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My brawl code is


Here is a dillema I'm fixin

Well, my siblings and older siblings, we were playing with it since November 30, 2008, they accidently dropped it many many times by game cube controller wire causes (Pulling the controller while tangled, making it shorter, while it was attached to the Wii) and made it fall by just stupidity... After years of this repeated act, after I warned them a lot of times, the Wii part that reads and spins the disc stopped working. Everything else works (Wii Shop, Downloaded Channels and games, Mii Channel, etc) But the main Wii Disc Game Channel that appears after you put your disc into the Wii just doesn't load, I click on it both of the Discs (Wii Disc and Game cube Disc) are spinning and then they are unreadable, I tried both sides. I was confused at first, but I realized every time I put a Disc into the Wii I don't here the sound that it makes when it spins/reads your Disc just nothing so I knew that part was the problem, I have 2 Game cubes but my Melee broke some time ago, I still have the memory of it though. I am so sad, I just found this site and I can't play with you dudes at the moment....I really need to work faster to fix it.....Or it is just that my theory is completely wrong and there is another error involved..

̿' ̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͡ °_̯͡° )=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿


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Brawl FC
Wii Number
2191 0017 8013 2449
Smash 64 Main
Melee Main
Brawl Main
Smash 3DS Main
Dr. Mario
Smash Wii U Main
Bowser Jr.





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