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What's up with all of these"Unknown Conditions"?(Update:5/8)

Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Over the time I have been here,numerous amounts of people have made suggestions on which character they would like to take place in brawl,and alot of them give a very detailed argument about why the character would be good,i.e. character stat. and descriptions etc.

But in a majority of argument,I keep seeing everyone name these conditions(Rather assumptions) on character inclusion,and include a "Sakurai Said X" in their sentence.Here are a few assumptions that I have categorized from most used to least used,and there are 3primary categories:

Category #1 The Franchise argument: 3/5 Updated,New Argument type in Biased opinions section.

3/7 Updated,New Arument type in Sakurai Said section.

5/8 Updated,New Argument type in Biased opinions section.


Argument type 1: Comparison to recent character development models:

Even since the first trailer at E3 2006,people have made a very haphazard assumption on character inclusions based on their character models,mostly in particular ; Link.

Ever since we have first discovered that Link uses his Twilight Princess outfit,and assumption was made."A Majority of characters that will be included in brawl will reflect the most modern game within the franchise".As thought,everyone thought that the character franchises reflected the game,but the truth is that it doesn't.

Super Smash bros is a franchise that collects various all-star characters from various franchises from time gaps all over inorder to deliver one of the most,spontanious,non sensical fighting games in existance.That brings me to my question,when has smash bros ever made sense.

The game really shouldn't have to make sense as long as you enjoy it,and that is what I

Argument Type 2: Modernization theory

Since everyone thinks that a character is being"Modernized",that character's moves and inclusion chances should reflect the characters modern franchises.This thoery is highly unethical and reflects nothing on game development.

If this theory were to come to light,that would mean characters such Pit,Ice Climbers,and G & W don't have a place in brawl due to the lack of modern referances,but in truth,a huge majority of characters in Super Smash Bros are not based on moder referances.Because if that were the case,Mario wouldn't have his cape or any fighting moves,Peach wouldn't be able to float or pluck turnips,and Ness,IC's,G&W,and Pit wouldn't even exist in worse case scenario.

On YouTube,CrappyCaptureDevice has made a series of Videos that bases each characters moves,and all of them,are not from modern referances.

Mario's for example illustrates some of his moves based on his games like Super Mario 64,and Super Mario World.If you are interested in his other videos,you can click his user name and look through more of them,some of them are brief though

Even though some of the characters moves are made up,they still are reflected based on their roots.If Mario's attack moves were"Modernized" All we would see are sports related attacks.


Category #2 The "Sakurai said" theory


Argument type 1: Sakurai says"X character has a chance because he said that he isn't including characters based of'popularity'".

Ok,correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't Super Smash Bros. a game for Nintendo ALL-STAR characters? If so,then what kind of idotic character like Happy Mask Salesman,9-volt,Gimmick,
or even worse...Rayman rabbits have place in a game for all star characters?Even though opinionated in the eyes of many,you cannot deny the stupidy of the characters insignificant place in the game.

Over time,these characters have been considred to be"WTF" characters.Charaters that bare no significance towards the franchise or the franchise they take place in.If you are going to include something like a stupid mask salesmen,why don't you include other insignificant generic characters,like Shy Guy,or a Boo.

In my opinion,these characters have no place other than an enemy in a generic Mario spin off,or a sports game.But not in a game that has made such a heavy impact.

Even though it may be biased on my part,I really know nothing of the development,but I know for a fact,that Brawl isn't a game made for generic characters,and the popularity argument is invalid.When he states popularity it is towards more modern referances,not to the point in which insignificant characters can just be allowed in the game.

Argument type 2: Sakirai said"X 3rd party character can be included in brawl if he/she has been on a Nintendo consol previously,so in theory,the more games the gigher the chance"

I really am confused about this argument..I have no clue who/when this was stated,because this is pure crap.Some of you say that X xharacter can be included because X character has been in (Insert #) or games on a consol,so that increases their chances even further.

In reality,it really doesn't matter how many games X character were in on X consol,because there are NO MINIMAL OR MAXIMUM REQUIERMENTS,ONLY A SINGLE REQUIERMENT!!!!

I believe this theory arose when quite some time ago,but Sakurai is developing the game on his terms,and we really don't know what he is doing right now,so how can we assume that he is including characters based on what we have said,even though we have not tooken any part in the games current development(And will not in the future).

Every character that meets the requierment has a chance,despite if it was a mere cameo,or if he/she had his/her own game,it doesn't alter anything.He is building this game in his own vision,not based on how each developer has helped Nintendo fatten their wallets.

Argument type 3:Sakurai Said"X character will be removed based on use and popularity among the general populas".

As we all know,Sakurai said that characters will be revamped and a few of them removed.But the arguments and speculations from this all seem to be more personally biased,and directed towards the tournament community.

For Example,people say that Marth will be removed because he was an unknown character,and assume that Sakurai will replace him with a character more well known around the world rather than Japan.

But Marth is the most important character in the Fire Emblem franchise,he was the first lord and appeared in Fire Emblem 1 & 3 for the NES(Famicom).And thanks to his popularity in melee,it struck the curiousity of gamers around the world,and caused the series to be imported world wide.On top of that,he is the most popular lord in Fire Emblem history.

This theory is also in tie with the Modernization theory,that a character doesn't deserve to stay if X character has not been in recent games.Even though i'm about to go there with the Pit theory,it may by generic,but very true.And that can speak with a majority of the SSBM cast.

Besides,a majority of modern characters suck anyway.Can you imagine Luigi with that vaccume?=P (This also brings me to my next argument)

Argument type 4: X characters will be balanced:

So according to this theory,people believe that certain characters will be broken down,and other improved.

