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What do you think of Smash Ultimate so far?


Smash Cadet
Jul 19, 2014
It took me a LONG time to get used to how the game played with its increased speed and new knockback physics, but I gotta say I'm really loving it so far. What do y'all think of it?


Purple Prizes
Sep 6, 2014
Assist Trophy Hell
Absolutely loving it. Directional airdodging and reduced lag in all characters makes this game feel better than any other Smash game in my opinion. So many of my favorites got buffed and are viable now. Once the shaky matchmaking is fixed, this game will be perfect to me personally.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 2, 2018
This is my new least favorite Smash. Peach feels water down in Ultimate from the Wii U game her dress has become untidy in form and appearance, her taunts got cut down to almost nothing, toad got in to her grabs taking away to of them for no good reason, and she doesn't smile when she's doing Peach Bomber or wink in her back throw.

The Animator

Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
The gameplay is probably the best in the series, its just disappointing that the visuals look so washed out, And most of the characters look awful on the close up's during the victory screen. Smash Wii U looked a lot better.

Primal Cookie

Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2017
Switch FC
SW 2532 0420 7538
It took a while to adjust, but I'm loving it. I'm actually really surprised in who I'm currently best with, and am gravitating towards maining: Dr Mario. I've never preferred him over Mario (even in Melee when he's better than regular Mario), but in this game I'm just loving playing as him.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2014
The gameplay is probably the best in the series, its just disappointing that the visuals look so washed out, And most of the characters look awful on the close up's during the victory screen. Smash Wii U looked a lot better.
I have the same conclusion: For some reason the texture (or something like that) is much uglier. It is very obvious on Zero Suit Samus for example


Purple Prizes
Sep 6, 2014
Assist Trophy Hell
The gameplay is probably the best in the series, its just disappointing that the visuals look so washed out, And most of the characters look awful on the close up's during the victory screen. Smash Wii U looked a lot better.
Haha what? This game is so colorful. Fix your tv.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Well, we're in the honey moon phase, so I'm hesitant to draw any conclusions.

But my god this game is phenomenal to actually play. I will say, I'm still getting used to how it plays and the different elements of the gameplay, especially coming off of Smash 4 where like 90% of what you did was roll and look for openings (At least on lower levels haha). I don't feel as in control as I used to, but I'm sure that will come with practice. But it just feels so solid mechanically and different from Smash 4 in a good way. The roster and the stage lineup is incredible, though I would have liked a couple more new stages since it doesn't feel all that new. All of the newcomers are super interesting and I enjoy playing them. King K. Rool, Ridley, and Simon have all been a blast to try out and comes to grips with. Incineroar strangely feels really fun to play as well.

Spirits, so far, is holding my interest way more than I thought it would. Maybe it's just the fact that I like having things to do in Smash, but I can see myself playing a lot of it.

That all said, mode wise, things can feel a little empty. There just feels like options are missing to mix up the gameplay like Home Run, Target Smash (or Blast), etc. It's not a huge problem, but they were always a great way to mix up the usual gameplay and I really do feel their absence. Stuff like the bonus stage in Classic and the end credits are things I want to see more of around, and it's kind of a shame they are limited to such short and repetitive sections...

But oh well, the game feels great, and is FUN. So I'll take it.


Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2018
I've won more online matches than CPU lvl9 matches so idk what's with this AI. But overall it feels good.


Smash Cadet
Sep 12, 2018
What I think of it? It's unplayable. I don't mean that in a literal sense. I got all my technical stuff under control.

What I mean is that I can't play it without physical pain. What was supposed to be a great game was ruined by the fact that I get constant headaches while trying finding stages and characters on the unfinished abominations Sakurai calls the Stage and Character Select Screens.
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Banned via Warnings
Dec 4, 2018
Switch FC
I miss brawl. I think it was the most technical smash. This game is too fast and has too many yolo random moments. Some characters are too safe while others like wolf suffer because of how always open to get punished he is.

Deleted member

Best Smash Bros game.

