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What do people tend to do?

ellelaby's younger brother

Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2008
What do people tend to do? Do they main just one character? Or do they main a few characters?

I see all these people maining several characters on these boards. So I thought I'd be "better" by just maining and practicing my skills with Falco. But I'm sort of getting over Falco's "greatness" which is an effect I experienced in melee, where I started playing Samus. Now I'm getting that again and wanting to find another main, NOT A NEW MAIN, but another one. Should I start practicing with another character a lot? There are a few characters that really interest me: Lucas, Ness, Samus (though if my brother uses Falco he absolutely rips me with him when I play Samus), Kirby and a few others. The only problem is if I was to start practicing Kirby, I'd feel obligated to play MK, but when I play MK I'm just not that good with him, he doesn't click with me. Maybe I just need to practice him more.

I don't know.... I find it really hard to excel quickly at getting better in this game... It's like my skill has just been set and even with many long hours of play I barely get better. Now getting better seems to be about reflexes and knowing what to do in situations. And mindgames too, seriously, there isn't much more I can improve on. Maybe I could look into working out some nice shine combos and other combos with Falco, but thats all... Seriously. When you pick up a new game you can keep improving and then it hits this point where its really hard to keep improving. I'm sure everyone else that is good at Smash in general gets this with Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2008
Getting better in this game to me is knowing how people play and how to counter most playstyle such as campers and offensive and defensive playstyles. Playing online on wifi helps me do this although the lag makes it pretty gay =/.

If I stick to one character I start getting bored and so I have narrowed my choices down from about 6 characters to 3 mains. 2 would be Ideal but I just can't leave Snake, Diddy, and Falco. I find it best to main 1-3 as 4+ you'd find your not getting as good with all the characters and not finding the most usefull ways to play with them.

So I think that you should practice with all the chracters you feel and if after a few hours of playing with them their playstyles don't suit you just go to the next character. Try to do this until you narrow it down to 2-3 characters and that way you will be playing with a number of characters while keeping the knowledge and skill of them without getting bored.


East Midlands!
Feb 26, 2008
Completely agree with Kensei on this one, the way to improve is facing more real life people to learn different techniques and strategies people use, in person is best. Try getting yourself to some tournaments, its a great experience and very helpful in progressing in smash.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Well I know what you mean man, but your right when you say there hits a point where your skills are at its peak. For me I just found the characters that braught me the most fun playing, (Ike, Wolf, Falco, Zelda, Sonic, Marth) And i have it to where I just switch between the characters when ever I so feel like it. Having a main in melee helped because if you couldnt keep up with the other technical players you were screwed, so you could focus perfecting your skill with one or two and have a good bet.

Now though I think all of the characters are about equal, and you should not feel like you need to stick to one or two unless you just hate using any other characters.

One thing that you could work on though that would give you a small edge would memorize the lengths of your attacks so you can move from one to the other as fast as the game allows. Memorize the distance that your up and side B can go, and you can do this with any character to. It won't clench the match but if you can smoothly flow from move to move as quick as possible it would help in leaving yourself less open after an attack.

ellelaby's younger brother

Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2008
Getting better in this game to me is knowing how people play and how to counter most playstyle such as campers and offensive and defensive playstyles. Playing online on wifi helps me do this although the lag makes it pretty gay =/.

If I stick to one character I start getting bored and so I have narrowed my choices down from about 6 characters to 3 mains. 2 would be Ideal but I just can't leave Snake, Diddy, and Falco. I find it best to main 1-3 as 4+ you'd find your not getting as good with all the characters and not finding the most usefull ways to play with them.

So I think that you should practice with all the chracters you feel and if after a few hours of playing with them their playstyles don't suit you just go to the next character. Try to do this until you narrow it down to 2-3 characters and that way you will be playing with a number of characters while keeping the knowledge and skill of them without getting bored.
Completely agree with Kensei on this one, the way to improve is facing more real life people to learn different techniques and strategies people use, in person is best. Try getting yourself to some tournaments, its a great experience and very helpful in progressing in smash.

Yeah, I played Falco to the point where I simply got bored of him and then I even lost my confidence in Smash somehow which led to my skill going downhill. I also don't seem to be playing as good because my controller is on its way out. Then I play my brothers controller and I'm better... Well my jumps and rolls are better anyway.

There are a lot of characters that I just wouldn't play - Yoshi, Kirby etc etc. I think if I tried playing one of those characters for a few hours I would pick them up... but I want to go for someone who has "advantages." Everyone who does, seems to be characters like MK, Snake, Diddy and others that I have come to despise. Characters like Ike and Lucas really attract me but they seem to be overplayed... or that's how it seems. So I'm narrowed down to a few, such as Marth and maybe Luigi or someone. I think I'm going to keep playing Marth and try out Luigi and Diddy and see how I go. The thing with Marth is - he is really hard to get the hang of... sort of like Falco. I haven't played him much, but I'll check the Marth board for some tips.

So yeah, I think I'll find three characters to play, instead of just the one... Playing one actually seems like a disadvantage in Brawl, perhaps it'll become a "trend" to play three characters.

Before I used to think that the people that play more than one character just don't know who to use, but now it seems you have to play more than one character, regardless.

Well I know what you mean man, but your right when you say there hits a point where your skills are at its peak. For me I just found the characters that braught me the most fun playing, (Ike, Wolf, Falco, Zelda, Sonic, Marth) And i have it to where I just switch between the characters when ever I so feel like it. Having a main in melee helped because if you couldnt keep up with the other technical players you were screwed, so you could focus perfecting your skill with one or two and have a good bet.

Now though I think all of the characters are about equal, and you should not feel like you need to stick to one or two unless you just hate using any other characters.

One thing that you could work on though that would give you a small edge would memorize the lengths of your attacks so you can move from one to the other as fast as the game allows. Memorize the distance that your up and side B can go, and you can do this with any character to. It won't clench the match but if you can smoothly flow from move to move as quick as possible it would help in leaving yourself less open after an attack.

Yeah I seemed to be playing really smoothly and I was placing all my attacks perfectly and doing everything beautifully. Then I went out for 7 hours and come back (my brother plays the whole time trying to get better than me) and funnily enough he becomes better than me. How? I have no idea. The only thing he seems to be doing different is rolling more and somehow having no lag time, so then I roll more and somehow I have these massive lags and he just kills me. And in the air his attacks seem to land on me better, I think my controllers just isn't as responsive because its so ****ed up form all the times its been thrown.
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