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Moveset Resources ( Character Classifications )


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
One of the favourite pastimes of the anxiously waiting crowd of fans that populates this section of the forum is the creation of hypothetical movesets for the characters they wish to see. You may now say "duh" if you like.
Some of them are awesome, some are less so, but all in all, I often see that the creators of movesets find themselves unable to think of certain attacks or just seem to randomly throw in whatever comes to mind.
Most movesets I've seen contain a projectile, a charging attack and an up-b that serves the sole purpose of getting the character back on stage, some weak and some strong throws, some weak and some strong aerials and just strong smashes.
I may appear arrogant now; I don't consider myself an authority on movesets or anything in any way. What I'm going to try to do is to help by giving moveset creators some guidelines and guidance, help those who feel unable to come up with anything worthwhile, give structure to the styles of fighting present in the game and pretty much just burn some time and fuel discussion besides the old "this character sucks/rocks".

In the main part of this thread, I'll try to establish classifications of the characters in SSBM based on criteria that fundamentally characterize their style as well as smaller details, and so on. This way, when you're trying to come up with a moveset for your favourite character, you may compare them to characters present in the game and decide on how they should be played.

Again, I'm no authority, I just watch combo videos and read guides, yet there are many characters I don't fully understand. Discussion is welcome, and I'll change the list if the need arises.

-Character Classifications-

Combo Monsters:
Captain Falcon

These guys are offensive beasts. They'll quickly penetrate any defense and start comboing their opponent into oblivion, offing them with one of their extremely mighty finishers.
-Very fast in movement and attacks
-Moves that easily lead into each other
-Quick finishing moves
-Easily comboed
-Easily interrupted recovery
What these guys have in common is that speed is their most defining trait. Falcon drives a futuristic racecar, Fox flies a small spaceship and Sheik is some sort of ninja. Falco is an exception with slow running speed, but stays true to his flying roots with his high jump, and possesses great falling speed.
Hypothetical example: Sonic
Sonic, being defined by speed, is bound to excel in it in every area and might well become the new Falcon with an ability to chase opponents across the battlefield in lightning speed.
Notes: These characters make up the top of the SSBM list. Will speed become less important in Brawl?

Combo Artists:
Doctor Mario

Unlike the combo monsters, the artists aren't very fast-moving, whether on the ground or in the air. They do, however, have fast attacks and excel at chaining them together, especially in the air, and often manage to start up their combos thanks to a small bag of tricks, usually involving a projectile. They tend to have few effective finishers.
-Quick attacks, often without much power
-Fast combos especially in the air
-Some effective b-move tricks
-Strange recovers that might work for or against them
-Not easily comboed
-Not many finishers
-Not too fast-moving
These characters are more balanced than some, possessing many strengths and weaknesses. Mario is the best example, as he is considered the character by whose strength all others' is measured, since he's pretty much the main hero of Nintendo.
Hypothetical example: Pit?
This is pure speculation, but the fact that Pit seems like an aerial fighter who does not excel in power and has only above average speed and presumably low falling speed plus an effective projectile, he might well turn out to be a balanced comboist.
Notes: We need more of these balanced guys, they rock.

All-rounders aka Randomness
Game and Watch

All-rounders have a random assortment of fast and weak attacks, combo attacks and killers, attacks that combo in themselves and so on. They take quite a while to learn and have some strange quirks, yet they are pretty nice at comboing and have a decent amount of good killers. Players should have the ability to mix up their play to make use of their variety and become unpredictable.
-Quirky style of playing
-Attacks lead into another
-Self-comboing attacks ( Yoshi's dair&bair, G&W's bair )
-Strange B moves ranging from awesome to useless
-Strange recovery
-Randomly very strong attacks ( Yoshi's smashes in PAL )
-Easily comboed
-Weaknesses very exploitable
Game and Watch is the epitome of randomness. That's why. Yoshi, on the other hand, is a dinosaur, which means he's not exactly a martial artist, but still strong. He was given a very nice comboing and KO-ing moveset offset by some quirks like his lack of a third jump to make him balanced.
Hypothetical example: Missingno ... err, ERROR...
Honestly, I can't think of anything.
Notes: I'm not sure about this class. Help is appreciated.