And before you say it: Melee didn’t have online, so that function doesn’t count when comparing both games.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2014
This is my new least favorite Smash. Peach feels water down in Ultimate from the Wii U game her dress has become untidy in form and appearance, her taunts got cut down to almost nothing, toad got in to her grabs taking away to of them for no good reason, and she doesn't smile when she's doing Peach Bomber or wink in her back throw.
That's unfortunate to dislike the game so much because of some minor changes to one fighter out of over 70. But I understand, that wink was integral to the success of Super Smash Bros.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
I have been playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate for several hours.

I have not played a single match, classic run, WoL battle, or any other method matches of Super Smash Bros Ultimate beyond training mode because unlocks are scarwy OmO.

10/10 GOTY. All it's missing is Stage Builder and it'd be 5/7 Perfect Game.

Jumping feels kinda weird with Mario, though.

EDIT 12-9/10-2018:

So I've finally thrown all attempt to unlock the characters quickly and resorted to just playing through World of Light. Glad I did, because this mode is fantastic. A few events are ****ing trash, and I don't like how they balanced the Spirit Ranks, though; the difference between Rank 1 and Rank 2 feels completely nonexistant, Rank 3 practically require Max Level Fighters, and the Rank 4 Spirits are ****ing Superbosses and you can't convince me otherwise Regardless, this mode pumps both barrels into the back of Melee event mode's skull (although that's not difficult), and leaves the events modes of Brawl and 4 drowning in a puddle of acid. Only time will tell if it compares to the likes of Subspace Emissary, though.

I think I've gotten the hang of the physics of this game. It's been a lot smoother in World of Light then it felt when I tried getting a feel for the main 8 in the practice stage.
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Smash Cadet
Feb 25, 2015
It feels way too jerky.. the stupid pausing on impact feels ****ty.l and breaks flow.

Onlinr mode is total trash.

Arymle Roseanne

Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2018
Into Sandy's City
I love it, classic mode is very fun this time too. The Ai is actually pretty darn tough even on lower levels. Unlocking the characters is really fun, I have yet to play World of Light but I'm very grateful that they made something like Adventure Mode.

There's just so much love, heart and soul into the game it's astounding. Easily my favorite fighting game of all time.
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Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
I'm loving it, between the small details, classic mode, and spirits, this is the most fan-servicy Smash game yet. Some of the things I was worried about are actually pretty cool. I found myself liking Spirits a lot more than I expected to. My most wanted, K. Rool, is absolutely AMAZING to play as, and at first thought it wasn't going to look too different visually from Smash 4, but no, there are so many subtle, and not so subtle changes in texture, animation, and other effects that make a world of difference, the characters are crazy expressive, and even the sound is better. I'm not bothered by the lack of new stages since all the old stages look amazing, and the 3DS stages may as well be new, since I never played the 3DS game again once the Wii U game released.

There is an adjusting period I may be going through. But it shouldn't be long before I'm used to it.

As for the things I really don't appreciate so far...

My Music is kinda tucked away, and I'm the kind of person that likes to tweak and adjust My Music a lot. Especially as I unlock songs. I also wish there were more options in My Music, like, every single Song that used to play on stages that fit thematically was just moved to "other" stages that don't fit quite as well. Also stinks that there are still some series that have no new remixes... not to mention having all the songs in a series grouped together really makes you aware of just how often the same song gets remixed.

No traditional All-Star Mode is a drag. I don't like the multi-man Smash format at all. Also, why no classic mode for Mii fighters?? They're characters too dang it! I don't care that Homerun, Targets, and Platforms aren't back, but All-Star mode was a must for me.

And one last "I wish they had this but I get why they don't" is that I wish spirits had little descriptions to them, I don't know a lot of the characters. I could just google them later but i'd be more likely to do that if they gave me a little description to sell me on the character, that's basically how I became a fan of the extended Nintendo family with Melee's trophies... buuuut I get why they didn't do it since trophies dragged down development time.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I made a separate thread similar to this one. Here are my thoughts:

After playing through most the game and unlocking the entire roster, here are my thoughts.

