she often jokes, when her husband (Al) is out to sea. She is well-liked by essentially the entire town, although some consider her kind of an old crank. Hobbies: Town stuff, the new memorial. Played by Flipstar.
A crusty old sea salt, the locals laugh when tourists cross the street to avoid him. Despite his rustic appearance, Machen is a boisterous and lovable fellow that has made an annual tradition of sending off the children who go to camp with a night of a bonfire, s'mores, and ghost stories. Liked by all, disliked only by cityfolk. He knows Nick Castle and Hal Phibes quite well. Hobbies: Boating, fishing, drinking, bonfire nights. Played by Ronike.
A spry youngun of ten, Tommy is unlike the other kids in that he doesn't go on the annual camping trips, preferring instead to stick around in Antonio Bay, exploring the town and harassing his mother, Stevie Wayne. Generally seen as a reserved boy, one that is very independent and spends many hours alone. Most consider this a factor of his father's death. Hobbies: Beachcombing, hiking, walking, basic kid stuff. Played by yellowgoblin.
The one teen that didn't go off to a college at the first opportunity, Sandy stuck around for her older boyfriend, Nick Castle, not knowing that their relationship was on the downstroke. To kill time, Sandy works part-time as an aide to Mrs. Williams, paid out of the Mayor's petty cash. She also checks in on Tommy Douglas for a bit of extra money while Stevie Wayne is running KAB by night. Hobbies: Work, drinking, avoiding Nick. Played by tmw_redcell.
An import from Salt Lake City, Utah, Deputy Art Laugher has only been in the town for six months. He has quickly made friends with Anthony Song and Dan O'Bannon, but he spends as much time alone as with his new chums and doesn't talk much, even to his boss. Someone once asked him why he left the city, and shortly thereafter, Hal Phibes treated his first broken jaw in a month. No one has asked since. Hobbies: Drinking, driving (hopefully not together). Played by Marshigio.
The best cook in New England spouts the sign outside his bistro, although Time magazine's small-town guide had him around number six. Waterman saw a market for fine cuisine in the town twenty years ago and left his Rhode Island restaurant behind, never looking back. Hasn't drank a drop since his wife DIU'd her way right off Elissa's Bluffs. Buddy of Anthony Song and Dan O'Bannon. Doesn't like the new Deputy. Hobbies: Cooking, shooting pool, being sober. Played by smashman90.
An ear for anybody who needs one, Rivers runs his Tavern in the old school fashion, knowing all the regulars' usual drinks and usual problems. Like many others in Antonio Bay, he works the night shift, but he also works during the early morning, serving coffee, before closing in the afternoon until night once again. He actually bought the Tavern when he won a small East Coast lottery, putting the rest away -- the Tavern itself is as old as the town, though greatly modernized by Marcus's restoration efforts. Doesn't like Waterman, but only in the sense that he is competition. Hobbies: The Tavern, biking, boating. Played by <3.
A doctor, now retired, Cress was elected as Mayor of Antonio Bay fifteen years ago, when his quick thinking at the Crash of 1965 allowed him to tend to most of the seriously injured survivors on Spivy Point, which had most of them survive long enough to be picked up by Dr. Phibes and brought to Antonio Bay General. Since then, Cress has become an institution of the Bay. Rather dislikes Kathy Williams, who he finds a threat to his position, and is at times at odds with Castle and Simms, who undermine his authority frequently. Played by frozenflame751.
The other college kid that didn't escape to college, Dale inherited the two stores after his father, a single dad, died of liver cirrhosis. When he considered closing one of the stores, the town held a meeting and decried that the gas bar would run itself on the honor system. Dale had cameras installed just in case. Dale and Sandy are old friends (high school sweethearts), and Dale also knows Anthony and Erica well. Hates Machen, who knew his father, seeing him as trying to replace him. Hobbies: The stores, drinking, shooting pool. Played by Lance87.
Coerced into moving in with his brother in Antonio Bay, Daniel Phibes left his low-paying librarian job and opened a book store with no small amount of help from Hal. Socializes almost nil -- he just orders pizza, spending almost his whole day at the store ordering new books and reading the ones he has. Sharing a name with the other well-known Dan, a common joke is told he is referred to: "Dan? Which one?" "The spooky one." Loves his brother, but largely in spite of his constant distractions from reading. Hobbies: Reading, reading, reading, reading.... Played by Pythag.
After graduating from the nearby East Coast University with a degree in mechanical engineering, Song was attracted to the opportunity to escape urban life and make a higher end of five figures on a beautiful coastal town. Is dating coworker Erica Parker. Despises Cress; as a young and politically minded man, Song sees institutional politics as the worst kind of lethargy. Good friend of Eric, Dan, and Art. Hobbies: Reading mechanical textbooks, drinking, shooting pool, scuba diving. Played by Mr.Lombardi34 .
Erica has lived in Antonio Bay all her life, her parents having moved to Florida for retirement when she went to ECU. She earned a degree in civil engineering and returned to the Bay when Cress spearheaded his hydro-dam project. It is here that she met her boyfriend, Anthony. Unlike Song, however, she likes Cress, finding that he has a good vision that will ultimately turn Antonio Bay into a have-town. Hobbies: Scuba diving, drinking. Played by Wikipedia.
