Smash Grimer

The Big House 4
Results Thread
October 4-5, 2014
Romulus, MI
Results Thread
October 4-5, 2014
Romulus, MI
Videos (with spoilers): http://vods.co/melee?event=2664&type=1
Videos (no spoilers): http://vods.co/melee-ns?event=2664&type=1
Videos (no spoilers): http://vods.co/melee-ns?event=2664&type=1
I'll post more shoutouts later, but for now, I want to thank all my TO staff and volunteers who helped run this tournament. The Big House 4 would not have been possible without their help, and I owe them a lot for their support.
Here is a preliminary results thread. Full results, including every last entrant who attended, will be updated later.
Melee Singles (574 entrants)
1: C9 Mang0 ($2280)
2: P4K EMP | Mew2King ($1140)
3: Leffen ($855)
4: P4K EMP | Armada ($570)
5: Huggies | Lucky ($285)
5: VGBC | Hax ($285)
7: IPG | Kels ($143)
7: WestBallz ($143)
9: Crs.Hungrybox
9: Kalamazhu
9: MOR | Axe
9: VS | Plup
13: CTRL | The Moon
13: MacD
13: VS CT | Wizzrobe
13: VS SS | Colbol
17: Abate
17: Apex | Nintendude
17: CTRL | DJ Nintendo
17: EMG | KirbyKaze
17: Gravy
17: Hanky Panky
17: Shroomed
25: [62Bit] Bladewise
25: Darkrain
25: Dart
25: Duck
25: LP.RaynEX
25: VS | Porkchops
25: Zanguzen
25: Zhu
33: Plank
33: Laudandus
33: AXG GK Gahtzu
33: Milkman
33: Bizzarro Flame
33: Cactuar
33: FRQ | HugS
33: Phish-it
33: Tai
33: VwS | Professor Pro
33: VaNz
33: VGBC | Redd
33: moose
33: Drephen
33: Trail
33: Slayer
49: gaR
49: ESI.GG | Prince Abu
49: Darrell
49: DoH
49: Anson
49: n0ne
49: EikelmannRUS
49: HomeMadeWaffles
49: MIOM | Tafokints
49: 4%
49: Frootloop
49: Vaccine
49: MIOM | Hyuga
49: NMW
49: MIOM | Toph
49: Quaz
65: BERT | 7ent
65: Idea
65: Alien
65: Baise
65: [62Bit] Vish
65: Darkatma
65: Ginger
65: Jiano
65: Bird
65: Kradi
65: Jolteon
65: ORLY
65: KJH
65: Kinda MIOM | Sweet
65: I never thought a tag could be as long as this but here I am at the big house 4 even though I am unemployed
65: PGH Carroll & The EVIL Fox Corporation
65: Blake
65: Rula
65: Kason Birdman
65: OXY_SUNG475
65: Ladd Russo
65: Triple R
65: Shinobi
65: SonUvaBeach
65: Iateyourpie
65: Wake
65: L
65: Vro
65: MIOM | Scar
65: Vino
65: TheRealThing
65: tm
97: Apex | Smokey The Kid
97: JWu
97: 299792459
97: Bernal
97: 1der
97: Eliott
97: Gracen
97: emoDinosaur
97: Blackpanther
97: OXY Crimson
97: Anther
97: Coffeeblack
97: EMT Sol
97: Hellsing
97: Rik
97: moogle
97: Smilez
97: Violence
97: DZ | Voorhese
97: Oracle
97: Reeve
97: Soul
97: SummonedFist
97: Zbet
97: Sveet
97: WCS TGG | Oro?!
