From my limited experience, Spacebattle readers tend not to care about plot, or narrative structure, or drama, or characterization, or development, or themes, or flow, or readability, as much as they care about the representation of proper 14th century beekeeping design, or whether or not a character properly created nuclear fission with their super strength haymaker.
In their defense, proper 14th century beekeeping design is absolutely fascinating.
And they care very much about plot, narrative structure, flow, development, and readability. That bit would most certainly be from your experience being limited. The amount of time they take to point out typos in 5k+ worded chapters and discuss plot holes is humbling. God knows it's better than
Pretty sure they understand it fully
I'll believe that once they start showing it in matches. Which, astoundingly enough, when a person actually did, they typically won. Amazing how that works.
For the next part I don't really know what to tell you besides repeating myself again.
Fun fact 1: I never said she didn't have weaknesses. I just said she was cheesy af and she deserved some nerfs (but I don't agree with how they managed the nerfs at this patch)
I never said you did, and I agreed with what you did say on the matter, if you recall.
Fun fact 2: Quoted from Z@N, "bro u know how many ppl and how many chars have even won a major hint: it can be counted on one hand." Bringing up how bayo hasn't won anything doesn't support your point tbh
It does when one of the things routinely said about the character is that she wins everything.
Further, that wasn't the context I used it in as I never said anything about majors, and it ignores the point I was making in the last part; "and what are people doing to capitalize on it?" That, again, requires looking at tournament sets, like I did. I'm not taking those examples I gave out of my butt, for instance.
The question isn't centered around
what she's winning or losing
. The question is centered around
in what ways is she winning or losing? If she routinely gets, for example 4th place, what are places 1-3rd doing differently? What are places 5-16th doing differently? What's actually working and being used in the sets themselves?
Fun fact 4: With all the randoms coming out and becoming good out of no where placing top 8 and with the sheer results Bayo has, it's enough to back up that Bayo was pretty borked but she wasn't ban worthy
If people cared at all about any of that, then $5.99 and all the Bayo hate would be on Cloud, though. The character with the better results in the same time frame, and the higher retention rates.
Talking about pre-patch. Dive kick, witch time and witch twist were all ridiculous
Dive Kick was in a league of it's own, still. And witch time wasn't really used that much, honestly. Unlike Dive Kick, it wasn't really the type of thing you could just throw out.
Very few people will be able to react and DI to the first dive kick, which led to many of the combos, was free on shield, and people were only very recently learning to spot dodge instead in order to punish.
Even then though, part of what at least allowed for many of her things to be countered as easily as they good be was just how telegraphed it all was. What's that, Bayo is at a 45 degree angle to me? Hmm, I wonder what she's going to immediately do?
That's the type of thing that frame data doesn't really convey.
Really tho, one day. We'll all play together~
Is it really that fun of a game?
The only shooters like that I ever really played was Goldeneye on the N64 and Splatoon.
If you're just looking for someone to play with, I can if you're fine with a scrub. How expensive is Overwatch anyway?