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Make Your Move X - Congratulations winners! MYMXI start date OCTOBER 10TH!

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Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011
Stephen Colbert isn't that funny to be honest.
While I do respect your opinion and the opinions of others who say this (His book is actually funnier then the show.), I would prefer actual constructive criticism if you're going to comment. That is, unless it's post 13 and you plan to post a set on the next page, but that's a different story.

At least it's better then "freaking finally". (CHEW)


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008

Up Special – Fireworks

Uncle Sam puts his hat on the ground in front of him before a giant firework comes up out of it, going 4 Ganondorfs into the air before exploding in an explosion 1.5x the size of Bowser, dealing 25% and knockback that kills at 70%. The move is surprisingly lagless for Sam, but the firework has a long way to go before it actually explodes – the awkward position of the hitbox doesn’t help either.

What you –can- feasibly take advantage of are all the fiery hitboxes that slowly come down to the ground after the main explosion – there are roughly 8-12 hitboxes that all do 3% and flinching, coming down in an area as wide as 2 platforms. It takes 6 lengthy seconds for them to finally hit the ground and disintegrate into nothing, so you have plenty of time to capitalize on it for damage racking. Uncle Sam cannot use this move again until the after-effect of the move is fully gone.

Neutral Special – I want YOU to join US Army!

Uncle Sam points in an exaggerated fashion much like a Phoenix Wright character as he says the name of the move, causing the foe to uncontrollably walk towards Sam, wanting to join the army, if they were within 2 platforms of him, facing him, and on the ground. They will walk either 2 platforms or until they get hit, and are still capable of attacking as they walk, though legs attacks are banned and they’ll continue to walk forward while using other attacks.

Side Special – Jumping Jack

Uncle Sam does a motion as if throwing a bowling ball, causing what can best be described as a ball of light to roll out of his sleeve forward. It’s the size of a Pokeball and goes forward 2 platforms, dragging anybody it comes into contact with for 5 hits of 1% and flinching per second surprisingly well. Once it loses its’ momentum, it moves about at complete random at Mario’s dashing speed and a single jump that can go up as far as Kirby’s height. Due to it changing the direction it moves in on a regular basis, it will generally stay in the area where Sam rolled to. The Jumping Jack lasts 4.5 seconds.

Force the foe to approach you with the Neutral Special, then send them right back where they came from with this move – assuming particles of an exploded firework are raining down, you’ll be forcing them to keep treading over the line of fire repeatedly with this combination. In addition, you’ll of trapped the foe in the danger zone between the Jumping Jack and Sam once it’s over.

Why is Sam using a firework this wimpy of all the fireworks he could use? Because it’s the only one that’s actually legal anymore for god knows what reason, and lord knows we’re not having an Uncle Sam moveset where he breaks the law.

Down Special – Patriotism

Uncle Sam takes out an American flag on a stick and holds it in front of himself. Any foe caught in front of Sam and turning to face him will be forced to laggily salute it over a Warlock Punch’s worth of lag. While Sam cannot move either during this time, it’s an excellent way to stall for fireworks to rain down. In addition, if the foe attempts to attack Sam from the front where he’s holding out the flag, they will get tangled up in the flag and rolls away from him a platform’s worth as they come out of it, being left in prone at the end – that’s what they get for not showing proper patriotism, yes? Having a counter makes your Neutral Special horrific, as the foe will be pathetically easy to predict. Preferably, though, land the counter when they're almost done with their forced march anyway.



Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011
First match-up, so bear with me if you spot any sort of inconsistencies.


"Now, this is a match-up I am proud of! Not because of my loss against one of the greatest national symbols of our time, as a matter of fact, I am incredibly bitter about that. No, I am proud that Uncle Sam still has enough hardcore American Spirit to dangerously launch fireworks into the air haphazardly, proving that he is, in fact, better then those damn, dirty Texans. Besides, the guy launches him from his hat! AND IT NEVER GETS LIT AFLAME! That more then makes up for his blatant stealing of my 'Insult' tactics."​
One of the biggest points in this match-up is Stephen's fireworks vs Sam's lone firework. While Stephen probably won't be hit by the initial hitbox of the move, the remaining hitboxes that fall afterwards are absolutely deadly to Stephen's fireworks, as he very likely has them set up to detonate each other in a chain reaction. So, Stephen's fireworks are forced to detonate early, which isn't exactly a great thing for the Provoker of Truthiness. In addition, the fact that Stephen is vulnerable against the lingering hitboxes that remain on stage from his fireworks makes it incredible dangerous for him to approach Sam, as Sam can use his neutral special and side special to swoop Stephen right into his own fireworks. The two obviously want to lure each other into Stephen's firework traps during the short time they're on stage, leading to a battle in which Stephen insults Sam and Sam attempts to enlist Stephen. If Stephen is able to charge this up, he will likely win this battle, as his down special has greater range then Sam's neutral special. Stephen can easily lure Sam into his detonated fireworks then follow it up by puncturing a firework with his flag before going kamikaze with side special. This match-up is a constant tug-of-war between the two cosplays, but Sam inevitably has the upper hand against Stephen, thanks to the fact that he has far more ways to force Stephen into the traps, in addition to the ability that he can effectively disable most of Stephen's attempted kamikaze side special/up special approaches with his neutral and down specials, before punishing them. More often then not, Stephen's Sakurai-ish clone will win out against him.​


...What do you mean the guy came back? Dude, the guy gave me his shield! I am America (And So Can You), and there's no way I'm giving this baby back. Never mind the fact he has what appears to be an exact replica of it with him, but considering the guy lost this match, I wouldn't say that he's going to get this shield back anytime soon. That's a good thing, this thing is getting me close to getting laid."​
The Captain can approach Stephen with relative ease and punish him while he's busy setting up some fireworks, as Shield Slash, Cap's main approaching tool, hits high enough not to hit the fireworks. One of Stephen's main ways of killing his foe, insulting a foe while they're charging or preparing an attack and having them set off your fireworks isn't that effective against the Cap's Neutral Special, as the shield flies high enough to avoid setting it off. Against his down special or side special, it can work wonders; if Cap is insulted while using his down special, he will automatically use Shield Bash and if Cap is using Shield Bash, you can have him keep holding out the hitbox to damage your fireworks; immunity to frontal attacks isn't that effective when you're in the middle of a patch of them. In addition, one of the Captain's main approaching efforts, his shield toss, is rendered null and void by Stephen's use of his flag as a shield in his Up Special. If Stephen manages to reflect the shield, he can spout out an insult to have the Captain running towards him; defenseless. Who's to say he couldn't toss a flag that's been punctured with fireworks at the defenseless Cap, who's very likely running over an entire patch of fireworks? Stephen is often the victor in this match-up, leaving the shield in his bloodied hands. If the Captain can successfully make it past all his traps, however, he will likely end up on top, making this a close match.​







Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Are these the virgins Allah promised me?

Osama bin Laden

Instead of a bubble shield, Osama takes out a woman and holds her between him and the attack. If there are multiple attacks, he rips the woman in half, thirds, or fourths, depending on the amount of attacks.

Up Special - Rocket Launcher
Using this in the air will make Osama shoot it beneath him, propelling him up two Ganondorfs' height in distance. The rocket does 15% and high knockback to anyone it hits. Rockets travel at the same speed as Wolf's blaster. They also have a slow reloading time, so obviously you can't spam this. The move changes to being aimable on the ground, but by default it flies straight forward.

Neutral Special - Time Bomb
Osama takes out a medium-sized time bomb, pictured above, and chunks it forward. It will count down, with the timer being ten seconds, beeping as it does so. When it gets to the three second mark, it will beep louder and faster, and when it finally counts down it will explode with a radius equal to a Bom-omb's blast. Holding this in before releasing the special button, however, will make Osama fiddle with the timer, reducing the number of seconds on the clock. Every half second you hold in this move takes away one second on the timer, meaning holding this in for one second before throwing it would have a timer of eight seconds. Double tapping this and holding it in does the opposite- it increases the time at the same rate.

You can strap this to the foe, stage, a trap, or a minion/summon by using it immediately next to said foe, trap, minion, or piece of stage (he doesn't attach it to flat ground, obviously). Placing it on the foe will make it function much like a sticky bomb, but they CAN shake it off. Tapping down right after taking out the bomb attaches it to Osama himself, turning him into a suicide bomber. This will obviously deal major damage to Osama, since he's at the heart of the blast. You can grab the foe to take them with you. The bomb does 25% and high knockback.

Down Special - The Will of Allah
Osama shouts some words in an Arabic language and calls one of his obedient terrorist pawns to the field. The terrorist has 25% stamina and will fire his AK-47 at foes, with it dealing minor hits of 1%, but each barrage can deal up to 10%. Terrorists also have clones of Snake's Neutral and Forward Specials, which they will mix in along with the gunfire. The terrorists have about level 4 AI, but get two or three on the field and foes will have a hard time dealing with them.

You can strap a bomb to a terrorist and he will sprint at the foe, yelling "Allah du ackbar!" and try to kill them with the blast. And yes, terrorists are always killed by the bomb. They are willing to die for their cause, and get their 72 virgins in heaven.

Side Special - AK-47
Osama takes out his AK and fires it. It deals 2% per hit and hitstun, with a possible 20% damage per clip. It has a slow reloading speed, so be sure to have a terrorist or time bomb to protect you as you reload.

Victory Animation - Against Any Female
If Osama wins against any female that doesn't have her face covered, he will proceed to slap her multiple times, then have his terrorists tie her to a stake and burn her alive. He laughs and dances around the fire while this happens.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
Ixodes Hexagonus

Ixodes Hexagonus is a tick species in the genus Ixodes. It is a parasite of the European badger. If you’re wondering why I’m making a Cosplay for it for it, it’s because I said I’d make another set before MYM9 was over only using Wikipedia’s Random Article. The first result when I clicked the button was Ixodes Hexagonus so I decided to go with it. As you can plainly see, it is a tick. There’s nothing special about it really and it’s not very noteworthy. That said, this random tick joins the Brawl...but as a Cosplay because I was too lazy to finish it before MYM9 ended.

Ixodes Hexagonus is, without a doubt, the lightest and smallest character in Super Smash Bros. Being somewhat smaller than even the Mite enemies of the SSE, Ixodes Hexagonus dies at insanely low %’s and, sadly for you, it’s not unusual to be OHKO’d by an enemy attack. With that in mind, you’re also a ridiculously small target with some very nice movement speed, perfect traction, amazing aerial movement and a slow fall speed.

Down Special: Bloodsucker
Ticks are most well known for their parasitic behavior. Ticks feed primarily by waiting in tall grass for a host so they can attach themselves to the host. Once on the host, the tick inserts its chelicerae (cutting mandibles) and hypostome (feeding tube) into them allowing it to suck the victim’s blood.

Fun facts aside, this acts as Ixodes Hexagonus’ Down Special. When an opponent gets close to Ixodes Hexagonus, the crafty tick will latch on to them and begin sucking their blood, appearing almost invisible while doing so. This Down Special heals Ixodes Hexagonus for 1% per half second that it’s latched on to the foe (as well as damaging them for the same amount) however…the damage and healing don’t show up immediately. You see, ticks pride themselves in being annoying little pests that are hard to spot until it’s too late. Thus, Ixodes Hexagonus can actually be damaging the foe without them even knowing it’s on them.. Ixodes Hexagonus can press the Standard Button at any point during its blood sucking in order to remove itself from the foe. At this point, the foe will suddenly take all of the damage at once (and Ixodes Hexagonus will heal from it!)

With that in mind, there’s another dimension to Ixodes Hexagonus’ Down Special. For every 6% it drains from the victim, it increases in size. This not only increases Ixodes Hexagonus’ weight but also increases its attack power ever so slightly. It does make it a bit bigger of a target, but that’s a small price to pay for living longer, no? At maximum size, Ixodes Hexagonus will be equal in size to Kirby, being absolutely bloated with blood at this point…

Which brings us to the final point of this move. Losing lots of blood isn’t a good thing for people typically. As such, the more blood Ixodes Hexagonus sucks out of you, the worse off you get. Stuff will start out slow enough…you may get somewhat light headed and start tripping more. Or you may start tripping when you go to do attacks. Nothing big. Until you lose a lot of blood…at this point, your character may actually go into their broken shield stance periodically. They may not even have the energy to do certain moves! Loss of blood is a serious thing; check yourself from ticks! If you think Ixodes Hexagonus is on you, dash back and forth to shake him off!

Neutral Special: Lyme Disease

A deadly tick-borne disease, Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in North America and Europe and one of the fastest-growing infectious diseases in the United States. The more you know. Anyway, it’s just as dangerous in Smash as it is in real life! Ixodes Hexagonus will attempt to bite the opponent if they get within range. Once infected, the opponent will develop a “bullseye rash” on them; this doesn’t really do anything however except give you a visual clue that you’ve been infected. Lyme disease in its early stages often causes the victim to suffer from flu like symptoms such as headaches, muscle soreness, dizziness and fevers. The key symptom for this move however is dizziness. You see, once you’ve been infected by Ixodes Hexagonus’ Lyme disease inflicting bite, your character will start feeling uncomfortably dizzy and just feel generally unwell. This, fortunately for the opponent, doesn’t do a whole lot to them. They can still run about and attack as normal…but have you ever rapidly turned your head from side to side when already dizzy? Yeah, doesn’t feel too good, does it?

So what this attack does is…if the infected character starts turning rapidly in an attempt to shake off Ixodes Hexagonus, they’ll end up tripping and falling flat on their arse where the pesky tick can continue to suck their blood!

Of course, being afflicted with Lyme disease is a horrible thing on its own; while infected, the character will take 1% every half second for twelve seconds (until they recover that is). Of course…if Ixodes Hexagonus is leeching off the opponent, that damage won’t add up until it releases them meaning they may not know when they’re still sick until they’ve fallen and it’s too late.

Side Special: Paralyze Bite

A move borrowed from its good friend Ixodes Holocyclus, Ixodes Hexagonus gains the ability to deliver a paralyzing bite! We’ll let Wikipedia describe it better than I can…

Tick paralysis results from inoculation of a toxin from tick salivary glands during a blood meal. The toxin causes symptoms within 2–7 days, beginning with weakness in both legs that progresses to paralysis.

Essentially, Ixodes Hexagonus will quickly bite its foe with blinding speed! Like most of Ixodes Hexagonus’ moves, this has very low range…but if it does connect, the opponent will stagger and take 3% damage…and nothing else. Weird, huh? Well not really! As mentioned before, the toxin takes a while to affect the opponent. After about 12 full seconds, the opponent will become sluggish, their speed dropping by half as they slowly lumber about. Another 12 seconds later and the opponent will become fully paralyzed. This will prevent the foe from walk or roll in any direction at all. Period.

While one would think this would be broken, your character is still able to JUMP in the direction they want to go. This does however make you rather predictable…it also makes you a prime target for blood sucking considering you’ll either be jumping or standing about most of the time. You can still shake Ixodes Hexagonus off the same was as normal though.

Up Special: Cloaker
Using all of its magical abilities that it summoned from the magician of magic, Ixodes Hexagonus does something that'’ -NOT- realistic for once; he makes grass grow. Yes, no matter what stage your on, large amounts of grass will begin to grow, ultimately reaching up to just waist level on a character like Mario.

It goes without saying that a recovery for Ixodes Hexagonus is fairly useless seeing as it’ll die in one hit more or less if struck…but if it can’t be seen, it can’t be hit, now can it? Using its surroundings to hide in the tall grass make this fiend even more deadly as, even at its biggest size, Ixodes Hexagonus does an amazing job of blending into the grass. Do note however that opponents can “cut” the grass by performing low attacks such as Down Tilts and Down Smashes…so make sure you don’t get exposed! Alternatively, you can use this time that the opponent is wasting cutting grass to infect them or suck their blood.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Years-later removal of an unfunny post I'd rather not have tied to my online presence in 2018.
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Yeah, it's been a while. Time for another set!

Mafia Man:

Mafia Man is an OC (not a robot master), to represent the fun forum (or internet chat, as the case may be) game of mafia. For those unfamiliar, the basic premise of mafia is as follows: It's a game for a sizeable (7 is a common number) number of players, divided into the town, and a small minority as the mafia (in a 7 player game, it would usually be 2 players.) Anyway, the game is divided into day phases and night phases. During the day, each player can pick another player to vote, and when one player (or the no-lynch option) ends up with the majority of the votes, that person is lynched, causing them to die and their role to become revealed, and the game proceeds to night. During the night phase, the mafia gets to kill off a single townie of their choice, and it goes back to day. The game ends when either the town kills all the mafia, or the mafia reaches the same numbers as the town (which makes it impossible for town to win).

Anyway, Mafia Man himself is just a stick figure (wearing a white shirt with the number 1 on it) the size of Mario, with completely average stats.

The town:
In any game with Mafia Man, there will be 7 other stick figures that look exactly like him with the exception that they'l have a different number (#2-8) on their shirt. Anyway, they spawn on various portions of the stage. These can move around and jump, and have access to the specials of Mafia Man's moveset. Additionally, each townie will have an opinion of each player in the game. This is ranked on a 1-100 scale, and it starts at 50 for almost everyone, and changes based on the player's actions. However, each townie will have a random number of allies and enemies. (These will be other townies, not the players.) Townies will vote for the player with has the lowest rep under 25 (relative to them, this system is separate for each townie), and once a majority is reached on a player, that player is "lynched" (aka: They're mobbed by the townies voting for them, and take a LOT of damage and knockback, more details on this later), and all the townies opinions of him are reset. Each townie has 40% stamina, and once that's depleted, they're gone forever. (However, there will always be at least 3 townies for a lynch, if another townie is killed when only 3 are left, a new one will spawn with its opinion reset to 50 for everyone.) Anyway, here are the non-Mafia Man specific ways in which townies can be influenced.

  • Attacking a townie will lower your rep with that townie by 2 points per damage % done.
  • Attacking a townie's ally (players are considered allies if they get their rep to 75 or higher) will lower your rep with that townie by 1 point per damage %
  • Attacking a townies enemy (players are considered this if their rep falls to 25 or lower) will raise your rep with that townie by 1 point per damage % dealt.
  • Healing a townie will raise your rep with that townie by 2 points per % healed, will raise your rep with the townie's allies by 1 point per % healed, but will lower your rep with the townie's enemies by 1 point per %.
  • Killing a townie (or player) will lower your rep by 10 points with that townie's allies, and raise it the same amount with the townie's enemies.
  • Talking with a townie (do this by taunting right in front of them) will raise your rep with them for 10 points per second, and lower their opinion of the opponents by the same amount.