97: Mules
97: The Author
97: Scythe
97: TheLake
97: Zjiin
129: Jibca
129: Alpha Dash
129: Bap Deezy
129: Beanwolf
129: Borp
129: Big Wenz
129: AnMex
129: Bryron aka Brian
129: Markow
129: DjDriftking.97
129: D. Disciple
129: GoodKenneth
129: EdgeGuardJason
129: cemo
129: DarkLouis
129: Burnt Out Ninja
129: MB-Smash
129: Hungry Pigeon
129: Gibby
129: Jank
129: EMG | ProZak
129: Cheato
129: GDL | Ojanya
129: Butch G
129: Mindy
129: LILD
129: Imyt
129: Jono
129: GG | 2Shadez
129: Fumbles
129: Iggy Azalea
129: Hello
129: PseudoTurtle
129: LuigigoShard
129: Kanye Rest
129: Midwestballz
129: M00NShoez
129: Game
129: Mundungu
129: Kalimari
129: Ripple
129: MC strike
129: SCA
129: sauc3
129: The Longest Fail
129: General Heinz
129: sincerazero
129: Raphius
129: Sylar
129: Tempest
129: Slippy
129: Tapion
129: Wenbobular
129: M@V
129: Spife
129: Slartibartfast42
129: Ya Boy
129: VRud
129: VS | Zerothetheif
129: ThuGz
129: z-axis
129: Tagless Kyle
129: Truckasaurus
129: Yoshido
193-570: TBA later
Smashboards Rankings:
Melee Doubles (114 teams)
1: P4K EMP | Mew2King + P4K EMP | Armada ($1026)
2: Crs.Hungrybox + VS | Plup ($456)
3: Leffen + VGBC | Hax ($342)
4: MacD + VaNz ($228)
5: VS SS | Colbol + DoH ($114)
5: MIOM | SFAT + MOR | Axe ($114)
7: VS CT | Wizzrobe + AXG GK Gahtzu
7: Shroomed + HomeMadeWaffles
9: C9 Mang0 + MIOM | Scar
9: Zhu + Cactuar
9: CTRL | DJ Nintendo + CTRL | The Moon
9: Darkrain + WestBallz
13: Zanguzen + Kalamazhu
13: IPG | Kels + Vro
13: MIOM | Tafokints + VGBC | Redd
13: FRQ | HugS + Huggies | Lucky
17: Abate EMG | KirbyKaze
17: Frootloop Darkatma
17: Apex | Nintendude [62Bit] Bladewise
17: Triple R The Longest Fall
17: Dart ORLY
17: Gravy FLOW | Jesiah
17: Duck Darrell
17: VwS | Professor Pro Jolteon
25: MIOM | Toph MIOM | Hyuga
25: Plank MilkMan
25: EMT Sol Phish-it
25: Jiano Drephen
25: ESI.GG | Prince Abu Hanky Panky
25: Idea Coffeeblack
25: OXY TheCrimsonBlur OXY_SUNG475
25: Wenbobular Shinobi
33: EikelmannRUS Bizzarro Flame
33: emoDinosaur Peanutphobia
33: Housewife 4%.
33: VS | zerothetheif The Author
33: Anther Bap Deezy
33: Big Wenz CTL | CTL
33: Kradi GoodKenneth
33: Mundungu Quaz
33: 299792459 sauc3
33: Alien Bird
33: Hellsing Soul
33: NMW [62Bit] Vish
33: Anson Laudandus
33: Shibbypod CAM
33: Sled Apex | Smokey the Kid
33: Tapion iateyourpie
49: Cemo Inertia
49: Mr. Ravine Fumbles
49: Schlag Schnurb
49: Team Nick Doctor X
49: KL | Kid EMG | ProZak
49: Rh1thmz luigi master tae
49: SonUvaBeach Blake
49: tm 1der
49: 0PRZ samsonites
49: Duel Game
49: Treetz Napkin
49: Yooj Tempest
49: Cat Daddy GDL | Ojanya
49: iBmoney Archon
49: Kain SILS
49: Maxy B Wake
65: Ace Jorb
65: Broverdose LuigigoShard
65: Kinda MIOM | Sweet PGH Carroll & The EVIL Fox Corporation
65: Kofi M@v
65: Mindy LILD
65: Pepper Portals
65: rodohk egg
65: Will.Helm TheHazMan00
65: Baise Irish
65: Bayless Loring
65: InZane Cotton
65: JbrockPony Casual Friday
65: Knubs. Azzucips
65: Scythe Arty
65: tang it rell Eggnawg
65: Zaa Eggy
65: blacktician Achilles1515
65: DarkLouis MB-Smash
65: Ders GDL | Coffeemug
65: Kanye Rest Freze
65: kLUB OU | R2d10
65: Russell Will
65: Smoe Rasen
65: Ya Boy mudkyp
65: AnMex Tagless Kyle
65: bobslob FlynWalrus
65: Flamyz ThePBZ
65: Gibby Violence
65: Mystic Booker
65: Ryan King Quiggles
65: Shiro Taichou
65: VI mordicon
97: BERT | Grouch BERT | 7ent
97: KellyK Amazerommu
97: OhNo Tip
97: Sasquatch CaptainCook
97: Thick Nickel Markow
97: Athleticnerd93 Affinity
97: CoTabb Irys
97: King Pu$h Soy
97: Shamunt TGL | Fear
97: Stif Goonsquad
97: Nutsack Shark
97: Sabz VRud
97: Sheebz DocT
97: Abendrake Dono
97: Kason Birdman K-OH
97: MIOM | C_Naught CAPS LOCKE
97: RobinHarn4President @ssbmBlazerer
Project M results will be provided by Strong Bad in the next post.
If you won a payout, email michigansmash@gmail.com with your choice of these two options:
1) PayPal. I'll send it as a gift transaction, so there are no cuts or fees involved. Tell me your PayPal name.
2) Check in the mail. Tell me your full name and address. I highly prefer PayPal, but you do have this option.
Please reply to this thread with any thoughts or feedback about the tournament. I'm always happy to hear it. Results thread discussion has waned over the years, but I would really appreciate if you took a minute to post about your experience at The Big House 4!
Thanks for attending, everyone
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