Roster: The newcomers are disappointing compared to past game. There were some HUGE hype characters such as Simon Belmont and King K Rool. However, returning the entire roster was a HUGE plus and makes up for the small amount of newcomers. As I have cited in the past, some of the newcomer selections have me puzzled. One character that I can’t understand why he isn’t in the game is Rayman. Ubisoft has supported Nintendo heavily and Rayman has had appearances in past games. His cartoony feel works well with Mario, Link, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Fox, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman, and a lot of the other characters in the game. His lack of appearance has me puzzled, perhaps in DLC. It would also have been nice to get the 3rd-party Mii costumes back. I think most of the roster weakness will be addressed in DLC. Overall, the roster is good but it lacks the Hype seen in the Brawl or Smash 4 (at least pre-DLC).

Classic Mode: I feel this mode is close to perfect. The unique boss for some of the characters is great. I wish it could have been implemented with more of the characters.

Adventure Mode: This mode is a classic example of a great idea with a lot of potential that is not done well. It is moderately fun but it gets very repetitive (moreso than the SSE in Brawl). I know that Smash is about the battle mode but it is clear that a lot of time, effort, and resources went into Spirits. Here is my idea to improve it.
  • Spirit Battle/Design – I think there is a lot of opportunity here. In my opinion, there should be quality over quantity. It would be nice to have renders the actual spirits over the smash characters. This would take work but they could cut the spirit roster down 75% to make this happen.
  • Another cool feature was the Street Fighter themed area of the mode. They should have setup themes based on series and put the characters in the related theme.
Overall, the Adventure mode will entertain and it was clear that a lot of work went into it but it isn’t great by any means.

Versus Modes: This is where the game really shines. The new modes and tons of levels make this game great. From a general gameplay perspective, the game plays a little like a mix between the original Smash and Smash Melee. My favorite mode is the Tournament Mode. The ability to customize the brackets and also add Amiibos is a great change.

Online: This area is still a pain. Lag is a major issue and the rule limitations hurt. The limitations in settings, notably with friend’s options, hurts this area as well. This mode appears mediocre like any Nintendo online experience. It is something the company really lags behind its competition on.

Overall Score: I give this game an A. With DLC, it could be an A+. The weaker adventure mode, weak online, and odd choices in roster selection are really the only downside. It would be nice to have stage editor. It is a great game but it isn’t quite Ultimate (at least not yet, I have faith in the DLC).


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2014
Absolutely mind blowing. The first couple hours was me trying to play this as it was smash 4. I got my ass handed to me on the 1v1 of a level 9 for the first time because 1. I dodged too much and you really slow down for abusing it. 2. Some combos don't work in smash 4 (Mario is one of my most played characters so the down throw combo is non existent and I keep accidentally doing it). 3. The CPUs are smarter in this game and don't rely on frame perfect relations this time around. Instead they try to read more. My tip for anyone who was thinking this is going to be more like smash 4 is don't think that way. Some characters work differently enough and the mechanics are different to be more offensive based than how defensive smash 4 was.

World of light is extremely fun and I can't get enough of it. Yeah no platforming and a lot less cutscenes may be a downside but as someone who thinks brawl's platforming was generic and not that good and liked Melee's unique platforming better, I could probably live without platforming being the main focus. The Melee part of me accepts the less cutscenes as adventure mode was always fun to do and they didn't have cutscenes. The adventure mode still has the meaning of adventure for sure and I'm surprised how long this is. I don't even think I'm 10% done and I'm hearing from others how long it actually is. This mode is definitely going to be a favorite in my book if this keeps on being fun.

Classic is PERFECT. Everyone has their own theme making replaying it so much more fresh. Also I'm extremely thankful of this classic not being a random 8 player mess of what is Smash 4 Wii U. New bosses are great and even Master and Crazy Hand have new moves that caught me off guard.

Tourny makes a fun return, squad strike is incredible too. You can set it to how that all star smash in PM is like or make it like crew battles (although I wish we can change the amount of stocks). I want to try smash down but I want to get all the fighters first.

