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Oracle Link
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  • I wish i could make a plattfighter based Arround Videospiel-Man!
    I have some cool ideas!
    For Example Bosses, and Enemys Are Playable!
    Some Characters have transformation "final Smashes"
    And Maybe im dellusional but i think the ideas i have for the heroes and villains of VSM would be perfect for some stellar Movesets!
    • Like
    Reactions: KneeOfJustice99
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    The Main game series is planned to be 2d and 3d platformers BTW!
    The first 3/4 are normal sidescrollers!
    While game 4/5 would be a collectathon!
    All of them would be relativly short like 6 Levels or 4 sandboxes!
    Videospiel-Man the website is currently being designed!
    It will launch with a Homepage, The First 2 Chapters in german and english, 3 (or more) Extra Drawings and a Merch store with a couple of things (Hopefully!)
    Bro, I don't want to offend you, but I find your posts on every thread... "childish"(?) The typing in your posts is hard to follow and then there's your weird obsession with Octoroks you keep parading around.

    It's bothering me a lot and I can't keep it to myself anymore.
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    I agree i am childish and have an obsession with Octoroks!
    The reason why the typing is hard to follow is cause is suck at speaking/ Writing English!
    Im german thats why!
    And half of my octorok obsession is supposed to be funny!
    I dont know i just think octoroks are a really well designed under apreciated Enemy!
    So i throw in some "octoroks" For smash for fun!
    I dont think octoroks should be playble in normal smash but
    I mean they do deserve some rep as maybe an assist trophy or so!
    Atleast you telling me this in a nice and social way! Thats extremly kind of you!
    My Posts will probably stay "childish"(?) but you know what!
    Ill try to stop talking about my favourite zelda enemy for a while okay?
    Obviously at most until the next smash is out or shorter but atleast for this year i wont mention "THEM" Anymore!
    Thank you for being diplomatic.
    Veca Gorebyss
    Veca Gorebyss
    he's adorable young link.

    he is cute.


    he's smarter than appears.

    he managed to like. put forth a whole explanation through his stunted English through German.

    quotations are solid. frenemy. peace. love. hard. perfection. scrambled. toss it. turn it. bop it. tune-up. paranthetical.

    just playing along with him. haha.

    stuff in my head. haha.



    he's very sweet.

    you'll forgive him.

    you like. grabbed a young toon boy and pressed him. haha.

    somewhere in there at least he has um. good speaking? some statements.

    the right stuff comes out.

    okay haha. just speaking for him. haha. he like.

    flails around here on smashboards and I saw and I thought I'd say about him a bit haha. he still seems hard of learning. or spelling.
    I have a new Youtube channel banner aswell as something else check it out right Here:
    Also i desperatly want someone to join my videos (or i join them) So if anyone wants to record together be my guest!
    You know weird complaint but my biggest dealbreaker for any fighting game is not being able to customize a basic match
    (Aka which/how many characters you fight, having cpu and chossing a stage, offline option and difficulty) how these features arent in every game is beyond me!
    Is anyone interested in a Zelda sandbox in garrys mod?
    If so what time (European) would you want to join it?
    Person: has a vaguely rightwing opionion!
    Everyone: You should kill yourself!
    It has gotten a bit out of hand dont you think?
    I don’t know what a rightwing opinion is, but if people are being told to kill themselves over an opinion then yes, it has gotten out of hand.
    Technically its mean of nintendo to patent so much from totk BUT if that means that big greedy companies actually dont just blindly copy these pretty specific features than atleast some good comes from it Looking at you Gacha Impact!
    If anyone is wondering why i love octoroks so much originally i got a octorok plushie as fodder for link but it was so soft and i always found 2d octoroks neat so yeah now i want a army of them to conquer hyrule MUAHAHAHAHA (I think im a incarnation of demise)
    I have decided to just IGNORE the badly translated english names for Cataclysm and Miasma
    I mean Gloom and Upheaveal these are april fools jokes right... Right?!
    Is Anyone interested on playing Zelda Themed Garys Mod?
    Because my steam is working and i dunno i wanna play something zelda with others!
    Also Yes im right in front of Ganondorf in totk and i need to overprepare again!
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    So i have a fully upgraded awakening set and i will now hunt silver lynels (Theyre the only enemy i can consistently dodge)
    And just so i know Gleeoks are the strongest enemys in the game right? they definitly feel like super bosses!
    So TOTK i currently got all the towers, all the Memorys but i still need to do much progress in the four main areas!
    Mainly Yunobo cause goron and flamey roll go brr!
    Do you have any coding experience?
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    Ah Okay i mean i can try what do you want me to do exactly?
    MusashiX 96
    We don't have programmers right now. Now we are 3 spriters (Including me), and I made a document with the whole idea.

