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Your Brawl Favorite


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Ever since the first Trailer from E3 2006, we have learned a ton of info regarding our beloved Brawl. The Dojo has revealed a majority of this information, and I'm sure every poster here has something that sticks out for them.

So, let's discuss out favorite thing that has been implemented into Brawl from these various categories:

-Favorite Newcomer

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design

-Favorite New Stage (Stage Editor is not a new stage)

-Favorite New Game Mode

-Favorite Item (if choosing an Assist Trophy or Pokeball, you may specify which one if your favorite)

-Favorite Music (Some music has been revealed, but not in audio form. This music might have a remix, keep that in mind.)

My Favorites:

-PT is my personal Favorite Newcomer. I grew up with Pokemon for one, pluse he is sjearly unique. Sonic and Pit trail closely behind.

- I'm torn between Zelda and Link in regards to re-designs, but I think Zelda takes the cake. I wasn't too enthusiastic about her Melee model.

-I'm going to have to go with Delfino Plaza as my favorite stage. That's wher most of my SMS time was spent; and despite the fact I despise moving levels, this one is an exception. My honarable mentions here are Pokemon Stadium 2, Wario Ware and the re-designed Battle Field.

-My top new Game Mode is definitely the SSE. I love the fact that it will have branching story paths, co-op (online at that), and it'll probably take some time to just complete one run through. Of course, Stage Builder and Online Trail. I like Stage Builder, but I'm particularily very good with editors, and online VS seems a little too basic (not cmplaining here).

- Definitely the Smash Ball. It adds a whole new level of gameplay to the game despite it's randomness, and I can't wait to try out each individual Final Smash. My desire is that they make a mode where you can initiate a set amount of Final Smashes with a certain button press (C-Stick on GCN, +,- on Wii or Wii and Nunchuk, and one of the inner Z on the Classic Controller). Assist Trophy trails behind here, I wanted you character to disappear, while you take control of the AT for a brief period of time.

-Oh no, I can't choose on the music! I just love all (well, most) of the new compositions in Brawl. I seriously don't have a definite #1 here. I particualirly like the Brawl Theme, Pokemon Stadium Gym, Meta Knight's Revenge, KK Rider, and the new Temple Theme.

Discuss your opinions, and try not to debate too much and flame other's selections.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2007
Fav noob- Meta Knight
Fav Re-design- Samus
Fav Stage- Frigate Orpheon (NO lava!)
Fav Mode- Stage builder
Fav Item- Smash Ball
Fav Music- Samus vs Ridley Boss Music
The above may change later, especially if there's music from A Link to the Past.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant, Aarle Rixtel
Favorite newcomer: Hmm hard to choose I'll think I'll go with PT but Pit and Zamus are also my favorites I'll like PT so much because he's unique
Favorite veteran re-design: My choice is Fox on this one just because I like him a lot better in his brawl form
Favorite stage: Smash ville if they include some more elements then just day night time and music on Saturday a close second by me is Hyrule Temple but it was a old stage
Favorite mode: defentily the Subspace emmisary because I'll love the cinema scenes
Favorite item: Smash ball of course just because it ads a lot of new moves to the game
Favorite music: the new them of Hyrule Temple


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2007
I'm not going to do the whole list, just gonna throw in that Sonic is my favourite newcomer, I generally thought I was dreaming when I checked the dojo that day. Pokemon Trainer is second and Snake is third.

Favourite game mode is the SSE of course. I can't wait!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Upper Michigan
-Favorite Newcomer------Pit

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design-----Links new look is awesome, but bowsers gameplay looks impressive

-Favorite New Stage (Stage Editor is not a new stage)------smashville

-Favorite New Game Mode-----online if it counts

-Favorite Item (if choosing an Assist Trophy or Pokeball, you may specify which one if your favorite)-----smash ball of course

-Favorite Music (Some music has been revealed, but not in audio form. This music might have been a remix keep that in mind.)----- uhh maybe the ridley battle one


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Tennis Courts Westminster, California
Favorite Newcomer: Pokemon Trainer, my inner awakened Poke Fanboyism

Favorite Veteran Re-Design: Kirby! jking... Fox/Link/Bowser hard to choose, I guess I have to choose Link b/c I played TP.

