Going along with the info that is currently confirmed, what series need more representation?
My list:
#1) Advance Wars: With 3 American games out, not including the Battalion Wars semi-spinoff, and another on the way, Advance Wars is quickly becoming a staple series in Nintendo's line-up. I think this series deserves more then one AT.
#2) Fire Emblem: Yes, we have an AT, a character, and a stage. But Fire Emblem has over 10 games and is one of Nintendo's oldest and strongest series. I would say another two playable characters is deserved
#3) Metroid: Yay, we got a new character. What? It's a part of Samus??? Come on! I'm thinking a lot of ATs and Ridley would give this series fair representation. I mean come on! Metroid could be compared to the likes of Zelda and Mario!
#4) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney: Okay okay, this is a bit of personal desire. But with 3 American DS games, I want a Phoenix AT!!! "OBJECTION!"
#5) Harvest Moon: This series spans system after system in a tried and true formula for fun gameplay. I'm not sure if they are 1st party or not, but I want to see at least an AT. I think Jack would make a pretty good character though.
What would you all like to see?
My list:
#1) Advance Wars: With 3 American games out, not including the Battalion Wars semi-spinoff, and another on the way, Advance Wars is quickly becoming a staple series in Nintendo's line-up. I think this series deserves more then one AT.
#2) Fire Emblem: Yes, we have an AT, a character, and a stage. But Fire Emblem has over 10 games and is one of Nintendo's oldest and strongest series. I would say another two playable characters is deserved
#3) Metroid: Yay, we got a new character. What? It's a part of Samus??? Come on! I'm thinking a lot of ATs and Ridley would give this series fair representation. I mean come on! Metroid could be compared to the likes of Zelda and Mario!
#4) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney: Okay okay, this is a bit of personal desire. But with 3 American DS games, I want a Phoenix AT!!! "OBJECTION!"
#5) Harvest Moon: This series spans system after system in a tried and true formula for fun gameplay. I'm not sure if they are 1st party or not, but I want to see at least an AT. I think Jack would make a pretty good character though.
What would you all like to see?