The Number 1 character in this spot is Fox,based of of his shine.Sure,in the tournament community it is veiwed as a deadly moved,but is often over rated in the eyes of one who is less skilled.The effect of the shine was an intentional effect,and it was not in Nintendo's intention to make the move broken and abused.The shine was reccognized,and was put in intentionally(First evidence due to the fact that on Falco's all-star trophy states that the reflector is his quickest attack).

I have been to tournaments,and I must say that when you actually play against a good opponent,you cannot go shine crazy with Fox(With Fox that is. ; )).you cannot execute rapid infinates,shine spikes,or 0%-Death combo attacks.

Most people claim that it is easy because they have most likely watched professional players which gave the impression that it is an easy technique to grasp.The shine may be powerful,but in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to play with Fox,it is pointless.
A Fox with great Mindgames that doesn't use the shine can beat a Fox that doesn't use them in theory.The shine is nothing more than a "small push",and i'm preety sure that it just won't be removed considering that game isn't based heavily on the tournament community(Even though it still may be possible that they are aware of the tournament community,it just isn't exploited)

So,to balance a game doesn't mean to improve the weak,and break the strong.Why not just improve the rest to the point in which each character has a distinct advantage.take sheek for example,she may not have a shine,but her needles and move priorities allow her to play on evenly.I don't think that it would be difficult to adjust the priotities of moves to give characters even a slight advantage.^^

Also...DON'T NERF MARTH!!!! >: (

New!! 3/7Argument type 5:The clone removal theory

Ever since Sakurai mentioned something about characters being "revamped",an assumption towards clones characters were made in terms of them saying that they should be removed due to lack of inovation,hard work,or overall creativity.

My question is simple ; who ever said that clones were going to be removed from brawl in the first place?Sure,there will be some character removals,but one shouldn't assume that clones will cease to exist within the game just because they share moves.In smash bros,alot of characters share the same moves,just as Samus and Falcon did(And still do)in the original Super Smash Bros.

Just to break the confusion,the definition of"Revamp" is listed here.

Contrary to popular belief,I do not think that clones will be removed from brawl,and even still,we have no solid evidence that they will.The problem is that everyone thinks that clones were unintentional,or put in because of tight schedules,or an otherwise lack of effort.But Clones were put in for one of several reasons:

1.During the time of the final character development,all established characters and moves are in the final testing,but even during the final development stage,the amount of characters finished are still minimal.So some developers decide to add clones to the games to be fillers for certain characters that couldn't be implemented into the game.

Even though clone characters have the same moveset,their moves and hit boxes have been edited to have diffirent prioriteis and knockback.Which is also a general reason to keep them.Even though the animation of a move changes,it's priorities vary.Even if a move have a diffirent animation,it wouldn't matter because if the move had the same effect,why would the animation of the move matter.

Move Priority>Animation.

2.Planning for characters in usually a difficult task,and alot of ideas are thrown out of the window during the development of those characters.But as we all know,not all intended things actually happen in the development process,and according to theory,characters such as Mach Rider and Baloon Kid were actually going to take place in brawl.When you think about it,why would they have the theme song for mach rider and baloon fighter in the game?And why would Mach Riders trophy have such a detailed model?

But such characters didn't make it in the game due to unknown technical problems,so clone characters are put in place of the characters that were never finished.Even though people wonder why they didn't make those characters clones insted of the current ones? It could be possible that they wanted to keep the characters for possible future development.....Who knows?But most of these characters that were supposed to be in the game during the beta version of the game,only to be replaced as a filler.THANKS TO LORD_DEATHBORNE FOR THIS INFORMATION ON MACH RIDER AND BALOON KID,YOU ROCK MAN!! ;D

Another thing I also wonder is why everyone is bashing clones so much now?It seems as if ever since Sakurai made that announcement,clones seem to put a bad taste in everyones mouths.Before then,clone characters were popular,and were well established in melee,and some of them more loved than the original chraracters(Mostly Falco,Doc,and Ganon).

I for one would be happy if clones were in brawl,and I honestly don't see why they have been rejected so swiftly without an explination.

From my opinion..do I think clones will make a come back in brawl? As long as there are fillers,absolutely.


Category #3 Biased opinions


Argument type 1: X characters moves should be based on modern referances:

Lol,I really don't even need to make a comment on this,a majority of us on these forums have played modern games,and have generally made our opinions on them.A majority of us say that they are crap(True enough).Even though some games that are modern are very well done and can reflect a character perfectly(Twilight Princess),others fail to deliver the same charm.

I believe historical rferances are more intuitive and fun than modern referances,because without them,we wouldn't have modern referances.

Argument type 2: X character just sucks:

I believe this is used the most around here.The no just no,or the X character sucks kthxbai method are commonly used.And I will say this to you personally...I wish you were aborted at birth. >: P

New!! 3/5Argument type 3: The Minority Argument:

The main status of Super Smash Bros. is of course for all star characters.But,the definition of 'All-Star' doesn't seem to be well defined umong the populas we call SWF.And all-star is:

A variation on this term is used to show that an individual has been honored to be chosen ahead of his or her peers within a certain geographical or other limitation. Hence, All State and All District denotes someone chosen as a top performer within their state or district, respectively.


In smash,it can be defined as characters that have played important roles in games,despite meeting specific requierments.Most people may believe that all-star characters should be in brawl,but only if specific requierments are made towards:

1.Popularity of character.

2.Leadership function.

3.Overall performance in the franchise X character(s)

4.A level of recognition that specifies leadership of the character(This is more game specific).

But,I still believe that if a character has played a very important role in it's franchise,why not include X character?