Online, I hear it's bad and I have to say yeah it's not great. My first 2 matches were laggy but I could still move around enough and not make predictions of where my character is going to be in the next 2 seconds. Needs more improvement and I think it needs a bit more priority to what matches you want. I wanted a 1v1 but got got free for all and team smash instead.

Training is enhanced and I can see people using this a lot more often to get better and practice moves. It has a bunch of tools and options that I think would be extremely useful.

I need to talk about the visuals. This game is gorgeous. All the stages are tweaked and enhanced that truly makes a difference when compared to smash 4. This game's stages make 4 feel outdated and my nostalgic self is amazed on how fountain of dreams, princess peach's castle, and others look so good. Fighters are also more visually detailed and they do make a difference.

Making rulesets is a nice touch that makes things easier once you set and save them for future uses. I don't need to go to rules to change to stock every time I boot up the game.

Replays have more options and turning them into videos is great so now I don't have to worry about updates. I just wish I could post them online but I guess maybe that smash world app is going to do once it comes out?

All in all, this game is just phenomenal. This is the definitive smash. Competitive wise, it's extremely arguable. But everything else is definitely the way to play smash with all the content this game includes.

As for the things I really don't appreciate so far...

My Music is kinda tucked away, and I'm the kind of person that likes to tweak and adjust My Music a lot. Especially as I unlock songs. I also wish there were more options in My Music, like, every single Song that used to play on stages that fit thematically was just moved to "other" stages that don't fit quite as well. Also stinks that there are still some series that have no new remixes... not to mention having all the songs in a series grouped together really makes you aware of just how often the same song gets remixed.

No traditional All-Star Mode is a drag. I don't like the multi-man Smash format at all. Also, why no classic mode for Mii fighters?? They're characters too dang it! I don't care that Homerun, Targets, and Platforms aren't back, but All-Star mode was a must for me.

And one last "I wish they had this but I get why they don't" is that I wish spirits had little descriptions to them, I don't know a lot of the characters. I could just google them later but i'd be more likely to do that if they gave me a little description to sell me on the character, that's basically how I became a fan of the extended Nintendo family with Melee's trophies... buuuut I get why they didn't do it since trophies dragged down development time.
Yeah it really is. I think it still makes sense enough as you can either go to options or sound for it, but the fact that it's small and and at the bottom right is really questionable. Also, I find it weird how we can't change the menu's music. We're stuck with the same song in the menu. Don't get me wrong it's a great theme but I wouldn't mind listening to melee every once in awhile.

I definitely agree on the All-Star part. I get it though. There's just a ton of characters, at this point they have to be flying in a hit or 2 to be like an endless smash. It could drag on too long if we kept it the same like in smash 4. I still don't like it, but I understand.

Also I want my home-run. It should be very easy to develop and I'm surprised we didn't have it this time. Hoping it comes in through a patch. And the stage creator should make a return but I wouldn't be too bummed if it never does. 103 stages with battlefield,Omega, hazard on/off options with morphing will hold me over for years.


Smash Rookie
Dec 9, 2018
So far I'm enjoying it. While World of Light has a lot of annoying scenarios, it does have some redeeming qualities. Classic is a lot better than Smash 4's thankfully.

My main gripe is with online. The "preferred" ruleset matching is very annoying. I feel they should have kept Smash 4's system of For Glory and For Fun considering I've only been able to get one 1v1 in 13 matches that I've played.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2014
-Love the game. I like how the newcomers arrive at a regular basis instead of having to do some specific tasks to unlock a given fighter like in past games, especially with the sheer number of characters now.
-Graphics look amazing and improved over Smash 4
-Music selection is great
-The gameplay has been sped up a lot and feels a lot more fluid, less campy, and less floaty.
-A lot of fighters feel better with their adjustments compared to Smash 4
-Tournament mode returns

-World of Light is fun, but is more or less a thousand event matches strung together with pathways. Part of me liked SSE from Brawl better
-Stadium is missing (unless more types get unlocked) other than 100-man Smash, Cruel Smash, and All-Star. Really miss Break the Targets and Homerun Contest.
-The AI is funky and inconsistent. Sometimes it can be brutally punishing, other times it can be stupidly easy.
-The online still needs work. The fact that we now have to pay for it and it is still in this state is annoying. Hopefully Nintendo fixes it.