The free-spirited guy who owns The Strip, he rips up his gee-tarr at all the parties and throws them often on his yacht. He's been in town forever, and nobody asks where he got his money from anymore. "MONEY, man! Money comes from money! Here, buy some candles." Old buddy of Nick Castle and most of the other elder town members that aren't square. Dislikes Simms for being part of the establishment, and goes to humorous extends to hide his weed, though everybody knows about it. Hobbies: Toking up, parties, boating. Played by Shy Guy.
A Cuban-American, Omelito immigrated to America when Castro opened his borders. Working as a railroad conductor for many years, he met a rich woman that loved his Cuban spirit. They moved to Antonio Bay and opened a pizzeria, and had a daughter, Sandy. Omelito is a boisterous guy that loves to party with Ashcroft. Hobbies: Parties, making good pizza, drinking. Played by Handorin
If you're expecting to be offline for a day or two, or if you just want to speed up decision-making processes, you can join a GROUP. Here are the types of groups:
Concensus Group: This is any actual gathering of people, and you are added to one by default. This means that the group will not move as a singular entity unless everybody agrees. You are free to do whatever you want within this group and can leave it at any time without notice. However, this can eat away the clock, as people are left bickering about semantics longer than they are taking action. This was seen in the latter pages of The Thing.
Democratic Group: If you want things to go faster than a CG allows, the CG can elect one or two group leaders. This was also seen in The Thing. After more than one rescue, Scav and I, as a pair of Soviet soldiers who had survived a prior Thing attack, were elected de facto leaders of our own subgroup. Frozenflame, who had spent much time with us, was an underling in this group, as was sheepyman, whom we protected overnight as he recovered from a concussion.
The leader(s) of a Democratic Group can make basic decisions on the behalf of the group such as where to move, or how to secure a room/building, or even the formation of movement. They cannot micromanage their individual members, taking weapons and swapping them and so forth.
Joining a DG is formal in nature. Once group leader(s) are elected, a Concensus Group becomes a Democratic Group. Say I am in a Concensus Group that elects Azua. If I wanted to join I would post along the lines of:
Wow, I sure like breasts! Breasts are a great leadership quality!
I join Azua's Democratic Group.
Note that this can be done privately as well, via a PM to me.
You must formally leave a Democratic Group, as well. You can either post, in a similar fashion, or you can slink off and disappear by PMing your decision to me, and explaining how you want to sneak away.
Dictatorship Group: In this type of group, the group leader(s) has ALL the power. They can make you strip down and riverdance if they so desire. This is really your only option if you are going to be offline for a few days, so make sure you find somebody you can trust! (Although you could elect to hide/fortify, just remember this will hurt your sanity a bit)
This was done a few times in The Thing as well, such as when ligolski was going on a vacation and entrusted his actions to Scav and myself, or earlier when ronike and ligolski would place one another in charge of themselves whenever they would be offline so the duo could always be in control of itself and prepared. Joining is via the exact same mechanics as joining a Democratic Group, but instead of saying I join Azua's Democratic Group, you would say I submit to Azua's Dictatorship Group.
Dictatorship Groups and Democratic Groups are not mutually exclusive. If Marshigio was to determine he trusts Mediocre enough to delegate his actions in his absence, a Dictatorship exists between the two, even if they are in a larger Democratic Group.... even if the Democratic Group has a different leader! You can submit to anyone you want, and you you can leave just as easily as you could a Democratic Group.
The following things constitute cheating, with the punishment of barring from this game, infractions(!), and possibly being banned from future adventure games altogether. Remember, this is only a game, it's not worth cheating in, and it certainly isn't fun for anyone else (or you!) if you break the rules.
1) Not carbon-copying a PM to me. I need to know EVERYTHING that goes on in this game, so if you send somebody a PM with plans and whatnot without sending it to me as well, uh, that's cheating and a half.
2) PMing people when you don't have their radio frequency. Self explanatory, I should think.
3) Posting in the thread without the KAB frequency/a radio with it -- self-explanatory.
4) AIM conversations are allowed, but only if you have the person's frequency OR are in the same room. Also, you absolutely MUST PM me an unedited chatlog that contains everything from the moment you first mention the game to the moment you say good by (or move onto other topics such as **** isn't Matt just so sexy?)
5) EDITING POSTS IS ABSOLUTELY DISALLOWED. I can't have people do one thing, then edit their post and say they did something else. This leads to infinite headaches. The only person who can edit a post is me -- if you need to add something to an earlier post, simply double post. Or quote it and make you additions. If you absolutely have to edit it, PM me, or hit me up on AIM at "FrozenFarce" (no quotes) with a link to the post and your case. Tell me why you want to edit it, and to what you want it edited. If I agree with you, I'll edit it for you.
Every last one of you is afraid of something. This can affect you in several ways. It might make you clumsier with actions, or even affect your insanity. Of course, it can be good, as well. Knowing for certain that your fear is nowhere near you (ie: fear of mosquitoes in the winter) can actually aid your sanity. As can sharing it, of course. If you share your fear with the right person they can console you.