Most of this comes from the Fire Emblem character argument,which requiers each Fire Emblem character included must be of a lord stature,Such as Marth or Sigurd.But in Fire Emblem,there are plenty of characters that have played important roles,despite being a lord or not.Even in the upcoming Fire Emblem game,
The main character in it is from the previous game in the franchise,during that time,that character was not a lord

A character may have leadership rights,and that makes a character important,but even still,all characters who are important aren't leaders,and to deny a character based on lack of recognition is simply as put...biased.

New!! 5/8 Argument type 4: X character cannot fight because of givin limitations.

This is one of the things that just set me off,and often confuse me.A majority of people on the forums think that X character(s) cannot fight simply because of the characters limitations via franchise.

The character that is a victim of this assumption the most is Sonic.In a majority of Sonics games(Well,almost all of them)they consist of running at high speeds and using the spin dash technique,this causes people to think that his fighting abilities are minimal to non-existant.

Well,quite some time ago,a game named"Sonic Battle" was released for the GBA.The game illustrated Sonic and other characters from the Sonic franchise fighting in a 4 player Smash Bros. esque game.The characters fighting styles reflected perfectly on their suited style,and the sprite and animation for each character was smooth and well regulated.The characters in the game were still just the same as you can remember them,and at the same time brought something new to the table.This game is only an example of what game designers can do with"Creative Control".

When you reflect upon these things and think about it,what characters in the Smash Bros. Franchise were actually able to fight before the games release?Fox,Falco,Bowser,Beach,Ice Climbers,Yoshi,Donkey Kong,Mr. Game & Watch etc. All of these characters were previouslt unable to fight until the game designers used their imaginations,and took creative control over the characters.

Even for those characters that were able to fight,they had alot of limitations in regaurds of their ability to fight,so that had to be tweaked to an extent.Even if a character can fight,that doesn't mean that the character had variety in it's fighting style.All characters requiere creative control,even those who can fight to some extent.

This is game designing,you can do anything,even if it is beyond your limitations,you can make nothing into something.

Have faith in the team people. ; )


So all and all,we really know nothing about brawl,so can we stop using these opinions against each other?

I may seem like a hypocrite,but I am still sticking to the fact the insignificant characters(Not to be confused with the good WTF characters like G&W,but the WTF characters that are insignificant) have no place in brawl,considering that there are WAY more fantastic characters such as Baloon Fighter and Mach Rider.

There are more arguments that I have yet to list.Who knows,I just might update the topic once in a while(If i don't procrastinate.=P).But for the moment,I think that it is safe to say that we shouldn't jump at eachothers throats for a few stupid opinions.

Let's leave the decisions to the professionals,ok?


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2007
Ft. Lauderdale FL by day, Homestead FL by night
*Stands and applauds*
Good job! Really, we have no say in the matter so it doesnt matter what claims you make (or your opinion at all...). The game will come, it'll be what it is and we wont be able to change it, so instead of preparing to curse Nintendo we should welcome this!

...Oo;; sounds like I'm talking about the messiah...


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
...Oo;; sounds like I'm talking about the messiah...
Maybe we are? =O

Imagine if Brawl's release date was on the same day that Jesus comes to Earth, his welcome would be so empty. XD (To those religion worshipper peoples that can't take a joke, just a reminder that IT'S A JOKE).

Nice thread btw, and you're absolutely right.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I believe that you are about to write a novel about this topic. I can see it now......

"Unknown Conditions: A Smash Debate"

Written By; Eternal Phoenix Fire


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay

Category #2 The "Sakurai said" theory


Argument type 1: Sakurai says"X character has a chance because he said that he isn't including characters based of'popularity'".

Ok,correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't Super Smash Bros. a game for Nintendo ALL-STAR characters? If so,then what kind of idotic character like Happy Mask Salesman,9-volt,Gimmick,
or even worse...Rayman rabbits have place in a game for all star characters?Even though opinionated in the eyes of many,you cannot deny the stupidy of the characters insignificant place in the game.

Over time,these characters have been considred to be"WTF" characters.Charaters that bare no significance towards the franchise or the franchise they take place in.If you are going to include something like a stupid mask salesmen,why don't you include other insignificant generic characters,like Shy Guy,or a Boo.

In my opinion,these characters have no place other than an enemy in a generic Mario spin off,or a sports game.But not in a game that has made such a heavy impact.
I agree with this. ever since sakurai said that he isn't including characters based of'popularity, this has been overused. I think he means characters from an unrepped fanchise that he likes (a la Olimar), or to revive a series that had popularity, but got lost over the years (a la Pit), not a minor random character or minor enemy you like from a major series, like a Redead or some random Pokemon. Altough some might be interesting and have potential (like ShyGuy), they just aren't feasible :ohwell:

In short, I think it boils down to this: a Major Character from a Minor Franchise > a Minor character from a Major franchise


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2004

i like the "modernized characters" part... that annoys me more than anything else...


Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2006
Granada Hills, California
I am entrigued by the whole "modern character" thing but...What about characters we don't even know about...I'm saying that because most people didn't know who roy/marth were.

Nintendo might add characters that aren't in games yet is what I'm thinking now.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Thanks for the responses everyone,i really had to get that off my chest.some opinions are just plain idiotic,and i simply wanted to assure to those who want the game to be a successful project to leave it the developers.don`t worry about brawl,it will be fine or otherwise,better. I have faith in the development team.; )


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I know where you're coming from EFF and you're not alone. Most of us (including myself) can relate to what you are saying. I was just to indolent (slothful) to post all of that information.