Favorite New Game Mode: Space Emissary

Favorite New Stage: Lylat Cruise

Favorite Item: Gooey Bomb

Favorite AT: Waluigi, sorry you guys, he has a tennis racket, can't resist.

Favorite Pokemon: Bonsly

Favorite Music: Brawl's Main Theme, it just sticks to me, can't help myself. I catch myself humming it sometimes.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2007
-Favorite Newcomer=META KNIGHT!!! My favorite video game character ever, can't wait to play as him! Victory is my destiny! ;) ;)

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design=Link. His TP design really shows how much graphics have improved since Melee. You can see the stitching in his tunic for cryin' out loud! Pretty sweet. Also now he gets his new bombs and Gale Boomerang

-Favorite New Stage=Battleship Halberd and Castle Siege. I don't say Hyrule Temple only because its returning, but that's my real fave!

-Favorite New Game Mode=SUBSPACE EMISSARY! That is going to be amazing!!! Just give us an update on it Sakurai, there hasn't been one since that Fox vid. :mad:

-Favorite Item=Smash Ball by far!!! Assist Trophies are great too, and Superspicy Curry looks fun.

-Favorite Music=Very tough. I'm gonna say Meta Knight's Revenge, such an active, awesome song. Close behind are K.K. Rider, Zelda Medley, and the Main Brawl Theme. And, even though I'm not a huge fan of them, the Ice Climber's have a pretty sweet new song!


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2007
-Favorite Newcomer = Diddy Kong

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design = Link

-Favorite New Stage = Delfino Plaza

-Favorite New Game Mode = Co-op Subspace Emissary

-Favorite Item = Smash Ball

-Favorite Music = Metal Gear Solid: MGS4 Love Theme


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
  • Fav. Newcomer-Ike
  • Fav. Veteran-Link
  • Best Character Design-Bowser
  • Fav. Item-Smash Ball
  • Fav. Stage-all besides Pictochat
  • Fav. AT-Samurai Goroh
  • Fav. Pokeball-Deoxys

Vicious Delicious

tetigit destruens
Feb 3, 2006
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
SW 0141 8170 9257
Favorite Newcomer = Diddy Kong. He was pretty much a given, but it was still a blast so know that he would/will be playable.

Favorite Veteran Re-Design = Link/Bowser. Link got the cake in terms of a rehaul from Melee, but Samus just looks so much cooler. Bowser as favorite redesign, Link as best redesign.

Favorite New Stage = Castle Siege. No comment, its just really cool ;)

Favorite New Game Mode = Stage Editor/Wifi Play. Both are pretty limitless in enjoyment and playability. WiiConnect24 is just a blessing for Stage Editor. I know Sakurai still has some secrets about Wifi, and it seems pretty decent so far, regardless of not knowing people without friendcodes (mindgames, son!)

Favorite Item = Smash Ball (if it counts)/Superspicy Curry. Smash Ball is a given; Superspicy Curry is awesome and broken, but my friends won't know that until they've been KO'd 70 times...

Favorite Assist = Gray Fox. See Castle Siege comment.

Favorite Pokemon = Piplup. How can you not love Piplup? It pretty much confirmed 4th generation pokemon would be appearing as well.

Favorite Music = Go K.K. Slider! / MGS4 Love Theme / Ice Climber (Summit). No comments.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Favourite Newcomer: gotta be a tie between the 3rd parties, though Pit is still getting some of the love

Favourite Veteran Redesign: Zelda over Link; I love the OoT Link :(

Favourite New Stage: this one's a hard one; gotta say Castle Siege. So many badass levels, though.

Favourite New Game Mode: stage builder

Favourite Item: cracker launcher. Smashball close second.

FAvourite Music: Main theme instrumental

i rise

Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
favorite newcomer - probably a three way tie between ike, meta-knight, and snake with honorable mentions to diddy kong and pit.

favorite veteran - probably bowser due to his various buffs that he definitely deserved.

favorite re-design - bowser again.

favorite item - i'm not really liking too many of them right now. the smash ball seems fun but after awhile i know i'll stop playing with it unless i love ZSS.

favorite stage - battleship halberd of frigate orpheon.

favorite AT - gray fox.

favorite pokeball - announced would be deoxys, unannounced would be latios and latias.

favorite game mode - wifi for sure, everything else is just the hassle of me unlocking characters.

favorite song - meta-knight's revenge or ridley boss battle.