A quiet New England town, the children frolic and play in the private school a few towns over. Only the men and women of the village remain to run it in the absence of their next generation. Only they remain to experience the horrors that will come...
The Fog, developed by me (but inspired and aided by Eor), will deliver the same sense of adventure and paranoia that The Thing did on a grander scale. If you thought the Antarctic research station was too stuffy and claustrophobic, check this out: You have a whole town to explore!
The power will be out when you awake in the morning. That's just the first of a series of horrors that will come. People walk among you in this town. You are interacting with real people, not NPCs. Some of these people are your friends. Some have other motivations, beyond your comprehension... and theirs.
Here is a map of the town:

I - Nick Castle(sheepyman)'s house
II - Hal Phibes(Eor)'s house
III - Erica Parker(Wikipedia)'s house
IV - Stevie Wayne(Tom)'s house
V - Sheriff Simms(Mediocre)'s house
VI - Anthony Song(Mr.Lombardi34)'s house
VII - Deputy Laugher(Marshigio)'s house
VIII - Kathy(Flipstar) & Al Williams's house
IX - Machen(Ronike)'s house
X - Dan O'Bannon(Kitten)'s house
XI - Bennett(spam_master)'s house
XII - Omelito(Handorin) & Sandy Fadel(tmw_redcell)'s house
XIII - Eric Waterman(smashman90)'s house
XIV - Mayor Cress(frozenflame751)'s house
A - I-59: The I-59 is the only way to get from Antonio Bay to anywhere else in the state, and is a sprawling mass of urbania saved from the town only by Inver Forest.
B - White Beach Lane: The main residential street in town, it waves along the western shores and houses most of the population with a beautiful view.
C - Clay Street: The main commercial street, beautiful sycamores and blossom groves line this east-west divider.
D - Whidmoore Drive: After Alan Whidmoore, one of the founding fathers of the town. Lead to either of the town's cutting edge facilities; its wharf and medical clinic.
E - Memorial Boulevard: In honor of the victims of the Crash of 1965, the eastern portion of Whitecrest Lane lapping delicately across Elissa's Bluffs was renamed.
F - Carpenter Crescent: Only a true carpenter could have cut through the thick pine trees of Inver Forest, and the Parish's private road was thus named.
G - Old Mill Road: There was a time when the town ran solely on the waterwheel and coal. Eventually, in a controversial move, the old historic mill was torn down by entrepreneuring Dr. Cress and replaced with a state-of-the-art hydro dam that soon made Antonio Bay a rich township.
Stores & Commerce
I - C-Store: At this convenience store, people of the town come to get gas, munchies, cigarettes, and what have you. Smitty also owns this--the place runs itself, essentially on the honor system.
II - Smitty's General Foods: The local supermarket. Dale Smitty runs this place where you can get your usual grocery and nutritional fixin's. Smitty lives on the second floor.
III - Phibes's Literary Emporium: This bookstore is run by the town coroner's brother, Daniel.
IV - Waterman's: The only restaurant in town, and as such, it serves every type of cuisine you could imagine. Run by Eric Waterman.
V - Rivers's Tavern: The local watering hole, frequented by the alcohically driven and most of those working for Pointpower Industries. Run by Marcus Rivers, who also lives there.
VI - Omelito's Pizzeria: A favorite of the town, they deliver anywhere within fifteen minutes. Run by Sandy Fadel's father, Omelito.
The Strip: An outdoor mall formed by a series of small, conjoined apartments with viewing windows from which to sell merchandise while pedestrians enjoy a walk down the south beach. From West to East, there is a furniture shop, a candle & antiques shop, an electronics shop, and a bar.
Antonio Bay Drive-In: The local drive-in theatre, residents would simply drive off the road onto the smooth tarmac to enjoy a film after paying admission at Smitty's. It has been shut down temporarily due to the power outages. The last film shown was The Thing From Another World.
Special Locations
I - Machen's Rentals & Repairs: Doubles as both a boat and car shop and a boat rental outfit.
II - Coast Guard Headquarters: Because Antonio Bay is such a strong sailing community, Coast Guard inspector Nick Castle was given a grant to erect a headquarters with which to keep in contact with the national regiments and make reports.
III - Office of the Mayor: Here, Mayor Cress makes his decisions about policy, and Kathy Williams plans local events and festivals.
IV - Sheriff's Office: From here, Sheriff Simms and Deputy Laugher police the town of Antonio Bay.
V - Weather Station: Dan O'Bannon runs the local meteorology center during the graveyard shift to provide KAB with its up-to-date weather reports.
