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Inkling Man
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  • Why do people say Banjo is a non Japanese character? He originated in a DK game and that makes him a Donkey Kong character. Banjo-Kazooie is a Donkey Kong spin off game because a Donkey Kong character is the main character of it. It doesn't matter who owns the rights to Banjo, he's still part of the DK series.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Diddy Kong and King K. Rool were made in England too and they're also Donkey Kong characters.
    ^Yeah, and some people consider them western Donkey Kong characters.

    If anything though, these discussions can show how arbitrary the distinction between "western" and "Japanese" characters can be. I don't think it's something we should get too hung up on.
    In origin, Diddy and K. Rool are British characters because of being created by Rare but by ownership they're Japanese characters because of being owned by Nintendo. So in that regard, currently and forever they're Japanese characters.
    What type of characters would you prefer: Western characters in Smash or Japanese characters in Smash? Prefer the latter tho.
    What if Baldi (Baldi's Basics) was a Mii costume for Swordfighters? He can use his ruler as a sword.
    If Sakurai said Buzzy Beetle got the most votes among negotiable and realizable characters, would you believe him? The ballot was mainly used to decide the Ultimate newcomers. Smash 4 Bayonetta was probably just an ad for Bayonetta 2.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    A game can be promoted after it's been released. Commercials for a product don't stop airing after the product has been released.
    Megadoomer Megadoomer Exactly! I voted for K. Rool in the Smash Ballot and I was disappointed to hear that Bayonetta won or supposedly was the most easily negotiated popular character to put in from the Ballot into Smash 4. I stop thinking about it because it was over afterwards and I had no control over the matter. Plus I had low to mid hopes K. Rool was going to make it as DLC at the time and I really wasn't sure if he would be popular enough in the Smash Ballot or not to make it in. I'm thankful I got K. Rool, Ridley, and Banjo & Kazooie in Ultimate and I don't care if Bayonetta beat them in the Ballot or not. Besides, the Smash Ballot was a suggestion box not an election as almost everyone saw it as.
    We need more non iconic 3rd parties besides Bayonetta and Joker. Banjo and Terry don't count because they USED to be icons. I'm counting characters who were never iconic.
    Banjo wouldn't have lost his icon status if Microsoft used him correctly. Why don't they use Banjo very often?
    Like Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario said, a majority of the original staff that made the N64 Banjo-Kazooie games and Rare games in general in the 90s all left the company right when the buyout was going on. A lot of Rare employees wanted to stay with Nintendo while the higher ups at Rare and the Stamper brothers the founders were the ones that were "O'key dokey!" With Microsoft purchasing their company since that would get them a lot of money out of it.

    I believe Rare and Microsoft either didn't care or just didn't know what to do with all the old Rare IPs after so much of the original staff left. Same thing with Nintendo and DKC since Rare and the staff working on those games left Nintendo completely after the Microsoft purchase and Nintendo didn't know what to properly do with the franchise until they gave it to Retro to work on it in 2010. It's why DKC was in spin off hell in the 2000s.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Imagine where Banjo would be today if Rare used him correctly. He would be at least as famous as Crash Bandicoot.
    Banjo & Kazooie could have been Microsoft's platforming mascot in general had they used them more properly over the years. It's sad really because I wouldn't be complaining about the buyout if Microsoft had Rare pumping out quality games like in the 90s every so often.
    If you like sharing your ideas so much, feel free to visit my general female character thread! I'D love to hear your ideas there!
    Every DLC character has someone to keep them company except Terry.
    Byleth has Sothis.
    Banjo has Kazooie and the Jinjos.
    Joker has Arsene and the P5 crew.
    Hero has a Slime and other DQ heroes.
    I'm really hoping FP6 is Spring Man. He's the most logical choice to promote ARMS.
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    I would only want Spring Man so he could destroy the Assist Trophy, Spirit, and Mii costume deconfirmed fan rule forever. Other than that, I would prefer Min Min as the Arms rep over him or any other Arms character.
    Deleted member
    And yet Smash is unwilking to add more women to their already male dominated roster.
    Well the order of franchise character inclusion always goes like this in Smash: Protagonist, co-protagonist, antagonist. The protagonist always goes first no matter who it is. We will always get the person on the cover first before we get their friends and their enemies in.
    It's weird how the morale of Ralph Breaks the Internet goes directly against the morale of Wreck-It Ralph. In Wreck-It Ralph, we learn that the characters shouldn't leave their games while the arcade is open or else their game could get unplugged. So Vanellope shouldn't have left Sugar Rush.
    Will Conker be in Vol. 2?
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    I would attribute that to Banjo and Conker being partially connected both within the same game as well as paired games. I would argue that at least Rash and Fulgore are more likely than Conker. That being said, that would also require having a second Microsoft Rep which I don’t see happening and, if it did, they wouldn’t go the Rare route again and opt for Master Chief, Gears of War, or Minecraft probably.