General Diddy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2007
-Favorite Newcomer: Diddy Kong

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design: If this means just be graphical features, fox

-Favorite New Stage (Stage Editor is not a new stage): Castle Siege

-Favorite New Game Mode: Stage Builder if that counts, if not co-op SSE

-Favorite Item (if choosing an Assist Trophy or Pokeball, you may specify which one if your favorite): Smashball... if your not gonna count that, then gooey bomb

-Favorite Music (Some music has been revealed, but not in audio form. This music might have a remix, keep that in mind.): The Kid Icarus Music


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007
Favorite Newcomer - Sonic or Pit
Favorite Veteran Re-Design - TP Link
Favorite New Stage - Castle Siege
Favorite New Game Mode - WiFi..
Favorite Item - Smash Ball


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2005
Chicago, IL
Newcomer- Meta-Knight

Vet- Link

Item- Smash Ball

Stage- Frigate Orpheon

AT- Lyn

Game Mode- online play 0_o

Song- OoT Medley

Of course this is all for now, who knows what the future will hold.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2007
-Favourite Newcomer - Hm, I kinda like them all. But specially... Sonic, maybe. And Zero Suit Samus, of course, who else

-Favourite Vet - Zelda. All the way !

Favourite Vet Redesign - Zelda and Link, because Twilight Princess is a fountain of inspiration for me :estatic:

Item - Hurray for originality, Smash Ball. Cause final smashes are just cool.

Stage - Probably Bridge of Eldin. Although I love Delfino Plaza too, the colours <3

Assist Trophy - Lyn.

Music - Main Brawl Theme, and Ocarina of Time Medley, and.... could list them all, except that Porky and "X" one. Eek x_x


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2007
Favorite Newcomer: Hmm...I have to say it's a tie between Pit, Lucas, and Pokemon trainer. I loved their games, but I'm afraid Claus, Ridley, Classic Mega Man, or the Animal Crosser will probably claim their titles for my favorite newcomers....Well, maybe I'll just have to see which one of these I'm best with.. I'm definatly considering around 3 for my main.

Favorite Veteran Re-design: I have to go with Samus on this one. I saw a gamespot review that revealed Samus' new Side+B which is using the Super Missle design. That made me so happy..Her final smash and then transformation into Zamus make her even more unique.

Favorite Stage: New Pork City and Smashville. The New Pork City stage is alike the Temple stage, but interesting. The backround is extremely colorful and fun to look at. Not to mention it stays true to MOTHER 3. Smashville runs on your internal clock and is like Final Destination, but with KK Slider performances. Win

Favorite Game Mode: Subspace.

Favorite Item/Assist Trophy: Little Mac, even though I wish he was playable.

Favorite Music: Ridley Theme, Pokey (Porky?) Theme, Go K.K. Rider!, Ice Climber, and Underworld.

Corax The Cold

Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2007
-Favorite Newcomer: Meta Knight! Hellz yeah hes gona pwn

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design: Zelda, looks sweet, even tho i have yet to play TP

-Favorite New Stage: Frigate Orpheon looks cool, with the turning and all

-Favorite New Game Mode: Stage Builder

-Favorite Item: Lightning Bolt

-Favorite Music: Pitfall


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
favorite newcomer-sonic like i need a reason what i do? is mario vs sonic vs link vs kirby enough?
favorite redesign-kirby ftw! lol really link
favorite stage-battlefield
favorite music-not on dojo live and learn on dojo either zelda or x:tunnel scene
favorite AT-saki amiyami or hammer bros
item-smash ball
game mode-subspace emissary


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2007
fav newb: pit. he looks awesome, plays awesome, and is just plain awesome.
fav vet: the new climbers look so cool (hey, I made a funny!)
fav stage: just because of my addiction to the ds version and because I really, really, really like shyguys for some reason, figure 8 course mario circuit.
fav mode: the not yet revealed subspace emissary stage builder online with custom controls!
fav item: the gooey bomb! why? well, its funny! fav at is mr resseti. whats the idea of treating him like an item, anyways? my fav pokemon is probably munchlax, as long as he dosen't eat my smash ball.
fav music: dk. why? theres no time to ponder such questions, as FallenAngelPit has just grabbed a smash ball!?!

farewell :cool:


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Newcomer: Pit, then Ike and Sonic

Redesign: Link, then Fox

Item: Gooeybomb (it's a sticky!)