Pointpower Industries: The local hydropower station, owned by Mayor Cress, has been out since last night. Anthony Song and Erica Parker, the attendants to the station, have been spending most of their time drinking.
Antonio Bay General Hospital: The local hospital. Dr. Hal Phibes runs the place essentially himself, though there aren't many injuries to treat. Dr. Phibes acts as both coroner and medical doctor. When there's the occasional (rare) homicide, Hal helps Simms and Laugher.
Parish of Antonio
With occasional help from Bennett, the local handyman, Father Malone runs the local church by himself. Although it is in the wilderness, it is a very nice and well-kept church, called one of America's Most Beautiful Cathedrals by Time magazine in 1978.
Other Landmarks
Antonio Bay Memorial Park: Built in honor of the town's one hundredth year anniversary since 1880, this terrace was laid brick for brick by Mrs. Williams. The sculpture, crafted by Doug Machen, is to be revealed at a midnight ceremony.
Inver Forest: The wilderness that had to be cleared to build Antonio Bay, the beautiful coniferous trees were left alone to the East except to form a path to the Parish of Antonio, and a crosscut road to reach the I-59.
Antonio Beach: A beautiful beach that wraps around the west and southern edges of town, where most of the residents have settled. It is a tad rocky, but still a gorgeous sight. It's too cold to swim, this time of year.
Elissa's Bluffs: The treacherous precipice the town's founders had to face whe settling the town. It is said that a ship crashed there close to the settlement date of Antonio Bay, and thus the anniversary is also a somber one.
Spivy Point: The treacherous rocky area including and west of Elissa's Bluffs, featuring vicious rapids and seas. Houses the KAB lighthouse radio station.
KAB - Easy Listening: The local jazz station, run by Stevie Wayne during the late hours of night. This lighthouse was cleared out years ago to form the station, far from town so that it can send its radio waves to other nearby towns.
Wharf: A big spot in any fishing and sailing community, many residents own boats or rent them often from Machen, all of which are housed here. The general path to reach open sea, to avoid the rough seas by Spivy Point, is to sail west, under the KAB bridge.
The first and most important thing to do is to go to go to the KAB lighthouse. Although you will start with a radio (the power has knocked out all things, phones included), you will not have the universal frequency. As such, until you get the KAB frequency, you cannot post in the thread, and must play through PMs to me.
It's quite simple, really! If you have the KAB frequency (and your radio on you, more importantly), you can talk to people in the thread and play no matter where you are, even if you're underwater! Well, not underwater. Then you'd sound like this: Blurb glurble blargle bluuuurrrrgh. But anywhere else. Adversely, even without a radio/without the KAB frequency, you can post in the thread IF you are in a group of people that has at least one radio with the KAB frequency.
Simply speak conversationally to talk, it's quite easy. You just need to fit the above radio criteria.
To perform an action, you must say what you want to do in bold. And again, you need a radio with the KAB frequency, or to be in a group with one.
IE: If Matt was playing, he might post like this:
Alright, guys, I'm going home.
I get in my car and drive home, with the intention of watching some gay porn.
Assuming all goes well, I will post a nice, moody update about what has happened, containing that action and all other public actions. For example, I might say EE downs a pint and slaps Scav's butt. The wind making her nipples stand on end, Azua wraps a coat tight around her chest and asks Revolutions to take her home. Matt gets in his car and drives away.
However, when Matt is out of sight of the others, anything that happens to him is private, if he does not make it home. That's right, your action won't always happen, it depends on external factors such as good old lady luck, and the actions of others that may have been posted/PMed to me before yours. Thus, Matt may get a PM saying:
As you drive home, you fondle your erection lightly, thinking of the gorgeous African males you will soon be viewing. Unexpectedly, a fog bank swamps your car. Unable to see where you are going, you crash into a tree. The steering wheel snaps away as you crash into it and the steering column pierces your crotch and drives deep upward into your torso. You are dead, and the game has ended for you. The last thing you see is the silhouettes of ghostly figures around your car, backlit by an eerie glow in the fog.