Additionally, should a townie's opinion of someone reach 0, they'll start attacking that person whenever they're in range, with a flurry of quick punches that each do 2%.

Finally, once a townie has reached a decision on its vote, that person's picture will appear in a little thought bubble above its head. When a lynch is reached, all townies will immediately converge (with invincibility, this can't be stopped) on the opponent, and do 5% damage per townie with knockback dependent on the number of townies, from decent with just 3 townies to spectacular with the full town.


Neutral Special: Investigate
When you press this opponent in front of a townie, the townie will stop, and in a thought bubble above its head you can see the pictures of each player in the game, along with their reputations according to that townie. In addition, you can see the numbers of each of that townie's allies and enemies in that small thought bubble (the way this works is that the numbers of that townie's allies will be in green, the enemies will be in red). This will last until you release the B button, and lag is extremely small. Use this to get a good feel of the standings of the various players and the structure of the town, but beware! Your opponent can see this critical info too!

Side Special: Disguise
A quite simple input, when you press this input with a townie in front of you, you'll near-instantly switch numbers with said townie. This won't change any of the townie's opinions, but it will confuse their opponent when they go after a townie instead of you and get half the town VERY mad at them. Additionally, you can quite easily confuse the opponent as to who's allied with who with a few uses of this, now that everyone's numbering is quite different.

Down Special: Present Case
When you use this input, your character will check for someone a stage builder block in front of him. If he catches anyone (whether a player or a townie), he'll deliver a devestating case against said thing over a second (his target will be stunned and unable to respond until the move ends), lowering everyone but that character's allies reputation of that person by 15. However, you will lose 30 reputation (if it's a townie) from said person, and 15 reputation with that townie's allies. Hey, at least you gain 15 reputation with the townie's enemies. However, this only works once per character (or per stock if you're using it on an enemy player.) You can't just spam this for an easy lynch.

Up Special: Call for help
Mafia Man delivers an urgent call for help, causing any allies he has onstage to come running. If he's over the stage, they'll just stay (jumping if necessary) around him and act as meatshields, but if he's offstage, they'll form a chain (like Olimar's pikimin) from the ledge to him, and pull him back up. After a second of this assistance, they'll disperse around the stage like before. Just one more reason to keep good relations with your dupes erm... fellow townies.


Jab: Medic!
Using the doctor role, Mafia Man pulls out abonesaw for some doctor assisted homicide megavitamin, which he proceeds to then eat to heal 10%. However, if you're right next to a townie, Mafia Man will give him the healing pill and heal him 10% instead for some good relations. Unfortunately, lag is quite bad, and if Mafia Man is interrupted in this attack, the pill falls to the ground, and becomes an item. Once someone picks it up, they can either throw it at their feet to use it on themselves, or toss it a townie to heal them instead. Don't let your enemies use your medicine to bribe the townies to their side!

Front Tilt: He's got a knife!
When you use this input, Prop MAFIA Man will bring out a knife and stab it forwards with decent range, doing 15% damage with decent range, good knockback, and low lag. Quite nice, right? To make it even better, if you hold down the button, Mafia Man will use a fake knife instead, which doesn't actually deal damage. Why would you want to do this? Well, if you fakestab a townie, their opinion of you won't shift, but their allies and enemies WILL change their opinions as if you'd actually done the 15% damage stab. Quite useful if you want to beat up Public enemy #1 without actually losing any support from him. Sadly, if the enemy hits you, you'll drop your knife, and Mafia Man only carries two knives (one fake, one real). The enemy can then pick up your knife and use it like a VERY effective beam sword. Of course, your opponent won't know which knife he knocked out of your hands until he actually tests it, and if he hits you with the fake knife... well, he loses reputation (IF you've been buddying up townies like a good player should be), you don't take any damage or knockback, and you have a nice opening to hit him back. Finally, Mafia Man can regain his knives by simply picking them up, and he'll automatically regain any that fall off the blastzones.

Down tilt: Medic?
Using the doctor role, Mafia Man pulls out abonesaw for some doctor assisted homicide megavitamin, which he proceeds to force feed to the nearest townie (if one is nearby, else the move fails and he puts it away.) But what's this? The townie's LOSING health? Well, it looks like that was actually a poison capsule, and now the townie's taking 15% damage over the next five seconds. Additionally, since nobody realized your diabolical plot, opinion will shift as if you healed the townie with your jab instead of poisoning them! (This includes the townie you poisoned, you're so cunning they didn't realize it either.) As before, if you're hit during the rather bad lag of this move, the capsule will drop to the ground and become an item. Of course, you might want to get hit on purpose, just so the opponent "heals" themselves with that poison capsule, heh heh heh...

Up tilt: Knockout!
Mafia Man delivers a quick uppercut, doing 3% damage and decent knockback, with ok lag. More interestingly, if you hit a townie with this, it will knock them out cold for 10 seconds (unless woken by being healed or damaged for 10%). While out cold, the townie's opinions of everyone won't change (due to being, you know, unconscious.), and they won't count towards the lynch total. So, if you needed to take someone out of the votecount for that crucial lynch, or just keep them out of action while you heal their enemies and beat up their buddies, this is the way to do it.


Forwards Smash: Inventor
You must use this in front of a townie, else it will have no effect. Anyway, when you use this move, you must immediately press an input (Special or tilts). That townie will then gain that ability, and use it accordingly. (So doctor townies will go around healing their friends, and such.) To make this even better, if you go around using only one move, then the opponent will have no idea which townie you are, and will anger real townies by attacking the wrong character. Each townie can only use one ability at a time, giving them a new one will overwrite the old one. Lag is ok.

Up Smash: Cover of Darkness
When you use this input, Mafia Man will toss a smoke bomb to the ground. This will release a smoke cloud from 1-2 BF platforms (depending on charge time) in diameter. Inside a smoke cloud, EVERYTHING is invisible. Townies will still change their opinions based on what happens inside the smoke cloud, however an opponent chasing you into one might not realize he's committing reputation suicide... This cloud lasts for 5 seconds, and is an excellent way to completely confuse the opponent about your location, which number townie you are... basically EVERYTHING. However, for maximum effectiveness, first you should lure some meatshields townies in with you as well...

Down Smash: Follow the leader
When you use this input, every single townie that thinks of you an ally will come rallying to your side. For the next 5 seconds (or until you use this input again), they'll follow you around as much as possible, but they only have two jumps and will not follow you offstage. This makes your identity obvious to the opponent, but thanks to all your minions you have in tow, they may have a very tough time hitting you without hitting a bunch of other townies as well... And aiming their attacks well is made much MUCH harder when they can't actually SEE you... Lag is ok, using this input again while you already have townies following will dismiss them.


Forwards Aerial: Bodyguard
When you use this input, Mafia Man will grab out in front of him with average grab range. Should he connect, that townie or enemy will be held in front of him, having being drafted into the bodyguard role. Obviously, the point of this is to grab an unwitting fool as a shield. However, they can escape at grab difficulty, while enemies can also hit you with an aerial to escape. However, there's doubled lag if an enemy attempts an aerial instead of just a normal grab escape, and if they fail to hit, the grab difficulty is renewed. Lag is low if you connect, but there's some end lag if you whiff. Now, why does having grabbed an enemy help you? Check the next move. (As a side note, you'll continue holding onto the enemy even if you land.)

Neutral Aerial: Spinning Toss
Mafia Man does a quick clockwise flip. When you're not holding anything, this is a weak hitbox of 6% and low knockback, but if you are holding an opponent, it will do 12% damage with decent knockback (if you hit something else, like the ground). They'll rotate around you doing the full revolution in half a second, letting a tricky player dodge their attack this way. Additionally, another press of the A button will let you release the opponent, causing them to fly at the speed of Ganon's run in the direction you press the control stick, whilst pressing shield/dodge will cause you to quit spinning them around yourself and hold them at their new position. Now, they won't lose any rep points if they hit a townie while you're spinning them around you (you will instead), however if you throw them and they hit a townie with one of their aerials, they could be in some serious trouble...

Down Aerial: Taunt
Mafia Man drops down towards the ground with a kick, and if he hits anyone, he'll continue downwards with them still beneath him until he hits the ground, doing 10% damage. If he didn't hit anything, he'll suffer some harsh end lag, however if he does he'll laugh at his unfortunate victims, inducing much RAGING. (If he does this to a townie, he instantly, INSTANTLY drops to 0 with said townie. It is perfectly possible to combo into this off of the neutral aerial.) First off, his victim gains an angry red aura, and gets a 1.5x buff to knockback and damage on all attacks. However, they also take damage at the rate of 5% per second until they deal at least 20% damage to mafia man, or until 10 seconds pass (Once they deal the 20% damage or the amount of time passes, so does their damage/knockback buff). Also, the fury they are feeling prevents them from taunting and talking to townies, no, they have to go after mafia man immediately. Remember, you can still be holding your bodyguard from your forwards air as you taunt someone, thus resulting in easy damage... Taunted townies and/or other AI will pursue you relentlessly while they're angry at you however, so be on your guard.

Back Aerial: Someone Set Us Up The Bomb
If you don't have a hostage, Mafia Man will just toss a gooey bomb (Yes, as in the item) behind him in a mario's fireball-esque arc. However, if you do, Mafia Man will proceed to stick it to his hostage. You can only have one sticky explosive onstage at a time, and if the hostage breaks out of your grab, they'll stick it back to you. If the bomb explodes and hurts a townie, then the townie will blame whoever stuck it to them (or if they're caught in a blast from someone else carrying the bomb, they'll blame that person.) So, stick it to the opponent, delay their escape a bit, and toss the opponent into a crowd of townies just before it explodes! They'll never know what hit them.

Up Aerial: Mini Counter
Mafia Man does a very quick, fast punch, doing 3% and almost no knockback. If you're holding an opponent, this is the perfect way to interrupt their clumsy attempts at escape. However, if they AREN'T attacking or mashing out of your grab, then they'll dodge it and escape automatically, footstooling you. So use it carefully if you want to come out ahead.

Grab Game:
Mafia Man has a rather unusual grab (although considering the set and my recent works, it'd be a surprise if it WASN'T an unusual grab. :p) Anyway, the point of this move is to grab townies with this, grabbing an opponent will just act like you grabbed them with your forwards aerial. Mafia Man's pummel will have him just chat up the townie to gain a quick +5 rep. Remember, performing a throw will cause you to lose the grab and suffer some end lag. Other than that the only limit to how much you can pummel is how long the opponent will let you talk.

Forwards "Throw": Super Buddying
Mafia Man pretends to agree with everything (EVERYTHING) the townie says, thus giving you +20 rep with said townie. However, that townie's enemies won't like you for that, so you lose 20 rep with them. This is a good way to become friends with a no-enemy townie.

Back "Throw": To Arms!
Mafia Man gives the townie a sword, upgrading their normal punches to sword swipes doing 4% damage with better range. This is good for the saps you've already convinced of your opponent's guilt, obviously. Or you could target one of these with your down air later when you're using your opponent as a shield, for some extra easy damage...

Up "Throw": Cop whisper-claim
When you use this throw, a thought bubble will appear over your head, indicating every townie's number (aside from yours) and every opponent next to a button input (either A and a direction or B + direction). Pressing that input will single out that character, at which point you can either press "A" to claim he's innocent, or "B" to claim he's guilty. Doing this will net a hefty +/-30 rep swing on your target according to what you claimed. However, beware! A random in-game townie actually IS the cop, and if you try this on them, you'll instantly drop to 0 rep with that townie, and nothing you do will raise your rep with him. Additionally, you can only perform this throw once every 15 seconds. This is a powerful tool, but use it sparingly, or it could backfire terribly on you.

Down "Throw": Scumhunting
Much like a weaker version of your up throw, you choose a townie/player and then innocent/guilty in the same way as before, except it will merely be a +/- 12 rep swing. But beware that one of the townies at random will be MarthTrinity who doesn't believe scumhunting is possible, and it won't have any effect. (Sorry, I just couldn't resist.)

Playstyle: Leader or Disguiser?
Now, obviously Mafia Man's game revolves around manipulating the townie's perception of his enemies to ensure a lynch. However, there are two main ways to do this. You can either take action, actively convincing the townies of your opponents guilt, using townies as shields against the opponent, and tricking the opponent into hurting townies instead of you, OR you can pretend to be just another townie, thus giving the opponent a frustrating hunt for you as you hide in the crowd, disguising at will, hiding within smoke clouds and more as the opponent angers the entire town trying to find you. However, you can easily switch between the two styles at will, now becoming more aggressive, now blending into the crowd, for maximum impact. However, if the opponent guesses what you are doing, they can easily knock you out without trouble, as mafia man has few direct attacks. So you have to outguess and outwit them, just as in a game of mafia.

Cementing your reputation:
Your primary goal here is to convince townies of your opponents guilt, whether by argument or tricking the opponent into attacking them. However, first you want to ally yourself with as many townies as possible. This powers up your recovery (which you will likely need if the opponent is competent) and punishes the opponent for attacking you! How awesome is that? The best way to do this is by healing, townies on average will have more allies than enemies, and with your throws you can easily interconnect the town into one tight-knit group. However, it's worthwhile to investigate and find any townies with few allies but many enemies. With these it's often a better idea to attack, first using a case to convince others of their guilt, and then nonstop attacking him for your own reputation. Yes, this sacrifices a townie and depowers the lynch, however the enormous boost in reputation you get is often worth it.

Blending in:
The way to blend in is to simply do nothing that a normal townie wouldn't do. However, at the start of the game, townies don't do MUCH, so you'll want to use your inventing forwards smash to give each townie an ability. You can either spread it out to let you use your tilts and specials freely (at the cost of easily differentiating all the different townies for your opponent), OR you can give a lesser number of abilities, thus restricting your options more, but confusing the opponent. If the opponent finds you out anyway, a smoke cloud and redisguise is your best method for easily escaping. The best part is, if your opponent isn't finding you out, they're losing the fight, since your jab is an excellent way to heal yourself while your opponent is confused.

Tricking the opponent:
The best way to reduce your opponent's reputation is to trick them into attacking townies, as dealing merely 20% damage to a townie will cement that townie's vote onto your enemy. There are a couple ways to do this. Aside from the confusion you cause by just blending into the town, you can grab the opponent and use your aerials to make them unintentionally hit townies whilst trying to escape, and don't forget your invaluable tilt mindgames, to cause them to damage townies they want to heal, or lose rep from the fake forwards tilt knife without even causing damage! Additionally, taunting the opponent with your down air prevents them from getting any setup in and increases their urgency at finding and hitting you. However, be careful. The opponent may decide the best way to defeat you is to depower your lynch by eliminating the townies one by one. In that case you want to redisguise for the townies sake, mixing them up again, and using your jab to heal your battered allies.

2v2 strategy:
Surprise! Despite being built for normal 1v1 matches, Mafia Man has some interesting tricks to pull in a 2v2. With an ally to help you out, blending in and manipulating town is so much easier, since the opponents will be distracted by your friend. Additionally, once you convince a bunch of townies of your opponents guilt, they're facing a small army of high health minions in addition to yourself and your ally. What's more is that your aerial game gets so much better in a 2v2, as holding your opponent hostage, tossing them into attacks, using them as a shield... all these things are much better with another enemy on the field. You can even use a down air on your own ally, giving them a last stand with highly boosted attack pattern at the cost of taking more damage (although if they're already at high damage, who cares about some extra damage?) Additionally, your manipulation game gets better with an ally as well. Toss them the F-tilt knife to give a camper some up close and personal defense. Convince a bunch of doctor townies of your ally's towniness to give them some dedicated healers as they hold off the enemy. All these things make Mafia Man a surprisingly strong partner in a 2v2.

Final Smash: EPIC CAS3MAK1NG SK1LLZ!!!111
Mafia Man got the smash ball! When you use it, two more townies drop down (having 100 rep on you and your allies and 0 rep on all opponents), and Mafia Man delivers a devestatingly awesome case against the enemies, convincing the entire town at once to lynch them, giving an almost-certain KO (as before, the lynch power depends on the number of townies) to all opponents on the field!


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Still no feature-length HR set, but here's a mini!


Alistar is the strongest member of a tribe of minotaurs. Surprisingly he’s actually NOT an antagonist, though he is still a male heavyweight. Alistar was lured from his tribe one day by a militia from the city-state of Noxus, resulting in the death of his family. Enraged, Alistar single-handedly ripped the entire militia to shreds before eventually being subdued and forced into gladiatorial battles in Noxus. Eventually he freed himself and joined the League of Legends seeking redemption. He became quite a popular champion of the league and eventually started to use his fame to speak out against Noxus.

Statistically, Alistar is slow in both the ground and air, but he does have above average jumps and average fall speed. He's as big as Donkey Kong and about as heavy as him too.

Neutral Special: Pulverize
With moderate startup lag, Alistar strikes the ground, creating a tremor twice his width to either side. This deals 12% aunches anybody on the ground in that area as high as 3x Ganondorf’s height. They come out of hitstun at the apex of the launch, but they cannot move nor perform any midair actions other than attacks until they land. While this can be shielded the “hitbox” of the move hits pretty low so opponents are forced to quickly angle their shield pretty low in turn. This attack has moderate end lag but it deals enough shield stun that Alistar actually recovers a few frames before his opponent, making this a safe pressure tactic overall.

Side Special: Headbutt
Alistar dashes forwards at a high speed across ¾ of battlefield with little starting lag, sending enemies flying back with 13% and KOing at 110%. The base knockback is already as high as ½ of battlefield making this a great tool for getting opponent’s offstage at early percents. On the downside, it has high end lag making it a terrible approaching option. On the bright side, the hitbox for the move extends a bit ahead of Alistar’s physical position, but when using it to recover he doesn’t grab the edge until he actually touches it himself, so you can use this ward-off anyone who tries to gimp you from on-stage, making this a great horiztonal recovery tool.

Up Special: Triumphant Roar
Alistar beats his chest and lets out a war cry, healing himself for 15%. This takes .6 seconds to complete and Alistar is completely vulnerable the entire time. It’s best to use this after a successful Heabutt to buy yourself enough time to complete the move. Alistar has no vertical recovery moves, but he makes up for it with his high weight and the ability to potentially keep himself from having to recover for a long time.

Down Special: Unbreakable Will
Alistar flexes and snorts over a second. If he completes the animation, his shield is fully restored as a flash of energy briefly emits from him. You can cancel the move by shielding.