AT: Lyn then Saki

Pokemon: Deoxys

Music: On Dojo Ocarina of Time Melody, off Dojo Live and Learn

Stage: Lylat cruse

game mode: Subspace Emissary, followed closely by Online.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 2, 2007
Tampa, Fl
Fav. Newcomer: Hmmm, King DeDeDe probably (Kirby Superstar was one of the first games I beat :p)

Redesign: Yikes a hard one, I love the higher res. Ice Climbers and Samus without a doubt.

Item: Smokeball, I just love the thing.

Pokemon: Latios/Latias (confirmed on DoJo or not they're in the game)

Fav. New Mode: Co-Op events (I'm sorry, but the concept is just awesome)

Music: "Ocarina of Time Melody " or "Go! K.K. Rider!"

Stage: Yoshi's Island


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2007
Favorite Newcomer- Jeez, I don't know. Either De De De or Sonic.

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design-Ice climbers look pimp.

-Favorite New Stage- Ummm, either battlefield or yoshi story.

-Favorite New Game Mode- New? Subspace.

-Favorite Item- Smart bomb, I guess.

-Favorite Music - Fire emblem pwned.

Cereal Rabbit

Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2007
Davis, CA
-Favorite Newcomer: Dedede

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design: Link

-Favorite New Stage (Stage Editor is not a new stage): Lylat Cruise

-Favorite New Game Mode: WiFi, oh yeah!!!!

-Favorite Item (if choosing an Assist Trophy or Pokeball, you may specify which one if your favorite): I don't know....

-Favorite Music (Some music has been revealed, but not in audio form. This music might have a remix, keep that in mind.): Hyrule Temple


Smash Ace
May 29, 2007
The Big CA
-Favorite Newcomer: Ike and probably Pokemon trainer due to his Unique-ness. And of course, Sonic the Hedgehog.

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design:
Fox McCloud, Link and Mario

-Favorite New Stage: Frigate Orpheon, Lylat Cruise, Castle Siege, and Pokemon Stadium 2

-Favorite New Game Mode: Supspace Emmisary and the Co-Op

-Favorite Item: Smart bomb, spicy curry, Little Mac, Knuckle Joe, and the Franklin badge.

-Favorite Music: X: Tunnel Scene, MGS4 Love Theme, Ocarina Of Time Medley, and Yoshi's Story Ending.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2007
favorite newcomer-pit

favorite veteran redesign-link

favorite new stage-frigate orpheon

favorite new game mode-co-op subspace emissary

favorite item-team healer

favorite music-the legend of zelda: ocarina of time medley


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2007
The heart of Illinois
-Favorite Newcomer - Snake 1st, Meta Knight 2nd

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design - TP Ganondorf (oh, you know he's in)

-Favorite New Stage - Shadow Moses Island

-Favorite New Game Mode - Subspace Emissary!

-Favorite Item - Assist Trophies in general

-Favorite Music - Mother Zero, Snowman (kinda confirmed)

Senor Crouch

Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2007
Crouching in a corner with a Mauler!
Favorite Newcomer- Pokemon Trainer

Favorite Veteran Re-design- Fox

Favorite New Stage- Lylat Cruise (due to Background)/Battleship Halberd (due to Combo Cannon)

Favorite New Game Mode- SSE/Stage Builder

Favorite New Item- besides the Smash Ball, it has to be the Lightining Bolt

Favorite Assist Trophy- Hammer Bros.

