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You're Banned! And I'm still alive and kicking after all these years!

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
Serously? WTF :mad: I will main who ever I chose. Kirby for God tier!!! Banned because Kirby rocks!

Edit: you wish you could only begin to be as awsome as kirby!!!!!

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
Banned because I do not even play brawl. I was refering to melee.

Edit: and the game SSB64 that one is good to, unlike brawl.

Deleted member

Banned for being one of those extremists that believes Smash Bros. was developed to be anything other than a party game.

(If this is considered flame bait, I will remove it upon request.)

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
Ture it was developed to be a party game but at least for the first two it became so much more.
some of the most greatest inventions in the world were accedents like choclete chip cookies or sticky notes (just to name a few). The origanal SSB was intended to fail the creators were not expecting the reception the game got. What a game was intended to be is not what the game ultimately became, And that in a way contrubutes to its glory. No I belive you are completely right (minus the part about me being an extremist.) but it became so much more. That is why I am dissaponted at brawl It could of been so much more.

Deleted member

Banned because now that I think of it, "extremist" was uncalled for, and I apologise.
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