Alistar is a powerful tank of a character who excels in pressuring airborne opponents through pseudo-juggles and early edge-guarding techniques while maintaining his own survivability through a strong shield and healing abilities. Of course, you're just scratching the surface of what he can do with only his special moves at your disposal so we'll have to change gears a bit to give you some more helpful advice.

Perhaps THE best user of Alistar's likeness is Jigglypuff, who greatly appreciates the healing (gotta love how this is a better recovery move than her current Up-B) and ability to actually use her shield sometimes. Heabutt gives her a nice boost to her KO potential and Pulverize helps her set-up walls-of-pain. Yeah, Jiggs synergizes disgustingly well with this.

On the other hand, characters who need to fight in close-range and rely on a special move for approaching should NOT attempt to rely on Heabutt to get the job done. If you don't fare well against airbone opponents you also should avoid Alistar's cosplay seeing as Pulverize and Heabutt do nothing but encourage your opponent into playing like that. If you're a ranged fighter you won't like this cosplay either seeing as it most likely takes away your key projectiles/spacing moves.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Quick note:
I fixed a mistake in Mafia Man, getting a lynch is not an instant KO, but rather a high damage/knockback attack to lead to a KO. Sorry about that.


Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011
Gonna edit in a Mafia Man comment when I get the time, but I suggest you edit in a picture, as that's one of the requirements.

For some suggestions, use the official EpicMafia logo, a rose (as it represents the mafia) or perhaps a picture of a generic mobster (or Vito Corleone (WARY))


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
Time for a Mini entry!

Man Ray and The Dirty Bubble
Man Ray and the Dirty Bubble are villians from the fictional superhero television show "The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy", which is the favorite show of Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star. In that world, they are extreme villains out for world domination, and have the power to see those plans through. Even though they are minor villians, commiting such atrocious crimes such as Jaywalking and making people eat dirt, they still have SOME semblence of power that makes them a threat to Spongebob and his happy-go-lucky ways.

Players get Manray's costume, plus a Dirty Bubble to follow them around to attack with when this cosplay is unleashed.


Neutral Special + Engulf
Man Ray points forward, instructing the Dirty Bubble to fly out. He does, laughing evily and dashing out at his run speed for as long as the Special Button is held. Once the input is released, the Dirty Bubble flies back at his dash speed to his original position. If the Dirty Bubble comes into contact with gets, what else, engulfed in his mass. Players now control the Bubble, accessing all his aerial godliness, as Man Ray rushes to keep up, looking over edges as the Bubble leaves the stage. Opponents can escape, but it's twice as difficult as a grab. Pretty much, it's easy at low percents, but difficult as hell the higher you go. When they escape, the Dirty Bubble pops as usual, and the trapped character is free to use their second jump, recovery, or whatever. However, if he's popped by outside means, he still pops, but the character inside is gives a footstool effect. The Dirty Bubble can let the victims go with another press of the Special Button(with no directional input), rushing back to Man Ray afterwards.

Side Special + Man Raygun
Man Ray gets a "menacing" look on his face, red energy surrounding his eyes. After .5 seconds, he blinks, then releases a long red laser beam from his eyes. The beam can extend the length of Final Destination, and does 3% damage per hit and slight flinching knockback. This is very likely to hit multiple times, especially since it barely deals knockback, but is also very predictable. Obvious usage is to use it to pop the Dirty Bubble, as players still have access to this move even when controling the Bubble. The problem is, it travels in a straight line, has pretty heavy ending lag, an is, of course, predictable as all hell. Used in the right spot, it's pretty devastating to your opponent. Used at the wrong time, it's devastating to you.

Up Special + Bubbley Escape
Man Ray grabs the Dirty Bubble and points up. The Dirty Bubble gets the idea and begins floating upwards at the Bubbles dash speed. From here, they control much like a slower version of Super Sonic, only moving at the aformentioned speed. Pressing the Up Special again will cause the duo to fall at their respective fall speeds. Popping the Bubble is the only way to stop the team from the outside, so it's pretty hard to stop. While using this, any opponent that the Dirty Bubble runs into from under will get absorbed due to their weight. From here on, the Bubble controls like he would after his neutral special. Pressing Up Special while like this will cause the Duo to separate only, with the Dirty Bubble being controlled as if he had jumped (in otherwords, his aerials are accessed like this). Of course, using this can help against pesky aerial foes that won't stay still, but also in order to access the Dirty Bubbles aerial game with an advantage.

Down Special + Unmasking (sort of)
Man Ray grabs onto his collar, and begins pulling. After .15 seconds, his mask comes off of his head, revealing...a headless body. Man Ray now tosses his head behind him, it landing on the ground 2 Bowsers behind him. the Dirty bubble now takes lead of the group, having access to some of his own moves, while still able to perform those that he already has in the team. Specials still function as normal, Man Ray's head still shooting his laser if the Neutral Special is pressed. Man Ray's head can be picked up and chucked off stage by an opponent, but it doesn't count as a KO, the main target now being the Dirty Bubble. Man Ray's body performs all attacks involving it normally. This has benefits, you'll just have to trust me on that. To regain your head, you must first pick it up (due to the Dirty Bubbles lack of ligaments, Man Ray always picks up items for the team), then perform your down special.



Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
****s turning into mercurious...
What a wonderful post, a useful contribution to this thread. Thank you, JOE, for your interesting insight, as well as your respectful opinions of this week's MYMini. Your use of proper grammar and capitalization, as well as family-friendly vocabulary is also duly noted. Of course, I know you could not contribute a mini or moveset, or even moveset comment with this post, but we appreciate your discussion with us.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
^I lol'd hardcore. Good show droogy.

Anyway, due to popular demand (lolnotreallybutIforgot) I'm posting up the results of last week's MYmini. Why didn't I post them sooner? Well, only one goddamn person actually voted. And it wasn't even me. Looooool. Anyway, you know who you are who voted so congrats, here's your personalized winners!

1. Geri's Brawl by Legendoflink
2. Woody/Cork by Junahu
2. Zurg by Davidreamcatcha



Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011

King Krusha K. Rool is one of the many alternate aliases used by the main villain of the Donkey Kong series, King K. Rool. Krusha K. Rool's starring role was in the game, Donkey Kong 64, as the final boss of said game. He attacked the Kongs in ways fitting to the persona, such as using his boxing glove as a boomerang and creating large earthquakes by leaping into the air. The Kongs eventually managed to KO King Krusha. He got back up shortly after his defeat, but his attempts at a sneak attack against the DK Crew were thwarted by the combined efforts of Candy Kong and Funky Kong.​

Neutral SpecialGloverang
K. Rool hunches over slightly with a sneer. You can either charge this move or release it immediately, the maximum charge length is around two and a half seconds, this can be stored like DK's Giant Punch or Samus's Charge Beam, so don't worry about this taking too long. Once you release the input, K. Rool swipes his arm forward, causing his boxing glove to spin off his hand and fly forward! The glove goes forward at Sonic's dashing speed in the direction of your choice, and by default, heads out the distance of Battlefield. A full charge can adjust this to 3/4 of Final Destination however, so you have nothing to worry about. If characters are unfortunate enough to get hit by K. Rool's glove, they are dealt 6% damage, and are dragged along with the boxing glove as it moves! Being dragged by the glove deals 1% per second to the foe. After traveling the maximum distance, the boxing glove spins back to K. Rool like a boomerang, likely dragging the foe with it if they were hit by it initially. K. Rool will raise his hand to place the glove back on his hand once it gets close to him, leaving him defenseless for that short amount of time. K. Rool can still perform all the attacks he could normally while the glove is spinning, but all of his fist attacks deal half damage as K. Rool is rather weak without his gloves to back him up.

Side SpecialToro, Toro!
K. Rool uses his foot to brush the ground behind him like a bull, suddenly, he runs forward, wildly flailing his arms as he moves! K. Rool travels faster then his normal dashing speed here, but it's still not that fast. In this state, K. Rool is immune to knockback or hitstun, but will still take damage and be turned around by attacks like Mario's cape. K. Rool will keep running until you press any button, in which case he will perform a large uppercut! The distance K. Rool moves matters highly here, as the farther he travels, the more damage he'll do. Moving a Battlefield forward, K. Rool will do 5% and low knockback, if he moves forward all of Final Destination, he will do 20% and high knockback! If K. Rool runs into a wall, however, he will stop in place and deal 5-20% to himself, depending on the distance he moved. K. Rool has some lag coming off of the uppercut, making this risky, but worth it.

Up SpecialEarthquake
K. Rool leaps upwards into the air, spreading out his arms as he assumes a position similar to Bowser's down special. K. Rool rises upwards 3 Ganondorfs, but gains no horizontal distance. Anyone hit by his rise at the time will be dealt 3% and low knockback. As soon as he rises upwards, K. Rool falls at a very good speed before crashing onto the ground. If anyone comes into contact with his bottom at this time, they're gimped downwards and take 10% damage. K. Rool can press any button to start falling immediately at any point during his rise.

As soon as K. Rool reaches the ground with this, the screen rumbles for half a second before a green shockwave pops up from both sides of K. Rool! Depending on how high K. Rool went into the air, the shockwave will range from being as short as Kirby to as tall as Ganondorf. The speed varies, the smaller they are, the faster they go; big ones go slow as well., though. Contact with the shockwave will deal 5% to 15%, depending on how high you went. The shockwave travels the distance of Final Destination before disappearing. If K. Rool uses this on the ground, he will only jump a a small distance upwards, but can hold the button to use the full version. If K. Rool uses this 5 times, he will gain a butt-ache, dealing 18% damage to himself and causing him to enter a very slow animation where he adjusts his pants, so be careful about using this too much.

Down SpecialRopes
K. Rool claps his hands three times, causing a pair of Kremlings to come out from the back of the field attempting to carry a rope, much like those found in a boxing arena. The Kremlings place the rope in front of K. Rool, before running back off into the background. The rope is as tall as K. Rool himself, and act as walls that cannot be destroyed by him or the foe. Pressing the button a second time will cause them to place down another one, and holding the button will cause them to take away one of your ropes. K. Rool can only have two of these out at a time. Gloverangs will not go through these, but K. Rool can angle the toss of his gloverang in such a way that he can prolong it's return to him. You can use this in the air, the Kremlings placing a rope on the ground underneath you, they can take away ropes while you're in the air too. Naturally, they can only take away ropes while you're off-stage, as the rope would fall if placed underneath you.

If K. Rool charges into this with his side special, he will not take damage like he does normally when he hits a wall, instead, he will turn around and be sent into the air at 1.5x the speed he was running at! K. Rool will travel half a Battlefield forward in the air, being able to use his aerial attacks until he hits the ground, where he will continue to run forward at double the speed, keeping the power that he stoored for his uppercut. The effect can stack, meaning that if he bounces himself between two ropes, he will eventually become extremely fast.

In addition, if one of K. Rool's shockwaves hit a rope, it will begin to violently vibrate for the next 3 seconds. If a foe comes in contact with the rope, they will be dealt 10% damage as they are bounced against it violently.

Final SmashInvisibility
K. Rool poses using his up taunt, before proceeding to look down at his wrist for something. He adjusts a wristwatch that mysteriously appears on his arm, before turning invisible, just as in his boss fight! He must've stolen that wristwatch from a Spy or something. While invisible, K. Rool makes no sounds and is completely invulnerable to damage and knockback, and can pass through opponents. Ropes make no indication that they've been bounced off of either, meaning that you'll be able to build up speed within your ropes and attack your foes without them knowing you built up said speed. This lasts for about 20 seconds before K. Rool turns visible once again, continuing whatever attacks/speed-building he was in the middle of.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008

Mafia Man is by far at his best when he’s simply hiding among the townies and giving them all roles and what not – it’s the only particularly interesting part of the moveset and the only time it comes remotely close to resembling anything from the game. The rest of it just amounts to generic set-up, with a foe taunting being largely pointless due to how much faster you can gain reputation than them. Sure, there’s some more creative stuff with trying to bait them into attacking the other townies, but that falls more under the generic mindgaming part of the set.

The main thing that makes this set not feel like Mafia Man above all is that he’s playing town and mafia at the same time – it essentially removes any connections you were trying to make and just makes him feel like he’s using random props to represent the game. This combined with the fact that none of the townies have specific roles other than what you specifically assign them further breaks the fourth wall. Where’s stuff like the disguiser killing off the confirmed cop so the doctor gives him free healing? It’d probably be –less- unsmash than the route you took, if that’s what you’re worried about.


Deleted member

As a big fan of Kaptain, it was so satisfying to see Baron done so much justice, taking full advantage of his aerial capabilities in combination with his fantastic trap to make a character who can control the stage competently, while remaining unique due to his vulnerability to his own attacks. What makes the main trap itself so impressive is that it is so simple, and works so well with how Baron plays naturally, you taking advantage of his aerial affinity along with his weaknesses to make him feel very different from others like my own Jeice which also make use of projectile tennis. There's much depth to how Baron plays and it all feels especially natural, despite said depth, which is very impressive indeed considering how you use concepts like magnetism alongside electricity – which needless to say flow particularly well, but also make the characterisation that much more accurate.

If there was one dark spot, it would be that a handful of the inputs feel weak. The throws that LegendofLink mentioned are indeed rather redundant, but I actually felt they along with a couple of the familiarised foggy aerials did almost step into a grey area of over-creativity and they stand out when compared to great inputs like Magnetize. Though as usual, your writing style is immaculate, so even if I wanted to, I could think of little else to complain about. It says something when trying to find nitpicks is met with difficulty. It's most certainly one of the best sets of the contest so far and arguably the current front-runner for contest winner, in terms of quality alone.

Satana is definitely a case of too much clutter ruining what could have been a really good set, with the potential for a projectile game that focuses on trying to zone your opponent out, but it's not deep enough to make it substantial compared to other campers. You do have some interesting concepts going with the wall, stopping time and you have a good way of bringing in some logic for stuff that flows well together in non-fascinating ways, meaning you have a lot of simplistic inputs which do have a place in the playstyle... it's just not got a very strong structure, perhaps due to the failings of the big concepts of the set. Basilisk doesn't flow into the rest of the set at all, providing overpowered buffs, and that knife move just reminds me of Jason Voorhees' for how out-of-place it feels on this playstyle.

Gastly to Haunter feels very much like a natural evolution whereby you use the separate limbs concept to really sell the idea of a character who can hide himself in a match competently without a massive tell. While this is a far cry from the very hands-off and artistic approach with Gastly - and thus invites a host of potential problems along with it - you mostly are successful in getting past them and creating a believable characterised playstyle for Haunter. What really impressed me was the combination of night shade and the separating of the hands - it's strange to yet again be comparing with one of my own sets in a comment, but this did feel a lot like Garbodor, but actually felt a lot more natural here at least in terms of execution. At the same time, the way the hands are manipulated doesn't quite feel as natural, and the way you can create the night shade zones - as interesting as they are in manipulating the foe - doesn't really flow that well, and is basically just an excuse to expand the distance between your hands to make a generically bigger zone.

Like Gastly, there's a substantial amount riding on believability in the reader thinking that these separate limbs will find a way to create interesting potential combinations with the interactions you give. While this works to an extent with some inputs - particularly the standard throw, the pulling them into the night shade with the grab and plenty of very decent inputs focused on making use of the hand hitboxes - some do not play all that well. There were a fair amount of inputs, like the Sandshrew-style down tilt and control-flipping down aerial, which were really tacky and many of the inputs felt filler-ish in that they're basically just for positioning or just generic attacks for the sake of generic attacks, which I don't need to point out. It's a good set undoubtedly, but I do feel like you could have made better use of the night shade zones besides making them a zoning tool and the fear states honestly were a bit of a footnote, and didn't seem to be integrated at all well into the rest of the set. What makes it good is that these all come together to flow well, but in a rather janky way, which isn't really how I imagine Haunter.

While Mafia Man does have some interesting concepts, the set gets off on the wrong foot immediately by focusing on mafia as a whole rather than on the specifics of the game that make it so likeable. I didn't want so much to see a general tribute to the game as much as the role of mafia within the game and how they particularly influence the town, meaning that I really didn't care for most of the moves which involved pulling off different village roles' abilities. This also detracts from the idea of actually proving someone to be a murderer, as here you're just kind of generically making people dislike them and end up causing them to jump on them and causing a scuffle, as opposed to something a little more unique. You do have some good ideas in there, though. Building different alliances within the group is a fascinating idea and allowing for separate factions within the group does give a sense of originality to the set. Bringing the opponent into this is another interesting idea, but it isn't given enough focus in the set to shine. It does seem like the wrong direction to have gone in.


Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011
Stephen Colbert isn't that funny to be honest.
What a wonderful post, a useful contribution to this thread. Thank you, Khold, for your interesting insight, as well as your respectful opinions of Mr. Colbert. Your use of proper grammar and capitalization, as well as simplistic, clear vocabulary is also duly noted. Of course, I know you could not contribute a mini or moveset, or even moveset comment with this post, but we appreciate your discussion with us.


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
What a wonderful post, a useful contribution to this thread. Thank you, Khold, for your interesting insight, as well as your respectful opinions of Mr. Colbert. Your use of proper grammar and capitalization, as well as family-friendly vocabulary is also duly noted. Of course, I know you could not contribute a mini or moveset, or even moveset comment with this post, but we appreciate your discussion with us.
I see what you did there.



Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
What a wonderful post, a useful contribution to this thread. Thank you, Khold, for your interesting insight, as well as your respectful opinions of Mr. Colbert. Your use of proper grammar and capitalization, as well as simplistic, clear vocabulary is also duly noted. Of course, I know you could not contribute a mini or moveset, or even moveset comment with this post, but we appreciate your discussion with us.
Sorry to break it to you, Dave, but you're a little late with this post. I could point out the things wrong with it, such as the facts that I actually did post a mini and use proper grammar and capitalization, as well as a simplistic, clear vocabulary, unlike JOE. So, yeah. You're painfully slow and unfunny. Well done. (Y)


Smash Ace
Feb 9, 2011
Sorry to break it to you, Dave, but you're a little late with this post. I could point out the things wrong with it, such as the facts that I actually did post a mini and use proper grammar and capitalization, as well as a simplistic, clear vocabulary, unlike JOE. So, yeah. You're painfully slow and unfunny. Well done. (Y)
What a wonderful post, a useful contribution to this thread. Thank you, Khold, for your interesting insight, as well as your intriguing opinion of my humor. Your pleasant attitude, as well as how your non-hypocritical opinion is also duly noted. Of course, I know you could not contribute a mini or moveset, or even moveset comment with this post, but we appreciate your discussion with us.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
It's not funny any more guys. Can we quit the troll-spam and get back to the contest at hand? And just so you can't repeat the same stunt on me... I'll put out a quick mini.