Madd props to ya Eternal Phoenix Fire, I salute you.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Ya, a lot of people do mask their opinions with misguided biases. I'm getting tired of getting mad at people for not reading everything about this game before thinking they know everything about it. :/


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
I wish I could support CrappyCaptureDevice with some info about some characters, but after YouTube disabled my account, removed my videos, and prevented me from doing anything (except browsing around YouTube and watching videos safe for work), I can't seem to PM him nor place comments, but I sure would like to have his email address.

I'm saying this, because he hasn't done Captain Falcon yet, and I would like to tell him how Captain Falcon was made for the SSB series.

* Captain Falcon didn't fight in the actual F-ZERO titles before the SSB series was born, because the F-ZERO series is mostly about racing. However, according to the F-ZERO comic found in the manual for the SNES F-ZERO, he DID fight. Click here to read that comic I'm talking about.

* Also, the comic had the first and only full appearance in the F-ZERO series of Captain Falcon using his sidearm (which is a pistol) and him using his Falcon Flyer cruiser, which still has Captain Falcon's emblem from his original suit and original Blue Falcon. While largely forgotten and ignored, this is actually the source of some persistent fanon beliefs, which is also why you hear people say things like "Captain Falcon never did fight until he did in the SSB series".

* Captain Falcon's SSB64 and SSBM looks are mostly based on his F-ZERO X look, because his suit was tightened. Also, his eyes on his visor that look similar to Batman's eyes, the eyes of the new TMNTs, Birdman's, etc., are identical to the eyes on the visor of his F-ZERO X look.

* And where did his special "Falcon" attacks came from? Perhaps Japanese comics or commercials for the F-ZERO titles before the SSB series. According to the storyline of the series, Captain Falcon is so mysterious, he only uses his special "Falcon" moves around his enemies, but not around many innocent people, unless they are being used as hostages by enemies in the F-ZERO storyline. This still means that his "Falcon" moves are made up, probably by Shigeru Miyamoto, as well as Masahiro Sakurai. Captain Falcon's Raptor Boost (Forward+B) probably came from his uppercut attack from that part of the comic, where he arrested a fat, bald, criminal. Also, Captain Falcon's Forward+A move, the elbow attack, probably came from his elbow attack next to the uppercut part in the comic. Although, those moves didn't have a fire accent, neither did his Falcon Punch in the F-ZERO anime.

That's all I have to say about Captain Falcon in the SSB series. CrappyCaptureDevice forgot some things about some other characters, as well as incorrectly telling how Roy was made for SSBM. He also should of told people more things why Sakurai choose Marth, like:

* Fire Emblem 3, the most recent Fire Emblem title Marth appeared in, became the best selling Fire Emblem title in existance.

* Marth's voice acting came from the exact voice actor who did his Japanese voice in the Fire Emblem anime. Also, Marth is the first and only Fire Emblem Lord to appear in an anime, based on the video game series. Despite not having the Fire Emblem series outside of Japan, the anime was released inside and outside of Japan.

Again, I wish I could support CrappyCaptureDevice with his videos.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I've got a couple of words for you Parrothead for that explanation: Your a freakin genius! Darn, why didn't I post that when I clearly knew the information!? Captain Falcon wasn't even named until F-Zero X and on the SNES it just gave the name of his car or vehicle "The Blue Falcon." He didn't even fight until Smash 64 meaning that *scary thought* just about anyone can join the Brawl roster! *shutters*
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I wish I could support CrappyCaptureDevice with some info about some characters, but after YouTube disabled my account, removed my videos, and prevented me from doing anything (except browsing around YouTube and watching videos safe for work), I can't seem to PM him nor place comments, but I sure would like to have his email address.

I'm saying this, because he hasn't done Captain Falcon yet, and I would like to tell him how Captain Falcon was made for the SSB series.

* Captain Falcon didn't fight in the actual F-ZERO titles before the SSB series was born, because the F-ZERO series is mostly about racing. However, according to the F-ZERO comic found in the manual for the SNES F-ZERO, he DID fight. Click here to read that comic I'm talking about.

* Also, the comic had the first and only full appearance in the F-ZERO series of Captain Falcon using his sidearm (which is a pistol) and him using his Falcon Flyer cruiser, which still has Captain Falcon's emblem from his original suit and original Blue Falcon. While largely forgotten and ignored, this is actually the source of some persistent fanon beliefs, which is also why you hear people say things like "Captain Falcon never did fight until he did in the SSB series".

* Captain Falcon's SSB64 and SSBM looks are mostly based on his F-ZERO X look, because his suit was tightened. Also, his eyes on his visor that look similar to Batman's eyes, the eyes of the new TMNTs, Birdman's, etc., are identical to the eyes on the visor of his F-ZERO X look.

* And where did his special "Falcon" attacks came from? Perhaps Japanese comics or commercials for the F-ZERO titles before the SSB series. According to the storyline of the series, Captain Falcon is so mysterious, he only uses his special "Falcon" moves around his enemies, but not around many innocent people, unless they are being used as hostages by enemies in the F-ZERO storyline. This still means that his "Falcon" moves are made up, probably by Shigeru Miyamoto, as well as Masahiro Sakurai. Captain Falcon's Raptor Boost (Forward+B) probably came from his uppercut attack from that part of the comic, where he arrested a fat, bald, criminal. Also, Captain Falcon's Forward+A move, the elbow attack, probably came from his elbow attack next to the uppercut part in the comic. Although, those moves didn't have a fire accent, neither did his Falcon Punch in the F-ZERO anime.

That's all I have to say about Captain Falcon in the SSB series. CrappyCaptureDevice forgot some things about some other characters, as well as incorrectly telling how Roy was made for SSBM. He also should of told people more things why Sakurai choose Marth, like:

* Fire Emblem 3, the most recent Fire Emblem title Marth appeared in, became the best selling Fire Emblem title in existance.