-No trophies.
-I miss unlocking stages.

Specific character early thoughts:
:ultwolf:- Nice buffs from Brawl, the engine changes benefit him a lot. He is a lot faster and his attacks are stronger, still seems easily gimpable and vulnerable to combos.
:ultkrool:- He's good, really good. Almost borderline broken IMO. Easily the best heavyweight with his super armor, attack priority and probably one of the best recoveries in the game.
:ultincineroar:- Needs work. He may have the power, but is real slow and has to get right up in people's faces to do anything. Has a hard time against ranged characters and projectile users. Terrible recovery though his side B helps.
:ultbowser:- Strong and fast though nerfed recovery. I would place him behind K Rool as the second-best heavyweight.


Banned via Warnings
Dec 4, 2018
Switch FC
-Love the game. I like how the newcomers arrive at a regular basis instead of having to do some specific tasks to unlock a given fighter like in past games, especially with the sheer number of characters now.
-Graphics look amazing and improved over Smash 4
-Music selection is great
-The gameplay has been sped up a lot and feels a lot more fluid, less campy, and less floaty.
-A lot of fighters feel better with their adjustments compared to Smash 4
-Tournament mode returns

-World of Light is fun, but is more or less a thousand event matches strung together with pathways. Part of me liked SSE from Brawl better
-Stadium is missing (unless more types get unlocked) other than 100-man Smash, Cruel Smash, and All-Star. Really miss Break the Targets and Homerun Contest.
-The AI is funky and inconsistent. Sometimes it can be brutally punishing, other times it can be stupidly easy.
-The online still needs work. The fact that we now have to pay for it and it is still in this state is annoying. Hopefully Nintendo fixes it.

-No trophies.
-I miss unlocking stages.

Specific character early thoughts:
:ultwolf:- Nice buffs from Brawl, the engine changes benefit him a lot. He is a lot faster and his attacks are stronger, still seems easily gimpable and vulnerable to combos.
:ultkrool:- He's good, really good. Almost borderline broken IMO. Easily the best heavyweight with his super armor, attack priority and probably one of the best recoveries in the game.
:ultincineroar:- Needs work. He may have the power, but is real slow and has to get right up in people's faces to do anything. Has a hard time against ranged characters and projectile users. Terrible recovery though his side B helps.
:ultbowser:- Strong and fast though nerfed recovery. I would place him behind K Rool as the second-best heavyweight.
I have no idea how you think wolf was buffed from brawl. Other than him getting tweaked for this games mechanics, brawl wolf>ultimate wolf. His fire wolf is shorter, his air neutral is replaced with a kick like foxs instead of the incredibly safe and reliable pin wheel move he had, his fsmash is now 1 hit instead of 2 and lost its range. His FADC upsmash is gone. His reflector is smaller. Theres nothing better about him in this other than his gun and his upsmash that finally connects. Hes more of a clone in this than he was in brawl.
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Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
I like Ultimate's graphics better. After four years I'm sick of Smash 4's look.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Absolutely loving:
The revamped Classic Mode is so incredible and honestly worth the price of admission alone. I had no problems unlocking the whole roster in a timely fashion because Classic was so fun I didn't mind playing it over and over with different characters. I think Mega Man's takes the cake, though of course Simon's is also incredible. My goal is to do the Classic for every character and I'm about 70% there.

K. Rool is everything I hoped he would be. So ridiculously fun and animated, I end up pausing and taking a ton of screencaps just because of him. Ridley is also really fun, and the new and improved Ganondorf is just a beast. Incineroar I'm enjoying quite a bit as well, whenever I don't SD with his recovery. Overall the Belmonts are pretty neat even if their playstyle is hard for me to adjust to. Inkling is surprisingly really fun and I like how they force you to be conservative with your ink instead of just spamming constantly. I'm looking forward to Piranha Plant and Joker's additions. Overall, the batch of newcomers beats out the ones in Smash 4's base game for me despite only being a fraction of the size.