Neutral Special: Banana peel
Like Diddy Kong's down smash, this trips the opponent, does 3%.

Side Special: Ice creation
Sakurai dashes forward, turning whatever he passes over to ice, and does 8% and tripping (foostooling if the target is in the air) to whatever he hits. Recall that the ice makes traction much worse, making them more likely to slide into your banana peels.

Down Special: Jump cancel
Sakurai trips the opponent, doing 3% damage, but this is a special trip. You see, this prevents them from jumping at all. If they do, GUESS WHAT? They trip. They can still use their recovery special though.

Up Special: Trippity trip trip
Sakurai trips, somehow stumbling his way to a couple stage builder blocks above him (aimable up to 45 degrees via control stick), doing 2% to himself and whatever he hits in the process. You can use this as much as you want in the air, but beware, as dictated by Sakurai's law (something I made up just now, isn't it awesome?), the amount of damage you give and take with this move doubles every time you use it before reaching solid ground. So the first time it's 2%, the second, 4%, and so on. (It's worth noting that if you had to use this 9 times before reaching solid ground, you'd max out the damage counter.) Also, if you hit an opponent, you'll footstool them, and they'll have to roll once they hit the ground, increasing the likelihood of them rolling into a banana and tripping.



Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
Nicholas1024 said:
sakurai mini about tripping
Wow, it's really like I'm in MYM3. Much like the rest of your "jokes" which are stale humor recycled, Nick. Not unlike Dave's "humor", which is basically stale jokes from 4chan reposted, or ripping off of my original material, due to him not finding anything from 4chan to post. As evidenced by the last few posts. If you say anything otherwise he'll just go "U MAD?", still evidence he has nothing funny to post (CHEW).


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I think you're going a wee bit far Khold.

In moveset-related news, I've made a decent amount of progress on a set of mine. No, it's not Ridley, that thing will be posted when it's the best set ever made ever. Hopefully this will be finished by the end of this week.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Everyone, I have something important to tell you all. WarioWare Inc. was just bought by Shuzo Matsuoka, a former pro tennis player. Because of this, the WarioWare Inc. stage in Super Smash Brothers Brawl is now going through some SERIOUS CHANGES. If you want to cut to the chase the changes to the stage are right here.

The stage is now renamed "Made in Shuzo", because he is a Japanese person. Before you judge him by his wealth and race, do note that he's a really cool guy. Ever since retiring from Professional Tennis, Shuzo goes about appearing in many television programs in Japan that you cannot see where you are, unless you're somehow reading this from Japan. Because of his cool tendencies, Shuzo himself appears as the player of the micro-games! It's YOUR job to help the big guy finish the tasks as intended.

Refer to 0:30 to see the start of the stage; from this video on, this is the EXACT SPEED the stage moves at...if you can't keep up with it, you're a loser. Your character is the exact size of that man you see holding the sign with the Japanese words that also say the English word "WEB", so be sure to play as little fellas. Though that won't last long...every single (literal) micro-game has one player of the game taken in to help Shuzo win! Rather than gaining bonuses, you suffer a penalty for failing to help Shuzo! At the start the chosen character is random; if you complete the micro-game successfully you won't be chosen for the next one...but if you fail, you'll automatically be chosen for the next one!

As per WarioWare fashion, there are 4 lives; these are represented as the Rice Bowls that you see. Each player, in fact, has their own, and if they lose all 4 Rice Bowls they lose the match instantly! This is the only way to lose Stock/negative bonus in the stage at all (you respawn with the same amount of damage you had plus slightly more vulnerability to hitstun), in fact, and it's the only real effective way of doing so, seeing as how you pretty much get no time to fight the other players. The only good thing smacking the other players around will actually do is...damage them.

Even with 4 players actually getting through ALL of the micro-games is retardedly hard; if you actually manage to succeed in just that, you'll win $100! (assuming we're in a timeline where Nintendo has a special available contract where they make you pay $90 or so a month for special online features, and they have cash prizes for those who can do "impossible" things)

1F - 0:32 - Ah, you should all be familiar with THIS game, even if you haven't ever played the WarioWare games. This is the one where that weird fish-on-wheels thing tries to hit-and-run you for murder! This game is simple enough in that you just have jump over the fish like Shuzo does and not be above him when he jumps unless you want roadkill for dinner. If you fail to do even this simple task, you take 5%! (plus the same amount of damage you would from that fishy thing as in Brawl)

2F - 0:39 - A very weird yet simple game where you have to get Shuzo in his shirt thingy. In this game you just have to grab the shirt when it appears from a random part of the screen; Shuzo will do the rest and have a shower. Oh, and you better be facing AWAY from Shuzo when he gets the shirt or else....let's just say it'll be the same as losing. If you fail this simple task, you have to wear the shirt for the next 5 micro-games! This shirt increases your fall speed by 2X.

3F - 0:45 - I don't even know what this is...you basically win it automatically.

4F - 0:52 - A game where you have to keep the kettle boiling at a normal temperature. That red thing is your cue; hit the bar with an attack when it hits the green thing. If you don't, you see what happens to poor Shuzo as he's forced to eat his rice! That and you get the superspicy curry status effect.


5F - 1:02 - Shuzo will look at you; hit that Japanese person wearing purple when he tries to in order to swing their chair! This gives him some idealistic inspiration, and prevents you from losing! If you fail this one you lose a random move.

6F - 1:08 - You get a ball; when Shuzo says "believe!", you have to throw it down on the floor, the blue mat, but you must not touch it at all. Harder than it looks. You only take 1% if you lose this one.

7F - 1:13 - 4 pens; you must hit the one that is the longest. If you don't Shuzo will scold your for your foolishness! If you fail this one you are shrunk for the next 2 micro-games!

8F - 1:19 - This one looks like it takes no effort. You win it automatically.

9F - 1:25 - In this one Shuzo fires a blue lazre from his eyes and tries to use it to warm up a old person's head. You just have to be under the old person to dodge the lazre at the same time, or else you'll take 50% from it.

10F - 1:030 -...I can't be botehre3d doing anymore. Instead, when you get to this floor, all the characters appear at the bottom of a hill or something. It is 34 SBBs in terms of slope, and kids are at the top of the hill throwing balls at you. Skip to 2:30 of the video to see it in action; I am not making it up. If you don't dodge a ball you die. The one who gets to the top firest wins the match! Yay!


Smash Rookie
Jun 27, 2011
Moveset from a lurker

Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim is a 23 year old unemployed slacker and bass player of of garage rock band Sex Bob-Omb. He begins to recieve strange dreams that feature a mysterious delivery girl called Ramona Flowers skating across his mind while he sleeps. When he finally meets this girl, he immediately becomes smitten with her. But, in order to date her, he first must be able to defeat her 7 evil exes, in homages to retro video games. Along the way he comes in terms of his past mistakes and eventually becomes a better person.


AIR SPEED......9

Scott, for a person that has the moniker "The Best Fighter in the Province", still have average weight, size, and above average traction, about the same as Link or Marth. His speed is above average for a 23 year old and is about as fast as Meta Knight. He earns this moniker as he is very powerful with his specials, smash moves and hand to hand combat. He can move in the air and unfortunately fall fairly quickly as he spent most of his time on Subspace, which is where a lot of things tend to fall fast.​


Up B: Subspace Portal

He and his girlfriend uses the world of Subspace often during the course of the story. It's often used to store useful things, travel to places quickly, and for a quick escape. When the player use the Up B special, a white door with a small yellow star will appear beside Scott and automatically opens. It immediately sucks Scott in the portal but it can also suck in other opposing characters and items, excluding the Smash Ball. The player then has a 3 second countdown to guide the door whereever the player wants before the door reopens and drops off Scott and any item or character that went with him. No damage is dealt to neither Scott nor the character when performing thie move.

Neutral B: Bass Chord

One of Scott's main hobbies is to play his trademark bass guitar. It makes sense that he would use the guitar as one of his main weapons. His neutral B features him taking out his signature guitar and playing it for as long as he can. There is a 5 second start-up lag and the opposition can attack him during this period. When Scott takes out his bass, he will start to play a bass cover of the song playing in the background. The sound of the bass will travel 3 small stage builder blocks across the stage and will deal 4-6% damage. Unfortunately, it will peter out as time goes by like Bowser's Neutral B as the strings will pop when played for too long.

Side B: Item Spawn

Drawing inspiration from many retro games, Scott can spawn items when he completes a challenge. Here, when a player uses the side B, a small present will appear beside Scott. When he gets to the present, an item at random will appear inside the present. That's about it, really. The present only contains one item at a time, and once it spawns and either disappears or was used already, it does not appear again until Scott gets killed. Also, anyone can use the item in the present.

Down B: Reversal

Borrowing a page from Marth and Ike's book, Scott can also reverse people's attacks for his Down B. When he does his reversal, he holds out his forearm in the attack's neutral position. When he gets attacked, he swings down his other fist on the opponent and sends him/her flying horizontally with around 10% damage. His reversal is a little bit more spetacular visually as when he does his reversal, an announcer will shout "REVERSAL!", "COMBO BREAKER!", and other speeches as the word "REVERSAL" appear beneath his feet.



Scott does a basic punch punch roundhouse combo that does mimic Snake's. Each punch does roughly 4% damage, while the roundhouse deals 7% damage with decent knockback.

Down tilt

Scott kicks downwards. Deals around 3% damage and can trip characters on occasion.

Forward tilt

Scott does a roundhouse that does equivalent damage and knockback from the last hit of his jab. 7% damage.

Up tilt

Scott performs a quick uppercut with 5% damage dealt.

Dash Attack

Scott dashes forward and does a shoulder tackle that is around 3/4 as damaging as Ganondorf's dash. 6% damage is dealt with some knockback.



Scott punches the opponent in the stomach and the face. Deals 3% damage.

Forward Throw

Scott lunges the opponent forward and punches the opponent. Deals around 5% damage and has some knockback.

Back Throw

Scott moves his opponent behind him and elbows him/her in the abdomen. Also deals 4% damage with decent knockback.

Down Throw

Scott simply throws his opponent to the ground. Deals 6% damage.

Up Throw

Scott lifts his opponent over his head. The player can carry the opponent anywhere in the stage and can even hit others with the opponent. Anyone who gets hit with the opponent, along with the opponent themselves will recieve 5% damage. When Scott throws away the opponent, it will deal 6% damage.


Neutral Air

Scott performs another roundhouse. It deals 7% damage (again) and have good knockback compared to its grounded counterparts.

Forward Air

Scott performs a sex kick. 3% damage is dealt and it has minimal knockback.

Up Aerial

Scott takes his bass and swings it upward. It deals 8% damage and has good knockback.

Down Air

Scott takes his bass and swings it downward. 9% damage is dealt with good knockback. Is a very effective meteor smash.

Back Aerial

Scott performs a roundhouse from behind him. Does the same damage, and does the same knockback. It also spins him 180 degrees.


Side Smash

Scott takes out his bass guitar and swings it upwards. Fully Charged, the move would deal 20-25% damage and will be able to KO any opponent over 95-110%. Its an effective move and has very good knockback.

Up Smash

Scott takes his bass out and swings it over his head, much like DDD and his Up Smash. Fully charged, it will deal around the same damage of his Side Smash. It always has vertical knockback and is able to KO anyone that exceeds 105% damage.

Down Smash

Scott does helicopter roundhouses, in homage to Ryu of Street Fighter fame. Fully charged, each individual kick will deal 6% damage, with the final blow dealing 11% damage. Also has very good knockback, and is able to KO anyone who exceeds 115% damage.

Final Smash: X Strike

Scott alone did not win the final battle. It took a special someone to help him defeat Gideon. His girlfriend, Ramona stook by him through thick and thin and it still applies to the world of Smash. When Scott activates his final smash, Ramona appears from his chest wielding the Power of Love. Scott then pulls out his own weapon, the Power of Understanding. After exchanging a tender moment, Scott and Ramona jumps up to the top of the stage. The screen goes black for a while and Scott then shouts "I'll punish you!!!" and Ramona replies "I concur!!!". A giant black-and-white X appears while an announcer shouts "CRITICAL HIT!". Scott then share another tender moment with Ramona and she glows and vanishes to the air. This is a very effective Final Smash, as it deals more than 40-45% damage and is able to KO anyone that exceeds even 55% damage. Knockback is extremely effective, and is not an easy attack to dodge.


On Screen Appearence:

A subspace door opens and Scott runs out of the door .

Taunt 1:

Scott does his signature pose of pointing upwards.

Taunt 2:

Scott raises his fist upwards while smiling a large smile.

Taunt 3:

Scott plays his bass for a few seconds.

Win 1:

Scott plays a Nintendo DS while his back is turned.

Win 2:

Scott and Ramona shares a tender moment before walking inside a subspace door.

Win 3:

Scott and his band Sex Bob Omb plays his victory theme while Ramona, Knives, Neil, and Wallace looks on.


Scott drops to his knees and falls and shortly disintergrates like Megaman when he dies.

Series Symbol:

Snake's Codec:

Snake: It looks like this guy plays way too much video games.

Mei Ling: You mean Scott Pilgrim? I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you, Snake. He might appear to be just a video game nerd, but Scott is an extremely capable fighter. He had to defeat 7 of his girlfriend's exil exes in order to date her. And he gained the moniker "The Best Fighter in the Province" because of it.

Snake: This guy had to defeat 7 of his girlfriend's ex-boyfriends just to date her? She was really worth all that trouble?

Mei Ling: It's 'exes' he had to defeat. She didn't just date boys Snake. And I think it's kinda romantic. A guy that would go to the ends of the earth to be with the one he loves... I sure hope I get a guy just like him.

Snake: Yeah... Good luck with that Mei Ling.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
Oh right. I guess in my sleeping from 8:00pm to 7:00am today I forgot to post MYmini results again. Rawr.

1. Ixodes Hexagonus by MarthTrinity
1. Manray and the Dirty Bubble by getocoolaid
2. Robo-Link0 (Not A Robot) by Junahu

Alistar by Hyper_Ridley
Rucka Rucka Ali by BKupa666
Osama Bin Laden by Kholdstare
Uncle Sam by MasterWarlord
Mantine by Kitsuneko345
Captain America by n88_2004
Stephan Colbert by Davidreamcatcha


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
Sweet. Thanks to whoever voted for it.


Deleted member

User Rankings #8, #9

Welcome to the User Rankings! Every Monday, I'll be compiling the entire of the last week's activity in the thread and showing off, just who is the most active member? The point of this exercise is to recognise the most dedicated among us – those make your movers who are currently pushing the boundaries, as well as highlighting all movesets made by them.

To get on this list, you need to have made a moveset in this or a previous Make Your Move, as well as having posted in the Make Your Move 10 thread. The cut-off point for tallying is 5PM on Monday EST, 3PM PMT or 10PM GMT; other removals or changes are at my own discretion. The breakdown of points is as follows:

30 points for a Moveset
5 points for a Comment
4 points for a Secondary Submission
2 points for a Secondary Submission Comment
1 point for a Regular Post
+Regular Posts do not stack
+Secondary Submissions are MYminis, Joke Movesets and other miscellaneous submissions

This fortnight was rather disappointing in all in terms of activity, with only a handful of sets compared to a plethora of minis in the form of meme-ish cosplays. Nonetheless, we got arguably some of the best sets so far. Leading the way were two people in this case - n88 and Kupa - both bringing out sets with Satana and Baron K. Roolenstein, as well as a whole bunch of comments on account of these two leaders. Whichever set you prefer, both are worth reading. In third was myself, posting a set before I went on holiday in the form of Doctor N. Tropy and this being backed up by a bunch of comments upon my return. Whoo. Here's to more activity in the coming week.

Remember to check out the stadium to find all of the sets mentioned.

Overall User Rankings

Points: 64, Movesets: Dry Bowser, Venom, Satana

Points: 64, Movesets: Sir Weston, Klobber, Baron K. Roolenstein

Points: 56, Movesets: Garbodor, Doctor N. Tropy

Points: 45, Movesets: Victini, Krillin

Points: 39, Movesets: Wario, Vlad Plasmius

Points: 35, Movesets: Spider-Man, Galaxy Man, Concrete Man, Mafia Man

Points: 30, Movesets: Gastly, Haunter

Points: 25, Movesets: Enrico Pucci, Commander Shepard, Gallade

Points: 6

Points: 6

Points: 5

Points: 5

Points: 4, Movesets: Charlotte, OVER

Points: 4

Points: 4, Movesets: Bad Girl, Admiral Bobbery

Points: 1, Movesets: E.E.D. Soldier

Points: 1

Points: 1, Movesets: Sho Minamimoto, Taokaka, Arakune, Emidius Amarandos, Majora, Redead, Trace

Points: 1​


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
I have not gotten a chance to read a single thing from this MYM, and my post here is totally unwarranted, but I'm getting peer pressure in the xat to prove my reality, so here is my post.

Yes. It's true. I'm back. :)


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Thanks to the power of Internet Archiving... here is one of Spadefox's deleted sets

"Your eyes should still be free. Open them, and gaze upon true terror!"
joins the Smash!

Index - [00-INDX]
Overview - [01-OVRV]
Stats - [02-STTS]
Standard Attacks - [03-STND]
Smash Attacks - [04-SMSH]
Aerial Attacks - [05-AERL]
Special Attacks - [06-SPCL]
Grabs and Throws - [07-THRW]
Final Smash - [08-FISM]
Taunts - [09-TANT]
Extras - [10-EXTS]


Golbez is a non-player character in Final Fantasy IV, which has been released for several consoles (the original SNES Release in the US called it Final Fantasy II). He is the main antagonist for most of the game, a powerful half-Lunarian sorcerer and brother to the game's protagonist Cecil Harvey, although neither of them knows this for the majority of the game. Golbez eventually usurps Cecil's command of the Red Wings, the powerful air force of Baron, and through them successfully carries out his goals, only to be thwarted and alerted of his true origins, at which point he turns on Zemus, the true antagonist who was controlling him telepathically, and attempts to defeat him with the help of Fusoya. Golbez is also known for his dramatic and foreboding theme music and was the first villain of the series to get his own song. He reappeared in Final Fantasy IV: The After and also appears in Dissidia: Final Fantasy as the villain character representing Final Fantasy IV.

For Smash, Golbez mainly focusses on dark magic and psychic skills.

