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Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
And get your facts straight GenG. The Child Link after OoT is the same Link we see in the old school Zelda games Zelda 1 2 four swords and link to the past. The new and different Links are in the adult timeline, simply because there is no Link in that timeline after OoT.

It is mostly speculation, but that is because there isn't enough said by the developers to support the ideas. However the chronology of OoT, TP and Windwaker have been put together by an announcement from Eiji.
The retrospectives are really bad. There are two endings for OOT, you should accept this (as Aonuma confirmed in many interviews, after releasing WW, before TP and the last one in a interview in Nintendo Dream) because is the official timeline.

1) Adult ending: Ganondorf is imprisoned by Adult Link, and Zelda sends him back to his time. Time passes and the legend of the Hero of Time became old tale. Ganondorf resurrects again and Hyrule is flooded because there was no hero to stop him (no hero bloodline). The Link in WW was simply a corageous kid who was mistaken with the Hero of Time, and became the "unofficial" succesor after acquiring the Triforce of Courage. Ganondorf is defeated and Phantom Hourglass takes place.

2) After returning to his time, Link talks with Zelda about the events that were about to come. Then he went in adventures looking for Navi. In the meantime, Ganondorf was seized and about to be executed by the sages in the Arbiter's Ground, but then the Triforce of Power is bestowed upon him and breaks free. The sages doesn't stand a chance, so they sent him to the "Hyrule Junkland", aka the Twilight Realm. Then Twilight Princess takes place here.

Two different timelines.

This interview is from February:


–When does Twilight Princess take place?

Aonuma: In the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years later.

–And the Wind Waker?

Aonuma: The Wind Waker is parallel. In Ocarina of Time, Link flew seven years in time, he beat Ganon and went back to being a kid, remember? Twilight Princess takes place in the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years after the peace returned to kid Link’s time. In the last scene of Ocarina of Time, kids Link and Zelda have a little talk, and as a consequence of that talk, their relationship with Ganon takes a whole new direction. In the middle of this game [Twilight Princess], there's a scene showing Ganon's execution. It was decided that Ganon be executed because he'd do something outrageous if they left him be. That scene takes place several years after Ocarina of Time. Ganon was sent to another world and now he wants to obtain the power...

–And now we wait for the game to enjoy the rest of the story, huh? (laughs)

Aonuma: Well, that’s how things are. (laughs)

–There’s a reference to King Zora (the king of the Zora race in Ocarina of Time; his official name is Do Bon, the third), and there are some pictures of the man from the fishing pond (the owner of a fishing business near Lake Hylia in Ocarina of Time). You can get the feeling here and there that the events from Ocarina of Time happened some time ago.

Aonuma: Those things have a connection to Ocarina of Time, and we were not very sure of whether to include them or not, but the staff was having a good time, so those details just kept increasing.

–Kakariko Village and Lake Hylia haven’t changed their names, did you have in mind for their design that a hundred years had passed?

Aonuma: We clearly didn’t design Kakariko Village to reflect that a hundred years had passed. We had this town and when we decided the events that would take place there, we also decided it to be Kakariko Village, just the way it was. In this game, there are two places named, “Forest Firo-ne [Faron Woods]” and “Orudin [Eldin]”; they received their names after the three goddesses from Ocarina of Time. During Ocarina of Time, there were no such places, but after a long time, the names grew on the people living there and so those names were passed on.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
Yeah I think it's interesting that he would give us Zelda, out of nowhere, but who knows anymore with these updates. If I had to guess, I'd say they will even out the powers of Zelda and Sheik, and make them their own individual characters. That's just my guess./

So what's in store for tonight, DK, Yoshi?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I hope we get another unconfirmed character, Id kill to see ganondorf, or falcon, or bowser, I bet he'll look sweeet...

And sheik is GONE acept it...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
Yeah, probably do some of the characters that were in the trailers (the ones that aren't listed yet). I want to see some veterans though. Bowser better look badass. :p


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I hope we get another unconfirmed character, Id kill to see ganondorf, or falcon, or bowser, I bet he'll look sweeet...
Yeah, I'd rather they throw out one off the unconfirmed ones instead of the ones we already know about...

What they should have done is do the all the ones in the trailer first (Mario, Link, Wario, Zamus, Pit, etc.) and then saved the rest as a surprise.

Can't wait!