    Then again, I never got into Conker. The game never really got me interested but I’m not a fan of potty-humor. Banjo though was my jam and I’m still a dedicated fan of Killer Instinct; both when it was Nintendo and the rebooted version. So perhaps me not seeing Conker as appearing on FP2 is simply bias. I’m willing to bet money we won’t be getting another Microsoft Rep.
    Eh, doubt it
    I wouldn't be surprised though if Master Chief get's in before this game is all over.
    What are some companies that should never be put in Smash?

    - Disney. Sorry Sora fans but if Disney got a rep, that could lead to Disney buying Nintendo and nobody would want that to happen. Plus Smash is for video game characters, not Disney characters.

    - Sony. Nintendo and Sony are bitter rivals so Sony characters have no place in Smash. Unless Nintendo and Sony end their rivalry and become friends. (Delusional fantasy.)
    Deleted member
    Activision is alledgedly ran by a pedophile so I personally don't want them either.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    We need another non Japanese company in Smash so Microsoft won't be the only one.
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Perkilator Perkilator I don’t know much about that allegations that @JDCabrera mentioned and, to date, they are still allegations due to, from what I’ve read, a link to Epstein and his island of underage debauchery. Until these allegations are true and his involvement there comes to light, I’m not going to cast judgement. Crash is still good. Hell, even though I’m angry at Bluzzard with with-holding prize money and event banning for making pro-Hong Kong statements, I wouldn’t be crushed if Tracer/Thrall/Diablo/Kerrigan made it into Smash. A bit disappointed because Blizzard, a company I have long loved, is now involved. So, even if these allegations are true about Activision, Crash getting in would still be a good thing in my book. I mean, Hero got in and the DQ music composer is a racist, homophobe, Holocaust denier, etc
    I like how the P5 crew watches their language during Joker's trailer. Doesn't Ryuji usually swear in P5?
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    Super Smash Bros. is a game for good boys and good girls
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    And everyone else. If it was only for good boys and girls, it wouldn't have any Persona 5 content at all.
    Saying Banjo-Kazooie is a Mario 64 rip off is like saying Donkey Kong Country is a Super Mario Bros. rip off. Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country were both created by Rare also Banjo is a Donkey Kong character who has his own series since he first appeared in Diddy Kong Racing.
    Anyone who thinks Banjo's Breegull Blaster mode is useless doesn't understand its usefulness. It's meant to be used on opponents that are right in front of Banjo because doing that sends the victims upward and then you can jump up to where they are and keep shooting them while they're vulnerable.
    Oz o:
    Oz o:
    I thought we were past that. People would say that the first few weeks or so, until people like Tearbear and Trela started showing the kind of stuff you can do with it. It's definitely deceitful, for the better, but still not a move I'll ever use on purpose.
    Has Ultimate ever tugged at you heartstrings in a good way? For example the E3 version of the main theme is enough to make a grown man cry and Banjo's reveal was a happy tear jerker because Banjo finally came home after nearly 15 years.
    Mainly just “EVERYONE IS HERE!” because I got to see nearly 20 years of this franchise right in front of me.
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    Deleted member
    So Kazooie doesn't exist?
    I feel I was the only one who never cared for Banjo but loved Hero when he was first released
    Some may say Cloud made no impact on Nintendo's history but that's not entirely true. The eShop version of FF7 is one of the eShop's best selling games so that's a big impact on Nintendo's history.
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    …Aren’t you the same person who asked how Cloud was important enough to Nintendo to warrant a spot in Smash?
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Now I see that he did do something important for Nintendo.
    Do anyone besides Nintendo fans play Rare Replay? There has to be at least a few XBOX only fans who like Rare's games. Right?
    Deleted member
    I dunno...
    I think it'll be hard to find non-Nintendo fans in a forums about a Nintendo game XD
    XBox fans like Conker, Perfect Dark, Viva Pinata and other games from that era of Rare. They also like Killer Instinct and Sea of Thieves. I think Rare managed to find their niche within the XBox eco-system and I am happy for them.
    Are you excited for when the economy reopens? At first we would be able to dine in at restaurants and go to movie theaters and other things would open back up again in the future. Sure there can only be a few people in the restaurants and theaters at a time but it's better than nothing.
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    Personally, not really, since i really never did any of those things in the first place.
    However, i can imagine that it would be much more painful for more socially active people.
    I'm an ambivert. I sometimes hate people, but still want some interaction and activity in my life. (I've been thinking of doing a lot of traveling in the future to fulfill my life) But as of now, public safety is top priority.
    Rare earned its place in Smash. Without Rare, the DK series wouldn't be where it is today. They invented about 80% of all side characters in the DK series. Since they earned a slot, Banjo was their main mascot so he was the most logical choice to be the Rare rep.
    Toon Marth, Toon Robin, Toon Corrin, Toon every other FE rep. Would you like the FE reps if they looked cartoony? One reason people don't like the FE reps is because they look out of place next to all of the cartoony looking characters.
    Deleted member
    Well I'd like to see Toon Snake, Toon Simon, and Toon Richter and dub them Toonami.
    Yet no one has any issues with Samus for that reason.

