Smash Legend
April 7, 2012
600 Cincinnati Mills Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45240
I. Introduction
don't sleep
can't sleep
they're coming for your blood
my blood
no one is spared
but who is targeting, and who is the target?
everyone is going after everyone - we are targeting each other; we are the living dead, souls walking on this earth that will soon suffer as part of a vendetta, our very own.
so don't sleep.
because the moment your eyes close for just a second -
you become a victim of VENGEANCE.
II. Tournament Ruleset + Payout
This tournament will be using the Unity Ruleset.
However, we encourage all attendees to use their own rulesets for money matches. In fact, if you do and we hear about it, we’ll be sure to give you a high five.
The payout structure for this tournament is as follows (all credit to Nope/AZ):
1st 48%
2nd 22%
3rd 14%
4th 8%
5th 4%
III. General Tournament Rules
IV. Fees + Schedule
DOUBLES - $20 per Team
11:00 - 12:30 Registration
Notes: The usual rules apply. This time around there will be wristbands that mark whether or not you entered Singles or Doubles. Don't lose the wristband.
1:00 - 4:30 Singles Pools
Notes: That's right, something different for a change.
4:30 - 5:00 Food break
Notes: Use this food break wisely.
5:00 - 8:00 Doubles/AM Bracket
Notes: That's right, something different for a change.
8:00 - 11:30 Singles Bracket/AM Bracket
Notes: AM Bracket rules/how Singles Bracket will run TBD.
V. Fantasy Bracket – Top 8
This is an experiment in hype.
After pools are finished, the seeds are determined, and the Singles bracket is created, the Fantasy Bracket contest will be announced.
At this time, each player that would like to fill out a fantasy bracket for top eight will be asked to come to the TO desk.
Each fantasy bracket contestant will be asked to determine their top 8 based on the Singles bracket created and evaluate the winners' side matchups/game counts (these serve as tiebreakers).
The prize split is as follows:
1st Two free drinks + a candy bar
2nd One free drink + a candy bar
3rd Choice of free drink or candy bar%All players are eligible to receive prizes –including those who end up in top 8.
VI. AM Bracket
$2 entry fee. You may only enter amateur bracket if you don't make it out of pools. Should you choose to enter, your seed will carry over from pools and you will be entered into a double elimination bracket. The prize split will be as follows:
1st 60%
2nd 30%
3rd 10%
VII. IMPULSE Circuit Event
My number: 513-206-0550
Arcade Legacy’s number: 513-874-8766
AiB Link:
Any person who posts in this thread AND clicks "I am attending this tournament" on AiB gets the chance for free venue and entry to one event of his/her choice!
Unless 20 or more people click "I am attending" on AllisBrawl AND post in here, the free entry deal for this case is off.
LIST OF ATTENDEES ON AIB: Ally, EddieG, MJG, Ori_bro, Xatic, MegaRobMan, Zinoto, Roller, Excel, Kirikou Rung, Dooms, zyth, jtsm, Kassandra, Luminoth, Ralph Cecil, hadesblade, Suyon

Remove the As and there ya go =D
For anyone who attends the tournament and advertises the tournament using the banner in a COMPLETE and VISIBLE manner (i.e. can't be cut off or hidden by other parts of your sig), they will be eligible for free entry to one event and free venue fee. We will randomly select an entrant to receive free entry to one event of their choice as well as free venue! This offer is only available up until one week before the event.
Unless 15 or more people use the VENGEANCE signature, the free entry deal is off.
LIST OF SIGNATURES: Ori_bro, Zinoto, Dtj Squid, Ralph Cecil, Luckay4Lyphe, Hadesblade
If a smasher cannot house you, then it’s best to look here (credit goes to Today): La Quinta
I might be able to house this time around.
April 7, 2012
600 Cincinnati Mills Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45240
I. Introduction
don't sleep
can't sleep
they're coming for your blood
my blood
no one is spared
but who is targeting, and who is the target?
everyone is going after everyone - we are targeting each other; we are the living dead, souls walking on this earth that will soon suffer as part of a vendetta, our very own.
so don't sleep.
because the moment your eyes close for just a second -
you become a victim of VENGEANCE.
II. Tournament Ruleset + Payout
This tournament will be using the Unity Ruleset.
However, we encourage all attendees to use their own rulesets for money matches. In fact, if you do and we hear about it, we’ll be sure to give you a high five.