    I apologize if this has been an inconvenience.
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    Ah Dont worry! But im sadly not the right guy for this probably i would suggest just to watch some youtube tutorials and maybe look if someone already made the code youre lokoking for! And Than do a Dani (aka hippity hoppity your code is now my propety!)
    Im Playing with the Thought of getting myself a Jigglypuff cause my Mom Loved it!
    And I still need 4 more Members for my Pokemon Plush Team (I have Cyndaquil and Turtwig)
    So Why Not add a Jigglypuff that nicknamed after my Moms Nickname!

    Also I dont know i get more emotional over her Death Lately i did go like 7 Solid Years with the Feelings being Super Supressed so i guess it makes sense that they are now storming out! i even regret not visiting her grave when i still lived near it! I do hope i find the Pictures of her Again!

    Boy That turned out sad anyways maybe its good for me to feel Sad More Often that might help with meltdown reduction!
    This might be a bit of a random question, but do you ship Link and Zelda?
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    Yes why did you ask?
    Then here's a little birthday present of a gif for the only on screen ZeLink kiss so far in the series.

    So We need a new Kirby Thread i Know im Spamming but i really miss talking about Kirby here!
    I also cant do it to controversial, Annoying and Unpopular! believe me i tried 3 times!
    So you can get a Demo of a Rpg Maker Game im working on by going to this Link!
    Vastuu Demo 2
    There is also a Tread on this Site if you want to disscuss Things or tell me if you found any Bugs/ Typos!
    One thing i find quite funny is that where ever i go im assumed to be mean or interested in Conflict! yet most of the time its either Others being annoyed by me eventho im not trying to be annoying or they try and find reasons why im Mean! For example once i did go to a School and was kicked out for Eating after 20:00 and "playing at work" (eventho i waited for 2 hours for anything to do!) Then the guy yelling at me for playing pokemon was like there was a pokemon forbidden sign at the front door! Which I thought was a Joke i mean How do you forbid Something like Pokemon in its Entirty? And if this sign was supposed to say no games than the people who put it there are a little bit Unsmart!
    So ive just decided to help out Alex Bale! he makes Horror stuff/ARGS but is only known For being the spongebob guy! But sadly im to scared to watch his horror content so instead i thought i try helping him by using my youtube channel! And maybe i make a second video after this long time! Anyways i would love for you to check my channel out! i barely got any views and comments (probabyl because im bad at sound mixing and because its a german channel but there is some interesting stuff like a Dragonball letsplay! If you want to find the Spongebob Guy video it is the newest one on My Channel!
    Seems like most people want that the mario voice actors lose their voice!
    And the whole Chris pratt isnt italian thing is dumb too! I mean look at german translations they barely feature accents at all!
    It’s not because he isn’t Italian. It’s because (we assume) he will speak in his normal voice. His normal voice most definitely does not sound like Mario...
    Oracle Link
    Oracle Link
    yeah i only knew his german voice actor replacement so taht everything i had to go by!
    Ive decided i will Keep fighting for Link he brought me through a lot of Though Times so i do everything To Defend him!
    He wont be gender swpped, Race Swapped or replaced Permanantly by Zelda Under my Watch!

    Also if you want to discuss this Topic we can do it in an Conversation!
    Ive comited the biggest sin ever im not link now!
    Im sorry....
    But ill may return in all my linking glory later after im done gawking over Distant lands Ep 3!
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