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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

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Deleted member

Soooo, to recap apex:
East Coast is pretty garbz in singles and doubles, except for san who is a beast and beat gnes.
West coast>all
Japan>the world
Olimar da bess
Uhhh i think thats it.
Brawl results looking mad exciting nowadays, none of this m2k winning everything.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Japan pretty much ***** this tourney, and made things super crazy interesting when combined with San taking out people left and right. I definitely had a lot of fun, despite my wallet and controller (which I had just put 3 new stickers on) being stolen. =(

My pool performance was weird. I lost to Colaaya, because I ran into a crap ton of stupid stuff, and pretty much fell apart. This kinda drained my confidence. I autopiloted a 2-0 win against some scrub DK, had a really close game with Kirinblaze, said **** it, and goofed off with rob on rainbow for my counterpick. Oh well, I shouldn't have lost to an Ike other than san, especially since I was ****** this same Ike all day the day before in friendlies/seriouslies before finding out who it was. I blame myself for my poor performance, sorry yoshis =(

I saw a lot of Yoshis that don't post here very often, or at all. They should!

Larry said delta is better than burntsocks.

Delta finally believes me when I say that cheese is garbage.

I had a hella tight set with meep that came down to the wire, was extreeeemely fun =D

I didn't get to mm Lain like I wanted to, but I wouldn't have done it with my secondary controller anyway, so sadfaces all around =(

Silent and I make the best Yoshi coaching staff, end of discussion.

Sadface at having to forfeit both brawl- and n64 for lack of time.

Happy face for hungrybox forfeiting first in n64 so I'll soon have a nice new bracket image as my avatar. XD

Delta's luigi gets ***** by jigglypuff nair.

Silent and I make an epic double ganon team.

The CBR is back in style, as Subway was the only food place open there most of the time

I slept in the hotel room that had all the european players as well as sweetpea, fujita, and brood (japanese players). It was really cool to meet them all, even though the sleeping space was really cramped.

another big post coming up soon I think.

Deleted member

I would hope that delta is better now than i was in september, i was GARBBBAGEEE (last place in bracket, hasnt happened since).
Thats the only tournament ive been at with larry xD

jay kay i dont really care whos better tbh, delta is da bess i ever had
them polt meatriders bug me hardcore tho


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Ohhhh **** I forgot that the 2 year anniversary of the CBR was like last month, I forgot to make a thread.

ohh well **** it


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
So, here's how my pools went:

1st Round

Ninjalink - 0-2
Tant - 1-2
Sphere - 2-0
Dynomite - 2-0
Kiwi - 2-1
A nub - Forfeit

Kiwi kirbycided me for the win game 1. I was really nervous after that. She ALMOST got it game 3 too when I had a huge lead, but it failed and caused an SD. I swear, my heart stopped.

I did much better vs. NL than I did at my last tournament. I got him to last stock mid percents each time instead of BARELY getting him down to 2 stocks.

I beat Tant's Rob game 1 and lost to Meta 2 and 3. I forget what I did wrong, but I think I just wasn't playing patient enough.

Dynomite had a rough time earlier in pools, so he wasn't playing his best. I played him later that night at the hotel and he was much better. I still timed him out, though.

I practiced with Jtails's Pit before playing Sphere, and Sphere's Pit wasn't nearly as good as Jtails's, so I didn't have much trouble at all.

Round 2:

Lain 0-2
Zucco 0-2
Kadaj 2-1
Smurf 2-1
Future 2-0

Lain pivot grabbed EVERYTHING and he applied really good pressure. It was really amazing to play a top ICs. Really changed my view on the MU.

Zucco plays a gay character and I hate Lucario. >=[

My set with Kadaj was so hype. I was really nervous against his Marth, but he recovered low all the time so I got 2 free edgehogs. And, Silent has my story. It really helped to have Silent AND Sharky coaching me, along with RJ.

My set with Smurf went really well. I lost game 1, went to Lylat, got my camp grove on, and then ***** on Delfino game 3.

Future went ICs game 1 and MK game 2. It wasn't really that hard.