Music you might enjoy while reading this moveset:
Powerglove - Red Wings Over Baron (Final Fantasy IV)
Final Fantasy IV DS - Golbez, Clad in the Darkness
Hellion Sounds - The Last Battle (Final Fantasy IV)
Hellion Sounds - Battle 2 (Final Fantasy IV)
Hellion Sounds - Clash on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)
Hellion Sounds - The Decisive Battle (Final Fantasy V)
The Black Mages - Battle with the Four Fiends (Final Fantasy IV)
The Black Mages - Neo Exdeath (Final Fantasy V)
Final Fantasy IV Celtic Moon - Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV
Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV
Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Battle 2 (Final Fantasy IV)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Clash on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Chaos


Screen Name: Golbez
Size: 7/10 - Golbez, due to the armor he wears, is big and looks very bulky.
Weight: 6/10 - Although he wears a lot of armor, he isn't extremely heavy.
Shield: 8/10 - A very great shield, only outdone by the likes such as Ganondorf or Bowser.
(Running) Speed: 3/10 - Golbez doesn't run (or walk for that matter), but slowly floats just a bit above the ground. This also makes his traction horribly bad.
First Jump: 5/10 - He floats up into mid-air, with not that bad of a jump.
Second Jump: 3/10 - From the place he is Golbez jumps a little higher.
Hover: Yes. - Golbez can float like Peach for a second.
Fall Speed: 3/10 - Due to his psychic abilities he falls slower - almost like a feather (in armor).
Crouch: 5/10 - Golbez kneels down, simply.
Crawl: No.
Wall Jump: Yes.
Wall Cling: No.
Gliding: No.


Jab Combo:

Dusk Scorch
Golbez snaps his fingers, causing a burst of dark magic to explode right in front of him. The explosion has the size of Meta Knight and is close to Golbez. It has very small start up lag, but the ending lag is bad. If someone gets hit, they recieve 5% damage and average knockback. A very powerful tool to keep your enemy at distance.

Dash Attack:

Psychic Shove

While dashing forward, Golbez reaches out with one arm, his palm opened holding psychic energy. Then, a small light blue blast identifying the hitbox appears while Golbez comes to a halt. If someone is hit by this attack, they recieve 8% damage and average knockback. However, this move comes out and ends slowly and can easily be predicted, as well, so only use it if you are sure you will hit with it.

Forward Tilt:

Pentagon Shield
Sweeping his hands in front of his face, Golbez summons a forcefield in form of a pentagon. The borders of the shield are marked by lightning bolts connecting each other. The shield has insanely bad range, but covers Golbez' whole front. The field itself and its bolts are only as thick as a Pikmin, and between Golbez and the shield is the distance of about the same amount. If someone touches the shield, they recieve 4% damage and will be flinched backwards like if they were electrocuted. The move also has almost no startup or ending lag. Now, due to the bad range, it sounds useless, but there is a reason it is called a "shield". It will reflect energy based projectiles (Space Animal Blasters, Pit's Arrows, Samus' Charge Shot) and absorb general projectiles (Link's Arrows, Samus' Missiles). The Pentagon Shield can only defend from one projectile, and if it fails, Golbez growls and kicks the ground, rendering him defenseless for a brief moment.

Up Tilt

Shifting Gusts
Golbez turns to face the screen, raising his arms upward. Around his body and about Olimar's height above, a whirlwind appears. This covers Golbez' whole body and has insane priority, making it an ideal defensive move. It deals only 6% damage and low knockback, but comes out fast, and has average ending lag. As said, this move may not be ideal for attacking, but definitely for defending.

Down Tilt:

Shadow Wave
The warlock uses this move while kneeling. He plants his hands on the ground sending shadows into it. Then, a small wave-like obstacle will appear travelling along the ground for about a third of Battlefield's main platform. It goes as fast as Falco's Laser, and is as tall as a half Kirby. If someone is hit by that shadow wave, they will recieve 4% damage and trip onto the ground. When it hits, reaches a ledge or runs out of its range, the wave will sink into the ground, doing nothing anymore.


Forward Smash:

Dark Burst
This move is interesting, and works not that different to Snake's Up Smash. The move itself has static size and stats, but the longer you charge, the further the burst goes. The maximum is half of Final Destination. Golbez reaches out with one hand (the spot below his hand being the minimum range), and a shadow will appear below. The shadow is as wide as Olimar. Now as said, the longer you hold the attack button, the further the shadow travels. It goes averagely fast. If released, a purple burst will happen on the spot of the shadow, reaching as high as Mario. If someone is touched by the explosion, they recieve 16% damage and above average knockback.

Up Smash:

Black Cleft
Golbez first focusses and then raises his hand. Above him, a small black hole appears, sucking in nearby enemies and keeping them in the black area. They are stunned while being held by the Black Cleft, so they can't dodge anymore. They will "rotate" around the black circle, though. The further Golbez charges, the stronger the black hole becomes, making it easier to suck in people further away or more quickly closer enemies. Otherwise, this move does no damage, and only flinches an enemy with minimal knockback upwards. It is there for 5 seconds (static time, won't be changed if charged) and then simply disappears - where it gives out the knockback.
This move has some starting up lag, but otherwise is incredibly useful, especially for setting up aerial combos or distracting enemies to prepare other attacks.

Down Smash:

Night Glow
Golbez does the "Super Sayajin" stance (you know, shoving out his chest, flexing his arms downwards...), and droops his head while charging. He then sweeps his arms back and raises his head, emitting a shockwave around him. It has the form of a black ring travelling outwards and then disappearing. It has Bowser's size at maximum. The move comes out quickly, but has bad ending lag. It does good knockback and 16-18% damage.


Neutral Air:

Genesis Rock
Golbez spreads his arms, summoning a swarm of rocks around him which orbit horizontally around his upper torso. It looks a bit like Saturn's ring. They circle around him quickly, knocking away anyone being close. The move reaches out slightly but not extremely much - Zelda's Neutral Aerial is comparable in range. If an enemy is hit by the system, they will recieve 13% damage and good knockback, making it one of Golbez' most useful moves. The startup and ending lag is a bit bad, though, but it stops Golbez falling down, so it can be useful for recovery purposes, as well.

Forward Air:

Cosmic Ray
The warlock raises his hand in front of him and emits a thunderbolt from them. This move has very good range - among the same as Ike's sword. If an enemy is hit, they'll be stunned for a little bit and recieve 11% damage. The startup lag of this aerial is horrible, though, and the ending lag is not that good, either. It's a very good gimping move, though...

Back Air:

Void Spheres
Okay, this move is very tricky to use and to explain... First, Golbez turns around and summons a small purple sphere of darkness. Then, he teleports into the direction he now faces (his original back), only a short distance, and sweeps his hand into the direction of the summoned sphere. If there's an enemy in front of Golbez now, they will be knocked into the sphere, recieving 16% damage and high knockback. However, this move is VERY hard to pull off, as you have to predict the enemy's movement as well as Golbez'... if you have memorized this, though, it can be a very valid move, and easily one of Golbez' best attacks.

Up Air:

Shattering Dimension
Golbez summons a sphere of darkness around himself. This sphere then shatters into shards whirling upwards like a small tornado. This move stays where it is even while Golbez continues to travel. It does continous hits, a total of 4, to be exact, and with each hit the victim will recieve 3% damage. The victim has to be in there from the beginning to recieve all 12%, though. The move ends with a small dark blast when the shards disappear, dealing average knockback straight upwards.

Down Air:

Glare Hand
Now this move is not that exciting. Remember the flaming uppercut Captain Falcon does when hitting with his Raptor Boost? Well, this move looks a bit similar. With his hand glowing, Golbez dives downward. This move, now, is sweetspotted. Is you hit with the arm when Golbez swoops down, he will do 5% damage and low knockback. However, if you do hit with the (glowing) palm of the warlock, you will sweetspot it, deal 17% damage and, additionally, meteor smash the enemy. Now this move is a bit slow on both sides of the lag and doesn't have all that good range, but you still might try to hit with it, right?

[06 - SPCL]​

Neutral Special:

Ambush System
Sweeping his arms in front of him, Golbez summons three small silver spheres (CPU Nodes, to be exact). They fly forward and will spread themselves a bit until they reach the distance of one third of Battlefield's main platform. One will fly straight forward, the other two a bit diagonally. Then, they stop and will fire 2 small orange light beams each. They have the length of Wolf's blaster and the width of Falco's. The nodes shoot towards the closest enemy, but the lasers are flying straight into that direction and have the speed of Falco's laser, making it a bit easier to dodge. If someone is hit, they'll flinch and recieve 2% damage for each of those beams. The nodes will fire differently if an enemy is closer to them. Golbez can only use this move again when the current set of nodes has disappeared. The spheres can be destroyed, but they are ideal for spacing or retreating purposes.

Side Special:

Piercing Beam
Golbez spreads his arms and summons a bigger CPU Node above his head. It will fly straight forward until it is above an object. It then will quickly shoot down a laser, which stays there for two seconds and acts like an electric fence. If someone hits that beam, they'll recieve 6-8% damage, be shoved back a bit and stunned for a small moment. Just like the Ambush System, this move is ideal for spacing or retreating. There can only be one Piercing Beam Node on the field.

Up Special:

Zero Gravity
Golbez snaps one of his fingers, causing the gravity pulling him down to disappear completely. This also immediately recovers his second jump - no matter if he used it already or not. If he hasn't used it, the Zero Gravity jump will replace it instead. Golbez can jump and use Aerial attacks just like if he would use them when normally jumping, he just will lose even more of his Fall Speed, making him extremely floaty (1/10). This makes his jump very high and good, but he falls down slowly like a feather. The removed gravity will be intact until Golbez either fastfalls, is KOed or lands on the ground. If he is in No Gravity mode or Fastfall after using it, he also will not be able to use his Up Special, again. Other than that, the move does nothing.

Down Special:

Golbez spreads his arms upward, in between them a glowing red rock of fire. He then throws the rock downward a bit in front of him. The meteor shatters and a few small pieces are spread around it, flying in a ballistic curve upward and then down. When in air, Golbez throws the meteor down in a 45° angle, making it a projectile. The actual meteor deals 10% damage and good knockback, the smaller pieces flinch and deal 2% damage. The move has kinda bad startup lag, but it's okay for spacing.

[07 - THRW]​

Golbez' grab is amazingly good. It's not a tether grab, but it has very great range. He grabs a bit further than his hand goes when reaching out using his psychic powers. If he misses, he quickly draws back, making it hard to punish a missed grab - however it comes out a tad bit slow, though.

Holding the victim up, Golbez clenches his hand, virtually choking them. The throwee will struggle and curl slightly up when that happens. This deals 2-3% damage and is not that fast for a Pummel.

Forward Throw
Golbez throws the victim diagonally upwards with his psychic powers, and fires five spheres of small shadow magic after the throwee. At least two of them will hit. If the victim is on low percent, the likelihood the other balls hit them is very low, but the more damage they have, the better. The spheres fly further and count as projectiles, being able to hit others, as well. The basic throw has 9% damage and average range, the balls don't do any knockback or flinch and do 2-3% damage.

Back Throw
Golbez opens a portal in front of himself, and throws the victim into it. Another portal opens in Golbez' back, launching the throwee out of it. This way is infected with dark spirits, so they recieve 10% damage in their way from Portal A to Portal B. They then fly a good distance while Golbez slowly turns around. A very quick and good throw.

Up Throw
Lifting his enemy in front of his face with his psychic powers, Golbez crosses his arms in front of his chest and then sweeps them downwards, creating a wave of psychic energy to first rotate the enemy around Golbez quickly and then launch them straight upwards. This throw is insanely powerful, dealing 12% damage with very high range. Use it wisely.

Down Throw
The warlock sends a spell into the enemy, making them glow in blue shortly. He then slams them into the ground. They recieve 9% damage, however, instead of staying there, they will bounce of the ground and fly high into the air with insane floatiness! They will have a fallspeed of 1/10 until they touch the ground again, making them an easy victim for Golbez' aerial attacks. This throw can be very useful, but remember, after a brief moment after hitting the ground, the enemy will be able to move and use attacks, as well! However, they cannot enter fastfall until 3 seconds are over or they hit the ground before.

[08 - FISM]​

Shadow Dragon

When Golbez has gotten the Smash Ball and activates it, he spreads his arms up into the sky and shouts out "Shadow Dragon!". The background darkens and a dark portal opens, revealing the creature which is pictured above. The dragon roars and will start shooting thunderbolts onto the stage, aiming at the other player(s). Golbez can freely move meanwhile and will not be affected by the dragon's attacks. If someone (besides Golbez) gets hit by the thunder bolts, they'll recieve 40% damage and high horizontal knockback. After firing 4 bolts, the dragon screeches again and then vanishes, the screen becoming normally lighted again.

[09 - TANT]​

Golbez raises his hand, a small green glowing ball of light in it. He examines it and then crushes it in his hand, growling disgruntled and tilting his head to the side.

Golbez stands, and a breeze of wind making his cape float against his body while he - seemingly in thought - stares into the sky.

Holding up his hand in front of his face, a small purple sphere of dark magic is in it... Seemingly depressed, Golbez clenches his fist and shakes his head in sorrow.

[10 - EXTS]​

A portal in the shape of a full red moon appears on the stage, with Golbez floating out of it. As he's on the battlefield and turns around, the moon vanishes.

Alternative costumes
Dark blue armor, blue cape, several golden highlights (Default, Blue Team)
Black armor, purple cape with red insides, golden highlights (Red Team) - Picture
Brown-ish armor, dark green cape, bronze highlights (Green Team)
Silver armor, blue cape, blue highlights (resembling Garland from FFI) - Picture
Golden armor, lavender cape, silver hightlights (resembling Emperor Matheus from FFII) - Picture
Exdeath (FFV) - Picture

Victory Poses

Golbez, floating while facing the player, summons the black dimensional sphere of his Up Aerial. After he is in it, it shatters, the shards falling down, leaving back only thin air...

The Calcobrena dolls dance around Golbez in circles and whisper or giggle eerily, the warlock spreading his arms towards the player.

Golbez grabs his cape and turns his back at the player with a "Hmph!", swinging the cloth dramatically with him.

Golbez, having his arms crossed while looking away in shame, has two hands made of shadow magic clap for him.

Victory Theme
Dissidia Final Fantasy - Victory Fanfare ~Chaos~ (only the first bit)

Codec Converation
Snake: Otacon, who is this guy in the armor?
Otacon: That is Theodore Harvey, better known as Golbez, Snake. He is the brother of Cecil and a master of dark magic and psychic powers.
Snake: Psychic powers? You mean like Psycho Mantis?
Otacon: Yes, Snake. Golbez is a very strong fighter who uses unconventional ways of attacking, so beware of him.
Snake: I already had many troubles with Psycho Mantis... I hope this guy isn't as bad.
Otacon: Although he looks intimidating, he has actually a good heart and is fair in battles.
Snake: In war there is no such thing as fairness...
Otacon: But the world would be far more peaceful if there was...
Snake: Huh...

Kirby Hat
Kirby will be completely turned into Golbez' helmet, having only arms and feet stick out.

Unlock Message
Golbez, the dark Lunarian mage, is now available!

Credits Song for Single Player
Final Fantasy IV - Golbez, Clad in the Darkness


(the Chocobo)

Playstyle Summary
As you might have gathered from Golbez' moveset, the warlock is very heavily relying on keeping his enemies on distance. He has several great spacing tools and is good at racking damage quick, as well as playing strong mindgames. His supreme recovery together with being a more heavy character make Golbez a very strong enemy who will be around for a long time when being fought against. His most important tool for getting KOs is, of course, his Up Throw. Other than that, Golbez has little moves he can rely on to guarantee a kill. He especially has a hard time against characters who can aggressively enter his spacing game or who are plain outranging him. Most of his moves have insane priority or are even disjointed, though. Golbez is a character who also has to be played defensively. Running into the enemy and trying to hit them is very dangerous with the warlock, as you will see yourself faced with far quicker attacks coming from them. Several of his moves, mainly the Tilts and the Specials, are great for adding more defense options to his already great shield. Golbez, due to his awkward hitboxes, general low speed, dependance on only a handful of moves for scoring a KO and weak offensive game, is definitely a character who needs a skilled player to be mastered, but excels in outright destroying an enemy if used correctly.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
straight from the bowels of MYM5, Spadefox's deleted set returns!

joins the fray!


Index - [00-INDX]
Overview - [01-OVRV]
Stats - [02-STTS]
Standard Attacks - [03-STND]
Smash Attacks - [04-SMSH]
Aerial Attacks - [05-AERL]
Special Attacks - [06-SPCL]
Grabs and Throws - [07-THRW]
Final Smash - [08-FISM]
Taunts - [09-TANT]
Extras - [10-EXTS]
Stage - [11-STGE]


Waluigi is Luigi's evil counterpart and nemesis, as well as Wario's partner and rumored brother. Deliberately created to be a selectable character in various multiplayer games, Waluigi made his debut in Mario Tennis and has been playable in several games to date, although none of them can be classified as mainstream adventures in the Mario series. The details of Waluigi's past are unclear, as he is an extremely undeveloped character with no confirmed back story. Waluigi simply appeared in the Mario series as an apparently long-time resident with no explanation regarding his background. Waluigi has evidently been antagonizing the Mario Bros., especially Luigi, for quite some time before his debut, as it was clear from the opening movie intro in Mario Tennis that he and Luigi have been at odds before. Most of Waluigi's history is in the opening movies of Mario sports titles, which usually shows Wario and Waluigi's schemes.
Waluigi in his games is normally a character who has a lot of tricks and cheats up his sleeve and isn't afraid of doing anything to win. He is also a very sore loser, being upset and aggressive when he gets a strike. One of Waluigi's most interesting abilities is probably the fact he can literally swim in the air, which has been shown in a lot of the games he has appeared in.

In Smash Bros., Waluigi is not too different from his partner in crime, Wario. His attacks are wacky and erratic.

Music you might enjoy while reading this moveset:
Mario Kart DS - Waluigi Pinball (Brawl Version)
Mario Kart DS - Waluigi Pinball
Mario Kart DS - Tick Tock Clock
Mario Kart DS - Airship Fortress
Mario Kart Wii - Wario's Gold Mine
Mario Kart Wii - Moonview Highway
Mario Kart Double Dash!! - Waluigi Stadium
Mario Party - Luigi's Engine Room
Mario Kart Party 3 - Waluigi's Island
Super Paper Mario - Brobot Battle
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix - Destruction Dance
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix - I'm a Star!
Mario Tennis - Wario & Waluigi Court
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 - Junior Street
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 - Sherbet Land
Super Mario RPG - Weapons Factory



Screen Name: Waluigi
Size: 8/10 - Although he's very slim, Waluigi is tall, towering over most of the cast.
Weight: 6/10 - Of course being so big makes you heavier, but boy, that guy is only skin and bones.
(Running) Speed: 5/10 - True, Waluigi has long legs - but he still manages to be not really fast with them, dashing awkwardly funny.
First Jump: 8/10 - Due to his big size and strong legs, Waluigi can jump very high into the air, putting many other characters to shame.
Second Jump: 7/10 - Waluigi's second jump is almost as good as his first one. For this jump, he looks like he's leapfrogging an invisible partner in the air and goes further upward.
Hover: No.
Fall Speed: 4/10 - Due to his physique Waluigi isn't really falling quickly.
Crouch: 7/10 - Waluigi has a surprisingly good crouch for his size. He ducks down like a cat, though has his butt in the air, making the crouch good but not necessarily excellent. He still can dodge many projectiles with this.
Crawl: Yes.
Wall Jump: No.
Wall Cling: No.
Gliding: No.

