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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
I see where you are coming from. It doesn't make sense that a plumber can fling around a giant space dragon who led armies that destroyed entire planets. But then again:

1. Mario has experience handiling large fire breathing reptiles. He can fling a two ton tortoise around.

2. Ridley has been defeated by Samus many times. In Smash Pikachu can defeat Samus. In fact Samus is the "worst" character in the original Smash if you buy into the tier thing.

3. Gannondorf (the king of evil) was given a different moveset then he should have gotten but still retained his powerful attitude even though Pichu could theorectically roll him right off an edge.

Smash is a fun game. But it is also a game of personality. Ridley can still be menancing and still have hs high pitched shrieks while at the same time subject to getting his tail grabbed by Mario and whipped around.

Smash is about heroes and villains of great Nintendo games gathering together for a "fantasy" (yes I know they are fantasy already, but Smash is about fantasy containing fantasy if that makes a lick of sense) royal rumble.

You cannot exclude Ridley because you fear he might be messed up. He is a big Nintendo villain and a great one. He must be playable.

And I m pretty sure Sakurai wuldn't tease us with the song and several mentions of it belonging to Ridley if he wasn't a playable character.
Somehow,I dont think he would either.Cuz I remember a post from Sakurai wanting a rock version of the Kibry theme song as well,and I dont see Kirby music having a guitar/attitude add to his cuteness anytime soon(guessing that rock version is meant for Metaknight).Why would he say one thing,and mean the other?


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
I can see where you're coming from. Apparently, you love Ridley too much to risk seeing him ruined ( which is kinda contradicted by you calling him overrated at some point, iirc, but anyway ).
I think that shouldn't be an argument, though.
For one, it's kinda selfish. Ganondorf's one heck of a bad guy, too, and he can be owned by a Pichu. THEORETICALLY. Us Zelda fans have feelings, too!
They pretty much ruined Mewtwo, who probably comes closest in Melee to the kind of coolness Ridley radiates. He's weak. But if someone DOES manage to own with them, it looks INCREDIBLY awesome.

It shouldn't be a matter that a character could potentially be degraded when added to the roster. Instead, do it like Gimpy and dedicate yourself to him, then own everyone who thinks he sucks right in their stupid face. Tape it and make awesome videos out of it. Then go around calling Ridley the cutest space dragon. ( The last point is completely optional. )

Besides, I don't see him being bad. I actually think he might become the next Captain Falcon, with Bowser strength and DK speed.
i'm going to have to agree with Fawriel on this one. Solid_Sneak, i love that you love Ridley so much, but i'm not slandering you for this, but Ridley deserves more than a cameo or stage obstruction in the game.

now let's have a "what if" moment. what if sakurai puts Ridley into the game. he isn't demented or anything. i know you would use him over and over until you can unleash deadly combos on the little pokemon.

you know the idea of playing as ridley is a cool idea, even if it isn't smash. have faith in sakurai. if he came out and stated that he wanted an improved aerial combat, more villians, and more rep from the metroid franchise, and the fact that Japan really favors a character from a franchise they really don't appreciate, i highly, yes HIGHLY doubt that Sakurai will disapoint.

you are entitled to your own opinion Solid Sneak. i respect your love of ridley


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun

You people that want Ridley in sound more like children, and it IS child-like to want a character in regardless of how much it could ruin them, and bash other peoples opinions.

Can you just not accept the fact that Ridley would seem demented in a Smash game? If he was in, they'd level him down to characters like Pikachu, it'd just be ********.


That would be **** insulting.

Ridley is the baddest mofo in the galaxy and I'll be ****ed if I see the day Mario can twirl him out of an arena.

Stop acting like children and give me constructive points. Props to Fawriel who is taking this discussion maturely.

basically, your saying this: you dont want ridley playble because your THAT big of a ridley fanboy. you dont think ANY character at all should be able to beat him. you also dont want him to be changed in any way possible, despite the fact that he can still be scaled down, and not have too many alterations. You also think that pikachu is weak, which are all LIES. TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE LIES since pikachu is the most pwnage character in all of nintendo. :p
take this for example:

back in the 90's, when I was just a little tyke, I was a HUGE pikachu fanboy. I practically worshiped the little guy, and watched pokemon religously. then SSB came, and I couldnt have been more happy to know that pika was playable. I bought the entire game just to play as pikachu. but do you know what the problem was? I couldn't win. back then, all I thought SSB was about was just pushing the b button, and I lost everytime. It pained me losing as pikachu, since I always thought pikachu was the pwnage. but do you know what I did? I kept trying. I eventually figured out smash attacks, throwing, and all that stuff. I kept on trying until pikachu was the pwnage little mouse I knew and loved. and do you know what? I kept on maining him, even in melee, where he was nerfed considerably. did that stop me from playing as pika? NO. I STILL main pika to this day, and will still main pika in brawl, even if he becomes even weaker. you wanna know why? BECAUSE PIKACHU IS MY CHILDHOOD-FREAKING-HERO. and...*dramatic music starts playing in the background, while people wave flags with thier eyes closed* even if ridley sucks in brawl, if you like him that much, then doggonit, NEVER GIVE UP ON RIDLEY. AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE IN HIM, ANY CHARACTER WILL BE TOP TIER. and THAT my friend *puts fist into the air* is a REAL smasher's determination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/overdramatic post]

aaaaaand, I was about to post something else, that was actually relavent to the topic and hand, but since you've already been purseuaded, I guess its useless now ;_:


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
basically, your saying this: you dont want ridley playble because your THAT big of a ridley fanboy. you dont think ANY character at all should be able to beat him. you also dont want him to be changed in any way possible, despite the fact that he can still be scaled down, and not have too many alterations. You also think that pikachu is weak, which are all LIES. TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE LIES since pikachu is the most pwnage character in all of nintendo. :p
take this for example:

back in the 90's, when I was just a little tyke, I was a HUGE pikachu fanboy. I practically worshiped the little guy, and watched pokemon religously. then SSB came, and I couldnt have been more happy to know that pika was playable. I bought the entire game just to play as pikachu. but do you know what the problem was? I couldn't win. back then, all I thought SSB was about was just pushing the b button, and I lost everytime. It pained me losing as pikachu, since I always thought pikachu was the pwnage. but do you know what I did? I kept trying. I eventually figured out smash attacks, throwing, and all that stuff. I kept on trying until pikachu was the pwnage little mouse I knew and loved. and do you know what? I kept on maining him, even in melee, where he was nerfed considerably. did that stop me from playing as pika? NO. I STILL main pika to this day, and will still main pika in brawl, even if he becomes even weaker. you wanna know why? BECAUSE PIKACHU IS MY CHILDHOOD-FREAKING-HERO. and...*dramatic music starts playing in the background, while people wave flags with thier eyes closed* even if ridley sucks in brawl, if you like him that much, then doggonit, NEVER GIVE UP ON RIDLEY. AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE IN HIM, ANY CHARACTER WILL BE TOP TIER. and THAT my friend *puts fist into the air* is a REAL smasher's determination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/overdramatic post]

aaaaaand, I was about to post something else, that was actually relavent to the topic and hand, but since you've already been purseuaded, I guess its useless now ;_:
*Plays Metal Gear Soild game over theme song* :laugh: Iam the same freaking way about my character Mario man.I dunno what it is about that clog pumper man,ever since I was little I been popping my...Ah snap,wrong channel.

Anyhow,reguardless what theories gotta say about a character,Mario is main.He has been for 20 years now since the NES days,and I never thought once to put the man in red down...but good lord oh mighty his U+B got buffed. :grin:


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
I think Ridley is practically in already. He's highly requested, a villain, and already has a themesong. Yoshi is also obviously in this. Delfino Plaza looks like pwnage, and the cracker launcher is a dream come true. And that's all I got to say about that. I have a feeling that Ridley and Yoshi will be confirmed at E3.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
San Antonio, TX
I think Ridley is practically in already. He's highly requested, a villain, and already has a themesong. Yoshi is also obviously in this. Delfino Plaza looks like pwnage, and the cracker launcher is a dream cI ome true. And that's all I got to say about that. I have a feeling that Ridley and Yoshi will be confirmed at E3.
I thought you said Ridley has a thong.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2006
Melbourne, AUS
back in the 90's, when I was just a little tyke, I was a HUGE pikachu fanboy. I practically worshiped the little guy, and watched pokemon religously. then SSB came, and I couldnt have been more happy to know that pika was playable. I bought the entire game just to play as pikachu. but do you know what the problem was? I couldn't win. back then, all I thought SSB was about was just pushing the b button, and I lost everytime. It pained me losing as pikachu, since I always thought pikachu was the pwnage. but do you know what I did? I kept trying. I eventually figured out smash attacks, throwing, and all that stuff. I kept on trying until pikachu was the pwnage little mouse I knew and loved. and do you know what? I kept on maining him, even in melee, where he was nerfed considerably. did that stop me from playing as pika? NO. I STILL main pika to this day, and will still main pika in brawl, even if he becomes even weaker. you wanna know why? BECAUSE PIKACHU IS MY CHILDHOOD-FREAKING-HERO. and...*dramatic music starts playing in the background, while people wave flags with thier eyes closed* even if ridley sucks in brawl, if you like him that much, then doggonit, NEVER GIVE UP ON RIDLEY. AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE IN HIM, ANY CHARACTER WILL BE TOP TIER. and THAT my friend *puts fist into the air* is a REAL smasher's determination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/overdramatic post]
And this is why I play Smash, so much love. Release Ridley, release your love and let it run free!