* Marth's voice acting came from the exact voice actor who did his Japanese voice in the Fire Emblem anime. Also, Marth is the first and only Fire Emblem Lord to appear in an anime, based on the video game series. Despite not having the Fire Emblem series outside of Japan, the anime was released inside and outside of Japan.

Again, I wish I could support CrappyCaptureDevice with his videos.
I have an idea,why don't you type down everything you wanted to tell him.I'll copy and paste,then send it to him in your regaurds.



Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
I see where you're at with the whole stupid suggestions, EpF. Super Smash Bros was created to unite all of the STARS of Nintendo games, and should stay that way (with the exception of retro-popular characters like Pit and Ice Climbers). Introducing unpopular everyday characters like Goombas and other things would just be abusing the game's meaning, still I respect Nintendo's decisions and I don't expect them to let these through.

PS: Balloon Fighter and Mach Rider FTW!!! (But that's just my opinion)


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I guess that EPF is somewhat of a conservative when it comes to the series of Smash. I say this because it seems that he doesn't want Brawl to be liberally tarnished with all of these "random" characters and these outragous suggestions. I can respect that. coughcoughsnakecoughcough. I course I'm speaking from a general standpoint if you know what I mean.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
Oops! I didn't know he made Captain Falcon's video, until now. Click here to watch it.

It seem's that I would seriously want him to create Part 2, to show more info about him. Eternal phoenix Fire, I will PM you what I want to tell CrappyCaptureDevice.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 28, 2004
Another thing we have to realize is that we're all excited about Brawl coming out... so we all congregate on these forums and talk about it. It's frustrating to see another random thread with some miniscule, unimportant character being pushed for Brawl, but you can't blame people for wanting to talk about it. They're just looking for a way to outlet their excitement.

We all know Nintendo is a lot smarter than to include a goomba or a re-dead as a main, playable character in the game. Just because it's on these forums doesn't mean we also have to caution Nintendo against their inclusion.

It's annoying to see those posts, mainly to me because these character choices seem to be so incredibly weird. Who HONESTLY wants, say, the Redeads from Zelda to be in Brawl as a main character? Seriously. But hey, people will talk about stuff that excites them, so I just attribute it to that, let those threads go on, and not let it bother me much. They won't have any impact on any decision Nintendo makes.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Ok,I just sent the message to CrappyCaptureDevice:

All of this bellow is an exact quote:


It's me again.Sorry,i made a mistake and forgot to send you some more information from parrothead,in addition with some links to the F-Zero comics he provided for you.

parrothead said:
Send him this, don't send him that other one, because I forgot the link to those F-ZERO comic scans. Here is my new note to him:

Dear CrappyCaptureDevice,

I have some information to give you about how Captain Falcon was made for the SSB series.

* Captain Falcon didn't fight in the actual F-ZERO titles before the SSB series was born, because the F-ZERO series is mostly about racing. However, according to the F-ZERO comic found in the manual for the SNES F-ZERO, he DID fight. Click here to read that comic I'm talking about.

* Also, the comic had the first and only full appearance in the F-ZERO series of Captain Falcon using his sidearm (which is a pistol) and him using his Falcon Flyer cruiser, which still has Captain Falcon's emblem from his original suit and original Blue Falcon. While largely forgotten and ignored, this is actually the source of some persistent fanon beliefs, which is also why you hear people say things like "Captain Falcon never did fight until he did in the SSB series".

* Captain Falcon's SSB64 and SSBM looks are mostly based on his F-ZERO X look, because his suit was tightened. Also, his eyes on his visor that look similar to Batman's eyes, the eyes of the new TMNTs, Birdman's, etc., are identical to the eyes on the visor of his F-ZERO X look.

* And where did his special "Falcon" attacks came from? Perhaps Japanese comics or commercials for the F-ZERO titles before the SSB series. According to the storyline of the series, Captain Falcon is so mysterious, he only uses his special "Falcon" moves around his enemies, but not around many innocent people, unless they are being used as hostages by enemies in the F-ZERO storyline. This still means that his "Falcon" moves are made up, probably by Shigeru Miyamoto, as well as Masahiro Sakurai. Captain Falcon's Raptor Boost (Forward+B) probably came from his uppercut attack from that part of the comic, where he arrested a fat, bald, criminal. Also, Captain Falcon's Forward+A move, the elbow attack, probably came from his elbow attack next to the uppercut part in the comic. Although, those moves didn't have a fire accent, neither did his Falcon Punch in the F-ZERO anime.

That's all I have to say about Captain Falcon in the SSB series. I know you also forgot some things about some other characters, as well as incorrectly telling how Roy was made for SSBM. Here are also two reasons why Sakurai choose Marth:

* Fire Emblem 3, the most recent Fire Emblem title Marth appeared in, became the best selling Fire Emblem title in existance.

* Marth's voice acting came from the exact voice actor who did his Japanese voice in the Fire Emblem anime. Also, Marth is the first and only Fire Emblem Lord to appear in an anime, based on the video game series. Despite not having the Fire Emblem series outside of Japan, the anime was released inside and outside of Japan.

And that's all I have to say about Marth.
parrothead really wants to help you,and I think it would be great for everyone if you took his suggestions and put them into action.Thanks in advance.




Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Sure there aren't real conditions for getting a character spot in SSB. C.Falcon and Ness cleary proved that even in the very first Smash Bros. But still I don't think EVERY happy-go-lucky character can make it to the roster.