You don't need to post everything you do, even if you have the KAB frequency -- it's simply an option. If you planned to steal a car or some food, for example, you would PM me describing as much. Note that playing through PMs is exactly like the thread, except only I see your actions.
If you are in the company of someone and want to say something only to them, send a PM to them AND me (this is VERY important, not sending a game-related PM constitutes cheating), along these lines:
I whisper to [name of person you whisper to]
I really don't like that Scav guy, I find him to be girly and I think we should slash his tires.
Obviously, exercise your common sense. If scav is right next to the person you were whispering to, he'll probably hear it.
You don't have to whisper to people to talk to them privately. Everyone has a private frequency, and you can ask them for it. This will give you the option of PMing them, even if they're chilling at the Parish of Antonio and you're at Smitty's buying some lumber. However, they HAVE to give it to you willingly. If Scav asked the person that hates him for his frequency, he could refuse, and that's that. If Scav PMs that person regardless while not in whisper range, that's cheating. Sending someone a private radio call will give them your frequency, though not your name, so be careful of that, if you were planning to use that as an anonymous weapon. NOTE that you must also send the PM to me as well, as with whispering.
Psychological factors are absolutely HUGE in this game. Although there are indeed dangerous things happening in this sleepy East Coast town, becoming a hermit is absolutely NOT the answer. You are encouraged to socialize. You have jobs. You have hangouts. Make use of it all! In this time of crisis, it's important to maintain an aura of normalcy, especially during the day, because when you give up and stop doing that you start to become stressed. Being stressed will cause slips of the tongue, nervous reactions. This can add up to disastrous effects. For example, the character Nick Castle is a smoker. If he were to ignore his habit for a day or two, his hands would start to shake. This would interfere with his sense of balance and his reflexes.
But it can get much, much worse. Ultimately, you can lose your mind completely. Your objectives will completely transform, and nothing you see is reliable ; it may or may not be real. This will get you killed -- if not at the "hands" of the fog, then certainly by other people, or a car, or a bear in the forest. To maintain sanity in the game, simply make an average life for yourself by day. Socialize, eat out, engage in your hobbies, et cetera. I will be keeping a specific chart (well, a text chart) on my googledocs of everybody's sanity based on their activities, so don't expect to live long if you spend the first day boarding up your house from the inside.
Most of you will have friends and family, and taking care of them is paramount -- the loss of a family member will be absolutely disastrous, and will damage your level of sanity irreparably.
The Fog. No one knows what is in the fog, but this mist can kill. Also, keep your eyes peeled for traitors in your midst.
The basic human drive is survival. You can technically win the game simply by surviving the fog, but if you are the sole survivor, you can expect your sanity to last all of a couple hours. Thus it is good and important to try to unite Man within Antonio Bay, and maximize the survival rate.
For traitors, your role will be known to you. Your motivations will be explained. You must disinform, monitor, and do whatever it takes to ensure to reign of the fog is a permanent one.
There are two ways to win for the standard, nontraitor humans ; weed out the traitors and kill them. There is a second part to this method that you will, hopefully, discover in the course of the game. The other method is to solve the mysteries of Antonio Bay. Almost every citizen of the town is in possession (or at a leverage to soon possess) a vital clue to the mystery that is Antonio Bay. I will not hold your hand on this one, you need to get creative. The mystery cannot be solved by one clue in and of itself, however. Thus, you must amalgamate and collaborate. Be careful, however! Knowing who to trust is important... share your clue with a traitor, and you may end up giving Them a headstart on dooming the human campaign, or in the case of bigger clues, you man damn the trail altogether by giving them a way to cover-up the mystery.
We're gonna need a TON of people to fill this character roster, so post early with your preferred characters (that aren't taken) and your odds of getting a character you want are much higher. I accept bids for characters by any method of contact.

