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Recent content by Finesse

  1. F

    2 Doc Questions

    Bairs for recovery?? Just use the basics.. DI properly, jump, tornado spin (with lots of button mashing), and up+b/air dodge..
  2. F

    Dr. Mario. I left before the room had a blackout though.. It would be nice to have some regular...

    Dr. Mario. I left before the room had a blackout though.. It would be nice to have some regular thing going on for Melee.. no clue what location would be good though.. Is there a certain process that one has to go through in order to host things on campus?
  3. F

    you were the one playing Fox, right? do you still play on the regular and are you around...

    you were the one playing Fox, right? do you still play on the regular and are you around downtown normally?
  4. F

    Hey.. this is random, but were you at vid game event at BA (bahen) from back in like March or...

    Hey.. this is random, but were you at vid game event at BA (bahen) from back in like March or April of '08?
  5. F

    Brawl - More balanced than Melee? Lie or truth?

    In all seriousness, we first need a rigorous definition of the term "balance" that can be accepted by most. Much of the disagreements I see in this thread stem from the fact that opposing parties' notion of such an order relation "balance" differs in many but subtle aspects.
  6. F

    I tripped 6 times in the span of one minute. Random? I call bullcrap.

    I never said that I personally like tripping in Brawl. In fact, if I had any say over the development of the game, I would most likely push for it not being put into Brawl. However, the time of development has come and gone, and there essentially is nothing that we can do about it. The point...
  7. F

    I tripped 6 times in the span of one minute. Random? I call bullcrap.

    Yes, you have the right to complain. You have the right to say whatever you want about the game, even if you've never played any Smash title before. When Melee came out, Mario never grabbed onto edges when he just about fell off of them in any of his prior Mario games. Since when did Snake...
  8. F

    Rollers and Spot Dodgers

    What I generally employ in situations like these is a tit-for-tat strategy. In other words, your opponent acts a certain way, you do the same thing. So, if my opponent is just dodging all the time, I will act in a very similar manner. As an analog, you may also use tit-for-tat whenever someone...
  9. F

    I tripped 6 times in the span of one minute. Random? I call bullcrap.

    I won the lotto the other day. This must imply that the numbers generated were not random. The lotto MUST be rigged. Unlikely does not imply "not random". Random does not imply an even distribution of the said event over some period of time, either. How did you come up with 0.01% chance...
  10. F

    This is what I think about people saying Brawl is slower then Melee

    More frames in a second do not lead to a slower game. Think about it: Melee displays x number of frames in one second; Brawl displays y number of frames in one second, where y>x. One second is the same length of time for either game. It's kind of like the "which is heavier, a ton of bricks or a...
  11. F

    I'm tired. I'm tired of all of it!

    Let ignorant people say what they want. So long as it doesn't directly affect you, you shouldn't let it affect you in any other way. If you let yourself get upset over every single post you deem ignorant, you will not be a very happy person to say the least. In addition, Youtube is notorious for...
  12. F

    There really isn't any excuses for Nintendo NOT to meet demand.

    This is just about as accurate as it's going to get.. and hopefully more people can see it this way instead of having some sort of preconceived notion that Nintendo simply sits on their hands not pulling the lever fast enough for copies of Brawl to spew out between the Japanese release of Brawl...
  13. F

    There really isn't any excuses for Nintendo NOT to meet demand.

    It's not like Nintendo has unlimited supplies or resources to factors of production. This constraint to production goes for any firm or business, regardless of how much market share they take up in a given market. The idea that Nintendo "should" somehow just be able to cater to all consumers'...
  14. F

    This forums seems to like trying to fit Square Pegs into Round Holes.

    There's no absolute set of preferences when making rules for any given tournament. However, what is beyond specific rules themselves is the underlying paradigm that motivates the structure of any given tournament. Now, this isn't set in stone, but I think it's more than fair to say that MLG...
  15. F

    Does anyone like the 35 roster?

    Now, like most people, I haven't played the game yet, so I can't make a completely formed opinion. Despite knowing what the full final roster may be, I believe that one cannot make the genuine statement of truly liking (or not liking) a given set of characters until having at least played the...
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