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XS Bi-weeklies 1: A new hope JUNE 25TH! Pineville NC

Black Mantis

Smash Hero
Jun 5, 2008
Writing my own road...................
I honestly don't care. It's just really sucks to go to a tournament and get grab-released by some Pit main that doesn't even really play Marth. Like, it would be fine if double-blind character picks actually worked, but they don't really since they pretty much know that you're going to go with your main. =/
If it's any consolation I beat his marth in mm best of 5 with Snake.

Also, Dark Hart the reason I brought up Tero was because he was one of the top players in Germany.



Novus Ordo Seclorum
Sep 22, 2008
North Carolina
I spent too much time editing that post, and mostly just for semantic reasons. I had some fun with exaggerations too. :p


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
Snap!!!! Snap!!! Snap!!! I love u bro!!! U are the man!!!! I will come to these and support u!! I can't make the first one cuz I will be at a wedding but. But OMG the TO's are ******** for not seeing that. I was telling Alphazealot about it and instead of listening to me he focused on whether i used the correct terms or not. Lame. That gay grab stuff takes no skill and deserves to be gone!! good job sir. We talked about this at pound 5 and u said u wouldn't allow it. U stuck to yer word. Wait till i get back to NC i got yer back bro!! lets go!!
lol mekos i live in greensboro now, teach me brawl


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
So people get handouts for spacing and technical errors is what you are saying essentially? And that is "fair"? Let's just ban ic's altogether then right?
They can do the exact same kinda grab release infinite as well if they wanted to instead of chain grabbing. Besides the **** does like 1-2 damage a pummel and 1 everytime after the first 2-3 pummels.

You can also double stick DI to force characters to bring you to the ledge while mashing out voiding the fact and characteristics of a true infinite anyway.

Look at it from both sides with a more logical standpoint than just "it's not fair"

And in hindsight Ness and Lucas are very ****ing hard to grab in the first place, as well as DK, Mario, Luigi, Samus, etc. if you are good with them. They have some of the best anti grabbing defenses in the game
Lol Kadaj u have noooo clue what yer talking about by saying ness and lucas can't get grabbed easily. I will only explain lucas for u. Most of lucas' attacks have extremely low priority and he can get grabbed while attacking. For example I nair at u. U can grab me from that!! That is one example out of many. And in yer ealier post yer talking about spacing errors. That's why I made that grab statement. I was 10 steps ahead of u. That's what i was getting at. Any person is gonna get grabbed eventually doesn't matter their spacing. That's like saying "meh don't get hit". That statement is illogical.

Go watch a snake vs a lucas on youtube. And catch if u see a lucas attacking and the snake grabs him.

Yer talking about staying close to the ledge. If u notice when I play even u I do that. But an edge game is actually very unsafe for many other reasons. My new strat is not to stay near the ledge. And u can say that but it is still a free smash for alot of characters. That is good enough. An edge strat is dumb most of the time. Do u think it is smart for a lucas to stay at the edge vs a mk. If u say yes u know nothing about earth bounders. One knock of the stage and it is a mindgame for us to get back to the ledge while dodging the edge of his down air which sends us flying diagonal downward. I am really good at this and this is why most top players say I'm da best lucas cuz I don't get gimped like the other lucas mains.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
The Infinite Victim/Banner's Perspective in a nutshell

"Dude, why is this **** legal? I lose control of my character and basically lose a whole stock just because HE GRABBED ME? That's completely broken, and doesn't show skill, it just shows a severe imbalance in the game. Marth already has an advantage on Lucas, so why make the MU horrendous? At least let's make a fight of out it. We already correct imbalances and other uncompetitive things in the game with our rules, so why not infinites? We even have a ledge grab limit, with a unique limit for MK! That's no less artificial than banning infinites. We may play to win, but how is abusing an imbalanced mechanic worthy of victory? We may as well make Hyrule Temple legal. It tips the scales significantly in certain characters' favors, just like infinites!"

The Infinite User/Supporter's Perspective in a nutshell

"Hey, I'm only using all the tools my character has at his disposal to win. This isn't a glitch, it's just the way the game's physics work. Why should my character's actions be limited to accommodate solo mainers of certain characters? It's the player's fault for picking and only sticking to unviable characters. Nobody is forcing them stay that character for that bad MU, so learn someone else for the MU or just accept the disadvantage and don't get ****ing grabbed. In this game, we play to win. The characters who can infinite you are far more defeatable than a MK with no LGL. Even with the ban, the former victims still have other problems (like other bad MUs) that will prevent them from moving up much in terms of tournament viability."
good post Uncle!! And remember trips are in the game too. And many characters have infinite grabs across the stage if they buffer correctly. MK can do this, just most people havn't mastered the tech skill to do it or are not aware. I'm not complaining about that one lol.