Standard Attacks


Jab Combo:

Waluigi gets out his golf club, turns 90° to the right and swings the club into the direction he originally faced like he would play golf. This move comes out very quick and has acceptable range, as Waluigi swings the club into horizontal position before the move stops. Dealing 3% damage and mediocre knockback, this is a fast jab. It has a bit of ending lag, but that's probably okay.

Dash Attack:


Who knows where he stores it, but when pressing the attack button while Waluigi runs, he gets out the Zipper, his trusted purple trike from Mario Kart DS, and hops on it! He rides the bike for the same distance as Luigi's dash attack goes, then will hop of while the Zipper explodes, or, if there's a pit, simply falls into it. This speeds Waluigi's dash up a lot, of course. If someone is hit by the bike, they will recieve 9% damage and average knockback. The explosion does nothing. If Waluigi faces an attack of higher priority (there are only a few, this one has insane priority!), he'll be knocked off and the bike blasts in an instant. He will get off the bike if there is a ledge which would cause him to fall into a pit as soon as he reaches it, causing the bike to go further and fall into the depth. This move needs some buildup time but is great if you want to speed up your movement or get rid of enemies.

Forward Tilt:

Wario Clash

As you can see, Waluigi has purple Koopa Shells in his arsenal! This move basically works like the Koopa Shell item. Waluigi gets out one of the purple shells and tosses it onto the ground, causing it to slide along it. It travels slowly, similarily fast to Luigi's Fireball. If someone is hit, they'll recieve 10% damage and below average knockback. Now, there is, though, a big difference to normal Koopa Shells and this purple one. Unlike the standard green shells, the purple shell will disappear as soon as it hits an obstacle/target. Then, the shell cannot be picked up, or knocked into the other directon. The purple Koopa Shell is disjointed, but can be blocked by many other moves, making it more a move to pressure the enemy and stress them than actual attacking. There can only be one shell on the screen at a time.

Up Tilt

Lil' Dunk
Waluigi gets out a basketball, lifts it above his head and tosses it in an simple arc, causing it to fly upward a bit and then fall onto the floor. The range of this move is pathetic, and it's not extremely fast either... anyway, if someone is hit by the ball they'll recieve 6% damage and flinch. Pretty bad, eh? But wait, there is some more to this attack. If the ball isn't interrupted in its arc, it will land on the ground and stay there! If someone - including Waluigi himself - then touches this ball, they will trip and recieve 6% damage, again. The ball stays until someone trips on it or after 5 seconds pass. There can only be one ball at a time.

Down Tilt:

Tick Tock Bomb
The tall guy cackles and gets out a white Bob-Omb with a golden winding key. He quickly winds it up and sets it on the ground. Then he can continue his movement. The Bob-Omb will explode after a time of 5 seconds in the size of a normal Bob-Omb blast, dealing 15% damage and above average knockback. There can only be one Tick Tock Bomb out. The blast also can hurt Waluigi himself, so beware.

Smash Attacks


Forward Smash:

Mario Tennis
Waluigi, holding a tennis racket in his right hand and a tennis ball in his left, charges this move by gathering power in his right arm (indicated by him swinging the racket a bit). When the Smash is released, Waluigi first tosses up the ball and then hits it with the racket (it looks a bit similiar to how Peach swings her racket). Then, the ball will fly - depending on how long Waluigi has charged, the more the faster, the less the slower - about half of Battlefield's main platform and then land on the ground. This move has 2 hitboxes, the racket and the ball. The racket deals 10% uncharged (14% charged) and low knockback, while the ball deals 20% uncharged (25% charged). Now, what makes this Smash attack so special is that Waluigi has to go and collect the tennis ball again, otherwise he will only swing the relatively weak racket attack without the ball. As said, the little thing will land on the floor (or fall into a pit - if it's offscreen, it automatically returns to Waluigi). Waluigi has to touch the ball, then it will automatically return to him and he can use it again. To make this move more twisted, enemies cannot pick it up, but attack it, causing it to fly around like the soccerball item, thus making it hard for Waluigi to get it. Unlike the soccerball, though, Waluigi's tennis ball will not deal any damage or knockback when being knocked around. The lag of this move is average on both sides, the range of the racket is comparable with Peach's - without ball it's basically the same move, just weaker and without sweetspot.

Up Smash:

Piranha Plant
Our beloved jerk gets out a pot with his favourite pet - a piranha plant. He waters it with a small watering can while charging. Then, the piranha plant will bite above - if uncharged, Waluigi will simply hold it up and the plant will bite - it has about the same size as Waluigi's head without charging. The more charged the smash is, the further the plant will grow. The maximum charge will have the plant grow up to Battlefield's higher central platform when standing on the main one, enough to hit enemies through it. Of course while growing it will do the nostalgic vein-grow sound we all know from the original Super Mario Bros. games. Now, this attack has static 20% damage and static good knockback. But the plant WILL grab enemies and lift them upwards should they touch its head while growing. They then will recieve the damage and knockback when the plant reaches its destination. Now, the lag of this move is dependant, too! The plant grows quickly, and the hitbox will come out when the plant reaches the top. The piranha plant then will shrink again until having original size and Waluigi putting it aside. This means the more you charge it, the longer will the ending lag be! It's not extremely much, but still notable.

Down Smash:

Whiskered Eggplant
This move is very odd. Now, first, Waluigi sets down an eggplant with a moustache. If that wasn't enough, when charging, he pumps air into it with an air pump, therefore inflating the veggie. The more he charges, the bigger it gets, with a maximum size of Jigglypuff and a minimum of the soccerball item. The eggplant then is laying there and doing nothing but being there. A maximum of 7 seconds. Then it vanishes. Now, if someone except for Waluigi touches the vegetable, they will cringe because of how disgusting it is, recieving 8% (15% charged) damage and being stunned for a short moment like Falco's laser (uncharged) to 1.5 seconds (fully charged). Beware, though, the move makes a character automatically grab the ledge if they are in midair, close to one and touching the fruit.

Aerial Attacks


Neutral Air:

Waluigi starts spinning around himself like insane, creating a little whirlwind around his body. The wind covers Waluigi completely, goes out slightly and is above and below Waluigi, as well, about one Kirby in size. The move does have bad startup- and ending lag. If Waluigi hits the ground before Whirluigi is finished, the ending lag is even worse, with him being dizzy for a little moment before shaking it off. The move does do a lot, though. It will deal only 3% damage and only if someone is caught in the winds, but it will create a small gust - only to be avoided when being directly below or above Waluigi. The gust is weaker than the wind from Whispy Wood, but it does shove enemies away. Note that, added to this, the move has a sweetspot. If someone is "in" Waluigi when he starts up the tornado, they will recieve 8% damage, and high knockback straight upwards.

Forward Air:

Mrs. Bob-Omb

I know this is actually Bombette from Paper Mario, but imagine her with a red bow, on top of that. For the attack, Waluigi gets out the pink bomb and simply tosses it forward. It will basically work like a proximity mine - if someone is close, Mrs. Bob-Omb will blow up in a pink explosion, dealing 15% damage and above average knockback. The Bob-Omb will not explode if noone is near in the air - they have to be in one Jigglypuff's radius for Mrs. Bob-Omb to explode. If noone is near and the bomb lands on the ground, Mrs. Bob-Omb will start to walk around like your usual Bob-Omb, and work like a moving proximity mine, dealing the same damage and knockback. If she doesn't find someone to blow upon after 6 seconds, she will destruct herself, sad that she couldn't help her master. Now, only one Mrs. Bob-Omb can be out, and all explosions can and will hurt Waluigi if he is close.

Back Air:

Gamma Stretch

Waluigi bends his back so he takes on the form of a Γ symbol, as seen in the picture. This happens very quick, with almost no lag on both sides. He does a karate chop while bending back, reaching out with his arms. Due to his size, it has decent range. It deals 9% damage and average knockback. If it is sweetspotted, though, which is on Waluigi's raised leg's heel, it will deal 16% damage and meteorsmash an enemy.

Up Air:

Poison Shroom

Waluigi gets out his favourite item, the Poison Mushroom. He throws it upward slightly. If it doesn't touch someone, it will fall back down and hit Waluigi's staring face. This move has almost no startup lag, but some ending lag if it misses, if not, almost no ending lag, as well. If it doesn't hit, you're not concerned with lag anyway... now, what does this move? If it connects with an enemy, they will recieve 10% damage, but no knockback. Instead, they will be "poisoned" and automatically enter Helpless/Freefall state. Note that they still can control their character and it still can grab the ledge. However, this move is a great gimping tool. If it misses, the effect will occur onto Waluigi, making HIM enter Helpless instead! So beware using it. It has the range of a normal backflip Up Aerial.

Down Air:

Dance Off!
Seen here from 0:48-0:55: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvsWbJNwAxs

Waluigi starts dancing in mid-air! He will not fall faster because of it. The move has 4 steps of dancing, and no ending lag, whatever happens to Waluigi - whether he still is in the air or on the ground. If someone is hit by Waluigi's feet, they will recieve 4% damage for every step they are hit with. Note that the enemy will be trapped in the dance when hit and then recieve fairly low knockback with the last one. This move comes out quickly and is mainly for racking damage, one of the most tedious things with Waluigi. Considering the low range (only the feet), it can be hard to pull it off.

Special Attacks

[06 - SPCL]​

Neutral Special:

Liar Ball
Waluigi, holding a tennis racket in his right hand and a tennis ball in his left, charges this move by gathering power in his right arm (indicated by him swinging the racket a bit). When the attack is released, Waluigi first tosses up the ball and then hits it with the racket (it looks a bit similiar to how Peach swings her racket). Then, the ball will fly - depending on how long Waluigi has charged, the more the faster, the less the slower - about half of Battlefield's main platform and then land on the ground. This move has 2 hitboxes, the racket and the ball. The racket deals 7% uncharged (12% charged) and low knockback... Wait... Doesn't this sound familiar? It actually is... the Forward Smash? Not really. Although the attack looks exactly the same and has the same hand-to-hand properties, it works different to Mario Tennis. What does it do? The "ball" in fact is filled with explosives! If it touches an obstacle on its way, it will simply blast into smoke and air, doing nothing, but if it lands on the ground, the explosives are activated. Now, the difference to the Forward Smash is, that the ball can't be knocked away! In fact, if someone hits the fake ball, it will explode right into their face, dealing 8% damage and average knockback. Uh oh. The ball doesn't look exactly the same, though. While the real ball is white, this one has a slight purple tint. While the explosive is out, of course, Waluigi can use the real Forward Smash, and vice versa. There can only be one liar ball out on the field, though.

Side Special:

Spiny Shell:

I guess many of you, especially those who have played Mario Kart Wii, are shivering in fear of that picture right above. It is the cursed blue Spiny Shell, hailing directly from the Mario Kart series! The move itself is just as odd as all of Waluigi's - especially his Specials, of course! When using it, the Spiny Shell will start to fly off and home directly onto the player who is currently in the lead. In Free for Alls that means it's people who are placed in the first! In 1 vs. 1s it means the player who is leading the current match! And in team battles it homes into the closest member of the leading team. It homes into them, no matter where this player is, even if it is Waluigi himself. If Waluigi himself is in the lead - or his team - then the shell will home into him. Yes, you heard right. It harms Waluigi himself if he is in the lead. So watch out! The shell travels as fast as Zelda's fireballs and directly home into the target. If they come in close, they will blast in a hitbox of a similar size, just with a blue expolosion, dealing 10% damage and below average knockback. The shell will fly around 3 seconds - if it doesn't hit a target then, it simply will explode where it is. There can only be one Spiny Shell on the field. If Waluigi or one of his team partners are not the target, the explosion will not harm Waluigi similar to Zelda's Din's Fire. It has the virtually same lag on both sides like Luigi's Fireball.

Up Special:

Swimming Return
Waluigi stops in whatever position he is in right now, even in midair - hovering - and sticks his index fingers into his ears. Then, after pulling them out again, he starts to swim through the air right upwards, doing one big swimming motion! He can go as far as Luigi's Super Jump Punch with this, which isn't exactly great, but not terrible either. You can angle the move slightly in midair while Waluigi is picking his ears, making diagonal recovery possible, as well. If someone gets in Waluigi's way while he does the swim, they will knocked away with a little splash of water, 5% damage and low knockback. However, it has a sweetspot! If you hit an enemy with Waluigi's nosetip while he does this, they will be meteorsmashed with 10%. It is, though, mainly for recovery purposes. After using Swimming Return, Waluigi will enter Helpless.

Down Special:

This move is activate and deactivateable. When activating, Waluigi chuckles and sticks out his tongue, and starts to have some purple aura around him, diffusing him a bit. Then, from the spot he activates it, he will draw a line of purple coloured mist in the same way he moved. The maximum length is 1/4 of Battlefield's mainplatform, but the move can be deactivated earlier. The purple fog will create a wall of veins which works exactly like a normal wall if placed vertically, like a solid but ledgeless platform if placed horizontally and like a slope if placed diagonally. Otherwise, the move does neither damage nor knockback. If someone is standing in the fog, or an obstacle is in there, they will be simply shoved out of the wall's place. Wall-uigi can be used for recovery, because he can stand on a platform he creates! The walls will stay for 4 seconds, and then disappear. Waluigi cannot place more than one vein wall in the field at a time.

Grab and Throws

[07 - THRW]​

Waluigi simply grabs forward with his hand. The range of his grab is big, since his arm is so long, and the grab speed is very fast. Waluigi's dash grab makes him slide forward for only a little. When wiffing his grab, Waluigi is almost unpunishable.

Using the Boo Bell, Waluigi will call a Boo to help him. The ghost will rotate around the victim, stealing their coins. Every stolen coin equals 2% damage, the gold dropping down onto the floor. A very quick and good pummel.

Forward Throw

Waluigi, laughing evilly, gets out the Sparky Sticker, one of his favourite items! He puts the sticker onto the throwee, and then uses his baseball bat to knock them away with short range, dealing 8% damage. The throw is tad slow, but has a very nasty side-effect! When the stickered opponent moves - no matter how - they will recieve 2% additional damage for every button input they do. Though, no knockback. The sticker stays 3 seconds, before dropping off. The stickers cannot be stacked.

Back Throw
Waluigi, chuckling, gets out the Standard Kart WL, his betrusted... well... standard kart from Mario Kart DS! However he keeps it hidden alongside his trike... Anyway, he drops the enemy, the kart onto them, hops behind the control and starts the engine of his kart, but having the brake on, so he's running on the stand. This will literally crush the enemy below the kart's tires, and launch them with high speed out of the kart's backside. They will fly very low, but very far, and it deals 13% damage, on top of that, so it's easily one of Waluigi's better throws. However, there is a 10% chance that the kart's engine explodes into Waluigi's face, releasing the throwee and launching Waluigi highly straight upwards with 12% damage. After successfully using this move, Waluigi hops out of his vehicle and it disappears.

Up Throw
The allmighty POW-Block appears! Waluigi gets it out, into the air, drops the enemy onto the floor and hops up while slamming his fists onto the blue block. This will cause the victim to fly straight upwards with average range, recieving 10% damage. It's ideal for getting your enemy upwards if you have set up traps there. Not to mention it can be a nice KO move, as well.

Down Throw
Waluigi drops a banana peel and then the throwee onto it, which causes them to trip and recieve 9% damage. This move is great if you want to get your enemy off your tail.

Final Smash

[08 - FISM]​

Gold Mantis

When Waluigi grabs the Smash Ball, and activates his Final Smash, he first laughs evilly, thumbing his nose before jumping offscreen. Then, a big digger shaped like the Gold Mantis, Waluigi's betrusted kart in Mario Kart DS, appears in the background, falling from the sky! Waluigi has obviously grown, too, piloting the big vehicle. Now, the digger is what you will control. The shovel is on the battlefield, and you can swing it around to knock enemies away. If they get hit by the swing, they will recieve 30% damage and high knockback. To make it even more devastating, you can press the Special or Attack button to make the shovel drop a pile of dirt onto the field. It will simply fall down. If someone is touched by the dirt, they will be trapped into the floor like with a pitfall item, or, if in midair, spiked downwards. Otherwise they'll recieve no damage from the dirt. The digger will be around for 15 seconds, and then simply use some awesome jets to fly to the top of the screen and off it. Waluigi then appears where he has been before using the attack.


[10 - TANT]​

Waluigi does his controversial "crotch chop" taunt from the Mario Strikers games, while yelling "YES! YES! YES!"

Waluigi holds the right part of his mustache in between index and thumb, twirling a bit, while smirking and self-confidently stating "He he he, losers!"

Waluigi clenches a fist in front of his chest, making an overly satisfied face while almost moaning "Soooo good!"


[10 - EXTS]​

A dice appears with some random number, and a few game fields shaped like on a Mario Party board appear, leading from the background to the spawn place. Waluigi comes running from the background and stands on the field lying on the actual arena's platform. The Mario Party items disappear, then.

Alternative Colors
Purple shirt and cap, black overalls, orange shoes, yellow Γ symbols (Default)
Blue shirt, red overalls and cap, brown shoes, red Γ symbols (Red Team, resembling Mario)
Brown shirt, blue overalls and cap, red shoes, blue Γ symbols (Blue Team, resembling a certain guest character... you might take a guess...)
Blue shirt, green overalls and cap, brown shoes, green Γ symbols (Green Team, resembling Luigi)
Purple shirt, yellow overalls and cap, green shoes, blue Γ symbols (resembling Wario)
Black short-sleeved shirt, yellow cap, white-purple checked pants, black shoes, no symbols (resembling Foreman Spike from Wrecking Crew) - Picture
Alternative Costume: Striker Waluigi - Picture

Victory Poses

Waluigi, grinning victoriously, picks up a soccer ball, stating "You want the ball, eh? Here!", and throws it at the second-placed character, who will duck below it.

