People also preferred Ganon to be in at all over not being in. Look, I've made a game. I know what I'm talking about. There are excuses for it. Good reasons. I personally believe Ganondorf will have a new moveset in Brawl, because giving him one would have been top priority from day one. But there are other Ganondorfs for Brawl, make no mistake about that. Characters that deserve to be in, that fans clamor for, but due to time, money, and manpower concerns, they just aren't going to make it without recycling something.
Delaying a game is not something done lightly, especially one as hyped as Brawl. It costs a ton of money, skips big buying seasons and not least it irritates those gamers who look forward to its release. Sakurai does not have a bottomless pit of time, money and fan patience from which to draw. Nintendo's probably on him like stink on rice right now to get Brawl out of the door.
Yes, I prefer original movesets. I'd rather that the number of characters that make it in were limited by disk space alone, and that they all were beautiful, unique snowflakes. But that, my friend, is completely impossible, and I know it. Sakurai knows it. Claims of clairvoyance are not going to change it.