An old war vet, David Simms retired to a quiet life as the Sheriff of Antonio Bay after being honorably discharged from the U.S. Army. Doesn't care for Castle. Hobbies: Shooting (he has a spot in the woods he likes), eating. Played by Mediocre.

The other half of the town's law enforcement, Nick Castle was in the Navy, but left, and doesn't like to talk about it. Dr. Phibes's best friend. Doesn't care for Simms. As a port town, Antonio Bay was selected for its own Coast Guard station, and he was placed as the local Coast Guard Inspector, nominated by the Mayor. He took the job reluctantly. Hobbies: Drinking. Played by sheepyman.

Father Malone lives off in the Parish of Antonio, tending to it. Viewed as a bit creepy, but has maintained the church since he was a very young man, and is endeared by the town. Lives at the parish. Hobbies: Church Stuff. Played by camo-man.

Dr. Hal Phibes has been a close friend of Nick Castle's for years, and runs the hospital efficiently on its own, having nurses there only part-time from out of town. He prides himself that the only time another doctor ever set foot in his hospital was the Crash of 1965, over at Spivy Point, when dozens of injured were saved thanks to his efforts and others. Phibes is immune to Castle and Simms's bickering, respecting them both. On the town's very rare homicides and deaths he acts as coroner. Brother of Daniel Phibes, who he visits semi-frequently. Hobbies: Reading medical journals, drinking. Collecting art. Played by Eor.

When her husband died, Stevie never really got back to dating. She took the insurance money and started up the KAB radio station after buying the old lighthouse a few miles out of town. KAB is a smooth jazz bit that she puts on autopilot during the day, working the midnight shift from six at night to three in the morning. Has a son. Hobbies: Denying date requests, KAB. Played by Tom.

A drifter from out of town, she came from the big city. What lead her there is unknown, but she was picked up by Nick Castle, and has been staying with him. Hobbies: Unknown. Played by KevinM.

Everybody loved John's father, but he died at sea when he was young. Childhood friend of Machen's, but they haven't talked much since. Doesn't socialize much, if ever, except for work. Bennett is a handyman, the best in New England. No known family or friends to date. Hobbies: Unknown. Played by Spam_Master.

Dan Dan the Weather Man, he works at the local meteorology center and gives up to date weather reports on the night shift, while out of towners take over the frequency during the day. He is generally well-liked in the town, albeit a bit smug. An old friend of Eric Waterman, and they go to Rivers's Tavern often. Is hot for Stevie Wayne. Hobbies: Being rejected by Stevie Wayne, shooting pool. Played by Kitten.

In her sixties now, Kathy is known to the town as the prudent Director of Tourism and Restoration, the one position delegated down from Mayor Cress. Shrewd and efficient, she gets things done best, as she often jokes, when her husband (Al) is out to sea. She is well-liked by essentially the entire town, although some consider her kind of an old crank. Hobbies: Town stuff, the new memorial. Played by Flipstar.

A crusty old sea salt, the locals laugh when tourists cross the street to avoid him. Despite his rustic appearance, Machen is a boisterous and lovable fellow that has made an annual tradition of sending off the children who go to camp with a night of a bonfire, s'mores, and ghost stories. Liked by all, disliked only by cityfolk. He knows Nick Castle and Hal Phibes quite well. Hobbies: Boating, fishing, drinking, bonfire nights. Played by Ronike.

A spry youngun of ten, Tommy is unlike the other kids in that he doesn't go on the annual camping trips, preferring instead to stick around in Antonio Bay, exploring the town and harassing his mother, Stevie Wayne. Generally seen as a reserved boy, one that is very independent and spends many hours alone. Most consider this a factor of his father's death. Hobbies: Beachcombing, hiking, walking, basic kid stuff. Played by yellowgoblin.

The one teen that didn't go off to a college at the first opportunity, Sandy stuck around for her older boyfriend, Nick Castle, not knowing that their relationship was on the downstroke. To kill time, Sandy works part-time as an aide to Mrs. Williams, paid out of the Mayor's petty cash. She also checks in on Tommy Douglas for a bit of extra money while Stevie Wayne is running KAB by night. Hobbies: Work, drinking, avoiding Nick. Played by tmw_redcell.