The big guy runs up from the side, dropping onto his knees while yelling "WALUIGI NUMBERO ONE!!!". He does the V for Victory with both of his hands, as well.

Waluigi, first chuckles, then yells "Victory is mine! Mine! MINE!". Meanwhile he gets out a rose and turns away from it, holding it towards the screen.

Victory against Luigi
When a Luigi loses against Waluigi, the latter will have Luigi laying on the floor, face to the ground, while Waluigi having his foot on Luigi's head, chuckling. He asks "You like that, huh?!", and then starts to twirl his mustache idly.

Victory when in Team with Wario
When there is a 2-player team of Wario and Waluigi, the victory pose is completely different. Instead of every of them having one victory pose, each, they share one together! Look at that, Mario and Luigi! Now, what happens is that both Waluigi and Wario are thrown by a crowd of characters. Whom depends on which colour your team is. If you use Red Team, it will be Toads, if you use Blue Team it will be Boos and if you use Green Team it will be Koopa Troopas. They are thrown up twice but their weight causes the small characters to collapse, with the team laying on top of them. They slap the characters and yell "Keep throwing!". As they recognize they both do the same, they chuckle and high-five each other.

Victory when in Team with Wario 2
There is a second team victory pose for this team. They both start standing back to back, getting out their favourite food each - Waluigi an eggplant and Wario some garlic. They toss it up into the air, their mouthes wide open, and catch the veggie, devouring it. They then get away from each other, with Wario doing the W-sign with his right hand, while Waluigi twirls his mustache.

Waluigi, furious about losing, stomps the ground and shakes his fists at the winner(s), making faces from time to time.

Victory Theme
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Wario's Victory Theme

Codec Converation
Snake: Who is this tall stick insect? He freaks me out.
Colonel: That's Waluigi, Snake. He's Wario's partner in crime.
Snake: You mean that disgusting slug?
Colonel: No need to get rude, Snake. But yes. Be careful, as Waluigi will do everything in his power to win.
Snake: He doesn't look all that... intimidating.
Colonel: Don't judge him by his appearance. He may not be a very powerful fighter, but he has many tricks up his sleeve, and even is not afraid of cheating.
Snake: There is no cheating in the battle, Colonel. Only not expecting the unexpected. That's something you told me once.
Colonel: Hmph... Nevertheless, Waluigi is a strong force to be reckoned with. He has an affinity for explosives and can swim through air.
Snake: Swim through air? The one farts, the other one swims?! I really should stop seeing anything rational on this mission...

Kirby Hat
Kirby gains a big red nose, Waluigi's mustache and of course the trademark purple cap. He also gets the Liar Ball as Neutral Special.

Unlock Message
Waluigi and his dirty tricks are now available... but do you really want to play a cheater?

Credits Song for Single Player
Mario Kart DS - Waluigi Pinball (Brawl Version)


The mirrored L, to be exact the Greek symbol Γ, the capital Gamma - a Classic.


Item Box and Fake Item Box

These two items hail from the Mario Kart series! Of course, since Mario Kart Wii is the latest installment, Smash uses the most resent appearance.

In Mario Kart, normal item boxes are all over the racing track. If a kart touches them, they will recieve an item chosen by randomness. However, not everyone will get every item! Racers who are further behind are more likely to get powerful items, while racers who are placed well likely will recieve not as useful ones. In Smash, these item boxes are simple container items, but work a bit differently. They only contain one item, which will be randomly chosen. The item box cannot be picked up or thrown, and it cannot be destroyed by an attack. If you want to open up an item box, your character has to touch it, resulting in the item dropping out in front of the person who just touched it. Item boxes also have no chance of exploding at all.

The fake item box! From further away it appears to be a real item box, but if you get closer you'll see it's red instead of rainbow coloured and has an upside down question mark! Fake item boxes are an item a player could get in Mario Kart, and drop onto the racing track to fool other drivers to think they would soon get a relieving item to get further but only to be knocked around when the fake box explodes! Oh no, what a mean trap. In Smash, the fake item box works similar to the actual item box. It can't be destroyed by attacks, and it can't be picked up. They look very alike, and only if a character is close they turn into a slight red colour - but not as much as on the picture! It's only a hint to be the fake. The question mark flips upside down, though. As soon as a character touches a fake item box, they will recieve an electric shock! They consume 10% damage and are stunned for a little moment. Oh dear...

Playstyle Summary
Waluigi... Oh my. You've chosen an odd character to play with this one. This sneaky guy has such a strange playstyle, that starting the game out with him can be a very lethal mistake. Waluigi is definitely a character only advanced players should use, as winning with him is a very strategic matter, and you have to exactly know how all of his moves work, and time them precisely. To be victorious with Waluigi is time-consuming and exhausting, but definitely worth a thought. Basically, he is about controlling the arena with his traps to press the enemy off the stage and then destroy them with his gimping, edgeguarding and good aerial game. Due to Waluigi's wacky moving or delayed hitboxes it's hard for him to get his enemy off of him while setting up his traps. He has to rely on his good projectile game, a few throws and a couple of hand-to-hand attacks (Jab, Dash Attack, perhaps Forward Smash) on the ground and several of his aerial moves in mid-air to keep the enemy off his tail. Generally speaking - Waluigi prefers the air, especially offstage. Due to his floaty nature and his aerial mobility with jumps and recovery, Waluigi is not only hard to get rid off for the enemy, but also able to chase them above the deadly pits, where moves like his Up Air or his Forward Air will make him a deadly force to meet. He may have trouble with racking damage fast and especially with scoring normal KOs, but that's what makes him very different from the rest of the cast - a Waluigi player must think and plot schemes to get along with this jerk's sneaky playstyle.


[11 - STGE]​

Waluigi Pinball

So you've chosen to fight on Waluigi's stage, huh? This, my friend, is Waluigi Pinball, a hell of chaotic confusion, yet still you will be able to overcome the obstacles, I'm sure. Now, what is this? The first picture is showing a screenshot of the game this stage is hailing from, Mario Kart DS. Think of the second pic in the course's style, a giant pinball machine, and on top of that, upside down! The red box indicates a character, roughly Mario's size. The yellow lines are solid, so you cannot drop through them. You can't stand on the upper parts, they're just there to show you that you cannot go through them. The green blocks indicate the flipper arms, and they will randomly flick around, trying to hit you or the ball - which is indicated in white, by the way. But I'll come to the ball in detail. If you go a little higher than the flipper arms, you will reach the blastzone and Star KO yourself. The purple lines are dropthrough platforms. The blue circles are normal bumpers, doing bumpers do best - bump you. 1% damage each. They work and look like the item, just a bit bigger. Now that we have all these factors outta the way, let's talk about the ball itself. The pinball will randomly roll onto the stage, and bounce off solid platforms and bumpers, as well as the arms if they move. You heard right, the ball will go through drop-through platforms and YOU, as well! If you get hit by the ball, you will recieve 15% damage and high knockback sidewards. Since this normally will end up in you getting into a bumper chain, you probably should avoid this.
This stage can be difficult to play on if you don't know how to dodge or your character has bad aerial movement, but overall it can be fun, as well!

Mario Kart DS - Waluigi Pinball (Brawl Version)
Mario Kart DS - Waluigi Pinball
Mario Kart DS - Tick Tock Clock
Mario Kart DS - Airship Fortress
Mario Kart Wii - Wario's Gold Mine
Mario Kart Wii - Moonview Highway
Mario Kart Double Dash!! - Waluigi Stadium
Mario Party - Luigi's Engine Room
Mario Kart Party 3 - Waluigi's Island
Super Paper Mario - Brobot Battle
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix - Destruction Dance
Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix - I'm a Star!
Mario Tennis - Wario & Waluigi Court
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 - Junior Street
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 - Sherbet Land
Super Mario RPG - Weapons Factory


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
And the unearthing of Spadfox gems continues with another deleted set

"I am the Eggman, that's what I am!"
joins the battle!

Dr. Eggman, the long nemesis to Sonic the Hedgehog, has joined the fray! He was first introduced in the first Sonic the Hedgehog game. In Japan his name has been "Dr. Eggman" from the beginning, outside of Japan he was named "Dr. Robotnik". Not too long ago Sega decided to fuse both names, so that his real name would be Dr. Ivo Robotnik and Eggman his nickname. He has appeared in pracitcally every Sonic game since the first one, and keeps on going. Even though some people fear Eggman to become more good because he has teamed up with Sonic for a few times until now, these alliances only have been made because else Eggman would've died. Robotnik will keep up on being the main enemy. The good doctor is fat and lazy, and hates moving around too much on his own. Therefore Eggman will sit in his Egg Pod, which mainly takes form of the Egg Walker, seen in the picture below. The legs are retractable, making the Egg Pod a very versatile machine.

Screen Name: Eggman
Size: 9/10 - Eggman and his walker are big, but not overly large like Bowser or Donkey Kong.
Weight: 10/10
(Running) Speed: 5/10 - The Walker retracts its legs and extends wheels making it a car like the first boss in Sonic 2.
First Jump: 2/10 - Well... it's a huge robot. Jumping. You see.
Second Jump: 6/10 - The Walker uses jets in its feet to boost up.
Fall Speed: 7/10
Shield: 8/10 - The forcefields built into the machine are very strong and can withstand many attacks.
Crouch: 4/10 - The Walker retracts its legs slightly so only the feet stand out. It's an okay crouch, but due to the mech being so big, it won't help all too much.
Crawl: No.
Wall Jump: No.
Hover: Yes. The Walker can hover about half the time Peach can float.
Wall Cling: No.
Gliding: No.
Sleeping Animation: The Walker halfly retracts its legs so the pod lies on the floor, and Eggman has his head slammed on the controls, snoring.
Dizzy Animation: Eggman slams the controls of his walker angrily, while the machine is swinging slowly.
Swimming Animation: The machine transforms into a submarine. This makes Eggman invulnerable to drowning. He can be spiked into the water, though, so beware.

Jab Combo:

Egg Fury
Robotnik leans forward, swinging his fist in front of the walker. This move has little startup and ending lag, but horrible range. The enemy will recieve 4% damage and low knockback, if in mid-air diagonally downwards. Maybe not the best move Eggman has, but certainly useful against short-hopping opponents. This is Robotnik's only jointed hitbox.

Dash Attack:

Drill Rush

For this attack, the Walker retracts its legs quickly to replace them with tires, and suddenly, a big drill pops out of the front of the vehicle! This move is taken from Sonic 2's Emerald Hill boss. Unlike that boss, though, Drill Rush will not shoot out the drill. It instead will be a big high priority attack, dealing 10% damage and average knockback to the side, with Eggman driving further about half of Smashville's small platform. The startup lag of this move is not horrible, but an enemy can easily see it coming. The ending lag, though, is awful, so you should only use the Dash Attack when you're sure you will hit the opponent.

Forward Tilt:

Glove Punch
When using this attack, the front of Robotnik's vehicle opens, a big boxing glove attached to a coil jetting out. This is one of Eggman's fastest moves, and has some good range too - a small platform of Battlefield. The attack deals 16% damage and below average knockback, and is mainly used for punishing enemies. The startup lag is almost unnoticeable, however, the ending lag of it is bad, though.

Up Tilt

Flame Blast
This attack is taken from Sonic 2's Hill Top boss. The back of the pod will open and a flamethrower will come out, sweeping upwards and flinging to the sides. It does multiple hits and basically works like Zelda's Up Smash, taking the enemy with it. The attack does 2% damage with each hit, and a total of 6 possible hits, the last blow throwing the enemy away with low knockback, but very low hitstun. It has low startup lag and low ending lag. The range is comparable with Zelda, too: Her Up Aerial covers about the same distance as the flamethrower. Flame Blast is a very quick move that should be used to punish enemies that whiffed their aerial approaches.

Down Tilt:

Sting Shove
This move is taken from the boss of Spring Yard Zone in Sonic 1. However, unlike the actual boss, the spike is not coming out of the underside, but rather from the underside just below the light. The sting pops out, looking diagonally down, and then arches upward like a flipper bat. This move is made out of two attacks, the first one when the spike comes out, stunning the enemy and dealing 5% damage, and the second one when it flops upward, dealing average knockback and additional 10%, removing the stun on the foe. The move's range is limited, it's comparable with Zero Suit Samus' Down Smash. It comes out very quickly, and the cooldown is average in speed, so it is one of Robotnik's faster moves.

Forward Smash:

Double Hammer
This move is inspired by the boss of Sonic 2's Aquatic Ruin Zone. It is a very unique move, to say the least. The front is easily explained: Out of the walker's front pops a big hammer, moving up, and then crashing down right in front of Robotnik, the range and speed being pretty much the same as King Dedede's Forward Smash. It deals very good knockback and 19% damage uncharged, and 27% fully charged. However, there is a small twist to it. In Robotnik's back, there appears a totem statue like in the Aquatic Ruin boss battle. A small hammer pops from the vehicle's back and hits the totem statue, resulting in a small arrow shooting out of the statue's mouth. The further the move is charged, the quicker the arrow, with a maximum of Fox' Blaster and a minimum of Zero Suit Samus' stun gun. The arrow deals low knockback and only 5% damage, and is fired in the same height as ZSS' stun gun. It can easily throw off enemies, though. If someone should be touched by the statue or the smaller hammer in the back, they recieve 10% damage and low knockback, most likely to get hit with the arrow.

Up Smash:

Rock Drill
Taken from Mystic Cave Zone in Sonic 2, Robotnik's Up Smash is yet another one of those normal things with a small twist. Now, what does it do? The walker extracts two big drills (like you can see in the picture), and additionally retracts his legs. Eggman uses the jet inside of his pod to move the whole vehicle upward while his does this attack, making it kind of an aerial started from the ground. The pod hovers upward, and would come to stop right on the top of Smashville's smaller platform if used directly below from the main platform. The attack itself does above average knockback and uncharged 18% damage (25% charged). The drills are about the size of Olimar. It starts out quick, though the movement itself is dependant on how much the attack is charged, so the Smash can be dodged easily if seen to be charged - the uncharged version is very slow, and the fully charged one has about the same speed as Snake's mortar grenade. The cooldown is good, though, so it's Roobtnik's fastest Smash in regards of startup and ending lag.

Down Smash:

Spikey Ball
This move is based on the Star Light Zone's boss from Sonic 1. Robotnik simply opens up a hatch on the bottom of his vehicle and drops down a spikey ball. That ball will stay where it is, and deal 1% damage and flinch back anyone it touches. It has the size of a Pokeball, roughly. Now, this spikey ball is a bomb. It will explode after a time determined by the charge time - the more Robotnik charges, the longer it will take until the spikey ball blows up (minimum is 1.5 seconds, maximum is 3). The explosion itself does pretty much nothing but emitting four little firey balls (around the size of Mario's) flying in a ballistic curve upwards and then down. If they touch the ground or an obstacle, they just vanish, otherwise they drop infinitely down (if they fall in a pit). If one of these balls connects with a victim, they will recieve 11% static damage and be stunned. The only thing charging determines is how long the bomb needs to explode. This makes for a great edgeguarding move. Additionally, if Robotnik uses his Down Tilt on the bomb, he can fling it away like a ball, and thus offstage and perhaps towards an enemy. Eggman only is able to use one of these bombs at a time.

Neutral Air:

Solar System
This move's inspiration is the Metropolis Zone's boss from Sonic 2. Robotnik summons 8 small spheres orbitting around the spherical vehicle, quickly spinning around, basically working like a little shield. If someone touches one of them, they will be knocked away with below average knockback and 9% damage. These little spheres have very low priority and can be beaten out by almost every move. If someone uses an attack on one of the spheres, it will blast, deal the 9% damage but not the knockback. If the hitbox of the opponent reaches Eggman, he will be knocked out of the move and away. So even if the enemy beats out the hitbox, they still recieve the damage! The range is of course small, with the spheres being Unira's size. The startup lag is fast, the duration around 1 second. The ending lag is okay, too, and will not change by landing.

Forward Air:

Acid Ball
Despite many players dreading from the Chemical Plant Zone's water sections, the boss was rather easy. It delivers the inspiration for Robotnik's Forward Aerial. The move itself calls a similar gadget from Eggman's vehicle like the pic shows. It will drop a blue sphere of liquid, which will fall straight down, and, as soon as it hits an obstacle, separate itself into 4 smaller spheres, each in a slightly ballistic curve similar to Robotnik's Down Smash. The move has low startup and average ending lag. Now, if someone gets hit by the big ball, they will recieve good horizontal knockback and 14% damage. If someone is hit by one of the smaller balls, they recieve 8% damage and flinch. The smaller droplets will go through dropthrough platforms (which destroy the big one), but not through solid ones. All Acid Balls fall with the speed of Pikmin Toss, and Robotnik can only have one out at a time.

Back Air:

Tentacle Whip
The back of Robotnik's vehicle opens, and a big metallic tentacle shoots out, whipping into the scientist's back. This move has some starting and ending lag, but very good range (about Zero Suit Samus' Forward Smash). It deals 7% damage and below average knockback if it connects. Sounds bad? Well, this move also has a spike! The very tip of the tentacle is needed to pull this off. If Robotnik hits an enemy with the tip of the tentacle, the enemy will recieve 17% damage instead, and fly with usual spike knockback far away. One of Robotnik's better KO moves, if the player can pull it off.

Up Air:

Spiked Helmet
The first Sonic & Knuckles boss that gave its inspiration for this move - this is the boss of Lava Reef. Very quickly, a metallic cover wraps above Robotnik's cockpit, with spikes shooting out. When the move is done - after 1.5 seconds - the spikes and temporary roof retract again. This attack has, though, extremely bad range, and is mostly to use if an enemy is directly above Robotnik, and maybe has whiffed an airdodge. It deals 12% damage and okay horizontal knockback. However, on the flipside, Robotnik has Super Armor in the duration of this move, and the move continues even when the good doctor lands!

Down Air:

Flame Drop
This attack is taken from the boss of Sonic 1's Marble Zone. Similar to the Down Smash, Eggman opens up a hatch on the underside of his vehicle, though this time not dropping a bomb, but a little fireball. It falls straight down, and has the size of a blaster shot from Wolf. If it hits an enemy, it will deal 10% damage and low knockback. However, this is not the actual use of the move. If it hits a platform, not an enemy or an object, the flame will expand, and cover the area of a small Battlefield platform - with the flame in the center. Of course, edges will limit the range of the flames. If someone touches the flames, they recieve 10% damage and flinch just like Bowser's Fire Breath. The flames stay for 2 seconds. Eggman can only use one Flame Drop at a time.