And however you say that modernising the characters isn't really neccencarly, I wouldn't say it's a bad idea. Now they've confirmed they're cutting characters, they might aswell remove the less modern ones and replace them with more current populair characters -possibly from the same franchise. This could mean that Ness could be replaced by Lucas, Roy for Ike, Sheik for Zero Suit Samus and Mr.Game & Watch for... another weird arse character.

But yeah, Marth shouldn't be removed. ;)


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
While I agree with most of the stuff you wrote here, EPF, I have to say this thread seems a tad pointless. The entire existance of this board is one of what-ifs and speculation. If we aren't allowed to speculate and come up with reasons, then every thread here would be exactly the same:

Gee, I sure hope this character makes it in.
Sure, some of the reasons may be a little stupid, but if they are, just ignore them. It's that simple. But you are right on most accounts.

Ok,correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't Super Smash Bros. a game for Nintendo ALL-STAR characters? If so,then what kind of idotic character like ,9-volt have place in a game for all star characters?Even though opinionated in the eyes of many,you cannot deny the stupidy of the characters insignificant place in the game.
Double-You Tee Eff? Weren't you just ranting about biased opinions without any rational support? Hypocrite. >_>


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2006
On the blue planet next to the sun, can't miss it!
I agree with everything you've said. So I guess there isn't going to be any wasted space on the forums (Insert moderater name here glares at me,) You're right, I shouldn't say nothin'

People who talk about modernization are somewhere between the ages of 11-13 because they haven't been around long enough to know what makes classic games classic. The Saukri said theory really is great but that's just opinion to me

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Argument Type 2: Modernization theory

Since everyone thinks that a character is being"Modernized",that character's moves and inclusion chances should reflect the characters modern franchises.This thoery is highly unethical and reflects nothing on game development.

If this theory were to come to light,that would mean characters such Pit,Ice Climbers,and G & W don't have a place in brawl due to the lack of modern referances,but in truth,a huge majority of characters in Super Smash Bros are not based on moder referances.Because if that were the case,Mario wouldn't have his cape or any fighting moves,Peach wouldn't be able to float or pluck turnips,and Ness,IC's,G&W,and Pit wouldn't even exist in worse case scenario.

On YouTube,CrappyCaptureDevice has made a series of Videos that bases each characters moves,and all of them,are not from modern referances.

Mario's for example illustrates some of his moves based on his games like Super Mario 64,and Super Mario World.If you are interested in his other videos,you can click his user name and look through more of them,some of them are brief though

Even though some of the characters moves are made up,they still are reflected based on their roots.If Mario's attack moves were"Modernized" All we would see are sports related attacks.
I sort of agree here, define modernized for me. When I say it, I usually just mean I want some moves to be added from some of their newer games(perfect example is Wario), not get rid of all of the attacks they've had in earlier games.

Argument type 1: Sakurai says"X character has a chance because he said that he isn't including characters based of'popularity'".

Ok,correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't Super Smash Bros. a game for Nintendo ALL-STAR characters?
You tell me, all-star characters are just usually the characters they put on the box art to make it more appealing to the general audience. I can't see how characters like Falco and Doc Mario are all-stars; Slippy and Peppy are as big as all-stars as Falco.

If so,then what kind of idotic character like Happy Mask Salesman,9-volt,Gimmick,
or even worse...Rayman rabbits have place in a game for all star characters?Even though opinionated in the eyes of many,you cannot deny the stupidy of the characters insignificant place in the game.
You're right, good point.

Over time,these characters have been considred to be"WTF" characters.Charaters that bare no significance towards the franchise or the franchise they take place in.If you are going to include something like a stupid mask salesmen,why don't you include other insignificant generic characters,like Shy Guy,or a Boo.

In my opinion,these characters have no place other than an enemy in a generic Mario spin off,or a sports game.But not in a game that has made such a heavy impact.

Even though it may be biased on my part,I really know nothing of the development,but I know for a fact,that Brawl isn't a game made for generic characters,and the popularity argument is invalid.When he states popularity it is towards more modern referances,not to the point in which insignificant characters can just be allowed in the game.
Listen to this people!!!

Let's leave the decisions to the professionals,ok?
They listen to us too you know, good or bad.

Other than, like, 2 things out of 20, I agree with what you've said so far, nice topic.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
While I agree with most of the stuff you wrote here, EPF, I have to say this thread seems a tad pointless. The entire existance of this board is one of what-ifs and speculation. If we aren't allowed to speculate and come up with reasons, then every thread here would be exactly the same:

Sure, some of the reasons may be a little stupid, but if they are, just ignore them. It's that simple. But you are right on most accounts.

Double-You Tee Eff? Weren't you just ranting about biased opinions without any rational support? Hypocrite. >_>
Actually,I already admited that I was being a hypocrite about it.

When I say all star characters,I mean one of these 2 things:

1.A character that has had his/her own franchise,even If only 1 game.(Like Takamaru,IC's,Pit,Mach Rider,Baloon Fighter etc.)

2.A character that has played an important part in a major franchise.(Peach,Luigi,Bowser,MetaKnight etc.)

Just examples.

But seriously,can you consider 9-volt to fit within that category?

I know this is biased,but I doubt Sakurai is going to include random characters.The invalid popularity argument is only valid for characters that have not been recognized over the years(Takamaru,Mach Rider,Pit,Baloon Fighter,Ice Climbers,Little Mac,Game & Watch etc.),not random insiignificant characters.

As hemightbegiant stated:"Major character from a minor franchise>Minor character from a major franchise".


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
But seriously,can you consider 9-volt to fit within that category?
True, 9-Volt doesn't fit your specific criteria, but consider this: the entire essence of 9-Volt's character, the reason they even made him, is to be a Nintendo-themed character. Everything about him is either themed around Nintendo or his love thereof. I honestly think a Nintendo themed character fits well into a Nintendo themed game. Call me crazy.