World Of Light is genuinely really fun. I was worried it would get repetitive, but I just played it for three hours straight and had to peel myself away from it. It's huge and the map really gives you a sense of adventure. Some of the matches are really frustrating but overall I'm having a great time. I asked for single player content but Sakurai and his team went above and beyond on that, between this and the new Classic. Well done.

New screenshot options are great. I'm having a ball taking screenshots this time around compared to previous games.

Less keen on:
Said it before, but only four new stages is the biggest letdown with this game. At least we're getting more as DLC, but of the four, the only two that particularly stand out are New Donk City and Dracula's Castle (although I do like the Splatoon music).

The Spirit system is cool but kinda feels more complicated than it needs to be. Most of the time I just have it recommend Spirits for me and I go to town. The advantage/disadvantage stuff, leveling up, training, etc. is all kinda over my head atm, but I'm still not very far in World Of Light, so maybe that'll change.

I don't think the graphics/visual style is inferior to Smash 4, but the lighting system feels off. The lighting and shadows in Smash 4 are more subdued and subtle, but in Ultimate every character looks like they're standing directly under a spotlight. It's very odd.

Haven't played Online yet but no For Glory is really disappointing, I logged dozens of hours into it on Smash 4 and I'm not sure what I'll do for online now without such an easy to use matchmaking option. They should have kept it and also added a Battlefield option for it.

The challenger rematch door shouldn't require 5-6 Versus matches to appear again. You should be able to just redo it after losing once.

As someone who had Wolf as one of his Brawl mains and desperately wanted him to come back... I'm not really feeling Wolf in this game which is kind of a disappointment. The changed Forward Smash especially. Might just need more time with him.

Absolutely fantastic game and the best Smash yet. It's successfully ruined my sleep schedule of the last few days. A huge improvement on Smash 4 and really hammers in how disappointing that game was in the big picture, despite putting 200 hours into it. This really feels like the true sequel to Brawl. The complaints section looks longer but really it's just mostly nitpicky stuff, I'm blown away by everything in this game. I'm really looking forward to the DLC expanding the content even moreso. I see this game genuinely being in my top ten favorite games ever and being my favorite Smash for the foreseable future. Ultimate and Special.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2018
Switch FC
2966 0225 9209
I am only 48 hours into this game, and call be a basic piece of Nintendo-loving trash because I LOVE IT. Really, I do. Now like everyone else I have some concerns that I want to express first and foremost;

1. Playing this game on handheld mode can be jarring at first, but I got used to be very quickly when I realized it's the exact, same layout as Smash for 3DS. But still I make the mistake of jumping instead of attacking because I pressed the wrong button.

2, I really, really, REALLY wish Nintendo had a matchmaking system where you can invite friends, send invited, talk to friends, organize matches and such because every time I play I have like 10 friends online playing Smash and no way for me to invite them to play directly from the game, especially when every other online game in existence HAS THAT FEATURE ALREADY. Of course, I may be doing something wrong, so some tips on fighting with friends?

3, Getting used to the new meta game is indeed tricky because it both feels faster but not so fast that you are running all over the place. The new drop speeds also surprised me.

Other than that, I am loving this game for the same reasons everyone else has stated; the levels of polish in this game are phenomenal. Yeah, you can argue to the moon and back about what could have been added, what could have been taken out, what could have returned etc,, but there is just so much love put into this game, perhaps more than any other Smash game to date. The attention to detail to the character is remarkable and the overall presentation (which I understand why it would be too much for some) truly makes the game to be an epic event.

Ultimate does feel like the game Sakurai has been itching to make for over 20 years, and I think he finally achieved it. Smash 6 is gonna have a really hard time topping it.