Larry 0-2
Snakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1-2

I had never played a very good Falco, since they're all at the WC mainly, so I was really flustered and got beat pretty bad game 1. Game 2 I CP'd Delfino and got him to last stock. I would have won, I got a GR > Spike as I was at 130% for the game winner, but Delfino saved him JUST in time. He's a really cool guy, and I can say I lost to the winner of Apex. :laugh:

I'm not too good at the ZSS MU and I couldn't figure out an answer to getting juggled. I really don't think it's a good MU at all. >_>''

Other than that, I met a lot of people, all who are amazing. A lot of the people I played really changed how I viewed some of the MUs. Like, playing Lain and Future made me think the ICs weren't as easy as I had thought (lol Cheese) and Kiwi made me think Kirby wasn't as easy to camp as I remembered. Larry's Falco also really made me think the MU wasn't as simple as I thought. He avoided the grab very well. BigLou also made me afraid of Luigi. :laugh:


I was right :embarrass

Also Delta lost to the tantalus LMAO, I guess my 08 yoshi training still works
I wasn't playing as patient during that set. My set with Kadaj was probably my best. :bee:

good **** delta! He's in brackets with 3rd seed!!!!!
Does this mean it's Delta's turn to get meat ridden now? :confused:

Really though, congrats! =3

Haha, thanks.

He beat kadaj, who is a top southern player.
I was so nervous during Game 3, since it decided whether or not I made it out of pools. I actually fist pumped and shouted YES! after taking the second stock, since that was pretty much it.

It was glorious. Delta took game 1 vs. Marth on Smashville, followed by a successful kadaj CP to Frigate with MK. Delta CPs Lylat vs. MK, and trails for most of the match (I think it was generally about half-stock deficit) until he works it back and ultimately ties with a couple eggs with maybe like 1:30-2:00 left (both had 2 stocks remaining). Delta, at kill percentage, then gets a GR-upsmash kill with maybe around a minute left, and commences running away from kadaj. In addition to plentiful double jumping and air dodging, his survival maneuvers include teching a nair at 160% on the underside of Lylat, and aerial down-B-ing kadaj for 16%. After a DJAD places him a little too close to kadaj, Delta is finally killed off the top by uair with ~0:12 remaining and kadaj at 23%. He respawns with around 0:10 and waits for the platform to disappear. His invincibility wears off at 0:04, at which point kadaj quits.

Junebug, on Delta's performance: "Watching you play makes me want to punch someone."

Polt went 5-0 in his pool that included red halberd. Polt da bess get on his level.
Nope, still Polt's time. Never mind.

Chill, his pool was so free except Red Halberd.


June says the dumbest ****

but he is a little slow so its okay ;D

But Delta still lost to TheTantalus so whatever he does from here on out is irrelevant

Update, for all who haven't communicated with the Skypees, or tuned in to the stream at the right time:
Delta's 3rd seed into brackets pinned him against Larry 1st match into brackets. =X
I'm actually glad I got to play him. I got to take a shot at the top ICs and top Falco this tournament. :bee:

Delta lost to Dehf and got Derp'd by Snakeee cause of lack of zamus exp. At least he made it to brackets lol
Zamus is harrrrrrrd yo. I felt really optionless when I got hit up. It was a good set though.

Burntsocks vs larry: 1-0
Deltacod vs larry: 0-1

Jk good job getting to brackets delta.
You get all the Falco practice, yo. =P

Stocky still da bess

Delta good stuff making brackets. Next time you'll place better. Proud of you, son.

Delta did awesome!

Soooo, to recap apex:
East Coast is pretty garbz in singles and doubles, except for san who is a beast and beat gnes.
West coast>all
Japan>the world
Olimar da bess
Uhhh i think thats it.
Brawl results looking mad exciting nowadays, none of this m2k winning everything.
Lol @ East Coast trash talk. Which coast let Ksizzle take 6 stocks off them in the crew battle and had a FREE player? I remember West Coast getting the D!CK.
Shiri <3

Also, Florida didn't go, aside from CO. We still da bess.............

... on 1-frame lag TVs.
CO getting ***** by them NJ randoms.

Japan pretty much ***** this tourney, and made things super crazy interesting when combined with San taking out people left and right. I definitely had a lot of fun, despite my wallet and controller (which I had just put 3 new stickers on) being stolen. =(

Larry said delta is better than burntsocks.

Delta finally believes me when I say that cheese is garbage.

Silent and I make the best Yoshi coaching staff, end of discussion.

Delta's luigi gets ***** by jigglypuff nair.

The CBR is back in style, as Subway was the only food place open there most of the time
Japan *****, although I'm mad you got your stuff stolen.

Larry also said Finerpass is ****. He said he banned Yoshi's Island on me because he heard he ***** there.

Cheese sucks yo.

Coaching for life!

Still mad at that Nair stuff. >_<

I ate CBR ONLY the entire weekend.

small addition to my list of stuffs: remix's IC's are so freeeeeeee lol

jay kay i dont really care whos better tbh, delta is da bess i ever had
them polt meatriders bug me hardcore tho
Florida sucks.

M2K vs BROOD was so fun to watch
Brood is ****. I heard the japanese throw early games to figure you out, then **** you at the end.