I know this is biased,but I doubt Sakurai is going to include random characters.The invalid popularity argument is only valid for characters that have not been recognized over the years(Takamaru,Mach Rider,Pit,Baloon Fighter,Ice Climbers,Little Mac,Game & Watch etc.),not random insiignificant characters.

As hemightbegiant stated:"Major character from a minor franchise>Minor character from a major franchise".
I'll agree with you there. Happy Mask Salesman, Gimmick, et al. are all terrible ideas, and more major characters do deserve the spot more. That being said, don't expect only the major, most known characters. Remember, Melee had plenty of surprising choices.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
True, 9-Volt doesn't fit your specific criteria, but consider this: the entire essence of 9-Volt's character, the reason they even made him, is to be a Nintendo-themed character. Everything about him is either themed around Nintendo or his love thereof. I honestly think a Nintendo themed character fits well into a Nintendo themed game. Call me crazy.

I'll agree with you there. Happy Mask Salesman, Gimmick, et al. are all terrible ideas, and more major characters do deserve the spot more. That being said, don't expect only the major, most known characters. Remember, Melee had plenty of surprising choices.
True,and I also expect some suprises in brawl as well.



May 15, 2006
Welcome to the "I wrote a novel about things that annoy me and now you shall all read it or I will be very angry" club. We're glad to have you. The hot tub is in the back.

I pretty much agree with what you say, but I also sorta agree with HiddenTiger. Some suspension of disbelief (and fairly broad leaps of logic) are pretty much required at this stage of the game, and sometimes you just have to let the ridiculous character threads go. Some of the best threads are for characters who don't have much of a chance in the first place. Regardless, Bravo.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Welcome to the "I wrote a novel about things that annoy me and now you shall all read it or I will be very angry" club. We're glad to have you. The hot tub is in the back.

I pretty much agree with what you say, but I also sorta agree with HiddenTiger. Some suspension of disbelief (and fairly broad leaps of logic) are pretty much required at this stage of the game, and sometimes you just have to let the ridiculous character threads go. Some of the best threads are for characters who don't have much of a chance in the first place. Regardless, Bravo.
Thank you*Drinks Cider*. =D

I also find it strange that a majority of the threads of good characters lack luster.Perhaps it's because everyone has the same line of thought,oh well.

Thanks for the responses,Lol.


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
Thank you*Drinks Cider*. =D

I also find it strange that a majority of the threads of good characters lack luster.Perhaps it's because everyone has the same line of thought,oh well.

Thanks for the responses,Lol.
Actually, I think this relates back to your 'X character just sucks' opinion. This is commonly used throughout the forum and they force the more refined beliefs about them into the shadows. It's hard to find actual positive ideas about logically suitable characters in their support threads. Lots of people just spam posts of hate towards characters they just don't like for no reason without providing any reasonable information with it. I find this to be quite abusive to the threads.

Hey can I have some Cider?
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Actually, I think this relates back to your 'X character just sucks' opinion. This is commonly used throughout the forum and they force the more refined beliefs about them into the shadows. It's hard to find actual positive ideas about logically suitable characters in their support threads. Lots of people just spam posts of hate towards characters they just don't like for no reason without providing any reasonable information with it. I find this to be quite abusive to the threads.
True,that and people always use the X FTW argument.Even if is is supportive,it still annoys me.

Hey can I have some Cider?
Sure,Lol*Hands Cider*



Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
And for that Great Bay video seen in CrappyCaptureDevice's profile, the lab was different in the beta version of SSBM, which was played at E3 in either 2000 or 2001. I saw someone move Mario inside of the lab, and I saw Mario through the lab's round window. Some other stages were different in the beta version of SSBM. This could also happen to SSBB.

In this video, scroll to the SSBM part after the intro ends. The "Yoshi's Story stage" had those levers that control those moving platform paths, while the NES-style Mushroom Kingdom I stage had a pipe on the side, which might have been possible to enter it and exit out another one, just like in the NES Mushroom Kingdom stage in SSB64.


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2007
OK I agree with pretty much everything except I sorta disagree with category 2 arguement type one theory of yours.

I made a thread on it that you already replied and are currently debating with me about so I'll leave it there. But it's a pretty cool thread.

Nice post I'll lick my eyeball now:lick:
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
And for that Great Bay video seen in CrappyCaptureDevice's profile, the lab was different in the beta version of SSBM, which was played at E3 in either 2000 or 2001. I saw someone move Mario inside of the lab, and I saw Mario through the lab's round window. Some other stages were different in the beta version of SSBM. This could also happen to SSBB.

In this video, scroll to the SSBM part after the intro ends. The "Yoshi's Story stage" had those levers that control those moving platform paths, while the NES-style Mushroom Kingdom I stage had a pipe on the side, which might have been possible to enter it and exit out another one, just like in the NES Mushroom Kingdom stage in SSB64.
Nice find.I also believe that in the final development process,the stages will be altered dramatically,because at the space world trailer,alot of the stages looked very diffirent from the final product.


May 15, 2006
New!! 3/5Argument type 3: The Minority Argument:

The main status of Super Smash Bros. is of course for all star characters.But,the definition of 'All-Star' doesn't seem to be well defined umong the populas we call SWF.And all-star is:

A variation on this term is used to show that an individual has been honored to be chosen ahead of his or her peers within a certain geographical or other limitation. Hence, All State and All District denotes someone chosen as a top performer within their state or district, respectively.


In smash,it can be defined as characters that have played important roles in games,despite meeting specific requierments.Most people may believe that all-star characters should be in brawl,but only if specific requierments are made towards:

1.Popularity of character.

