That's a complete and total lie, and I know this because I was lied to in the exact same way.
You are often told, "Well, you can always teach," but in order to do that in the states, you need a certification, and those are hairy, and you won't make much of a liveable income if you are doing elementary or high school. College requires a masters. Teaching overseas is not a career. It's a gig that can last a few years, but in most cases, you cannot live their teaching for life with any sense of upward motion.
I graduated in 2009 with a degree in English with a concentration in technical writing. I had a ton of short stories done and a novel completed. After finally pushing, I have published one short story, for free, because people that do pay well (meaning only a few hundred per story) are very stringent now that the industry is in flux. Kindle is your best way to make money, but you will be doing a lot of self-promotion to make any sort of living.
From August 2009 to Feb. 2010, I was unemployed and unemployable. I had a degree, so I couldn't get some jobs (I actually applied as a custodian at a hospital for $24k a year and benefits, but they rejected me). I lucked into one position as a manual laborer for the local government because I mentioned I was good with computers, and I had a degree. After 3 months of digging ditches and really boring, awful politics, I was promoted to one of the third highest positions in the department. I was doing programming for pump stations, but because of politics, I couldn't actually DO that work, so I was doing a lot of busy work. Finally, I contacted a head hunter, who got me a technical writing job in Atlanta with an engineering firm. That happened last June.
So, to summarize: I went to school (essentially) for creative writing, and it took me 2 years to get a job in my industry with mediocre pay. Colleges and professors will lie to you to keep you in their major. At the school I graduated from, they did this regularly because once a major dropped below a set number of graduating students, it would be cut. I strongly advise you pick up a degree that has implied skills (accounting is a good example), and then, use the time and money you'll have from not having to job hunt constantly to write. I have gotten more writing done since landing this job in Atlanta than I did the entire time I was unemployed. I also know other English graduates who work in retail because they couldn't use their degrees. I got lucky because I have a lot of hobbies, and I can sell myself.