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Yeah, that's the best thing to do!

There was also one thing I noticed that I liked, your play-style was very unique from other people I've played, which I really liked! ^^ Sooo, keep that up.

When did you start playing Brawl, may I ask?
Really? You think so? That was a boost to my confidence! xD

I started playing about... Hmm, a couple months after it came in North America. But it's only been recent I've been playing this game.competitively. How about you? :3
Hehe, I'm glad to hear that! ^__^

That's interesting! I started playing it a year after is came out in Europe, and then I took a break from it for a bit 3 years. I started playing it again competitively a few months ago. >w< I don't remember what interested me in playing competitively to be honest, though.
Oh yes. You live in Europe. When it came out that was in... 2008 I believe. Not entirely sure and very lazy to Google it, haha. So I was about 10 or 11 at the time. I wasn't exposed to the internet much back then.
Yeah, it was around that time. My sister got it for a birthday present, I ended up playing it more than she did. xD I was around the same age, slightly younger. ^^;;;
How old are you? o: If you don't mind me asking, that is lol. My dad snuck it under my pillow while I was sleeping so I woke up and fixed my bed. Then I found it! xD
It's fineee! I'm 15 at the moment hehe. ^___^ That's very cute omg, my father suddenly came home and gave it to my sister, my sister went crazy!
REALLY!? Haha. I'm 16. I thought you might've been older than me. And yeah. My dad always surprises me. He hid the Wii U box under my bed and I didn't even know he bought one for me! xD
I guessed you'd be older than me, hehe. I'm still so small. :3 That's very cute though! I got the Wii U on my recent birthday, I got so emotional aaaah.
I just assume everyone is older because I am a baby compared to some. Ahhh! D:

I can just imagine Matsu all teary when she gets her Wii U. ;-; ! Haha. It's okay, I did too. ;3
I am ALWAYS the baby. I'm the baby in the family, I'm the baby in my friendship group also. Poor little Matsu. *sobs*

Yeeee I actually did get teary eyed omg, I couldn't eat the cake because I was actually shaking. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one though hehe. We shall get emotional together. ^__^
Yeah. I'm the youngest one too. D: My sister is 5 years older. I feel old compared to you. v__v No no, don't sob! ;-;

Aww! xD You couldn't eat the cake? That's so tragic haha. And yes, we can be emotional gals together. :']
It's only by one year....bUT ONE YEAR CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE. My sister is 20 and my brother is 22, omg.

It was very tragic indeed, the opportunity to eat fresh delicious cake was destroyed. Yay, emotional gals!
Yes it does. >___> It makes a huge difference lol. Especially at a young age. xD I only have one sibling. ;-;

Cake sounds good. Haven't had cake in a looooong time. What's your favorite flavor? x3

I'm in love with your avatar. I can't stop laughing at it. Marth with flowers on his head, omg.
Yeah, but I don't want to grow up anymore. I'm happy with having siblings, as long as I'm not an only child, I'm fine. ^^

I have cake often omg. My favorite flavor is chocolate (I'm so original yeah) I like vanilla cheesecake as well yum yum. And yourself?

Aww, thank you! He looks pretty odd with a tiara and flowers though aaaah.
Me too. I already miss my childhood too much. >.< Especially all the good shows that used to come on.

No, my favorite is chocolate too. :D I also like red velvet with cream cheese frosting. It's great. C:

He looks too funny. D: It would be even more funny if that was Ike with a flower tiara lmfao.
Same! The old days were so much more simpler, now it's a lot of hard work. I wonder what's gonna be like when I'm officially an adult. *more sobbing* Yes, the old shows were so much better. ;___;

That sounds so yummy aaah, now I'm hungry but I just had lunch.

OMG, I might actually do that when I get bored of this avatar, thank you! I might just attach flowers across his headband omg.
Yeah, I agree. Nowadays I have to cook my own food because my mom is a bit frail. But that's okay. I like taking care of her. c: I miss the old shows too. ;-; Pokémon. ;(

I just had breakfast lol. All I really had though was a glass of milk.

Ideas ideas. :3 It'll be hilarious seeing Ike with flowers. xD You're welcome! Who's your favorite Fire Emblem character?
Awww. :3 I usually have to cook my own food as well, my diet mainly consists of jacket potatoes and noodles. *facepalm* Ah yes, Pokemon, and Dragon Ball Z. ;___;

Really! You should eat more! I had cereal for breakfast hehe. ^^

I have so many ideas. ^^ I might put Ike with flowers soon hehe! :3 Hmmm, it has to be Marth. Or Chrom or Ike. And yourself?
Noodles? o-o Like ramen? I try to make a diverse round of dishes. Maybe Chinese one day, Italian next. I can cook, but sometimes I get lazy.

I don't eat much at all though. I have a very small portion of food a day. :p

You should soon! And I really like Lucina, Elincia, or Chrom. x] Have you heard of the new SMT x FE?
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