P.S: TP Ganon, anyone?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2007
I find the Zelda update full of promise. Now we know Sakurai isn't leaving new character additions to big events like E3, but will reveal them as and when he likes. That being said, I firmly expect a full starting rooster to be revealed at E3, so for the next few weeks I reckon we'll see a few more veterans, along the lines of Yoshi, DK and Bowser, being confirmed in the updates.
I'll wake up in the mornings with more excitment then ever now. Clearly things are only going to get more interesting (although it'll probably be an item update tommorrow:ohwell:)


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Oh, I'm just loving the idea of Zelda appearing in random screenshots from now on, and as soon as she does something people start arguing about whether it confirms Sheik.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
I never thought about it that way. It would be a nice surprise to see a newcomer that we don't know about. It'd throw us all off gaurd. :)


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Oh, I'm just loving the idea of Zelda appearing in random screenshots from now on, and as soon as she does something people start arguing about whether it confirms Sheik.
Sheik is dead. The sooner you guys realize this, the easier it will be to transition.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Los Angeles (310)
Zelda no longer blonde? Is this a new Zelda?

Well anyways i'm personally undecided as to whether sheik is going to return or not, but i'll point out a few things.

I wholeheartedly disagree with anyone who says that Zero Suit Samus is new Sheik clone. Sure her tilts look similar, but that's where the similarities seem to end (captain falcon has similar tilts to samus in melee, but that's really were it ends). From what i've seen of trailers her dashing/running doesn't seem to be so fast and the way she moves appears to be merely a faster samus with new move sets. In addition, her b moves will be a lot more different than sheik's.

After this Zelda update, i'm almost certain that if sheik does appear in the game, she'll be seperated from Zelda.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
Sheik is dead. The sooner you guys realize this, the easier it will be to transition.
I thiink we'd all appreciate it if you didn't arrogantly assert your opinion as fact. kthxbai.
Oh, you mean a separate character thing. okay

On the Sheik note:
I would really like a TP style Sheik; after all, she is the coolest character in Zelda history (with Ralph in second).

EDIT: The original Princess Zelda was a brunette:


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
After this Zelda update, i'm almost certain that if sheik does appear in the game, she'll be seperated from Zelda.
I'm not so sure that they would use up a whole character slot just to bring Sheik back...there's so many other possibilities to explore.

Originally Posted by Red Darkstar Kirby
Sheik is dead. The sooner you guys realize this, the easier it will be to transition.

I thiink we'd all appreciate it if you didn't arrogantly assert your opinion as fact. kthxbai.
I wasn't asserting it as fact, I was pointing to the fact that Zelda would probably no longer be jointed together with Sheik, meaning that in order for Sheik to be in the game, she'd have to be her own char. I probably worded that wrong; sorry if it came off as arrogant.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Whoever says sheik will be a seperate character from zelda is ********:

Sheik was NEVER important to the zelda series, why would we add her now, 10 years after OoT, with her no longer apeparing in zelda games, and probably never will again?

Sheik was in OoT to hide zelda true identity, if shes added in future zelda games, whats the point? we know its her, so sheik is no longer important, last I check this game is about all stars, since when is sheik an all star? (dont bring up pit, ics and GaW, theyre retros, they were part of the NES era, which makes them awesome...)

The only logical character of the zelda series in brawl are: Link, ganondorf, zelda, and midna, and WW link replacing y. link... thats it, zant, vaati, skull kid are welcome, but the 1st 5 are almost guaranteed in...


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Sheik is dead. The sooner you guys realize this, the easier it will be to transition.
...you didn't imply that I support Sheik or so, did you?
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding.

So... yeah. Sheik wasn't even a person as such, she was a disguise. Not exactly an All-Star.

And Zelda was already pretty brown-haired in TP. Dirty-blonde, more like.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah Zelda wasnt brown in the game, more like dirty blonde, it looked awesome, I was surprised shes now has brown brown hair, still gotta love the high detail on her look...


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
This is exactly why I don't have a main, I spread my experience across all (okay... most) characters.

Did any of you actually maintain your main when transistioning from SSB64 to Melee? There are going to be changes to the roster and to every individual character's moves. Keep an open mind. The next time you play Melee, don't pick your precious Marth, Fox and Shiek mains. Play someone like Yoshi, Pichu or Mewtwo. That's how you become well-skilled and adapted to the game. Then you'll be ready for whatever Brawl throws at you.