Weapon Masters

Weapon Masters rely solely on their long and powerful weapon of choice.
This gives them a very organic and intuitive playing style.
Their long range and disjointed hitboxes make them excel both offensively and defensively.
Additionally, they are rather fast and possess one or two extremely powerful killers to offset their relatively weak but quite comboable tilts and aerials.
-Long range and disjointed hitboxes
-Attacks cover great distances in all directions ( arching sweeps )
-Very powerful finishing move, but not many
-Excel at edgeguarding
-Illogically long grab range
-Relatively low damage on most attacks, especially aerials
-No projectiles
-Rather predictable due to lack of variety
They use swords and not much else. So far all of them come from RPGs, where they did not have many different attacks.
Hypothetical example: Flint
Just for the sake of having a weapon other than a sword, Flint is a cowboy, the first main character of Mother 3/Earthbound 2 and uses a plank as a weapon. Awesome!

Tool Masters:
Young Link

Projectiles. Lots and lots of projectiles. These characters have huge bags of tricks and are a nightmare to anyone predictable, slow or projectile-less if the Tool Master knows what he's doing.
At close combat, they usually prove to be slow but pretty strong.
-Many projectiles and other tricks ( bomb-jumps, hookshot-recovery )
-Extended grab
-Some strong smashes and aerials
-Easily comboed
-Leave themselves open while using projectiles
The Links and Samus have in common that they are adventurers who find many different weapons on their journeys that allow them to fight or solve puzzles, thus their great variety.
Hypothetical example: Snake
A big, slow, strong guy who uses explosives. What more is there to say?

Big guys
Donkey Kong

These three actually play quite differently, but they share their weight, strength and laggy moves, which make it crucial for them to control their opponent and use their strength when the chance arises to finish them off with few heavily damaging moves.
-Very strong
-Very heavy
-Often good range
-Recovery goes a great horizontal distance but is predictable and doesn't go far vertically
-Slow in general
-Often helpless against quick comboists and projectile-users due to their size
-Hard to combo with
Their strength is their most defining trait. Two of the three are villains, both of which would be uber if they used the full potential displayed in some of their games. Donkey Kong is the exception as he's also fast, but suffers from lagginess after strong attacks.
Hypothetical example: King Dedede
Like Bowser, a mischievous villain and final boss of many games, he's big, fat, strong, probably floaty and wields a hammer. And he's a penguin.
Notes: They are found spread throughout the tiers, apparently dependent on their range. Yes, I mean you, Bowser. Stretching is in order!

Tiny guys

Agile and small, these fighters zip around the stage ( on all fours ). Unlike Combo Monsters, however, they greatly lack range and tilts that lead into combos.
These critters have surprisingly powerful smashes, however, which they will try to hit with whenever possible, as well as a good aerial game in which they'll use their speed and small size to turn themselves into living cannonballs.
-Strong smashes
-Very good recovery
-Attacks other than smashes are usually weak
-Very small range
-Lack good combos
They are ( so far ) small quadruped animals with some hidden powers, which makes them agile and potentially strong, but if they don't get to use those powers ( tilts ), they lack good options.
Hypothetical example: Meowth
Another Pokemon, and an unlikely one, but he wouldn't be much larger than Pikachu and could behave similarly in mid-air.
Notes: These are only Pokemon so far, but how many game characters can you think of who are small, fast and potentially quadruped?


