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Smashboards Owner
Smashboards Under New Ownership
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After over a decade as it's steward, AlphaZealot will be stepping down as the owner of Smashboards as of June 1st, 2023.
Learn more about the new owner and upcoming changes to the site.
Smashboards Update Approaching!
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Hey everyone! It's been a while since we've had one of these site update posts and I'm happy to say it's going to be a big one this time.
Smashboards Update - SSL and You!
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Around a month ago we made a very important change to the way Smashboards is accessed by all of our users. This change should have been completely transparent and generally unnoticed but there were a couple bumps along the way.
Smashboards Update - Rankings, Smash.GG and more!
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Hey everyone, Warchamp7 here again with a roundup of the latest and greatest additions and updates to Smashboards!

The most notable thing today is an update to the Rankings system. Importing events from Smash.gg is now possible!

Alongside this addition is the first pass at bridging the gap between our platforms: you can now connect your Smashboards account to your SmashGG account! Visit your SmashGG Account Settings and scroll down to Connected Accounts to get started!

Finally, events that you import into the Rankings system from Challonge or SmashGG will now also grab Match data!
Smashboards Rankings Update - Sub Leagues, Seeding and XenTorneo Buddy
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Today we are formally launching a new feature in the Smashboards Rankings system known as Sub Leagues.

This feature has been a part of the system for a few months now and we're ready to open it up to the public at large. You can see a full list of all Sub Leagues, by clicking the link on the index page of the Smashboards Rankings either above the list of Global Leagues or in the sidebar. You can also see a list of the Sub Leagues that you are active in on the Rankings index page below the list of Global Leagues.
Smashboards Update
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Hey everyone! Thanks for sitting tight during our extended maintenance this morning. We've made a number of upgrades to the site, some of which you can see detailed below. As a side effect of this upgrade, the entire forum skin had to be rebuilt from scratch. If you see or notice anything that looks strange or broken, please let Warchamp7 Warchamp7 know in the comments or in a forum PM!

Check out some of the juicy details below.
Smashboards Events System Improvements
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The Events system on Smashboards has received an overhaul tonight! Much of the functionality you're familiar with is still here, but in a much easier to use way, both for event organizers and people in attendance.

You can still find Monthly and Weekly views of upcoming events by visiting the Events section. One of the new features however, is you can visit the Events Settings page and choose to filter the events by game, and also by their location relative to you.

When submitting an event, you will find a lot of similar fields to fill out such as the Title, Description and venue. You will also now find a field specifically for an address to use for a Google Maps display, as well as for the distance based filtering system. The specific address is not required, and can be left blank if you so choose and will...
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