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So whats the best way to get into the series?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2015
Ann Arbor MI
I'm having a ton of fun as hero, and have fond memories of the Dragon Quest Monsters games as a kid, that said, I have never played a main series game outside of 20 minutes of Eight which I rented at one point. I'm thinking of starting with Eight, if so what's my best bet for getting the most out of that game?

I am also considering trying 3 out to figure out why it was so big in Japan. I hear 3 is the end of a trilogy, so should I play 1 and 2 beforehand? Are the original versions of these games still worth playing? Or should I find newer versions? Also would I appreciate anything in later installments by playing these 3 first?

I also hear 11 is good, but nothing about it is really hooking my attention, so I think I will save that one for if I really enjoy the previous installments.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'm fairly new to the series, but from what I've read/seen, 8 seems like a good starting point. 3 is where the series really took off in popularity, and there's a mobile version, but it might feel a little dated by today's standards.

The 3DS version of 8 has a few extra features that the PS2 version didn't have, such as a few new playable characters. (I'm not sure what else was added)

11 might also be a good jumping-on point, but I haven't looked too far into it, since I want to go in knowing as little as possible. At least it seems like a return to form for the series after 9 and 10 took on more MMO elements.

However, this isn't the most well-informed viewpoint - I'm mainly going off of the recommendations that I saw when looking for how to get into the series. For what it's worth, I'm playing through Dragon Quest 8 for the first time and I'm enjoying it. It's charming and refreshingly light-hearted, like Final Fantasy 9.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
Welcome to the Dragon Quest series!

DQ8 is a very comfortable entry point for newcomers, I think. It retains a lot of the series classic charm and difficulty, while still including modern amenities like a large, gorgeous overworld, solid development for the playable characters, and lots of strong voice acting.

The PS2 version of the game has nicer visuals and a fully orchestrated soundtrack that gives everything a majestic feel. The 3DS version doesn't look or sound as good, but it plays better, with two additional playable characters, some new postgame content, and little quality of life additions like being able to see the enemies on the map instead of random battles. It's a fantastic game, especially if you're like me and lost interest in Final Fantasy once every character started wearing a ton of zippers.

DQ3 is another excellent game, a very polished RPG for the NES era. This game introduces a class system to the series and lets you essentially create your own party (similar to the first Final Fantasy, but more balanced). You can also reclass characters past a certain point for unique combinations. The plot is tricky; some late-game elements feel much more rewarding and nostalgic if you've played the first two games, but you won't ever be lost or anything. I'd compare it to playing Wind Waker before playing Ocarina of Time; you'll still be aware of what's going on, but TWW's big mid-game twist would have a lot less impact without playing earlier Zeldas first.

I've only played the GBC port of DQ3 (released over here as "Dragon Warrior III") since the NES one is still pushing 60 bucks or so online, but the GBC version is great. From what I know, they've streamlined certain elements, introduced postgame content and a monster medal collecting system, added a major side quest (mini-medals), added enemy animations, and added a really fun and rewarding set of mini-games during the adventure. I haven't played the mobile version of this but I imagine it's similar. Just keep in mind that this game DID come out in 1990 or so, so you have to have a particular patience for these kinds of older games.

DQ5 (DS) is also a great choice because of its strong, poignant story, and it's also fairly brief for a DQ game at about 30-35 hours.

I haven't played DQ11 yet but people seem to love the PS4 version, and the upcoming Switch version is ridiculously upgraded in every way from before, with the exception of lower visual fidelity. We're talking tons more content, orchestrated music, a bunch of nostalgic postgame stuff, more ridable creatures, lots more side and backstory stuff on the cast, full voice acting, etc.
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Deleted member

If you ask me, you should either start with DQ8 for 3DS, the upcoming DQXI S or DQ3 on GBC.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
If you go to the bottom of the first post on this page, I made a giant recommendation guide. Overall, Dragon Quest IV, V, VIII, and possibly XI are the best starting points, but you'll have to decide for yourself if III is right for you (details included in my linked post).


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2018
I've only played 3 on game boy color and i thought it was enjoyable. Cryptic at times, but enjoyable


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2015
Ann Arbor MI
Thanks all for the replies. It seems 8 is the general consensus for the best starting point, which is what I was already kinda leaning towards. The question now is 3DS or PS2?

Random encounters sound annoying, but I’m willing to deal with them since they are going to be in almost every game I play in this series.

The real question to be asked, is if the original PS2 version still looks good when blown up on an HD T.V? Music is important to me, and getting a PS2 copy is surprisingly cheaper so I’m willing to go for it as long as the T.V doesn’t screw with the visuals.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2012
3ds no question. From multiple new dungeons, to the new party members and even more sidequets and quality of life bonuses.

And it controls fine. DQ is played basically on a menu and command selection system, so you really only need a control stick A and B.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
I'm also new to the series and I plan to get Dragon Quest XI S when it comes out next month. I mean I would get it on the PS4 but when I heard it's coming out on the Switch, I decided to wait for that version instead.

I would get VIII but I rarely use my 3DS these days.

Deleted member

11 is the most modern game and it has gotten tons of people into the series. Trying 11s first will be a fine way to get you started, and then you can explore what the previous entries have when you're hooked.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
Be a real G and start with the first game.
Actually there's Dragon Quest I.II on SNES, that's a compilation of the first two games. Graphics are better and some bull**** from the first games are gone, so it's way more enjoyable. The first game is really short, the second is way longer.
If you start with 3, you'll never play 1 and 2 because they'll be basically obsolete.
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