The masters of the air, these fighters rely on aerial attacks. They are generally slow, especially on land, but have some good combo attacks making use of their spherical shape that typically initiate an aerial juggle. Lacking many strong finishers, they often rely on edgeguarding, although the power of some of their attacks might surprise you.
These characters are among the "oddballs" with random B-moves that range from awesome to useless.
-Strong aerials
-Quick attacks
-Good at juggling in midair
-Several jumps give them a far-ranging recovery
-Very good edgeguarders
-Some surprisingly strong moves ( Rest, both forward smashes )
-Stretchy arms give them a long grab range
-Often predictable and lacking good approaches
-Slow and predictable recovery
They're round. Kirby could fly indefinitely in some of his games. Jigglypuff copies many of his moves and for some reason ends up being better in the air than him although a Jigglypuff has never been seen flying before. Well, I guess it's a "Balloon Pokemon" indeed.
Hypothetical example: Metaknight
He flies, he's round and he attacks quickly; that he has a weapon does not change the fact that he's like Kirby with a suit of armor.

Psychos and Magisters

Forget everything you've learned, predictability has been glorifiedly defenestrated. Psychos and Magisters have the most random assortment of moves in the game ( at least in terms of effect ), ranging from perfectly useless to "whoops, you're dead".
Using these takes a whole lot of practice in order to master their strange style of playing, but once that is achieved, a master of these can use the element of unpredictability to coldly finish any foe who doesn't know what awaits him.
-Very strange style that takes long to get used to
-Trademark second jump that allows jump-cancelling.
-Some very powerful attacks
-Very good throws
-Projectiles and other tricks
-Strong aerial game
-Sometimes good teleportation recovery
-Very easily comboed, difficult to break out of combos with
-Hard to use
-Relatively light
-Many weak attacks, thus few options
These characters relied on magic or psychic powers in their games. They are all very different, but are similar in that respect. I guess it makes sense, somehow.
Mewtwo is an exception in that he has no really powerful attacks and actually very good tilts, and his attacks are far from random ( so nicely symmetrical... ) but the rest fits.
Hypothetical example: A Final Fantasy magic-user?
Whoever relies on magic is bound to have some really strong stuff and some attacks that aren't quite as useful, I guess?

Aaand done. As I said, this is not final or anything, and there are many characters who are exceptions to their own rule. Also, you may notice that I was unable to classify the Ice Climbers, so it can all be improved upon a lot.
Anyway, on to the

-Strengths and Weaknesses-
When creating the concept of a character, the strengths and weaknesses are a good point to start with. What are their strengths and what their weaknesses, and to what extent? Even Marth has a weakness or two, and every character should be balanced with a nice set of strengths and one or two weaknesses to offset these.
I will try to narrow down the aspects to few, then come up with examples for who shines and who sucks in them, along with explanations for why that is so.

Self-explanatory. Generally, strong characters do much damage and have great knockback. Damage and knockback are completely different things, mind you. There is no general rule as to what type of attack does more damage and what inflicts more knockback.
Damage-wielder: Bowser
With lots of claws and spikes, he does major damage with each move, but tends to lack the sort of knockback Ganondorf's blunt fist has.
Damage-wimp: Pichu
He's a baby and he's a small rodent, with the exception of some of his hidden powers, all his physical attacks serve to defend his frail body rather than damage.
Knockback-wielder: Pichu&Ness
On the other hand, Pichu has a remarkable f-smash that can thrust the foe a long way at low damage. A good example of the different nature of damage and knockback; another example is Ness' back-throw since throws don't damage a lot but this one has incredible knockback.
Knockback-wimp: Peach
F-throw and stuff aside, Peach is and will always be a princess in a pink dress. Naturally, she lacks incredible powers that allow her to KO at low percents; her f-smash is the second-weakest or weakest in the game.

