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  • I loss to a Ken player really threw off my day to be honest..I just can't fight Ken at all.
    Texas is looking like the 7th ring of Hell. Power has gone out in the last few days, Boiling water notice, water conservation notice, and utility bill out the wazoo. Is this the price of Pride?
    So Anyone know a good starting guide to investing?

    The whole Gamestop ficaso has gotten me interested in it. I won't be investing in Gamestop since it looks unstable but I would like to invest in something else. Anyone who has experience with investing could they explain it in simple terms and offer guides and videos? Thank you.
    My connection is so bad it takes an hour to play a video ten minute videos and pictures load like dial up.

    Take me out of the 90s.
    gonna bring this here since it's unrelated to the thread:
    Also...I saw you in a video that talked about Smash. So when I saw that pfp I was like omg its Nah from the video.
    What video exactly? I've never made any myself and I don't remember ever being mentioned in anyone's or why anyone would at all.
    I think it was in one of Little Z's videos I'm not sure they were scanning Smashboards threads and there was your pfp. Or Irospake the Charizard guy. I'll try looking for the video the title is hard to remember.
    if you can find it that would be nice yeah

    While it’s not specifically about learning Japanese, the way he speaks is aimed for non-Japanese listeners and is quite easy to listen to and pick up. And he’s an amazing artist :)
    Top tier avatar.

    Pinkie's the best.
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    Reactions: Alicorn
    Thank you :) yours is cute too I like it
    Deleted member
    Thanks, Pokechu Pokechu made it for me. Persona and Splatoon are some of my most favorite games, so it's perfect for me, ha ha.
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