Although one of my favorite characters to play is Jigglypuff, and I'll be sad if she doesn't make it to Brawl, I'll be ready to adapt and pick up a new favorite, regardless of what happens.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
ZSSamus not a full clone? And what? What made Sheik so great was her fluid and consistent style, which can be achieved with less broken moves like the dash. Maybe ZSSamus ends being what Sheik was intented to be in Brawl, but expanding the concept using scifi weapons that Sheik couldn't possibly grasp.

After all, Sheik isn't a strong persona, so while Sheik fans still have her speedy blonde in expandex to win tourneys, who cares?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
This is exactly why I don't have a main, I spread my experience across all (okay... most) characters.

Did any of you actually maintain your main when transistioning from SSB64 to Melee? There are going to be changes to the roster and to every individual character's moves. Keep an open mind. The next time you play Melee, don't pick your precious Marth, Fox and Shiek mains. Play someone like Yoshi, Pichu or Mewtwo. That's how you become well-skilled and adapted to the game. Then you'll be ready for whatever Brawl throws at you.

Although one of my favorite characters to play is Jigglypuff, and I'll be sad if she doesn't make it to Brawl, I'll be ready to adapt and pick up a new favorite, regardless of what happens.
Yeah, that's true. My mains are Mario, Yoshi, and Ness. 1 of the 3 are in so far, but will the other 2 make it? hopefully.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Shiek is not out. Why?

Popular, important, cool.

To those nay-sayers who claim Shiek has no place because she is from an older game...

You would imply that characters such as Pit shouldn't appear? Sure Shiek might not be RETRO but she is a large part of a once RETRO series.

To those nay-sayers who claim Shiek has no place because she was not important to OoT...

You would mean to say that without the songs she taught to Link, the guidance she offered, and spy-like info she gave, Link would have been better off?

Let's not forget she is also a Shiekah... which still play a hand in TP thank you.

And if shiek is in, why should they seperate the characters. Simply, Zelda IS Shiek, and Shiek IS Zelda. Why distort the connection?

And as for that Zamus being a Shiek replacement... Please stop; you are making me want to kill my cat.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Okay, Solid Sneak.
I will reply to your points, then I will never actively try to convince anyone again of why Sheik won't be in.

"You would imply that characters such as Pit shouldn't appear? Sure Shiek might not be RETRO but she is a large part of a once RETRO series."
You said yourself that Sheik is Zelda.
Zelda is TP Zelda.
TP is a new game.
OoT is an old game.
They are separate games.
They are seperate people.
OoT Zelda is Sheik. Sheik is OoT Zelda.
TP Zelda is TP Zelda is TP Zelda is TP Zelda is TP Zelda is TP Zelda.

"You would mean to say that without the songs she taught to Link, the guidance she offered, and spy-like info she gave, Link would have been better off?"
Sheik was not important as such. She was a disguise. Sheik is not even an own person per se.
She was quite important in OoT but has no major importance in the series as a whole.
Impa is more important.

"Let's not forget she is also a Shiekah... which still play a hand in TP thank you."
They've pretty much died out. AGAIN.

"And if shiek is in, why should they seperate the characters. Simply, Zelda IS Shiek, and Shiek IS Zelda. Why distort the connection?"
See above.

"And as for that Zamus being a Shiek replacement... Please stop; you are making me want to kill my cat."
I'll protect it.

I now swear never to bother trying to explain this crap to people again.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
And why Sheik is Zelda? Sheik was an alter ego for Zelda in a single game. What if I say that Tetra is Zelda?

Sheik may be Zelda. But Zelda is not Sheik. In the latest games she fights in her own means.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Sheik was NEVER important to the zelda series, why would we add her now, 10 years after OoT, with her no longer apeparing in zelda games, and probably never will again?
This is what I mean. Sheik was merely a MEANS of fighting in OoT; it's not like she was an important asset to the storyline or anything. If Sakurai did the same thing to all of the characters, then we would have crap like a whole character slot being used up for all of Kirby's different transformations, or Mario's different powerups (raccoon hat, frog suit, etc.). Sheik us just like that--a disguise from two games ago that shouldn't be highlighted in Smash anymore. Wouldn't you like to see something fresh and new?


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
And why Sheik is Zelda? Sheik was an alter ego for Zelda in a single game. What if I say that Tetra is Zelda?

Sheik may be Zelda. But Zelda is not Sheik. In the latest games she fights in her own means.
Nicely said. I give you props.

I'm hoping we continue to get veterans this week. We haven't had an item in forever, so that's another prediction, but Sakurai looks to be on a character spree...