The master discipline, speed comes in many variants.
Running speed: Maximum speed dashing on the ground, this usually explains itself. The speed at which a person can run is generally dependent on their weight, fitness and length of their legs. These points usually suffice to explain why Ganondorf's slow, Fox is fast and Jiggly is slow although she's light and acrobatic. The exception is the princesses, who are simply wearing the wrong shoes.
Falling Speed: Not so self-explanatory, falling speed can be a blessing or a curse as it can accelerate aerial combat but also makes a fast faller easily comboable.
Oftentimes, fast characters will also fall quickly ( Falcon ) and slow characters will fall slowly ( Luigi ). Fast falling speed is a sign of acrobatic skills, slow falling speed a sign of aerial maneuverability and overall strength. Nothing is set into stone, however.
Attack speed: This also often goes hand-in-hand with the other types of speed, but not always. Smaller characters often have fast attacks as they attack closely to their body; Donkey Kong has many fast attacks, but also extremely laggy ones when he tries to wield his huge arms with all his might.
Generally, attacks close to the body are fast, which explains why spherical characters attack quickly. Attacks that extent further are often slower.
Quick attacks also speak for great skills in the character's martial art of choice as seen in Marth and Sheik.

Do you have a weapon or long arms? Chances are you have good range. Your arms are short and you have nothing else? Sucks to be you, you're missing out on one of the most important disciplines!
Range-wielder: Marth
His sword covers half the arena and it's even stronger at the tip since Marth was originally a fencer if I recall correctly.
Range-wimp: Pichu
Poor Pichu gets no love. He's small and his arms are practically non-existent. The short tail doesn't help much, either. His biggest weapon is his head.

Not always logical, weight often corresponds roughly to, well, weight. This is pretty much Marth's only weight, which is obviously an example of a character's weight being tweaked in order to make them more balanced, since knights aren't really known to be lightweight.

( to be continued, too tired to go on )

-General stuff-
-Pokemon so far have a lot in common: lightweight, great recovery, strong smashes, weak tilts, good aerials
-Some characters with strong smashes have strangely weak forward tilts, namely Donkey Kong, the Ice Climbers, (Dr.) Mario, G&W and Samus. Conversely, Kirby, Ness and Young Link have some of the strongest forward tilts.
-Pichu and Mewtwo are the only characters whose up-b doesn't damage at all, Pikachu's, Zelda's and Sheik's up-bs damage only as a by-product, but Pichu's, Pikachu's, Mewtwo's and Zelda's are also well usable for movement and mind-games.
Conclusion: Up-b's that serve no purpose other than getting back on stage do not exist and should be avoided.

Well, that should be enough for now. I thought I still had something to add to the general stuff, but I don't remember, and after a few hours of typing, I'm starting to get tired.
So, is there any feedback? Anything useful to add, comments, criticism, changes?


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2006
Peach isn't too mucb of a combo artist. Tera can barely string two moves together on a level 1.
Sure, Pikachu might not be too good a comboer, but with Tera it's possible.

that aside, good classifs.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Wow, someone replied.
So, any ideas about what else I could add? I got an idea a few minutes ago but spontaneously forgot it again.

After posting this, I realize that it doesn't really help a lot after all. Something's missing, but I can't figure out, what.

EDIT: Going to add a list of strengths and weaknesses characters can have.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Last attempt at bumping.

Appeal to start a discussion.

Resignation and lamentation of wasted hours of life.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Maybe you could remove Peach from the Combo Artists, remove the category Balls and make a new one namely Flyers. Newcomers could be Ridley and Pit. Ike could also be added by Weapon Masters. Diddy Kong could also be added to the Tiny Guys as a newcomer perhaps?

Otherwise, this is an awesome list! If you need any help, just ask. ;)


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I'm not sure about Peach because... I don't know her well. I couldn't sort the Ice Climbers either, because I can't pinpoint the way they're played by pros.
"Balls" seems pretty accurate to me. I mean, Pit does fly, but his moves and the way he plays seem more to me like a mix between Mario and Marth or so... As for those other newcomers, who knows how they will play, if they're even in. Diddy Kong as a Tiny Guy would actually make a lot of sense, that's the only way I could see him work... although I'm not sure whether his smashes would be very strong.
There's currently this section in progress in the middle of the article, but I canceled it when I realize that there's not much of a discussion starting and that I don't really know the game enough to make pseudo-scientific analyses about it.
A section about categories of strengths and weaknesses...
Strength, Speed, Weight, Range... what else is there... tricks and unpredictability, combo-ability, size... anything else?


