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Recent content by IcyFire!

  1. I

    BACK ON: Columbia, MD - May 31 - Cyberden

    If your down for some friendlies tomorrow you can drop by and play with me or me and my friend. We could use some practice before the tourny. Anyone else who want to play is welcome too. Edit: I'll be on aim for a bit tonight if anyone wants to set something up
  2. I

    BACK ON: Columbia, MD - May 31 - Cyberden

    Hey I live in Severn and me and a friend are looking to come to this. We're both good and if you want to come play sometime this week before the tourny that'd be cool or maybe sometime after. My aims DaSoccerChris so hit me up if you want. Otherwise I'll see you guys there, look for Jelly Squad
  3. I

    So I hosted my first Brawl Tourney today.

    Figuring out what stages are most likely going to be banned isn't that hard, it's just stages that have an element of randomness or walk off stages. Other than that it's just stages that give certain characters extremely unfair advantages to the point it's no longer a true contest of skill such...
  4. I

    Brawl Brawl Brawl OMGAH, Brawl

    Me and all my friends have all preordered at the same gamestop so we'll all be there at 11:30 going crazy until midnight at which time we'll all get our copies and go invade someones house as we play all night.
  5. I

    An obvious reason why no SSB64 stages were included

    Ah man, I haven't played N64 in a while and had almost forgotten about that stage. I agree it would have been fun to see the old stages in brawl but its something i don't mind living without.
  6. I

    Who will you probaly play as first in SSBB?

    If metaknight isn't unlockable I'll try him out but the first person will be fox because he's the first person I've played in each smash and because I'll probably use him to unlock the other guys. Then I'm gonna relive the great battles of SSBM with the other guys who will be over playing it...
  7. I

    .:: Official Online Discussion ::.

    I think an online ranking system would be a good thing. i like how halo's is set up with the matchmaking with ranked and unranked games and I think it'd be cool if they set up something like that so if you play ranked you can start playing higher level people. In addition to this they could have...
  8. I

    Catonsville Smashfest, Saturday February 24'th!!

    I'm going to try and come, might not be able to stay the whole time due to lack of a ride though. It'll be my first one so I'm looking forward to it.
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