*Pound* 4
Welcome to the best tournament experience of your lives. Pound is back to guarantee you another amazing experience, learning from previous small mistakes to make your Martin Luther King weekend the best weekend you've ever had. Get excited, it's time to play some smash.
January 16th, 17th, 18th, 2010.
Registration and more information can be found here: http://pound4registration.weebly.com/index.html Also feel free to use the Chat box on the contacts page!
Registration and more information can be found here: http://pound4registration.weebly.com/index.html Also feel free to use the Chat box on the contacts page!
Welcome to the best tournament experience of your lives. Pound is back to guarantee you another amazing experience, learning from previous small mistakes to make your Martin Luther King weekend the best weekend you've ever had. Get excited, it's time to play some smash.
This tournament will be on Martin Luther King weekend. This is to maximize the amount of players who can come, since school will be off on that Monday and so will some jobs. I realize this can't please everyone, and I am sorry!
Frederick County Fairgrounds
The Null Building
797 E Patrick St
Frederick, MD, 21701
My girlfriend was kind enough to put them into a slideshow for everyone to see. Wahoo.

Click on the photo to see the entire slideshow, it shows just a slight bit of insight to how this tournament will be.
The venue is at the fairgrounds in downtown Frederick. For this reason there is tons and tons of parking at the venue, and all kinds of entertainment around. The venue is a lavish building that was remodeled this past year and re-opened in May. The venue is an open 12,000 square foot floor with a built in surround sound system. This is about 1.5x the size of the *Pound* 3 venue, which was already huge.
^^^^ Click link to confirm setups!
I'm guaranteeing at LEAST 50 setups for each game, though I want each game to have at least 64 setups. The organization staff is planning on bringing 100 tvs ourselves, so bring cubes/wiis and we are GOLDEN!
To ensure that everyone doesn't register at once and we have a constant flow of registrants, *Pound* is going to be implementing the same registration system they had for *Pound* 3. Beginning on August first the registration fee is going to go up $2.50 per game played. The same thing will happen at the beginning of August, September, and October up until the close of registration at the beginning of January. This is because we need registrants to help pay for tournament related things as soon as possible.
For example entry for brawl singles+teams will go up to $47.50 instead of 45, but just brawl singles will go up to $37.50 instead of $35.
Venue fee is included in all prices. The venue fee is seperate for Brawl and melee to be fair for for players only playing one game, so if you're playing both you're not paying for it twice, you're paying for the whole venue fee. If you're playing one game, you're paying half.
Melee Singles: $50
Melee Singles+Teams: $60
Brawl Singles: $50
Brawl Singles+Teams: $60
If you register for both events you enter the second game for $25!
That is going to be the layout on the registration website. If you want to spectate only, there will be a $10 spectator fee available under each game.
If you don't have a credit card to purchase online passes, there are no johns because of Visa Gift Cards.
Use this link to see where you can purchase the Visa Gift Cards at a close location to you: http://visa.via.infonow.net/locator/giftcard/jsp/index.jsp?origin=personal
Registration for B+ will be done in person!
Marriott hotels which everyone will be staying at:
The housing thread is located HERE!
This tournament is going to be both Melee and Brawl, with Brawl+ on the side. Melee Singles, Melee teams, Brawl singles, and Brawl teams are all going to go down. I am not committing to crews/regionals/low tier yet, since this will all depend on amount of time/interest involved.
The pot will vary depending on number of entrants. I like to pay out a lot of placings, so look forward to that. For pound 3 I paid out top 8 teams, and top 15 singles entrants. 13th place in singles took home $30 each, i believe.
Prizewinners will need a paypal account to accept their prizes. It can be linked directly to a bank account to receive your money if you want cash. This avoids prizes getting taxed++the IRS as a whole. It worked out well for Pound 3, and unless you want to get half your winnings taxed, I suggest you make a paypal account for me. Lol
General Rules:
•4 stock
•2/3 sets
•3/5 semifinals+finals
•8 minute time limit
•Items off
•Ties broken by lives, then %
•Double Blind character pick can be called at anytime.
•Stage Knock Out: Each person may choose one stage to be disabled for the entire set, it must be chosen at the beginning of the set, after initial characters are chosen.
•Advanced Slob Picks: Loser may choose the next stage or select to go random. The winner may then change their character, followed by the loser.
•Bring your own controller
•Controller Mods, Glitches (IC Freeze Glitch, Mewtwo Soul Stunner, etc), and tactics used to stall a match (wall-bombing, rising pound), are banned.
•Team Attack will be ON
•Life stealing allowed
*Pound* 4 Melee Official Stagelist
-3 Stock
-8 Minute Time Limit
-Items are set to "off" and "none"
-All sets with the exception of winner's finals, loser's finals, and the championship are best of 3 matches, with the aforementioned Finals sets being best 3/5 games.
-In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors
-No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.
-If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage
-Metaknight's Infinite Cape glitch is banned.
-Standing Infinites are BANNED which include (but not limited to) Dedede's small-step chain grab, Marth on Ness grab-release, etc
-Ice climber infinites are LEGAL up to 250%
-Suicide Move Rules: (all situations are when both players are at 1 stock): If a suicide move ends a match, the match will be reset with 1 stock each to both players on the same level. Time limit will be set to 3 minutes. Both players technically died at the same time, and that is why the match was a draw. Play out the one stock, and the winner wins that match.
-Players using a Wii-mote to play must take their batteries out when not playing. We can't be having wii's be interrupted because someone made a mistake. I will be enforcing this heavily, and there will be penalties if people do not obey.
-Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.