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2007
Not too sure if I did it right [according to this thread], but here it is anyway ^ ^;;:


Character: Isaac (Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age)


Isaac is a fairly nimble swordsman, due to the fact that not all of his strength is physical strength, it also comes from psynergy. His attacks' knockback would be somewhat varied. His weight is a little lighter than Marth's. In Golden Sun he is only outmatched in speed by wind adepts, when only character base element Djinn are used. His speed and power are evenly balanced. He keeps his sword out while he is standing but sheaths it while running and while using psynergy, and his sword is slightly shorter than that of Link. His sword has no "sweet spot." Has a double jump, and falls slightly faster than the average falling speed. Isaac has the ability to walljump. Uses a standard SSB shield. Isaac keeps you on the defensive with his quick blading skills and powerful psynergy.


Isaac would be a cross between a 'Combo Monster', 'Weapon Master', and a 'Psycho/Magister'. [Not too sure how it works, first movelist post ^ ^;;]

Combo Monster:
He would be fairly quick, faster than the SSBM Marth, slower than Sheik, and would have a slightly fast falling speed. His sword attacks would be quick, but not his Psynergy based ones. His weight and falling speed would make him fairly easy to combo.

Weapon Master:
Although he has a projectile and uses non-sword attacks, his range is long and some attacks he has with his sword have a wide arc (Ex> Up A SMASH). His sword is his disjointed hitbox. Isaac would be fairly good at edgeguarding, but not as good as other characters such a Roy or Marth. Has a few good finishers.

His psynergy based attacks are powerful, even more than his sword. His moves would be fairly random because none of the swordsmen in SSBM used magical attacks. His 2nd jump would create a small wave below him (no damage given) which would propel him for another jump, and he would not do an acrobatic flip like most. Is fairly light, and has good grabs.



Idle B - Odyssey Blade
Isaac waves his arm and shoots a small psynergetic sword as a projectile. Travels horizontally and disappears after about 2 seconds. The fire rate would be similar to Mario's fireball. [4%]

Tilt B - Djinni Strike
Isaac calls forth one of three earth Djinn to assist him. The three variances cycle similarly to Peach's tilt SMASH A in SSBM. All three have the same movement, but different effects. The attack movement is similar to the movement in Golden Sun, but about 1/3 of the jump.
  • Variant A - Flint: A powerful downward slash that cleaves the enemy. [14-16%]
  • Variant B - Sap: Downward slash that heals equal to the amount of damage given. [7-9%]
  • Variant C - Bane: Downward slash that poisons the enemy. Length of poisoning extends depending on your %, the higher % you have, the longer the poisoning will last. [Initial slash damage: 8-10%, poison 2%/s, poison time starts at 3 sec, every 25% goes up by 1 sec.]

Up B - Summon: Venus
The power of Venus engulfs Isaac and propels him skyward. Isaac raises his hand and immediately waves of earth psynergy spiral upward around Isaac and launch him. The path would be similar to that of Roy/Marth except the angle would be controllable after half of the technique's duration. Multiple hit technique with a stronger hit at the techniques finish. Max combo ability is 7. [Hit per psynergy wave 2-3%, final 5%]

Down B - Gaia
A beam of light shines in front of Isaac (facing screen or background) and causes the ground to break up and fly upward. Can be charged for greater effect. Can only be performed on the ground. The technique is like Clefairy's air jet move from SSBM. [7-22% per hit]


Idle A - Diaginal-up sword swipe (One-handed) [2%]
Idle AA - Diagonal-up sword swipe, horizontal sword swipe (One-handed) [2%+3%]
Idle AAA - Diagonal-up sword swipe, horizontal sword swipe, downward vertical sword swipe. (One-handed) [2%+3%+4%]
Dash A - Quick draws his sword from his sheath [9-10%]


Tilt A - Two-handed sword thrust [9-12%]
Up A - Two-handed sword slice starting from the ground and ending a little past vertical [6-9%]
Down A - Crouching horizontal slice [6-8%]