Smash Apprentice
May 3, 2005
This is what I mean. Sheik was merely a MEANS of fighting in OoT; it's not like she was an important asset to the storyline or anything. If Sakurai did the same thing to all of the characters, then we would have crap like a whole character slot being used up for all of Kirby's different transformations, or Mario's different powerups (raccoon hat, frog suit, etc.). Sheik us just like that--a disguise from two games ago that shouldn't be highlighted in Smash anymore. Wouldn't you like to see something fresh and new?
nicely put, and yes i would like to see something fresh and NEW instead of some disguise an OLD zelda used in an OLD game (not saying OoT was a bad game, there's a reason that their using the TP design, mirite?)


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
Shiek is not out. Why?

Popular, important, cool.

To those nay-sayers who claim Shiek has no place because she is from an older game...

You would imply that characters such as Pit shouldn't appear? Sure Shiek might not be RETRO but she is a large part of a once RETRO series.

To those nay-sayers who claim Shiek has no place because she was not important to OoT...

You would mean to say that without the songs she taught to Link, the guidance she offered, and spy-like info she gave, Link would have been better off?

Let's not forget she is also a Shiekah... which still play a hand in TP thank you.

And if shiek is in, why should they seperate the characters. Simply, Zelda IS Shiek, and Shiek IS Zelda. Why distort the connection?

And as for that Zamus being a Shiek replacement... Please stop; you are making me want to kill my cat.
Sorry bro,if that were true,then we wouldnt see all them upgrades/characters changes that been updated to where the games are today story wise.Link got updated to what he looks like in TP,same with Mario equaling the Mario Sunshine look(tho you have to observe closer to tell the difference).

Proof of that statement lies right in the Pokemon that showed up in all 3 games already.6-7 years ago,the 1st generations rule the stage(Pikachu being the most popular/well known,and still today,reason why hes still in Smash),thus spawning Jigglypuff,MewTwo,and a few others from the 2nd generation with in game cameos in Melee,like Lugia,and Unknowns.

Now in Brawl since the Pokemon series expanded bigtime,they have like what now,500+ of them(a guess)?From the earlier screenshots,its safe to tell that the characters that will appear outta balls in Brawl will most likly spawn from the newer/more popular generations of Pokemon(I dont even know wtf that Dragon looking thing is on the site,lol).Btw,who in here still uses Charmander(example) when theres clearly way more stronger fire-type Pokemon around in the newer gens? :laugh:

But its self explaintory why they are making cuts.Its really because of the new generation of gamers.The kids that started gaming during the GC era just wouldnt be famaliar with a game character that came before their time.Its hard enough for them to figure out just who the hell Pit is,and throwing Sheik to the mix only adds more confusion/dis-intrest.Metaknight is different however thanks to the TV Kirby show series 1-2 years ago.GBA came out 3-4 years ago with Metriod,and Wario with the Wario Ware look makes him reconginzable to this generation.

Anyway man,its not to say Sheik wasnt any of importance,cuz she was.If she didnt help Link out during his adventure,Ganondorf would be ordering Domino's while he'd be waiting for Link's clueless *** to find him still today.Sorry for the rant but,I just wanted to say something different other than "Zamus gots Sheiks moves!!! Sheik is gone!!!" :)

Colbusman:Err,I think Ganondorf has a really,really,really high chance of being in this game,due to the fact that he was in TP with a redone form much like Mr.Sir Link and Ms.Zelda.I highly doubt they'll leave a character who had a sword in hand now out this game.My only concerns are with Luigi atm.And Iam pondering on whos the new ultimate Pokemon replacement for Mewtwo.

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
I'm eagerly awaiting, Yoshi, Dk, and Ganon.
And I know I've said this numerous times ;)
Zelda was just a shock for me, now I want more.

The Director

Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
North Carolina
Maybe he's softening us up for E3? It's in 3 weeks now, and we'll probably see these new characters in trailer form. He might as well feed us teaspoon tidbits by debuting them on his site.

But come on! DK needs to be announced any day now! And how did Zelda get ahead of DK and Yoshi? :confused:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 26, 2007
In front of your eyes...
Maybe he's softening us up for E3? It's in 3 weeks now, and we'll probably see these new characters in trailer form. He might as well feed us teaspoon tidbits by debuting them on his site.