An import from Salt Lake City, Utah, Deputy Art Laugher has only been in the town for six months. He has quickly made friends with Anthony Song and Dan O'Bannon, but he spends as much time alone as with his new chums and doesn't talk much, even to his boss. Someone once asked him why he left the city, and shortly thereafter, Hal Phibes treated his first broken jaw in a month. No one has asked since. Hobbies: Drinking, driving (hopefully not together). Played by Marshigio.

The best cook in New England spouts the sign outside his bistro, although Time magazine's small-town guide had him around number six. Waterman saw a market for fine cuisine in the town twenty years ago and left his Rhode Island restaurant behind, never looking back. Hasn't drank a drop since his wife DIU'd her way right off Elissa's Bluffs. Buddy of Anthony Song and Dan O'Bannon. Doesn't like the new Deputy. Hobbies: Cooking, shooting pool, being sober. Played by smashman90.

An ear for anybody who needs one, Rivers runs his Tavern in the old school fashion, knowing all the regulars' usual drinks and usual problems. Like many others in Antonio Bay, he works the night shift, but he also works during the early morning, serving coffee, before closing in the afternoon until night once again. He actually bought the Tavern when he won a small East Coast lottery, putting the rest away -- the Tavern itself is as old as the town, though greatly modernized by Marcus's restoration efforts. Doesn't like Waterman, but only in the sense that he is competition. Hobbies: The Tavern, biking, boating. Played by <3.

A doctor, now retired, Cress was elected as Mayor of Antonio Bay fifteen years ago, when his quick thinking at the Crash of 1965 allowed him to tend to most of the seriously injured survivors on Spivy Point, which had most of them survive long enough to be picked up by Dr. Phibes and brought to Antonio Bay General. Since then, Cress has become an institution of the Bay. Rather dislikes Kathy Williams, who he finds a threat to his position, and is at times at odds with Castle and Simms, who undermine his authority frequently. Played by frozenflame751.

The other college kid that didn't escape to college, Dale inherited the two stores after his father, a single dad, died of liver cirrhosis. When he considered closing one of the stores, the town held a meeting and decried that the gas bar would run itself on the honor system. Dale had cameras installed just in case. Dale and Sandy are old friends (high school sweethearts), and Dale also knows Anthony and Erica well. Hates Machen, who knew his father, seeing him as trying to replace him. Hobbies: The stores, drinking, shooting pool. Played by Lance87.

Coerced into moving in with his brother in Antonio Bay, Daniel Phibes left his low-paying librarian job and opened a book store with no small amount of help from Hal. Socializes almost nil -- he just orders pizza, spending almost his whole day at the store ordering new books and reading the ones he has. Sharing a name with the other well-known Dan, a common joke is told he is referred to: "Dan? Which one?" "The spooky one." Loves his brother, but largely in spite of his constant distractions from reading. Hobbies: Reading, reading, reading, reading.... Played by Pythag.

After graduating from the nearby East Coast University with a degree in mechanical engineering, Song was attracted to the opportunity to escape urban life and make a higher end of five figures on a beautiful coastal town. Is dating coworker Erica Parker. Despises Cress; as a young and politically minded man, Song sees institutional politics as the worst kind of lethargy. Good friend of Eric, Dan, and Art. Hobbies: Reading mechanical textbooks, drinking, shooting pool, scuba diving. Played by Mr.Lombardi34 .

Erica has lived in Antonio Bay all her life, her parents having moved to Florida for retirement when she went to ECU. She earned a degree in civil engineering and returned to the Bay when Cress spearheaded his hydro-dam project. It is here that she met her boyfriend, Anthony. Unlike Song, however, she likes Cress, finding that he has a good vision that will ultimately turn Antonio Bay into a have-town. Hobbies: Scuba diving, drinking. Played by Wikipedia.

The free-spirited guy who owns The Strip, he rips up his gee-tarr at all the parties and throws them often on his yacht. He's been in town forever, and nobody asks where he got his money from anymore. "MONEY, man! Money comes from money! Here, buy some candles." Old buddy of Nick Castle and most of the other elder town members that aren't square. Dislikes Simms for being part of the establishment, and goes to humorous extends to hide his weed, though everybody knows about it. Hobbies: Toking up, parties, boating. Played by Shy Guy.

