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Would you rather Mega Lucario as an Alt or a new FS?

How should Ultimate handle Mega Lucario?

  • As an Alternate Costume

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • As Rush-based FS similar to Little Mac’s

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • As a Cinematic FS similar to Wario’s

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • As a Blast-based FS similar to Mewtwo’s

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Bring back Aura Storm from Brawl but with Mega Lucario firing the blast

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • None, Mega Lucario removed completely similar to Mega Char X for Charizard

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2018
4 Miles Out
With Transformations based Final Smashes being done away with, Lucario not being playable in the E3 build, and with his Final Smash not being shown.
It’s anyone’s guess one’s guess on how they utilize Mega Lucario is SSBU, if at all.

Ryu Myuutsu

Smash Champion
Mar 24, 2013
Niigata, Japan
Seeing how most transformation Final Smashes were condensed to a cinematic attack, I'm gonna say that we are probably going to get a merger between Aura Storm and Mega Evolution. He is probably going to mega evolve and then attack just like Mewtwo does, and it's for the best, I liked Mega Lucario but he was underwhelming and ineffective as a final move.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2018
Lucario and aura storm seems most likely to me. Keeps the mega part of the final smash while still removing its transformation mechanic. At the very least it'd return if that was the case since I do enjoy Mega Lucario's design quite a bit.


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2018
Switch FC
It should be a FS. A lot of characters who had transformation smashes, use that transformation in a new smash. Like wario and Little Mac for example. Lucario should do the same.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
It could be an abridged version of his Pokken burst attack, start with mega evolve, dash & upper but then skip to the laser.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
My best guess is that Lucario gets back its Brawl Final Smash, but it would temporarily change into Mega Lucario before releasing the attack; this would also result in the Final Smash dealing the maximum amount of damage, regardless of Lucario's current damage percentage.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I just want his white alt from Brawl to come back. It turned grey in Smash 4.

Don't really care what his Mega is.


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2018
it´d be very nice to have a FS similar to Pokken, i dont mean it to be the same exact thing, but maybe something simila, maybe he starts is up with a close combat and finishes it off with a bone rush? maybe with an aura beam? i really dont know, im just happy and hyped to see Lucario in Ultimate

oh, also i would love to see Tsu back, he is basically a god :) maybe not ZeRo level, but he is definitively someone who earned respect on a single tournament, AND that already says alot


Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2018
Don't ask
I just want Lucario to not be defined as a such a gimmicky character who lives and dies by aura. I personally have a ton of changes I want to see in every character but seriously; Lucario deserves better. For example, side special being a combination of force palm and close combat. His counter to literally be a more normal counter. Up special to actually live up to its name extreme speed. His smash attacks to actually use bone rush. He has so much potential.

I think PM did a good job with that by boosting his combos and frame data without making Lucario too ridiculous and weird. They even changed a bunch of animations in PM.

Can they at least make his normal attacks more fluid and martial arts-esque in an official smash game for once? geez, is that too much to ask?

Also, i would like mega Lu to be an alt costume... his regular designs okay/meh but his mega design is so much better (like Blaziken to me)

Wasn't really a fan of Brawl's final smash. The lazer beam was kinda cool, felt like I was deoxys... I think close combat would be more in line design-wise to this smash game's final smashes.
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Ryu Myuutsu

Smash Champion
Mar 24, 2013
Niigata, Japan
Never liked how PM handled Lucario. They basically treated him like he was Ryu in dog form, which was stupid. And that is even more ridiculous in hindsight considering that the real deal is now in Smash. It's better to let him have his own identity.

Lucario's attacks are already very reflective of his martial prowess since they resemble Tai Chi moves and stances. Implementing Bone Rush wouldn't be a bad idea but I think he is fine as he is now.
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Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2018
Don't ask
Sure I get that Lucario's form based off of Tai Chi. I've been doing tai chi on and off since childhood >.>
I know tai chi is not meant for fighting but for me it's a big issue when Lucario is bad at fighting in general.
Lucario is pretty polarizing in that he is one of the weakest at low percents but becomes top tier when he is at high percentage.
This character just has bad frame data (like Ganon) but then all his attacks and specials suddenly get a huge power boost at high aura.
The polarizing effect is similar to Darkrai and his Nightmare form in Pokken except that Lucario's aura mechanic rewards bad play.

The way I see it, he is a mixed attacker in the pokemon games who does well overall and is pretty balanced.
A balanced Lucario skillset was best reflected in Brawl, but he was still pretty polarizing.

I can understand your viewpoint on PM lucario. I've seen the arguments hundreds of times.
Even some of my friends agree that he is basically a crazy combo character and do not like him.
I just happen to like the speed and combos.

It makes more sense to me to balance a character overall than have that character live and die by one gimmick.
And before anyone asks, I do not think Jigglypuff is as gimmicky as Lucario.
Giving Lucario his own identity is good. I agree with that but I do not agree with the degree in which aura effects this character.
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Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
Sure I get that Lucario's form based off of Tai Chi. I've been doing tai chi on and off since childhood >.>
I know tai chi is not meant for fighting but for me it's a big issue when Lucario is bad at fighting in general.
Lucario is pretty polarizing in that he is one of the weakest at low percents but becomes top tier when he is at high percentage.
This character just has bad frame data (like Ganon) but then all his attacks and specials suddenly get a huge power boost at high aura.
The polarizing effect is similar to Darkrai and his Nightmare form in Pokken except that Lucario's aura mechanic rewards bad play.

