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[VIC] 3 Stock'd ~ Melbourne 2010 ~ Nope


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Meh. I don't know where to post these. W/E


Thanks for hosting me and picking me up from the airport. We did pretty well in the friendliy team matches against Luke and Ted imo. You're awesome, continue to be awesome (I didn't have to face a Kirby this tourney, just MK's... urrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh).

<3 So much for showing me around the Crown and stuff. Our team in Brawl was just lol. And yeah, you have the BEST MARTH IN AUSTRALIA! That dealer was NASTY epic though....

Lol wow, had lots of friendlies with you. I love playing you, I have to play so carefully (something I rarely do, as you'd admit). I grab waaaaaaaaaaay too much though. And also drop random C4's and D-air myself to death. Pretty neat, like, I'm awesome like that. Also some lol stories.

You're literally the most amusing Smasher in Australia, easily. You're just ****ing epic in so many ways. I start laughing even before you start talking, like wtf? That's how funny you are. Was awesome having all the friendlies and team matches with you.

Awesome tourney you and Conor ran as per usual. I didn't get to play you STILL though. Bleugh. Ahh well, next time we'll kick that.. umm, guy who was playing single player off the TV all day or something.

I think I would have had more luck picking Ganondorf against you. So many people are so used to Snake and mine is like the most predictable thing ever, he's only useful in doubles for me now. I was like "ok, I'm going to lose to Tibs, who do I play now" then realised YOU were somehow in losers and was like "lol, ok, what does that give me? Anything but 7 PLEASE. You saved me though, I got 9th. <3

Always awesome having you around. Your Mario dedication is epic and you deserve a medal for your consistency, you truly are one of the best low tier smashers in Australia.

Wow you were pretty amazing. Comes as no major surprise though, you seem to perform extra well when there is more money involved. Hahah, I'm glad I didn't get to play you; I was playing pretty badly in general. Congrats on winning.

Wow we finally got one friendly, didn't get to talk much though. Your Pit is epic and you're amazing with the arrows.

I didn't get to play you (apart from doubles) and what lol matches they were. I admit I got confident after the first match then you're like "nah Rainbow Cruise" and we got ****ing *****.

Didn't get to talk to you much, but seriously, your reactions in the matches between Emily and Cao in the winners final were ****ing hilarious. Win.

Thanks a ****ing lot for knocking Afro into losers for me. RAGE. Nah, you're awesome.

Break your control with your button mashing yet? And yeah, I'm happy I got 9th and not 7th. 7 is LAME.

How epic was that hail, seriously. Also our Melee team didn't do that badly. You went like crazy in one match where I was knocked out earlier. Good job. <3

I have no idea who you are but I wanted to talk to you. *Sigh*

I ****ing hate Diddy Kong. I CAN'T DEAL WITH HIM! WAH! I'll learn the M/U sooner or later. Clearly my MK fails on an immense amount of levels. I should have stuck to Sheik, (instead of giving up on the 2nd stock and turning into the $lut and spamming Din's fire). lol.


You're as fun as always. I was seriously nervous watching you play Tibs though. You almost beat him in both matches. Like seriously it's a pity your matches weren't recorded there because you were definitely at the top of your game.

Don't rage so much. <3

Snake's a cop out for me to use in pools really. I agree with your opinions on Brawl V Melee though. I had more fun playing Melee despite getting destroyed in it.

Yeah we didn't talk much, always next time (whenever that is). I guess Attila finally broke your Watch's streak against Snake's though. </3

Why? Why do I always end up vsing you in the most ridiculous matches. I still feel ****ing dirty for that time out win by like 1% that I ended up with. GOD that was so awful. >_>

Good job knocking us into losers in doubles. I don't think I've ever played you 1 V 1 yet, always next time though.

Nice getting to know you a little better. You do some crazy **** with Snake and I'm still loling at that "incident" when we were having dinner. <3

I hate MK. Also I might adopt your tactic of playing music while I play, I make too much noise when I play my matches, I fail.

You're awesome, be everywhere please. Where did you run off too though? You should have came with me and Cao after the event finished..............SAD...............

