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Cargo Up Throw


Smash Rookie
Jun 8, 2015
East Tennessee
I am having some problems landing a hit after I cargo up throw, is there a certain way you have to do it to get the followup? Been trying mostly up air after the throw, is this correct?

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
What characters are you trying it on? You can absolutely combo every character at 0% with at least cargo u-throw -> u-air. If you aren't getting it then you're simply not acting quickly enough.


Smash Rookie
Jun 8, 2015
East Tennessee
I figured it was a input issue does it matter when I release the opponent? Should I do the throw from the ground and then jump for the up air, or should I throw from the air and then try to input the up air? I was not able to land it on any of the cast but i am assuming that it is a timing issue. I was practicing on Wolf, Samus and Mario. I also use custom controllers and R for jump which may also be part of the issue though this is the first time I think that it could be a problem(I changed it to input aerials faster or at least that was the thought process). Thanks for the reply.

Brass Monkey

Smash Rookie
Jul 16, 2014
You more or less want to release from the ground on most occasions, though there are a few exceptions like getting an earlier kill from forward air out of cargo throw. You are simply waiting to long to get anything out of cargo up-throw. You can input the jump button probably 10 to 15 frames faster than what you are doing. Simply mash the jump button or use debug mode to see when DK can act after releasing the opponent. Having R as jump is not much of an issue but I personally would never do it because the button itself is much clunkier than the traditional x and y buttons and getting a light press to actually jump might be enough of a delay to not get the combo. To fix that, again just press the button faster than you think you should.


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2007
Yeah, just go into training mode and practice the steps until you can get it pretty fast. Grab, fthrow (cargo), uthrow, then add the jump, then add a c-stick up once you have all of the preceding stuff down. Practice on a big guy like Bowser or a semi fast faller like Roy and you'll have it ready in no time. Then you can start learning what similar stuff you can get, like a jumping cargo uthrow to double jump fair or a high percent grounded cargo uthrow to full jump double jump uair.


Smash Rookie
Jun 8, 2015
East Tennessee
Thanks guys for the speedy responses i think the biggest issue was having R for jump. I can land the up air hit more now that I went back to using the standard controller setup, just need to learn to jump again LOL keep air dodging.
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