Set format (In Order of Procedure):
1. Opponents choose their characters for the first match *
2. 1st Stage will be chosen at random unless agreed upon by both players. Each Player will be provided one Random Reset, with the lower-seeded Player given the option to use their reset first.**
3. The first game is played, using the stage chosen during step 2
4. The winner of the previous match may announce their Stage Ban selection
5. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Random Stage List or the Counter Stage List
6. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
7. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all proceeding matches
*Double blind character selection may be called for the first match
**If neither Player has chosen to use their Random Reset within 3 seconds of the match starting, the match must be played out on the stage generated.
Neutral Stages:
-Final Destination
-Yoshis Island
-Lylat Cruise
Counterpick Stages:
-Delfino Plaza
-Frigate Orpheon
-Battleship Halberd
-Rainbow Cruise
-Pokemon Stadium
Additional Rules for Doubles Play:
-Life Stealing is allowed
-Team attack will be set to ON
-In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port.
-Chibo's Color-Blind Rule: If a player on a team is playing Lucario, Sonic, or Pokemon Trainer, either team can request for them to be Blue Team and the opponents must abide. If both teams have one of the characters, they must work it out between them.
Additional Rules for Pools Play:
-Matches will be 3 stock
-7 Minute Time Limit
-Number of Players advancing from each pool will be dependant on number of entrants, number of players per pool, number of pools, and which round of pools it is.
All other questions of rules will be directed to me.
Brawl+ with Jcaesar!
On Saturday Jcaesar will be running a Brawl+ tournament. Registration for that will be in person, and players participating will have to pay a $10 venue fee (only if they aren't participating in any melee/brawl events).
Message Jcaesar for any questions involving this, I'm not too suave as far as B+ goes!
Since all registration WILL be done online, the tournament can actually start as intended.
I am known for disqualifying people who disappear with no trace, so please, be on time and be informative to me as to what you are doing. Melee players only have to come Saturday AND Sunday, whereas Brawl players only have to come Sunday and Monday. People are welcome any day they choose, though.
The schedule is not set in stone yet, obviously, but here is a rundown of how I'd like it to go:
Saturday: All Melee
09:00 AM: People begin arriving.
11:00 AM: Melee Singles pools begins/teams registration
Rest of the day: Melee pools for teams+singles
All day: Brawl+ with Jcaesar!
All day: Brawl crews
Sunday: Brawl + Melee
09:00 AM: People begin arriving.
11:00 AM: Melee continues until completed
11:00 AM: Brawl singles begin/teams registration.
07:00 PM: Brawl continues!
Monday: All Brawl + Melee crews
09:00 AM: People begin arriving.
11:00 AM: Brawl singles continue.
08:00 PM: Venue closes. Plank cries and attempts to clean up the venue, hopefully with some help.
All day: Melee crews!
Tournament format is subject to change based on interest, but this is what we are expecting.
Basically since crews don't take much for setups on saturday we will run brawl crews, and on monday we will run melee crews.
Public Transportation:
I booked 8 plane tickets for my players in Puerto Rico who are attending Pound 4, so we have 8 players confirmed. BTW, I dont play Smash, but I am the person who makes all the travel arrangements for the PR players (FAST1, Genesis, etc...)
While doing this, I requested an EVENT CODE with Airtran Airways for all the out-of-state players flying into BWI to attend the event. This EVENT CODE will give you a 10% discount on your fare, without taxes. I encourage everybody to use this code as I need to meet a number of people using the code, otherwise I have to pay for the difference.
Anyhow, here is what you have to do:
- See if your departing airport can fly Airtran here: http://www.airtran.com/cities/index_destinations.aspx
- Contact the AirTran Airways EventSavers Desk at 1-866-68EVENT (1-866-683-8368) for reservations.
- Provide the following Event Code: BWI011510
- Provide the following Event Name: Pound 4
- Provide the flight details or ask the customer rep to help you find the cheapest rate.
- Once the cheapest rate is found, they will apply a 10% discount on the fare.
- Provide payment info to customer rep
- Enjoy your 10% discount!!!
If someone has any questions dont hesitate to ask me. Also, if someone needs help with finding flights or paying for it, let me know and I can probably assist.
P.S. Can someone update the first post with the AirTran fare discount info?
The closest airport is BWI (Baltimore-Washington-International) airport. This airport is about 40 miles east of the venue. From the airport you can take the lightrail to the downtown Baltimore Greyhound station.
The greyhound bus goes straight to Frederick. The bus station and the venue are .8 miles apart. ****. I should be able to make trips here as well, but if all else fails, people can walk to the venue. It's all downtown, so there are tons of people around and it is safe.

I am looking for QUALIFIED players to help be staff for the tournament. I need as much as I can possibly get, though I already have some volunteers. This staff involves doing easy jobs such as calling matches, locating players, monitoring pool play, and generally just helping out in any way you can.
I will pick out a few specific people to be -main- TO's who will be reimbursed for their help. If you think you have what it takes to do that (note, this may mean less friendlies for you!!) then shoot me a PM.
When you are 100% SURE of who you are teaming with and both players are registered, shoot me a PM and I will get it set up in the bracket!
Notable things:
-January 16th, 17th, 18th. Martin Luther King day is the 18th.
-Melee+Brawl seperate days.
-Wobbling is BANNED
-Greyhound goes less than a mile from the venue.
-Help is greatly appreciated running the tournament.
This tournament is going to be the tournament of the year. I have help coming from all directions, and I am dedicated to contributing everything I have all over again to the community who has helped shape all of our lives. Let's goes, guys.
Aib link: http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=6474
Team Arlington? *Pound*
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=7871140&postcount=657 - This post contains information on the hotel/transportation situation. All questions involving "how will I get (wherever)" are answered here.
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=7802840&postcount=433 - This post contains information about early registration/tells melee will be 2 days and get more expensive because of that.