The payout structure for this tournament is as follows (all credit to Nope/AZ):
2nd 22%
3rd 14%
4th 8%
5th 4%
III. General Tournament Rules
- Don’t litter.
- Pool captains: be on your ****.
- When we give you times, be back on time.
- If you’re leaving the venue, tell someone from the TO’ing team (Hilt/clowsui/Jesse/Chi/DeLux). If you’re leaving your pool area, make sure two people in your pool know where you’re going.
- Try to keep bugging us about bracket and pools at a minimum.
- Listen up and we will make sure everything goes well.
- You break it, you buy it. Be careful with the machines.
- If there is a seeding dispute, bring it up to the main desk.
- Don’t touch the TO laptops. Whatever you’re thinking, don’t do it.
IV. Fees + Schedule
DOUBLES - $20 per Team
11:00 - 12:30 Registration
Notes: The usual rules apply. This time around there will be wristbands that mark whether or not you entered Singles or Doubles. Don't lose the wristband.
1:00 - 4:30 Singles Pools
Notes: That's right, something different for a change.
4:30 - 5:00 Food break
Notes: Use this food break wisely.
5:00 - 8:00 Doubles/AM Bracket
Notes: That's right, something different for a change.
8:00 - 11:30 Singles Bracket/AM Bracket
Notes: AM Bracket rules/how Singles Bracket will run TBD.
V. Fantasy Bracket – Top 8
This is an experiment in hype.
After pools are finished, the seeds are determined, and the Singles bracket is created, the Fantasy Bracket contest will be announced.
At this time, each player that would like to fill out a fantasy bracket for top eight will be asked to come to the TO desk.
Each fantasy bracket contestant will be asked to determine their top 8 based on the Singles bracket created and evaluate the winners' side matchups/game counts (these serve as tiebreakers).
The prize split is as follows:
2nd One free drink + a candy bar
3rd Choice of free drink or candy bar%
VI. AM Bracket
$2 entry fee. You may only enter amateur bracket if you don't make it out of pools. Should you choose to enter, your seed will carry over from pools and you will be entered into a double elimination bracket. The prize split will be as follows:
2nd 30%
3rd 10%
VII. IMPULSE Circuit Event
VIII. Miscellaneous Info (Contact Info, Advertising, Housing Info)
VENGEANCE is apart of the IMPULSE Circuit. This means that the 2 people from the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota) that place the highest in singles at VENGEANCE will be awarded venue fee, singles, and doubles to help them show up to IMPULSE.
If two or more people from the eligible states are tied in placing, the tie breaker is solved by who placed higher in doubles. If this is still a tie, or you teamed with that person, then a 1v1, best 2 out of 3 set will happen between those renaming players, and the winner of that gets the prize.
The winners will be registered automatically. If you wish to give your prize to someone else, then you can simply register for them. Hence we register you, while you pay for your friend when you register them, thus indirectly awarding the prize to whomever you may choose to give it too. Therefore if you can not go to IMPULSE, there is a means of transferring the prize. Failure to attend IMPULSE without transferring the prize, results in the prize going to the next person from the eligible states that placed the highest in singles. Same rules apply for the tie breaker as well.
My number: 513-206-0550
Arcade Legacy’s number: 513-874-8766
AiB Link:
Any person who posts in this thread AND clicks "I am attending this tournament" on AiB gets the chance for free venue and entry to one event of his/her choice!
Unless 20 or more people click "I am attending" on AllisBrawl AND post in here, the free entry deal for this case is off.
LIST OF ATTENDEES ON AIB: Ally, EddieG, MJG, Ori_bro, Xatic, MegaRobMan, Zinoto, Roller, Excel, Kirikou Rung, Dooms, zyth, jtsm, Kassandra, Luminoth, Ralph Cecil, hadesblade, Suyon

Remove the As and there ya go =D
For anyone who attends the tournament and advertises the tournament using the banner in a COMPLETE and VISIBLE manner (i.e. can't be cut off or hidden by other parts of your sig), they will be eligible for free entry to one event and free venue fee. We will randomly select an entrant to receive free entry to one event of their choice as well as free venue! This offer is only available up until one week before the event.
Unless 15 or more people use the VENGEANCE signature, the free entry deal is off.
LIST OF SIGNATURES: Ori_bro, Zinoto, Dtj Squid, Ralph Cecil, Luckay4Lyphe, Hadesblade
If a smasher cannot house you, then it’s best to look here (credit goes to Today): La Quinta
I might be able to house this time around.