Tilt A - Double diagonal slash in an X [10-11% x2]
Up A - Crosses arms over, materializes two odyssey blades into hands, and does an upward 180 degree slash with both simultaneously. [18-21%]
Down A - Punches ground and causes earth around him to shake. [14-16%]


Idle A - Somersault slash [7-11%]
Forward A - Horizontal thrust [8-9%]
Backward A - Backward slash [7-9%]
Up A - Double upward slash [7% x2]
Down A - Waves hand downward and creates a small shockwave [13-14%]


[Uses hands to grab]

Grab+A - Punch [2-3%]
Grab+Forward - Horizontally slashes opponent [8-9%]
Grab+Backward - Falls onto back and kicks opponent backward [4-6%]
Grab+Up - Throws opponent upward and sends an odyssey blade after them [8-10%]
Grab+Down - Throws opponent down and stabs downward [9-11%]


Summon: Charon
Isaac chants, raises his hands and 8 earth djinn and 2 wind djinn appear and circle around him. Isaac then speads out his arms. The circling Djinn freeze, emit a golden light and scatter off in different directions. Isaac disappears, then Charon's seal forms in the center of the stage. After a second it shatters, revealing him. He then creates a seal and an orb of darkness forms around it and consumes it. The darkness grows and turns into an all-consuming wave that ravages the whole stage, consuming all except Isaac. [???%]


Isaac lowers his sword, and makes a fist in front of him and says [JPN Ver.]"Ikuzo!" [ENG Ver.]"Lets go!"


1 - Sheaths sword and says, [JPN Ver.]"Ore no kachi da" [ENG Ver.]"I won"
2 - Brushes himself off
3 - Holds sword in front of him and says, [JPN Ver.] "Oretachi no mirai no tame ni, tatakau" [ENG Ver.] "I fight for our future"
4 - Forms psynergy into his hand. Hair, clothes, cape blow in the wind.


There you go, please post criticism/comments...


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Now that was a detailed moveset. I'm pretty impressed.

As for criticism, it seems that you made him a bit too powerful perhaps... the damage percentages you supplied seem close to Ganondorf, and if he's really that fast, plus with a variety of useful tricks, that might be a little overpowered... on the other hand, if he's really that easy to combo and light, that might be enough of a disadvantage. What's the knockback of his moves like?
He almost only uses Psynergy for his b-moves so far, so he seems like something between Marth and Ness... you could add the odd psynergetic move into his A-attacks, like Zelda's uair explosion or Ness' sparkles..

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Actually, Isaac isn't all that fast. Not faster than Marth atleast! I'd give him perhaps a tad slower running speed than Yoshi, and even that is fast. Besides, I wouldn't like Isaac like another Marth-like character, especially since we're most likely getting Ike.

Except for the fact you made him a little too overpowered, your moveset is very detailed! Good job on that. However, I don't really like the Super Move... In my opinion, Oddesey would work better and Ragnarok would be a nice B move perhaps you could do something with that? Otherwise well done.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2007
Thank you all for the comments! I will take these into consideration and try to balance him a little more! ^ ^


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2007
Here is the edited movelist. I tried to balance him out a little more since he seemed to strong, but if you still think it can be improved, please comment on how it should be balanced and I'll make another version > >;;.
Editing: All edited values and newly added values in this movelist will appear in RED
Knockback: All knockback values will be compared to existing SSBM attacks and the knockback direction will be given (vertical, horizontal) Knockback ratings are in this order: N/A, Very Poor, Poor, Fairly Poor, Fairly Good, Good, Very Good, Excellent.


Character: Isaac (Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age)


Isaac is a fairly nimble swordsman, due to the fact that not all of his strength is physical strength, it also comes from psynergy. His attacks' knockback would be somewhat varied. His weight is a little lighter than Marth's. In Golden Sun he is only outmatched in speed by wind adepts, when only character base element Djinn are used. His speed and power are evenly balanced. He keeps his sword out while he is standing but sheaths it while running and while using psynergy, and his sword is slightly shorter than that of Link. His sword has no "sweet spot." Has a double jump, and falls slightly faster than the average falling speed. Isaac has the ability to walljump. Uses a standard SSB shield. Isaac keeps you on the defensive with his quick blading skills and powerful psynergy.