    Anyway I'd personally prefer if characters remained reflective of their source materials. Smash is full of clashing art styles - that should be embraced as part of its wacky charm.
    Toon Ridley would be so ADORABLE! "awww he's so cu-" *gets impaled*
    Conker, Rash and Jago could have been spirits in Banjo's spirit board. Just saying. Terry came with spirits from other SNK games.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    Terry coming with other SNK characters is mostly because of KoF, which is pretty much an SNK crossover title although it doesn't feature Samurai Shodown odd enough which does get spirits. Anyways for Banjo-Kazooie's spirits I would stick mostly to characters in Diddy Kong Racing
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Maybe there will be a Rare spirit event in the future where Conker, Rash and Jago are the new spirits to collect.
    Unless Rare Replay gets a Switch port, I wouldn't hold my breath on that happening. Spirit events for new inclusions mainly pertain towards series getting any recent releases.
    Pools and amusement parks must open this summer. Coronavirus, shmoronavirus. It's a sin to leave them closed during summertime. If we would still have to social distance and if they would have to limit the number of people at pools and amusement parks at a time then that's fine though.
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    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    No, we can't have any more people die from the virus.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    It sucks to have pools closed, but there's a damn good reason
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    I tried to do a triple flip off the high dive as a kid and belly flopped so hard on the water that I was nearly knocked out. So I started to sink to the bottom of the deep end. Mind you, the lifeguard wasn’t watching cause he was flirting with girls so my friend had to come get and dragged me out. I guarantee that lifeguards are not properly trained to keep kids and teenagers from 6 ft of each other nor will they enforce it. Just keep them closed.
    Spring Man is gonna be my new main alongside Banjo.
    Something about what you said sounds so familiar, L link2702 but I can't put my finger on it
    Deleted member
    Just watch it be Ribbon Girl, though I see her as an alt.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    She and Springtron should both be alts for Spring Man. There could be 3 for Spring Man, 3 for Ribbon Girl and 2 for Springtron. I know it doesn't sound fair that Springtron only gets 2 while Spring Man and Ribbon Girl each get 3 but he's not as important to ARMS as Spring Man and Ribbon Girl are so he shouldn't have as many alts as them anyway.
    If Rex & Pyra/Mythra are in Vol. 2, they should be a two in one character like Ice Climbers except Pyra and Mythra use their powers to increase Rex's attack, defense and speed and if he gets separated from them, he'll lose their power and he won't be able to do certain attacks.
    Deleted member
    I kinda see it like Pokemon Trainer tho.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    If they were like Pokémon Trainer, Pyra/Mythra wouldn't be able to run around huge stages with Rex and he has to stay near them in order to do certain attacks and receive their power.
    What's the point of change if the change isn't beneficial?
    Every key character from Bayonetta 1 and 2 is a spirit except Enzo. Why did they leave out Enzo?
    Think Danny DeVito’s Italian-blood dastard son taking swearing lessons from Sam L. Jackson. That’s probably why.
    They probably just forgot about him, which I wouldn't put past the spirit team.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    But Bayonetta, Jeanne, Luka and Rodin swear too.
    One of the main purposes of Smash is to market other games. Most DLC newcomers are each meant to be an ad for something.