But come on! DK needs to be announced any day now! And how did Zelda get ahead of DK and Yoshi? :confused:
Just 2 create more questions lol


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2007
If there are playable demo's at E3 (which i strongly believe there will be) then surely this is when, once and for all, we find out whether Sheik is in the game or not (and the whole Samus/Zamus debacle as well). Man E3's going to be fun this year, there'll bragging and humble pie eating across the board :laugh:

I agree with The Director, the starting rooster will probably be unveiled in full at E3, and in the coming weeks he'll gradually begin to fill in the gaps. Metaknights gotta come next though, he's practically the only other confirmed character left to do (Snake is a secret character so he won't turn up for ages, and I'm not touching Zamus with a fifteen foot long barge pole)


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Originally Posted by Solid_Sneak
Shiek is not out. Why?

Popular, important, cool.
...Master Chief is not in SSBB, but he is popular, and some might say "important" and "cool". That is a rididculous reason to include someone in SSBB. Here--let me rephrase what you said.

Originally Posted by Solid_Sneak
Shiek is not out. Why?

Popular, important TO THE NINTENDO FRANCHISE, cool.
There. Better.

To those nay-sayers who claim Shiek has no place because she is from an older game...

You would imply that characters such as Pit shouldn't appear? Sure Shiek might not be RETRO but she is a large part of a once RETRO series.
Again, a ridiculous argument...Pit was the main character in his game. Sheik was not. She was a non important side character that was, for all intents and purposes, not essential to the storyline. She wasn't even her own character, she was Zelda in a disguise, for Christ's sake...

To those nay-sayers who claim Shiek has no place because she was not important to OoT...

You would mean to say that without the songs she taught to Link, the guidance she offered, and spy-like info she gave, Link would have been better off?

Let's not forget she is also a Shiekah... which still play a hand in TP thank you.
Saying Sheik should be a part of Brawl is like saying that Cammy Koopa should be in Brawl because she was a Koopa, and Koopas still have an important hand in the Mario Games. Do you see your logic in this? Oh, wait--there is none.

And if shiek is in, why should they seperate the characters. Simply, Zelda IS Shiek, and Shiek IS Zelda. Why distort the connection?
Because it's an irrelevant one. It's like saying Mario is Fire Mario in Super Mario Bros. 2. Does that mean that now we should have two separate characters in Brawl, one for regular, short Mario and one for a white-garbed, fireball spewing Mario? I think not.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
Honestly, I couldn't care less if Sheik is in it or not. She is about one of the least interesting aspects of the game that could be revealed at E3, and if she is I will feel robbed. I'm more interested in new levels, controls, and new characters. I agree with the Director, thats an interesting thought, I mean, nothing we've been given has been all that ground breaking. I bet we get an absolute shocker or two from E3.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada

Allow me to do exactly what you have done to my post.

...Master Chief is not in SSBB, but he is popular, and some might say "important" and "cool". That is a rididculous reason to include someone in SSBB. Here--let me rephrase what you said.
Makes no sense because I say so.

Again, a ridiculous argument...Pit was the main character in his game. Sheik was not. She was a non important side character that was, for all intents and purposes, not essential to the storyline. She wasn't even her own character, she was Zelda in a disguise, for Christ's sake...

Irrelevant. Insert dumb **** logic here, just so my point stands out.

Saying Sheik should be a part of Brawl is like saying that Cammy Koopa should be in Brawl because she was a Koopa, and Koopas still have an important hand in the Mario Games. Do you see your logic in this? Oh, wait--there is none.

Does not make sense. Why? Becaaaaause.... the sky is blue. Next.

Because it's an irrelevant one. It's like saying Mario is Fire Mario in Super Mario Bros. 2. Does that mean that now we should have two separate characters in Brawl, one for regular, short Mario and one for a white-garbed, fireball spewing Mario? I think not.

I agree. They would probably have a transform function.

Thanks for tearing down my post which had what were at least somewhat sensical points. Next time, if you disagree - that's fine. But don't try to fuse in your own dip**** logic with MY post.



Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
Again, a ridiculous argument...Pit was the main character in his game. Sheik was not. She was a non important side character that was, for all intents and purposes, not essential to the storyline. She wasn't even her own character, she was Zelda in a disguise, for Christ's sake...
The Zelda/Sheik thing was a HUGE the ONLY plot twist in OoT Zelda history. To say that Sheik was a "side character...not essential to the storyline" is to be ignorant.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
The people I'm really looking forward to are DK, Yoshi, Ice Climbers, Nessand Mario. Mario is safe, Yoshi is semi confirmed, but what about the other 3, lol.
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