Banned via Warnings
Dec 4, 2018
Switch FC
I am only 48 hours into this game, and call be a basic piece of Nintendo-loving trash because I LOVE IT. Really, I do. Now like everyone else I have some concerns that I want to express first and foremost;

1. Playing this game on handheld mode can be jarring at first, but I got used to be very quickly when I realized it's the exact, same layout as Smash for 3DS. But still I make the mistake of jumping instead of attacking because I pressed the wrong button.

2, I really, really, REALLY wish Nintendo had a matchmaking system where you can invite friends, send invited, talk to friends, organize matches and such because every time I play I have like 10 friends online playing Smash and no way for me to invite them to play directly from the game, especially when every other online game in existence HAS THAT FEATURE ALREADY. Of course, I may be doing something wrong, so some tips on fighting with friends?

3, Getting used to the new meta game is indeed tricky because it both feels faster but not so fast that you are running all over the place. The new drop speeds also surprised me.

Other than that, I am loving this game for the same reasons everyone else has stated; the levels of polish in this game are phenomenal. Yeah, you can argue to the moon and back about what could have been added, what could have been taken out, what could have returned etc,, but there is just so much love put into this game, perhaps more than any other Smash game to date. The attention to detail to the character is remarkable and the overall presentation (which I understand why it would be too much for some) truly makes the game to be an epic event.

Ultimate does feel like the game Sakurai has been itching to make for over 20 years, and I think he finally achieved it. Smash 6 is gonna have a really hard time topping it.
Smash 6 would top it easily if they got rid of him and had another developer make smash.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2014
So far... I just can’t get used to the knockback mechanics... and I’m struggling to find something really useful with :ultsnake:. All those people that said he works the same in Brawl lied. The mechanics are working against me as :ultsnake:.


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
Pokemon Trainer is beautiful in this game. I can't believe we had Squirtle in Smash then lost him for four years with no one really being sad about it. He and Ivysaur are gorgeously reanimated into the current gen, and I can't wait to play as them more.

I do feel bad for the Charizard mains who just lost a move with nothing really to show for it though.
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Banned via Warnings
Dec 4, 2018
Switch FC
So far... I just can’t get used to the knockback mechanics... and I’m struggling to find something really useful with :ultsnake:. All those people that said he works the same in Brawl lied. The mechanics are working against me as :ultsnake:.
He does work the same its just that ultimates game mechanics ****s him over so much. I main snake too. Its hard to get a hit or combo going with him.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2018
Tips for people struggling with Snake:

* Nikita Missiles are way better and one of your best moves

* C4 is also crazy good

* Snake can't really combo anymore, play more nickel and dime with him


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
One item that I would like to call out is Amiibos. Although they are still limited in their futures, you can use them in Tourny and Smash Squad which is cool. I would love to be able to use them in the Multi-Man Brawl battles as well but it won't let me.

Although WOL isn't too bad, the Spirit system is annoying. I really wish they would have just put battles against rendered characters from other series rather than doing this Spirit upgrade system. I just level up a spirit to 99 and use it the whole time while only switching out the secondary spirits.
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
I have no idea how you think wolf was buffed from brawl. Other than him getting tweaked for this games mechanics, brawl wolf>ultimate wolf. His fire wolf is shorter, his air neutral is replaced with a kick like foxs instead of the incredibly safe and reliable pin wheel move he had, his fsmash is now 1 hit instead of 2 and lost its range. His FADC upsmash is gone. His reflector is smaller. Theres nothing better about him in this other than his gun and his upsmash that finally connects. Hes more of a clone in this than he was in brawl.
The sex kick is a much better Nair than the spin. More reliable, has a lingering hitbox, and suits hit kit much better.
Fsmash definitely got nerfed. Brawl's had good range, hitbox, and power to it.
Usmash is improved.
Specials are the same but with slight tweaks. In terms of function they're the same. Honestly I think the laser is better now, but that's my personal opinion.
He has a godly ftilt. It's easily his best setup move along with Nair.

It's early days but I love him. Missed ya...
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