The way I see it, he is a mixed attacker in the pokemon games who does well overall and is pretty balanced.
A balanced Lucario skillset was best reflected in Brawl, but he was still pretty polarizing.

I can understand your viewpoint on PM lucario. I've seen the arguments hundreds of times.
Even some of my friends agree that he is basically a crazy combo character and do not like him.
I just happen to like the speed and combos.

It makes more sense to me to balance a character overall than have that character live and die by one gimmick.
And before anyone asks, I do not think Jigglypuff is as gimmicky as Lucario.
Giving Lucario his own identity is good. I agree with that but I do not agree with the degree in which aura effects this character.

I'm sick to death of this argument. Aura does NOT "reward bad play" Bad play gets you murdered easily no matter WHAT character you're playing. Aura doesn't make Lucario a faster Ganondorf, it increases the damage he deals and how far-reaching his neutral and side specials go. In 4, as Sakurai explicitly stated, Extreme Speed's range boost is a blessing and a curse because controlling it badly will just get you KO'd more easily. Not to mention the ridiculous endlag that never gets better unless you angle the move properly, something which requires you to be decent at the game.

And regardless of everything else, the fact always remains that taking damage makes it easier to KO you. The higher your percent, the more of a glass canon Lucario becomes, emphasis on glass because Aura caps off at close to 200%, where making any mistakes kills you. You've got pure power on your side, but that's ALL you have at that percentage. Surviving that long and successfully using the power you get requires actual skill, because as I said Lucario is NOT Ganondorf, and aura has precisely ZERO effect on your weight.


Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2018
Don't ask

I'm sick to death of this argument. Aura does NOT "reward bad play" Bad play gets you murdered easily no matter WHAT character you're playing. Aura doesn't make Lucario a faster Ganondorf, it increases the damage he deals and how far-reaching his neutral and side specials go./QUOTE]
I understand your opinion dude but experience has told me otherwise.

There's a reason why this bad play is rewarded argument is legit...

  • In doubles a Lucario will lose a stock or get bodied up right off the bat while his partner runs away and plays degenerate the whole game. Lucario gets a 50% power boost right off the bat. (Partner must play evasive for this strat to work at high level)
  • In singles, many Lucario players will intentionally play poorly to figure out player habits and build their own percentage. Since there is not a lot Lucario can accomplish under 30% players INTENTIONALLY play poorly so they can increase their power levels.
  • Versus many matchups, at low percentages low to mid level players will be aggressive with reckless abandon. Once 60% starts popping up, these “trash noob Lucario players” will start walling with Bairs and auraspheres. They steal many games by playing lame and win the game by getting an occasional power hit. Sure it’s their opponent’s fault for getting hit but the Lucario is substantially a better character after taking more damage.
Now I understand that bad control will get any player killed. That’s just common sense. But you take damage and get KO’d for making mistakes. Rage and Aura both reward players for surviving and taking damage (to the cap). I have no idea how people can argue that rage and aura do not reward bad play after they considered how much both rage and aura turn CERTAIN characters into extremely strong ones while hurting others immensely. The effects benefit players of all skill levels.

If I’m driving poorly I am going to get into an accident or pulled over by the cops. I do not become a drift king god. My tires do not suddenly have more traction. I cannot suddenly shift to a higher gear without reaching the correct revolutions.

If I am a sickly kid whose never held a baseball bat and get beat within an inch of my life. I should not be able to hit a Barry Bonds-esque home run, let alone move.

Therefore, why the heck does Lucario go from able to kill at 120% with no aura to 30% at max aura. WHY is this even here? The effect is too extreme.
This mechanic is like steroids. It helps Lucario get stronger.

Rage and aura are anime as heck. It is a super Saiyan mechanic that lets you power up even after “losing”.[/QUOTE]

It's just a game. Chill. There's no logic here. Just broken ideas coming together.
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#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Doubles uses it as a strat to use aura in a way they lets him get rolling.

I don’t think it’s a bad mechanic as long as it has some balance to it. He can have a niche to punish bad ko power where as harder hitting characters have a better time. It’s an interesting idea.

However I think Smash 4 turned the dial too far and made him an extreme example of this. The idea is not flawed I think the execution is where it needs some work.


Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2018
Don't ask
Yes, I agree. Rage and aura affected the game and Lucario way more than it should have.

I really hope the devs handle both the rage and aura mechanics much better in Ultimate.

Smash 4 Lucario is crazy polarizing.

He is one of the poster boys of the rage mechanic along with Mario, ZSS, MK, and Bayo only because of how extreme the stacking effects are.

Funny how ladder combos characters were the ones who benefited the most off of rage while slower power characters took second place.


Smash Cadet
Oct 28, 2018
Switch FC
I just really hope that in the event we can turn off the rage mechanic and it somehow becomes tournament legal to do so, that Lucario doesn't suffer as a result. Especially when so far Ultimate has shown to have a more balanced level for its rage. It's no where near as ridiculous as in smash 4, so I really hope people don't throw the baby out with the bath water and ban it's existence entirely. (Assuming there is an option to even do so)
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