Welcome one and all to the brand new subforum, Current Events!
What is Current Events, you may be asking yourself. Good question. Current Events threads deal with regional/national/international news. Post it here, discuss it. What ever you want! There are just a few ground rules.
1) There must be a "legitimate" news link about the topic in the OP
2) This is a discussion forum; don't let things get too heated.
3) Opinion Articles also Welcome
Other than that, post as you would anywhere else on the forum! I'll add another sticky of websites that get the Current Events stamp of approval to help new browsers out.
What is Current Events, you may be asking yourself. Good question. Current Events threads deal with regional/national/international news. Post it here, discuss it. What ever you want! There are just a few ground rules.
1) There must be a "legitimate" news link about the topic in the OP
"legitimate" means a story of significance by a respected news source. While I'm no fan of celebrity gossip, if you post a link to a respected site that is covering it, then you're good. As for story of significance; use your discretion. Most articles from good sites are significant news.
2) This is a discussion forum; don't let things get too heated.
Just like with every other part of the forum, flaming and trolling are not allowed. But because this subforum depends upon opinionated articles or links, chances are the conversation will get heated. You go overboard and you'll get infracted, as simple as that.
3) Opinion Articles also Welcome
If you find an opinion article about a certain news event that you feel is very well written or especially poignant, go ahead and post it. Articles from The New Yorker, The Week, and any other widely respected source about a news event or development is fine and encouraged. Just be sure to link to it as you would a normal article.
Other than that, post as you would anywhere else on the forum! I'll add another sticky of websites that get the Current Events stamp of approval to help new browsers out.