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You've reached the TOP!!!


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
How do you know when you've reached the top of your game? I know Brawl will be out sooner than we expect, and I really haven't been on the competitive scene very long, so how do you know? I did 4 SWDs consecutively today and also had one of the most intense outside-of-tournament matches yet. I Missile Canceled behind one of the best Mario players I have ever pitted against in my life. Imagine this as if it was a youtube movie:

I began a SWD at the same time he caped the first missile. I wizzed passed him and shot another missile at him. He spot dodged it just as I wizzed passed again with a SWD and turned to face fim. I had a charge shot ready, I had been a bit hesitant to fire one the whole match, because he is a quick draw with the cape. The scond I was clearly behind him, I let loose. The charge shot sprung out of me like an angry couger let loose on its prey. He soun around and cought the death ball out of the corner of his eye. I had gotten him... but wait, his cape came out at the last possible second. The ball, once my pet, now turned against me, came back at me like tangible hell. I was scared, worried, and a bit angry. I stared it down and waited for it to be at the tip of my visor... I threw up my shield. Some one was happy with me, because it was a power shield. The hell was back on my side, and this time, it did its job. Faster than human eye could expect, Mario was consumed and then spat out of existance.



Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2006
Dekalb, IL
Ack...ok, it's 4:00 in the morning, and I'm really out of it, so excuse me for any phrases that don't make sense! That was a crazy thing you pulled off there!

In regards to the topic though, it's hard to give an answer because you can interpret this in so many different ways.

The way I see it though, there is no top. You can't be perfect, but you can keep on getting better and better.

What you just pulled off sounds impressive, but I don't think it means that you are near the top, or have reached the top for that matter

Honestly, I have no idea how good you are at this game. I mean, you sound like a good player, pulling off SWD after SWD, and powershielding, but was that really in your complete control?

It sounds to me more like you got a little lucky. Of course, pulling the shield up is natural, that part wasn't luck, but to powershield, like any other technique, takes practice and patience to master. It sounds to me as if you intended to simply block your own charged shot, not reflect it

I think when you get to the point where you have complete control over your character (for example, you could do what you just stated above any time you wanted) THEN you have reached the top

but, no one has complete 100% control! Even the best players make unintentional moves at times, but these mistakes are not only less frequent then other players, but they are alot smaller too.

In short, I don't think you can ever reach the top because no one has the technical skill to do it, to be 100% perfect with no errors. But I'm guessing by top you just meant being at your max game, so in that sense, you've reached the top once you have as much control over your character as you can possibly have


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2006
Pirate Ship
Good for you.

I agree with Zurad, I doubt you've really reached the top of your potential yet, I doubt anyone has.
I'm sure you feel great, but everyone has "those" moments and trust me, it was mostly a fluke.
Just keep practicing, maybe someday you'll be able to do that whenever you want. But i still think no one will ever be at the top because of human error and the fact that to be that good you would need incredible innate talent not to mention to practice like 12 hours a day.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I've been trying to post, but it keeps blocking it?! Anyway, I get a lot of practice every weekday. I play about 1 hour before class and maybe three or four after against real, live humans. This is where I started noticing the changes in my play. I actually can SWD at about 50% on the school's TV.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
When you four stock Azen's Sheik with Bowser, you've reached the top.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
In the last place you look
just because you do one really impressive thing doesn't mean you're top level, i once caught a pen thrown spinning through the air in my right pants cargo pocket with the thing on the side that keeps it from going all the way in latching onto the side. doesn't mean i'm the world's best pen catcher. although i'm probably top 10


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
lmfao crashman


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
just because you do one really impressive thing doesn't mean you're top level, i once caught a pen thrown spinning through the air in my right pants cargo pocket with the thing on the side that keeps it from going all the way in latching onto the side. doesn't mean i'm the world's best pen catcher. although i'm probably top 10
And this is exactly why you are the funniest poster on smashboards. LoL


And I just noticed that you have me on your sig. You son of a *****. This will not go over lightly.

Hank McCoy

Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
The East
And this is exactly why you are the funniest poster on smashboards. LoL


And I just noticed that you have me on your sig. You son of a *****. This will not go over lightly.
im in his crew, does that make me funny by association?


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I think that everyone has forgoten that this is about personal bests, not the best in the world. I'm not stupid, becuase I know there are more people that have been playing longer and harder than me.
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