    Smash 4 Ryu was an ad for Street Fighter V.
    Smash 4 Cloud was an ad for FF7 Remake.
    Smash 4 Corrin was meant to be an ad for FE Fates.
    Smash 4 Bayonetta was an ad for Bayonetta 2.
    Joker was meant to be an ad for Persona 5 Royal.
    Hero was meant to be an ad for DQ11 Switch.
    Terry was meant to be an ad for KoF15.
    Byleth was meant to be an ad for FE Three Houses.
    ARMS character is meant to be an ad for ARMS.
    Funny, you skipped Banjo and Kazooie oh, and Piranha Plant
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    I don't think Terry would count since he was first thought of for the game well over a year before KoF XV was even announced. I doubt Nintendo would actually know about upcoming games for a different studio.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Banjo was a fan service pick also wasn't Piranha Plant supposed to be a base game character?
    ARMS 2 should have a story mode. It doesn't have to be like Splatoon's Hero mode. It could be like the Mario Tennis Aces Adventure mode but way longer. ARMS's gameplay isn't built for 3D platformer style levels the way Splatoon is anyway.
    I'm curious as to why you're so into speculation. That's all you post sometimes. Makes me wonder.
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Because I have tons of ideas for things that should be in Smash and I like sharing them. For example if Spring Man gets in and Ribbon Girl is an alt for him, then Spring Man should have an alt that resembles Max Brass and Ribbon Girl should have an alt that resembles Dr. Coyle because Max Brass and Dr. Coyle are two very important characters in ARMS.
    Deleted member
    That's good...but explain your reason a bit more =)
    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    Because I like speculating and I really hope the ideas I have get put into Smash.
    Cloud and Joker may be famous characters but what makes them important to Nintendo's history? Every other 3rd party character has a strong connection to Nintendo.
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    Inkling Man
    Inkling Man
    The Final Fantasy and Persona franchises made an impact on Nintendo's history but Cloud and Joker themselves didn't make an impact on Nintendo's history. FF7 and Persona 5 should have been put on Nintendo consoles before they joined the Smash series.
    That... confuses me. First of all, they don't have to be put on Nintendo consoles first. Sakurai is not limited to such rules. And as mentioned before, they don't have to be an impact to Nintendo history to be in Smash. If sakurai wants it then fine. Good enough for me. FF7 didn't really impact Nintendo but it did impact gaming as a whole. That's why FF7 at least is important
    It's less about being important to Nintendo's history, and more of "let's include any really cool character as soon as possible, as long as they showed up on Nintendo hardware somehow, no matter how minimal of a presence they had on it before then". We've yet to see a single character that hasn't made use of this loophole, even Joker used it on extremely short notice (and even if you didn't count that, Phantom Strikers was conspicuously confirmed to come with a Switch version, on the time of his gameplay reveal).

    Maybe it's to make negotiations easier, but we'll never really know since the subject isn't delved into much.
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