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2010
So for Brawl are IC's chaingrabs banned? What about wall infinites (ex. DDD d-throw and Ike f-throw)? And then there's the single naner lock. Plus more obscure things like MK's d-tilt lock back and forth across a stage, and Falco's infinite laser lock on the left and right platforms on Battlefield on TL and Diddy.


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
I have no idea what I'm talking about when I see Pika fire zoning and 3 frame tilt with ZERO cooldown, and a decent dair that can be pretty safe when spaced correctly as primary spacing tools to avoid getting grabbed?

It doesn't matter if you have low priority, and for starters PK beats nado, don't give me low priority.

In terms of being GRABBED priority means absolutely nothing, you're talking about two totally different aspects of the game. Which having priority quite frankly has nothing to do about how well you can avoid being grabbed.

Look at Pink and Shaky play vs MKs (SRBK, M2K etc.) infinites definitely legal but you don't see them getting grabbed the entire match and even winning. Pink would've beaten m2k had he not made 2 mistakes that didn't even involve him getting grabbed, idk how you interpret what I'm saying as me not knowing anything. You act like I'm just blowing smoke or have never observed these things in practice.

I know exactly what I'm talking about lol and bringing snake up holds 0 merit because he can't infinite you in the first place.

Again high priority or low priority anyone can be grabbed via super armor with certain characters, which is to say that's not really practical but it does happen.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
u are not understanding what I'm saying. That was just an example. I'll say it again. Many characters can grab lucas while he is attacking. U giving an example of him doing pika fire against tornado means nothing. I wasn't talking about for infinites. I was talking about simply being grabbed.

Just forget it. There is no point in arguing. And the only vids I see of pink is like 08 against a mk.
Please just stop. Cuz I don't even know what vids yer talking about. But a recent vid of pink vs a mk is this. Him vs Nairo. Wasn't even close with his playstyle. Not downing him but u talk about top lucas players like I'm not one when all the top players I have played say I'm definitely the best. Other top lucas players just have fan bases cuz they have been known alot longer. Don't take that comment for me saying I don't think I can get better. I am always training and upgrading.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
lol and check this out kadaj! Here is yer boy PF getting grabbed from a diar. Yer argument is done!!. This is at the beginning of the match!
PF vs Omni

Don't think u know lucas cuz u can do some of his advanced techs.
This is my first time playing the same mk(Omni).

I don't know why smashers over here on the EC hype each other up so much.
But I've learned that there is no point in defending yer points...lol. I just get passionate about things and do it anyways. Sorry Kadaj lol.


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
Dude you aren't even using your brain, he got grabbed because he didn't space it properly, stop trying to pick out small details of my argument and look at the big picture.

Again priority or not it doesn't mean anything, EVERY character in the game can be grabbed out of a move with if the character has grab armor frames.

Regardless of if you've seen the vids I'm talking about or not it happened, pointing out 2-3 instances of someone losing or getting grabbed is irrelevant. He didn't even infinite him...It's like you just WANT to be blind to what I'm saying.

If you aren't willing to play that much better to avoid being grabbed then just keep selling yourself short and making excuses.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Gotta say that I lean towards the 'not getting grabbed' argument. If brawl is so unbalanced, like all these broken maneuvers and broken characters, idk why anyone would take it seriously from a competitive aspect. If all of this is true, those who do take it seriously should be SUPER cautious about not getting grabbed if it's that key in their character/MU.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
killing the evils of this world
KADAJ we will always be cool! lolol I was just saying he got grabbed that all.
Anyways, I will never be mad at you over a disagreement lol. I will see yall this summer and lets get some smashing in! :)

Oh and don't worry my power level is constantly increasing. *runs back into the hyperbolic time chamber to train*

lol check this out. It's too funny!!
Mekos & ADHD


Smash Lord
Dec 25, 2010
Because NC is the best region remember? They wanna challenge us every chance they can get. =]


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
why the **** would i come to a tournament where i can't plank forever?

Well... i guess i could count the ledge grabs...

i love to COUNT!!!



Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
How big are these usually? I now have a car to drive so ... *expresses interest*

O WAIT it's in southern NC <_< nevermind haha
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