Favorite Pokemon- Deoxys

Favorite Music- Hard to choose this one! OoT Medley, Great Temple/Temple, Kid Icarus: Underworld, Kirby: Metaknight's revenge, and X: Tunnel Scene


Smash Rookie
Dec 9, 2007
-Favorite Newcomer
Megaman if hes in other wise pit then diddy.
-Favorite Veteran Re-Design
Ice climbers.
-Favorite New Stage (Stage Editor is not a new stage)
Dont have one they are all equal.
-Favorite New Game Mode
-Favorite Item (if choosing an Assist Trophy or Pokeball, you may specify which one if your favorite)
Beam saber.
-Favorite Music


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2006
OKC, Brawl Tag: Talo
Favorite Newcomer - Diddy Kong. It used to be Pit for a long time but it's inexplicably changed.

Favorite Veteran Re-Design - Zelda and Samus. Zelda because she doesn't look so...porcelain.
And Samus mostly just because her armor is so shiny :laugh:

Favorite New Stage - Battlefield. It looks like a stage that I won't ever get tired of playing on. It's the background that does it for me.

Favorite New Game Mode - SSE. For obvious reasons.

Favorite Item - Bumper. It's just so entertaining and simple.

Favorite Music - This one is too tough so I'll just say the one I don't like. Pokemon Stadium/Evolution.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2007
Tacoma, WA
Favorite Newcomer- Snake because he is my one of my favorite video game characters.

Favorite Veteran Re-Design- Zelda and Link I love their TP designs.

Favorite New Stage - Bridge of Eldin because it's huge and the background is awesome.

Favorite New Game Mode- SSE it looks intresting and fun from what we've seen so far.

Favorite Item- Superspicy curry or cracker launcher I like the animations for the curry and the cracker launcher looks fun.

Favorite Music- Either OoT Medley or MGS4: Love Theme I can't choose because their both really good.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
-Favorite Newcomer
Sonic, Diddy Kong. Sonic is my favourite video game character. And Diddy Kong is second because I really LOVED Donkey Kong Country 2... I'm glad Diddy made it to Smash finally!

-Favorite Veteran Re-Design
Hmm... that's not easy, all of them look so awesome and well done... probably Donkey Kong (finally he looks like the real DK!), Fox (at first I didn't like his new look, but now I think it looks really cool), Bowser (Yay, he's bigger and looks more like the real Bowser now!), after that it's Peach (Her dress looks beautiful and just the character looks very well done...) or Ice Climbers (OMG so much detail... the gloves, hammers and their clothes...).

-Favorite New Stage
My favourite? I have many favourites ! :p
They are: Delfino Plaza, Rumble Falls, The Summit, Norfair. And the next would probably be Lylat Cruise...
Why? Because they just look so... BEAUTIFUL! ^^

-Favorite New Game Mode
SSE, Online play, Stage Builder. I can't really say which one I like the most. They are all really great... I can't decide...

-Favorite Item
Hmm... I like the inclusion of Assist Trophies... the smash ball is cool too though... I'm not sure.

I like those the most:
Smash Ball
AT- Waluigi, Lyn
Pokeball- Groudon

-Favorite Music
I really like the FE music and the Meta Knight one... and the X: Tunnel Scene... from the confirmed ones that we don't know how they'll be I really love it that Bramble Blast is in... this music is so awesome... and maybe I'll like it more than every other one...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2006
OKC, Brawl Tag: Talo
...from the confirmed ones that we don't know how they'll be I really love it that Bramble Blast is in... this music is so awesome... and maybe I'll like it more than every other one...
Bramble Blast? Where has that been heard in connection with Brawl? I agree that music was awesome but I don't remember hearing it.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
1. This is a hard one because I like ALOT of characters this time around, but I would have to say Meta Knight or Pokemon Trainer.

2. This is also a little difficult as I hated the old Fox he looked pretty dumb but Id have to say Bowser definitely looks great

3. The Battleship Halberd, though its important to note that Battlefields new design is incredible.

4. The Subspace Emissary 100%. I love good single player games. I love Smash Bros. But the previous Adventure was pathetic. I love branching plots and the fact it involves so many characters and ORIGINAL enemies and places. I also love Co-Op. I like tio play one player but playing it on a team with others is the best.

5. Item=Gooey Bomb, AT=Knucle Joe, Poke Ball=Groudon

6. Definitely "Live and Learn", as for confirmed music I love the Animal Crossing:Go K.K. Rider!
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