A Cuban-American, Omelito immigrated to America when Castro opened his borders. Working as a railroad conductor for many years, he met a rich woman that loved his Cuban spirit. They moved to Antonio Bay and opened a pizzeria, and had a daughter, Sandy. Omelito is a boisterous guy that loves to party with Ashcroft. Hobbies: Parties, making good pizza, drinking. Played by Handorin
If you're expecting to be offline for a day or two, or if you just want to speed up decision-making processes, you can join a GROUP. Here are the types of groups:
Concensus Group: This is any actual gathering of people, and you are added to one by default. This means that the group will not move as a singular entity unless everybody agrees. You are free to do whatever you want within this group and can leave it at any time without notice. However, this can eat away the clock, as people are left bickering about semantics longer than they are taking action. This was seen in the latter pages of The Thing.
Democratic Group: If you want things to go faster than a CG allows, the CG can elect one or two group leaders. This was also seen in The Thing. After more than one rescue, Scav and I, as a pair of Soviet soldiers who had survived a prior Thing attack, were elected de facto leaders of our own subgroup. Frozenflame, who had spent much time with us, was an underling in this group, as was sheepyman, whom we protected overnight as he recovered from a concussion.
The leader(s) of a Democratic Group can make basic decisions on the behalf of the group such as where to move, or how to secure a room/building, or even the formation of movement. They cannot micromanage their individual members, taking weapons and swapping them and so forth.
Joining a DG is formal in nature. Once group leader(s) are elected, a Concensus Group becomes a Democratic Group. Say I am in a Concensus Group that elects Azua. If I wanted to join I would post along the lines of:
Wow, I sure like breasts! Breasts are a great leadership quality!
I join Azua's Democratic Group.
Note that this can be done privately as well, via a PM to me.
You must formally leave a Democratic Group, as well. You can either post, in a similar fashion, or you can slink off and disappear by PMing your decision to me, and explaining how you want to sneak away.
Dictatorship Group: In this type of group, the group leader(s) has ALL the power. They can make you strip down and riverdance if they so desire. This is really your only option if you are going to be offline for a few days, so make sure you find somebody you can trust! (Although you could elect to hide/fortify, just remember this will hurt your sanity a bit)
This was done a few times in The Thing as well, such as when ligolski was going on a vacation and entrusted his actions to Scav and myself, or earlier when ronike and ligolski would place one another in charge of themselves whenever they would be offline so the duo could always be in control of itself and prepared. Joining is via the exact same mechanics as joining a Democratic Group, but instead of saying I join Azua's Democratic Group, you would say I submit to Azua's Dictatorship Group.
Dictatorship Groups and Democratic Groups are not mutually exclusive. If Marshigio was to determine he trusts Mediocre enough to delegate his actions in his absence, a Dictatorship exists between the two, even if they are in a larger Democratic Group.... even if the Democratic Group has a different leader! You can submit to anyone you want, and you you can leave just as easily as you could a Democratic Group.
The following things constitute cheating, with the punishment of barring from this game, infractions(!), and possibly being banned from future adventure games altogether. Remember, this is only a game, it's not worth cheating in, and it certainly isn't fun for anyone else (or you!) if you break the rules.
1) Not carbon-copying a PM to me. I need to know EVERYTHING that goes on in this game, so if you send somebody a PM with plans and whatnot without sending it to me as well, uh, that's cheating and a half.
2) PMing people when you don't have their radio frequency. Self explanatory, I should think.
3) Posting in the thread without the KAB frequency/a radio with it -- self-explanatory.
4) AIM conversations are allowed, but only if you have the person's frequency OR are in the same room. Also, you absolutely MUST PM me an unedited chatlog that contains everything from the moment you first mention the game to the moment you say good by (or move onto other topics such as **** isn't Matt just so sexy?)
5) EDITING POSTS IS ABSOLUTELY DISALLOWED. I can't have people do one thing, then edit their post and say they did something else. This leads to infinite headaches. The only person who can edit a post is me -- if you need to add something to an earlier post, simply double post. Or quote it and make you additions. If you absolutely have to edit it, PM me, or hit me up on AIM at "FrozenFarce" (no quotes) with a link to the post and your case. Tell me why you want to edit it, and to what you want it edited. If I agree with you, I'll edit it for you.
Every last one of you is afraid of something. This can affect you in several ways. It might make you clumsier with actions, or even affect your insanity. Of course, it can be good, as well. Knowing for certain that your fear is nowhere near you (ie: fear of mosquitoes in the winter) can actually aid your sanity. As can sharing it, of course. If you share your fear with the right person they can console you.