2.Leadership function.

3.Overall performance in the franchise X character(s)

4.A level of recognition that specifies leadership of the character(This is more game specific).

But,I still believe that if a character has played a very important role in it's franchise,why not include X character?

Most of this comes from the Fire Emblem character argument,which requiers each Fire Emblem character included must be of a lord stature,Such as Marth or Sigurd.But in Fire Emblem,there are plenty of characters that have played important roles,despite being a lord or not.Even in the upcoming Fire Emblem game,The main character in it is from the previous game in the franchise,during that time,that character was not a lord.

A character may have leadership rights,and that makes a character important,but even still,all characters who are important aren't leaders,and to deny a character based on lack of recognition is simply as put...biased.
See now, thats an interesting place to go, especially when we talk about games that either haven't been represented, or have many many characters to sift through, like Fire Emblem or Pokemon.

The fact is there is a certain degree of hierarchy among characters of the same franchise. Falco couldn't have gotten in if Fox hadn't been in first, and including Zelda and Gannondorf would have been meaningless if Link hadn't been represented. Seemingly, The reigning custom with characters is to "Open the door" with who we perceive as the singular main character, and then the rest of the characters can trickle in (or flood in, if you think about Mario characters). When we translate that into prospective characters, it can apply to, for example, Sonic the Hedgehog making it in before they'll even start thinking about adding Shadow or Knuckles. Shadow or Knuckles might be "cooler" or more popular, but the fact remains that Sonic is the guy on the box. He's the one whose shoes you pay 50 bucks to fill. He will get in before any other Sonic character.

With franchises with multiple main characters, however, it gets more complicated. How can you truly include one of the secondary, relatively unimportant Fire Emblem characters when there are already more than 10 different main characters encompassing about 4 different playstyles (Sword/Axe/Spear/Mage), about 4 or 5 of them extremely popular and wanted by the community at large, and with two of them in Melee already? Well, think about this:

When you boil down a Fire Emblem game to it's core parts, Lets use PoR as our example, there are really only about 3 really important characters, 2 or 3 important side-characters, and a whole lot of filler. Ike is important, as he is the main character,
and serves as the "Lord" of the game, due to his midgame class change
. Ellincia is important as she serves as the "Damsel in distress" of the game, and much of the game's story is focused around her learning how to be a queen. If you take PoR on it's own, She is on at least equal terms with Peach and Zelda, perhaps even more important seeing as how
she becomes a playable unit in the last few chapters.
The final main character is, of course, King Ashnard, as the villan of the game. If we assume that these three characters (And, to a lesser degree, the few important Side-characters that emerge, I.E. Mist, the Black night) are fair game for smash Bros, we then have to remember that Fire Emblem has 9 games, soon to be 10.

So, 3 x 9, plus the fact that a few games have multiple lords(and thus, multiple main characters). That equals over 30 different characters that have fair chance to be in smash Bros, and even more if you count the side characters, and an ungodly amount if you put the filler back in. I think paring FE characters down to just lords (or Lord analogues, in Sothe(FE10) and Ike's(FE9) cases) and villans is fair just so people don't go absolutely crazy (Think about having a thread for each pokemon, yeah, it's like that).

Of course, thats just a device that i've been using. It makes sense to me, so i've followed it.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2006
^^ really good point. in the first ssb basically the characters were the stars or very popular main characters of their games. in melee they put all the more important side kicks- other main characters of the games. i think it's pretty easy and straight forward how they add characters. popularity does play a part also.

the mario series for example : Mario and Luigi were the two most important ones so they got in the first ssb. i read an article that said Peach and Wario would be in it dunno what happend with that. then in melee they added the damsel in distress who was in like almost every mario game. and of course the villian who was in almost every mario game. and Yoshi represents his own series.

for fire emblem as mentioned i never really played it. but i think the formula should go as main character and from my knowledge it was Ike in POR not sure though. the villian, and some supporting character male or female.

for the Zelda series and the mario series that's how it worked. for fire emblem it could work. even for donkey kong. Donkey Kong as the main, k rool as the villian and diddy and Dixie as the side kicks. it works. i think any game that has a female of importance should add that female. not saying add every female.

i.e the star fox series. Fox as the main, wolf as the villian, Falco and Krystal as the sidekicks. that's the way i look at it and it comes out more logical that way. not saying it has to apply to every frachize. and i know other people look at it differently.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
dotdotdot,excelent points.

That really does make alot of sense,I merely wish that characters that were in a franchise got more recognition,but it won't happen as you said,there are more important characters.

In a related theory,I think that Fire Emblem:Seisen no Keifu is also going to gain some recognition in the game.They could possibly have Sigurd as a character.But there are also a large plethora of Fire Emblem characters they could include,and Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu is one of the most popular.

*Sigh*...Even though she is technically a minor character,I wish that they could include Ira,even though that won't happen in the near future.



Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
I agree eternal phoenix..

I have this hunch/feeling that characters like Mike Jones, Dr. Wright, Little Mac, Alice or Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, and more.. will be looked at serious playable characters because they are Nintendo all stars of their own games.
The VC for the Wii even pushes the chances of these characters to get in Brawl even more.
Why should Nintendo bury classic characters and not have the stars of the games get a chance to fight for their own game?

When I first played SSB64.. I had this thought - "Pokemon VS Super Mario Brothers VS Earthbound VS Metroid." It was like dream come true. I never expected to see a character from Earthbound again..

I never thought about the characters.. just which games they came from. Their worlds colliding.

So now what am I hoping and thinking about Brawl?
"Simcity VS Eternal Darkness VS Punch Out VS Kid Icarus"
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