Isaac would be a cross between a 'Combo Monster', 'Weapon Master', and a 'Psycho/Magister'.

Combo Monster:
He would be fairly quick, speed along the lines of the SSBM Marth, and would have a slightly fast falling speed. His sword attacks would be quick, but not his Psynergy based ones. His weight and falling speed would make him fairly easy to combo.

Weapon Master:
Although he has a projectile and uses non-sword attacks, his range is long and some attacks he has with his sword have a wide arc (Ex> Up A SMASH). His sword is his disjointed hitbox. Isaac would be fairly good at edgeguarding, but not as good as other characters such a Roy or Marth. Has a few good finishers.

His psynergy based attacks are powerful, even more than his sword. His moves would be fairly random because none of the swordsmen in SSBM used magical attacks. His 2nd jump would create a small wave below him (no damage given) which would propel him for another jump, and he would not do an acrobatic flip like most. Is fairly light, and has good grabs.



Idle B - Odyssey Blade
Isaac waves his arm and shoots a small psynergetic sword as a projectile. Travels horizontally and disappears after about 2 seconds. The fire rate would be similar to Mario's fireball. [4%]
{Knockback: Poor - Similar to Falco's Idle B from SSBM, horizontal)

Tilt B - Djinni Strike
Isaac calls forth one of three earth Djinn to assist him. The three variances cycle similarly to Peach's tilt SMASH A in SSBM. All three have the same movement, but different effects. The attack movement is similar to the movement in Golden Sun, but about 1/3 of the jump.
  • Variant A - Flint: A powerful downward slash that cleaves the enemy. [12-14%]
    {Knockback: Good - A little shorter than Mario's Tilt A SMASH, flies horizontally}
  • Variant B - Sap: Downward slash that heals equal to the amount of damage given. [7-8%]
    {Knockback: Poor - Similar to Peach's Down B (thrown) in SSBM,horizontal}
  • Variant C - Bane: Downward slash that poisons the enemy. Length of poisoning extends depending on your %, the higher % you have, the longer the poisoning will last. [Initial slash damage: 8-10%, poison 2%/s, poison time starts at 3 sec, every 25% goes up by 1 sec.]
    {Knockback: Fairly Poor - Similar to the second slash (horiz.) in Marth's Tilt B in SSBM, horizontal}

Up B - Summon: Venus
The power of Venus engulfs Isaac and propels him skyward. Isaac raises his hand and immediately waves of earth psynergy spiral upward around Isaac and launch him. The path would be similar to that of Roy/Marth except the angle would be controllable after half of the technique's duration. Multiple hit technique with a stronger hit at the techniques finish. Max combo ability is 7. [Hit per psynergy wave 2-3%, final 4%]
{Knockback: Good - (Psynergy waves) Similar to the beginning hits of Mario's Up B in SSBM; (Final psynergy wave) Similar to Link's Up B final slash except vertical knockback, vertical}

Down B - Gaia
A beam of light shines in front of Isaac (facing screen or background) and causes the ground to break up and fly upward. Can be charged for greater effect. Can only be performed on the ground. The technique is like Clefairy's air jet move from SSBM. The maximum charge time is 7 seconds. [7-22% per hit]
{Knockback: Fairly Poor-Very Good - Just imagine Clefairy's air jet move in SSBM as the attacks pinnacle, vertical}


Idle A - Diaginal-up sword swipe (One-handed) [2%]
Idle AA - Diagonal-up sword swipe, horizontal sword swipe (One-handed) [2%+2%]
Idle AAA - Diagonal-up sword swipe, horizontal sword swipe, downward vertical sword swipe. (One-handed) [2%+2%+3%]
{Knockback: Very Poor - Similar to Link's Idle A}
Dash A - Quick draws his sword from his sheath [7-9%]
{Knockback: Fairly Good - Similar to Shiek's Dash A from SSBM but would send enemy flying at a 45 degree angle, vertical/horizontal}