Ohhhh **** I forgot that the 2 year anniversary of the CBR was like last month, I forgot to make a thread.

ohh well **** it

I had a CBR for the first time on Friday.
I would've appreciated it more had it not been $7 for a ****in' footlong.
Mad late.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Unfortunately, CO was our only ranked to go. Two other FL players went, and I was supposed to go, but my fam needed my money.

I guess I'll continue to suck then.
I just find it funny that after all the **** talk he gave NJ after some of us lost to FL's unrankeds, he lost to one himself.

You don't suck. You're too good to be grouped with Florida. :(:(:(:(


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
I finally got to go to a smashfest today. It was like the coolest thing every besides actually being at a tourney. I had so much fun!


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Last I checked, you didn't go to either MLG Orlando or Columbus.

How would you know?
Lol, it was an exaggeration/joke. >_>''

I finally got to go to a smashfest today. It was like the coolest thing every besides actually being at a tourney. I had so much fun!
They're like tournaments, except everyone wants to play you for free and you get practice. Did I mention the free?


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
Polt went 5-0 in his pool that included red halberd. Polt da bess get on his level.

2 things:

1) For the first two matches we did Link vs. Jigglypuff (I was Link). I won the first match while he won the second. He then chose MK for the 3rd match (the cheater, we agreed to only Link vs. Jigglypuff :mad:) and I went Yoshi, and I barely managed to win.

2) I lost to him in loser's and ended up placing 7th in an abysmally low 23-person tournament (this was in Orlando, mind you).

This brings up an interesting point, actually...

I need Snake help. When I fought RedHalberd in loser's he chose Snake against me. Snake wouldn't be so much of a problem, but I encountered something that made me feel completely inferior...

Snake's dash attack.

Yes, his freaking dash attack. Every time I tried to approach, RedHalberd would just dash attack.

And I couldn't beat it. Not once. B-air was ineffective, and my pivot-grab requires ultra-prediction. I think he got about a third of my total percentage that way

I felt terrible after those matches. It was the first time ever that I felt like I couldn't do anything with my character. Can someone help me in this? :urg:



Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Secret to beating Snake dash attacks, even random ones.

First off, back air is not the way to go.

Second, you're right on pivot grab. If they use dash attack from far enough away where you don't need to predict, then they're making it too easy for you. Prediction is great for the grabs, though, if you can read into them.

The problem comes with the over-aggressive dashes or the "random" dashes.

Assuming he's using it while you're grounded and just rushing you with it, they are pretty hard to even run away from sometimes. The ABSOLUTE best thing I know to stop these cold is forward tilt. I think I posted this in the Snake thread somewhere, but if you get like...tick reaction status to the dash attack animation and sound, putting out a straight forward tilt (no angles) will stop it cold almost every time. You have to learn to differentiate between reaction and prediction for using this, however, but once you do, you can use grabs when you predict and tilts to react.

Just remember that if this is stopping you when you approach, take to the air much less and don't run when you're on the ground. Walk, as this also lets you space out random forward and up tilts from Snake.

-dead- @ D-Torr putting Polt's obvious frustration at being amazing on blast


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
:yoshi: Secret to beating Snake dash attacks, even random ones.

First off, back air is not the way to go.

Second, you're right on pivot grab. If they use dash attack from far enough away where you don't need to predict, then they're making it too easy for you. Prediction is great for the grabs, though, if you can read into them.

The problem comes with the over-aggressive dashes or the "random" dashes.

Assuming he's using it while you're grounded and just rushing you with it, they are pretty hard to even run away from sometimes. The ABSOLUTE best thing I know to stop these cold is forward tilt. I think I posted this in the Snake thread somewhere, but if you get like...tick reaction status to the dash attack animation and sound, putting out a straight forward tilt (no angles) will stop it cold almost every time. You have to learn to differentiate between reaction and prediction for using this, however, but once you do, you can use grabs when you predict and tilts to react.

Just remember that if this is stopping you when you approach, take to the air much less and don't run when you're on the ground. Walk, as this also lets you space out random forward and up tilts from Snake.

-dead- @ D-Torr putting Polt's obvious frustration at being amazing on blast
Thanks, Shiri. I think my problem is that I always approach from the air. My game tends to rely on shield-pokes (which is probably why I have so much trouble against Diddy and Falco, too), so maybe some mixing up is in order.

And D-Torr, that tourney was still farther away from my house than NLL. >_>

Anyways, guys, I have some important news. I'm going to be moving to Austin, TX, August 19th for college! =D



Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: I know so many people in the Austin area.

There's also a really nice LAN center there.
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