*cries* :urg:


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah its sucks that the track is so short, its just way too awesome, and should last at least one minute, oh well, hopefully we get a final smash or a newcomer tomorrow

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
Yeah its sucks that the track is so short, its just way too awesome, and should last at least one minute, oh well, hopefully we get a final smash or a newcomer tomorrow
This whole week has been pretty awesome.
Fox bio, Yoshi's Island stage (I've desperately been waiting for that one), and an awesome song which almost confirms Ridley (a good song, too).. I really don't care if the next two days are "YOU MUST DEFEND!" or "MARIO'S SPECIAL MOVES". :p


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
This whole week has been pretty awesome.
Fox bio, Yoshi's Island stage (I've desperately been waiting for that one), and an awesome song which almost confirms Ridley (a good song, too).. I really don't care if the next two days are "YOU MUST DEFEND!" or "MARIO'S SPECIAL MOVES". :p
i think most people feel it does confirm ridley. the thing thats dividing people is whether or not he'll be playable.

on an aside, green shell.........you change your avatar like, every day. rofl :psycho:


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
True this is by far the best week in updates since the new site launched, heres hoping sakurai can keep up the good work, PLEASE give me linnks final or a newcomer...

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
i think most people feel it does confirm ridley. the thing thats dividing people is whether or not he'll be playable.

on an aside, green shell.........you change your avatar like, every day. rofl :psycho:
Yeah :p
I'm trying a lot of them... if only we could upload our own avvies, then I'd be satisfied...


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Does anyone else agree that the sort of 'pinched harmonic' part of that Ridley song is badass? It's near the end and it's a high pitched sound, and all the other instruments stop while it plays.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
@ solid:
Agree this is BY FAR the best ridley theme to date, I doubt the one in MP3 will top this, also if they can do this to ridleuys theme, one can only imagine what they can do to Wolfs theme :p


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
nah better yet pikachu appears and ridley just steps on him and then every body stops fighting and laugh's crazily then ridley cook's pika with his breath then they eat him and link get's shocked and the corny joke kicks in link bites pikachu's foot get's shocked and say's "wow thise is shockingly good" the crazy laugh continues :)


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i love that it's all "rock band"-ish in ridley's song, with guitar licks in the back all high up and drum hits at various points. i'm surging with ridley energy!

sorry but i had to say this even though it isn't relevent right now

Zebesian Pirate

Smash Cadet
Jan 5, 2007
The song is a piece of the entire title.

And for those of you that are getting excited about ridley, don't get too excited. Kraid had his music in Melee, and he was in a stage as the environment.

I would personally perfer Ridley to be a background character shooting **** at you while you fight, because in actuality, Ridley is like, a 2 story tall dragon. And I think that would be ******** in Brawl. Also, he doesn't have enough character to be a good addition to the roster. He would just seem like this random beast, that Samus always kills, with fire... He'll have no sayings, or sugnature gestures, because he's just a mindless beast yo. Ever played metroid??
All right. Ridley is no mindless beast. He's a ruthless Space Pirate general who is quite capable of thought and, according to the official e-manga, speech. Intelligence can be portrayed without speech, however. Ridley's moves could simply convey his intelligence through their precision and ruthlessness.

And really, no one would think of him as "a random beast that Samus always kills with fire". Bowser has no speech in Melee but anyone playing the game knows the character's history from playing Mario games. Most people buying Brawl would have played at least one Metroid game.


Smash Rookie
Oct 21, 2006
oooo update... crates and barrels of fun. And they match the levels... how about that?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2007
Yeah, when I first glanced at the update I thought to myself "Oh boy, crates and barrels, what could be more interesting than crates and barrels?" But the stage based ascetic changes are actually a really nice touch. It's the little things as much as the big ones that make these games fun.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2007
yea i especially like the space crates and barrels, but the presents look kinda odd. and oh no! moving crates? not too much of an improvement... overall though, it looks pretty nice. its good to see them taking old game mechanics and making them new again.
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