Tilt A - Two-handed sword thrust [6-8%]
{Knockback: Fairly Poor - Similar to Marth's Up A SMASH when the enemy is standing directly next to Marth, horizontal}
Up A - Focuses hands and creates a small shockwave above [9-11%]
{Knockback: Good - Slightly weaker than Zelda's Up A, vertical}
Down A - Crouching horizontal slice [6-8%]
{Knockback: Fairly Good - Slightly more than the Ice Climber's (single) Down A, horizontal}


Tilt A - Double diagonal slash in an X [9-11% x2]
{Knockback: Fairly Poor-Good - First slash is weaker than Roy's Tilt A; Second slash is a little weaker than the second slash in Link's Tilt A SMASH in SSBM, horizontal}
Up A - Crosses arms over, materializes two odyssey blades into hands, and does an upward 180 degree slash with both simultaneously. [15-17%]
{Knockback: Very Good - Similar to DK's Up A SMASH, vertical}
Down A - Punches ground and causes earth around him to shake. [11-13%]
{Knockback: Good - Slightly more than MR.G&W's Down A SMASH, vertical}


Idle A - Somersault slash [8-9%]
{Knockback: Fairly Poor - A little better than Ness' Idle A (Aerial), depends on enemy's position}
Forward A - Horizontal thrust [8-9%]
{Knockback: Fairly Good - Similar to Capt. Falcons Forward A (Aerial) but at half power, horizontal}
Backward A - Spins backward and creates an explosion of earth (Note: This technique has a laggy startup) [10-13%]
{Knockback: Good - Similar to Zelda's Up A (Aerial), horizontal}
Up A - Double upward slash [7% x2]
{Knockback: Fairly Good - Similar to Marth/Roy's Idle A (Aerial), vertical}
Down A - Waves hands downward and creates a small shockwave (Note: This technique has a laggy startup, meteor smash) [14-16%]
{Knockback: Very Good - Slightly weaker than Ganondorf's Down A (Aerial), Vertical}


[Uses hands to grab]

Grab+A - Punch [2-3%]
{Knockback: N/A}
Grab+Forward - Horizontally slashes opponent [5-6%]
{Knockback: Fairly Poor - Similar to Link's Grab+Up, horizontal}
Grab+Backward - Falls onto back and kicks opponent backward [3-4%]
{Knockback: Poor - Similar to Marth/Roy's Grab+Forward, horizontal}
Grab+Up - Throws opponent upward and sends an odyssey blade after them [5-8%]
{Knockback: Fairly Good - Weaker than Samus' Grab+Up but the odyssey blade stops opponent when hit hits, vertical}
Grab+Down - Throws opponent down and stabs opponent with small, sharp stalagmites[7-9%]
{Knockback: Poor - Similar to Fox's Grab+Down}


Isaac chants, raises his hands and unleashes an abysmal amount of psynergy. Two swords then pierce the enemy, rendering him/her/it immobilized. Isaac then releases even more psynergy, which causes the screen to flash, and then summons a colossal sword and obliterates the foe with it. [???%]
{Knockback: ???}

(Here is a video of the technique from the game)


Isaac lowers his sword, and makes a fist in front of him and says [JPN Ver.]"Ikuzo!" [ENG Ver.]"Lets go!"


1 - Sheaths sword and says, [JPN Ver.]"Ore no kachi da" [ENG Ver.]"I won"
2 - Brushes himself off
3 - Holds sword in front of him and says, [JPN Ver.] "Oretachi no mirai no tame ni, tatakau" [ENG Ver.] "I fight for our future"
4 - Forms psynergy into his hand. Hair, clothes, cape blow in the wind.



Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Very good! I have no criticism except that the word "abysmal" sounds kinda funny in this context. Good job. ^^
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