Neutral Special:

Vulcan Cannon
This move creates a small cursor. It moves quickly, and as soon as it "touches" a target - this can be an enemy, an item, a projectile or an obstacle (from stages, like the Shy Guys on Yoshi's Island) - the target is locked on. Of course, Robotnik cannot move while he moves the cursor - similarily to Snake's Nikita Missile - and can be knocked out of locking on phase. As soon as something is locked on, Eggman can move again. The lock will stay there for 10 seconds, or until the locked on obstacle leaves the screen for whatever reason (leaving, vanishing, dieing). When the player presses B again when the lock on is made, he shoots a laser beam twice the size of R.O.B.'s at the target. It will go straight into the direction the target is currently in, though the maximum angle is 60°. If the target is in Robotnik's back, he has to turn around first. The beam goes straight only, so the target may be able to dodge the move. If it connects, though, it deals 12% damage and above average knockback. The laser otherwise has pretty much the attributes as R.O.B.'s.

Side Special:

Gravitron Ball
This move is inspired by Sonic 3's Carnival Night Zone boss. Now, what it does is that it will toss forward a green metallic ball of Kirby's size held by electric bolts - similar to the picture, just forward instead of down. If someone is knocked away by the ball flying out, it will deal 5% damage and low knockback - just enough so they won't be hit again. The electric bolts deal 2% damage and flinch, the enemy has to DI upwards to escape them should he be locked in them. It will stay like that for 2 seconds if the player does nothing. However, if the player presses B again, Robotnik will release the ball from the magnetic grip, the sphere bouncing around. It will bounce off of walls and platforms, and move around. Everytime an opponent is touched by the ball, it will deal 5% damage and low knockback.
The ball has 20 HP and 15 seconds of lifetime before it will simply shatter. Robotnik can only have one ball out, and when one is out, an electric claw will shoot forward if the Side B is used again. The electric claw works like Samus' ZAir on opponents and has the same range, dealing little flinching knockback with 3% damage. If the ball is in its reach, Robotnik picks it up again, entering the "holding it in front of him" mode. The startup lag of Gravitron Ball is quick, and the ending lag depends - if released, it's almost none, if retracted it's below average.

Up Special:

Egg Flight
Many times you might have seen Robotnik doing this when playing the old Sonic games. The walker retracts its legs, and the jets in the vehicle's underside will start up, allowing Eggman to hover and a metallic roof will cover the cockpit. This is far slower than R.O.B.'s Jet, and can't be cancelled into Aerial attacks, but it uses a fuel system, though. Robotnik is far more maneuverable with this recovery, and has super armor, on top of that, so you won't be able to gimp him while he slowly hovers around. It does no damage, and after the fuel is gone or Robotnik cancels the move be letting go of the B Button, he will not enter helpless - but like R.O.B., just resolve into normal state. As soon as Robotnik touches the ground, the fuel is filled again.

Down Special:

Egg Robo


Dr. Robotnik sets out one of his betrusted Egg Robos, only two of them can be on the field at a time. They are roughly the size of Toon Link. These robots will start roaming the stage like a little dumber Assist Trophies and try to ram their metallic shoulders into enemies, dealing 7% damage and low knockback. They each have 10 HP, and live for 15 seconds. They also are rather light, so knocking them away is pretty easy. They have Mario's jumping abilities and floatiness, as well. There's a 30% chance that, instead of an Egg Robo, Robotnik drops an E-Series robot! These guys are bigger (around Wario's size) and hover around like the Ray MK III Assist Trophy. They are smarter, sporting an actual AT intelligence, and, additionally to the ram attack, have a laser that works like Falco's, dealing 4% damage, though. Otherwise than the size, hoverng and the additional weaponry, they have the same attributes as the Egg Robos. The lag on both sides of the dropping is almost unnoticeable - it deals no damage or knockback at all.

Similar to the boss of Casino Night Zone in Sonic 2, a hatch opens in the walker's front and a robotic claw shoots out, trying to grab an opponent. It has similar treats as almost every other tether grab. The Dash Grab will result in slight traction. Robotnik has no ZAir.

Holding the victim in the metallic claw, Robotnik sends waves of electric current through their bodies, dealing 2% damage with each hit. The pummel is averagely quick.

Forward Throw
The metal arms of Sonic 3's (standalone) Final Boss appear and crush together with the throwee in between. This launches the enemy away with above average horizontal distance and deals 10% damage. A very quick move, though with some ending lag, since the fists have to retract.

Back Throw
Based on the boss of Ice Cap Zone in Sonic 3, the claw will move to Robotnik's back, and a small gadget comes out, blowing a white cloud into the throwee's face, freezing and releasing them (with slight upwards knockback like most freezing attacks) and dealing 8% damage. You can use this to quickly get an Up Tilt or an Up Air to throw in some more damage!

Up Throw
The picture might be a little misleading... Anyway, this move is based on Sonic 3's Hydrocity Zone boss. Robotnik will start up a turbine creating a geyser of water and pressure, in which the throwee is being tossed. The geyser goes up about Bowser's size and shoots out the victim at a nice distance, dealing 10% damage, as well. A very nice and quick throw.

Down Throw
The metallic claw swings down to the underside of the vehicle, looking like the actual Casino Night Zone's boss. Washing a big amount of electrical current through the throwee's body, they will recieve 12% damage and shoot out at Eggman's backside with a good vertical distance and speed.

Ball & Chain
The Final Smash brings back Dr. Robotnik's oldest and first machine, the Wrecking Ball from the original Sonic's Green Hill Zone boss fight! The walker's legs will retract and Eggman flies into the center of the map, laughing evilly, where the hatch on the underside of the pod opens up and reveals the big wrecking ball on its chain, which drops out. The ball has the size of Dedede (just spherical form) and the chain is as long as the distance between Battlefield's main platform and the smaller on the top. Robotnik is invincible in this vehicle, and the player can use the control stick to quickly hover into any direction they desire to. The B button has to be pressed to get the wrecking ball to move, and at the apex of the swing, press the B button again to make it swing faster and stronger. The ball deals 5% damage and low knockback when not being swinged, however, up to 25% with insane knockback when being swung at good speed. The Final Smash lasts for 25 seconds, then the ball retracts, and the pod slowly hovers into safe area (should it be offstage) before extracting the legs and becoming vulnerable again.

Eggman gets out a green Chaos Emerald and examines it. He uses his goggles to look a little closer, and then puts it away.

Dr. Robotnik points forward with his finger while stating "I'm going to destroy you!"

The Eggman lets out a boisterous laugh. He then wipes a tear away from his eye.

Playing Eggman successfully can be a very hard job. He is basically similar to Snake in that he needs to control the stage with his projectile attacks and Egg Robos. His attacks are a mixed bag, some of them very quick, while the more powerful ones are horribly laggy. Therefore, Eggman has it easy to put pressure onto the enemy and wracking damage, but trouble with KOing them. The evil scientist Dr. Robotnik is, he has to plan ahead and use his quicker attacks to get his enemy where he wants them to be so he can use the final blow. Due to Eggman being a heavyweight with a decent recovery and usually huge disjointed hitboxes, he should be especially useful against characters who have trouble killing and low range.

Eggman flies into the arena in his good ol betrusted Egg Pod, which then extends its attachments to become the Egg Walker.

Alternative costumes
- Normal grey machine with Eggman wearing his normal red coat, Default
- Reddish machine with Eggman wearing his normal red coat, Red Team
- Baby blue machine with Eggman wearing a navy coat, Blue Team
- Green machine with Eggman wearing a light green coat, Green Team
- Pink machine with Eggman wearing a purple coat and a blonde beard
- Gold machine with Eggman wearing an olive coat
- Black-Red machine with Eggman Nega colorscheme

Victory Poses

Eggman hovers in on his Egg Pod, turning to the audience. "Too easy."

Robotnik, being without his vehicle, chuckles and points behind him to the loser (If there are multiple, he points to the second place one.). He then barks "Your efforts are useless!"

Without his vehicle, Eggman sweeps the air with one arm while exclaiming "Long live the Eggman Empire!". He then merely looks at the screen.

Eggman is pounding the controls of his vehicle, looking quite angered about him losing the battle.

Victory Theme
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Sonic Victory

Codec Converation
Snake: So, what's the deal with that fat guy in his robot?
Mei Ling: This is Dr. Ivo Robotnik, more commonly known as Dr. Eggman. He's a master of robot technologies and can build practically every machine. Him and Sonic are enemies since the very beginning.
Snake: Eggman, huh? He sure looks like an egg...
Mei Ling: Be careful, Snake, although he uses his heavy and slow Egg Walker, his attacks are very powerful. It also has built in several gadgets and weapons.
Snake: So he is slow and heavy? Seems like a weakpoint to me...
Mei Ling: It's not like you're that faster with all of your gear, Snake. Anyway, good luck!

Kirby Hat
Kirby gets Robotnik's goggles, sunglasses, mustache and nose. He will gain the Vulcan Cannon as a Neutral Special attack, using his mouth to shoot the beam.

Unlock Message
Dr. Eggman, the villainous genius, is now available to fight!

Credits Song for Single Player
Sonic Adventure 2 - E.G.G.M.A.N.


Metal Sonic

When freed from his Assist Trophy, Metal Sonic enters the fight! He does what he does best, and will fly around in the fight, grabbing ahold of opponents, and carrying them around to drop them. While this may be ridiculous when onstage, this can end fatal when the enemies are being offstage, as Metal Sonic will not recover a jump or recovery move! Additionally to his grabbing and carrying, Metal Sonic occasionally lands and starts a Spin Dash attack, rolling across the platform he is on, and dealing 20% damage with good knockback with his high speed. He cannot harm his summoner.
Don't worry, though, Metal Sonic has a good AI and will try to knock your enemies offstage with his Spin Dash and then carry them away.

Metallic Madness

Metallic Madness from Sonic CD returns! The stage's layout looks like the paint "artwork" I've created, with Dark Blue being the background, Light Green being solid platforms/walls (with ledges everywhere), Yellow drop-through platforms. The Dark Red colored block is a Spring like in Sonic's Up B (just infinitely there) and the Pink circle is a rotating wheel. Red is symbolizing Mario to have an approximate size comparison. The only real hazard that needs explanation is the wheel. You can land on it, but it will try to shove you off again, the direction in which it's going changes every 15 seconds. It basically works like a conveyor belt.

Special Stage

This Special Stage was in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and appeared when you collected 50 rings in a stage and passed a star post. You could jump into the Special Stage there. The goal of each was to reach a certain amount of rings, which are scattered all over the halfpipe. But beware, there also are bombs! If you run into them, you lose a few rings.

So, how can this thing work in Smash Bros.? Easy. I take a little F-Zero Stages and mix it up with WarioWare. How that works? Simple. The stage has 3 sections.

Section 1:

Fight starts. The stage scrolls a bit through the halfpipe, and the players are on one even platform in the size of Port Town's general one. The platform suddenly halts and the screen says - depending on number of players, etc., "Collect XX Rings!". How you get the rings? Just like in the Coin Battle. If you hit an enemy, they lose rings (sometimes with the lovely ding-ding sound Sonic games always have when you lose them <3). The harder you hit them, the more rings you get. If someone hits you, you lose a few rings (though not as much as you lose onscreen). How does the player keep track of the amount of their rings?? Easy, again. Look at the screenshot. You see the names and the digits below them? Just put 2 more names instead of the time counter and the names in the colours of the Player number (Player 1 Red, Player 2 Blue, etc.) and you have a perfect counter. The rings you collected are carried over to the next part. After a certain amount of time, the game checks if someone has collected the demanded amount of rings. If yes, the screen gives thumbs up and says "Cool!", and the player(s) who have the rings will be given a random positive status effect (Starman, Super Mushroom, etc., just like in WarioWare). Those who don't, simply don't get anything. If there's noone who has enough of them, the screen gives thumbs down and says "Not enough rings...". The stage continues on, though.

Section 2:
After Section 1 is completed, the stage continues on to scroll through the pipe. It halts again. It's practically the same as usual, just that instead of only rings, the beaten enemies also can lose bombs! Beware of them, because they knock you away pretty bad and also take your rings! You can avoid them good, though, since they are bigger and slower than the rings in falling. They explode on contact with the ground. After the time has evaluated, the stage continues.

Section 3:
The same thing again, just with more bombs and instead of a plain platform, that one splits and looks like -_-. Yay. Added to the "Cool!" now you will get a Chaos Emerald, which warps you into Special Stage No. 2. It's the same as before, just with a different Colour Palette. There are 7 Special Stage Colours, the choice is random, although it always starts with the pink one above. If you haven't gotten enough rings for that one, you will have to bear with another time of the same stage part. Oh my.

If you're fighting a coin battle, you have to get an XX amount of coins instead of rings.

(Links will follow later)

For Metallic Madness:
Sonic the Hedgehog - Star Light Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Metropolis Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Flying Battery Zone (Act 2)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Lava Reef Zone (Act 2)
Sonic CD USA - Quartz Quadrant (Bad Future)
Sonic CD USA - Star Dust Speedway (Bad Future)
Sonic CD USA - Metallic Madness (Present)
Sonic CD USA - Metallic Madness (Bad Future)
Sonic CD Japan - Wacky Workbench (Present)
Sonic CD Japan - Metallic Madness (Bad Future)
Sonic Adventure 2 - E.G.G.M.A.N.

For Special Stage:
Sonic the Hedgehog - Spring Yard Zone
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Special Stage
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Casino Night Zone (2-Player)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Ice Cap Zone Act 1
Sonic & Knuckles - Sky Sanctuary
Sonic Riders - Splash Canyon
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity - Dive Into Gravity
Sonic Heroes - Special Stage
Sonic Heroes - Emerald Challenge
Sonic and the Secret Rings - Purple Pants
Sonic the Hedgehog 06 - White Acropolis ~ Snowy Peak ~


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
I'll be the first - threadwise, that is - to say welcome back, Kibble. I wasn't expecting to still be here two years later, and in some ways I'm not, but luckily I am here now. It's a different scene, man! I'm sure you'll adjust in no time. ;)

Thanks for unearthing these lost sets, Junahu. Warlord will say what he will, but Spade was a good moveset craftsman who excelled in the realm of the feasible, who never let an attack or even a playstyle take over his characters, and who essentially assembled his movesets from the ground up, free of context. By putting Specials, any word about playstyle, and extras at the end of the moveset, and telling the character's story gradually and matter-of-factly through the moves proper, he created this bewitching rhythm to his movesets in which the reader started in a complete void and wound up staring right into the face of an integrated character that felt every bit as complete as any Brawl one - and a lot more interesting to boot.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
N Tropy
Well, I really enjoyed the idea of this one, and every move plays into his game nicely. In fact, my main complaint with this one is the complexity, although having 6 different sets of projectiles that you can save is awesome, the moves are tricky to puzzle out due to a confusing writing style, making it tough to understand Tropy's game. However, aside from that, this was a great effort, and I hope to see more sets from you.

Baron Rool
I'll be blunt. This is brilliant. It's basically Tutankoopa combined with traps, and the electric barrier is simple yet awesome, as are the various ways Rool can send enemies into it. Now, I didn't find the aerials that interesting, as though I see the need for them, they didn't impress me like the steel keg traps did, for instance. However, that nitpick aside, this is an excellent set and stands aside EED soldier in my personal supervote territory.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
I am quite pleased with these movesets being reposted, as I can finally prove my point:

Golbez said:
As you might have gathered from Golbez' moveset, the warlock is very heavily relying on keeping his enemies on distance. He has several great spacing tools and is good at racking damage quick, as well as playing strong mindgames. His supreme recovery together with being a more heavy character make Golbez a very strong enemy who will be around for a long time when being fought against. His most important tool for getting KOs is, of course, his Up Throw. Other than that, Golbez has little moves he can rely on to guarantee a kill. He especially has a hard time against characters who can aggressively enter his spacing game or who are plain outranging him. Most of his moves have insane priority or are even disjointed, though. Golbez is a character who also has to be played defensively. Running into the enemy and trying to hit them is very dangerous with the warlock, as you will see yourself faced with far quicker attacks coming from them. Several of his moves, mainly the Tilts and the Specials, are great for adding more defense options to his already great shield. Golbez, due to his awkward hitboxes, general low speed, dependance on only a handful of moves for scoring a KO and weak offensive game, is definitely a character who needs a skilled player to be mastered, but excels in outright destroying an enemy if used correctly.
Waluigi said:
Waluigi... Oh my. You've chosen an odd character to play with this one. This sneaky guy has such a strange playstyle, that starting the game out with him can be a very lethal mistake. Waluigi is definitely a character only advanced players should use, as winning with him is a very strategic matter, and you have to exactly know how all of his moves work, and time them precisely. To be victorious with Waluigi is time-consuming and exhausting, but definitely worth a thought. Basically, he is about controlling the arena with his traps to press the enemy off the stage and then destroy them with his gimping, edgeguarding and good aerial game. Due to Waluigi's wacky moving or delayed hitboxes it's hard for him to get his enemy off of him while setting up his traps. He has to rely on his good projectile game, a few throws and a couple of hand-to-hand attacks (Jab, Dash Attack, perhaps Forward Smash) on the ground and several of his aerial moves in mid-air to keep the enemy off his tail. Generally speaking - Waluigi prefers the air, especially offstage. Due to his floaty nature and his aerial mobility with jumps and recovery, Waluigi is not only hard to get rid off for the enemy, but also able to chase them above the deadly pits, where moves like his Up Air or his Forward Air will make him a deadly force to meet. He may have trouble with racking damage fast and especially with scoring normal KOs, but that's what makes him very different from the rest of the cast - a Waluigi player must think and plot schemes to get along with this jerk's sneaky playstyle.
Eggman said:
Playing Eggman successfully can be a very hard job. He is basically similar to Snake in that he needs to control the stage with his projectile attacks and Egg Robos. His attacks are a mixed bag, some of them very quick, while the more powerful ones are horribly laggy. Therefore, Eggman has it easy to put pressure onto the enemy and wracking damage, but trouble with KOing them. The evil scientist Dr. Robotnik is, he has to plan ahead and use his quicker attacks to get his enemy where he wants them to be so he can use the final blow. Due to Eggman being a heavyweight with a decent recovery and usually huge disjointed hitboxes, he should be especially useful against characters who have trouble killing and low range.
...lulz same stating the obvious statement in every one.

Having said that, I say these things should be eligible for voting, seeing as these are possibly the best of Spade's MYM5 solo stuff and they're perfectly fine sets in their own right.
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