No, your Shiek is psycho. You're a robot. Apart from that, you're awesome and it was fun talking to you and getting to know you better. Brawl's dumb though, I should lrn2play Melee.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Shoutouts (Sorry if I forget you)

T.Os: Great job again guys.

Leisha: I think we went good in teams, considering who we had to play xD. Thanks for cheering me up after I ****ed up in pools, you're a good friend ^_^. It was great talking and hanging around with you. =)

Shane & Ryan: I expected you guys to look a lot different irl for some reason, It was cool meeting you both and I hope you both had a great time and will consider coming to more smash stuff. =D

Nova: It was awesome talking to you and stuff, I'm pretty sure you were one of the awesome people who were cheering me up after my epic fail in pools, thanks a bunch ^_^
God I hope I'm right... >_>

Vermy: GGs in pools, It was ghey how everyone was like 70-30 for you
except me <3
and also, thanks for cheering me up after my pools failure ^_^

Afro: Why do we always have to play each other like every tourney? >_<


Luke: Beat your luigi this time <3, Snake ***** me though :chuckle:

J4 and Toshi: I <3 you guys, thanks for cheering me up after I ****ed up in pools.

ViVa: Stop ****ing up all the time, you'll be off the PR soon if you keep this **** up >_>

Mario: Stay sexy <3


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
khoa: if i see you on the street i'll take all your lunch money and beat you as if you were an indian

splice: sorry to say i didn't bucket cancel ONCE.
but we STILL got SECOND
YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH i never learn.... nice 9

attila: ill mm your falco lol

tibs: i almost popped a vein raging against khoa's diddy, glad i never get far enough in brawl to play you hey... nice win over tak btw, soooo gud. and shaz, what a destroyer you are, tibs the champion slayer

earl: is the king, even with my downy text

ted: not quite the king, but better than luke

luke: not sure where you fit in buddy rofl you and ted are the hanenbow kings.... im sure i did brawl shoutouts already wtf.... ahh whatever

khoa: no hard feelings

khoa: no seriously watch your back

if you wanna be big and strong and good at brawl teams like dekar
don't play brawl at all
play melee
because in comparison to melee, brawl is ultra slow and ultra easy
and you only need to use a few moves! (back air, d-smash, occasionally d-throw and up-b for recovery)


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009

Dekar: We ripped it up in doubles. Best team I've been in this year, Atlas and Milton are the best in Melbourne! Funny how its true, you only use like 4 moves and in doubles we both did just as good lol.

The KO you got on Ledge and Conor was the sexiest thing I've ever witnessed in doubles.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
thanks splice
cocky as this is, i'm used to pulling huge comebacks in brawl doubles, it really does happen a lot


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo
Got the bracket images up.


Thanks everyone for coming, I really appreciate it. :)

Sorry for the mess with pools, should have gone with six pools from the start. In our defense, we had three unused TVs, and even one more Wii would have let us do eight pools (which was the plan from the start). Also, the projector didn't get set up due to space issues caused by the room change.

Also, now that we have done three tourneys, we'd like your input on the three additional Neutrals; Lylat Cruise, Halberd, and Pokemon Stadium 1. Which did you prefer, and why? The aim is to add one of those stages as a permanent Neutral stage. Another option to consider would be to add all three of them, as that would also keep the number odd. Discuss away!


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
ps1 because the windmill is amazing. felt kinda bad for splice when i was teching all over it, but at the same time, found it hilarious.

but seriously, i dont think it benefits anyone or provides too much mu assistance when compared to the other 2. halberd is espc stupid.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Halberd > Lylat Cruise.
Predictable lasers and Sharking is not as bad as Unpredictable stage turning up and down.

But seriously, how could you overlook having all 7 of them? Wouldn't everyone vote for this?

With stage striking in place both players would be able to take off 3 stages and so if you really have a problem with Halberd or something you wont get it... you gotta remember having a stage as a starter doesnt mean you ever have to play on it.

I think we should have 7 starters.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo

EDIT: Or possible 11-222-1 OR 1-222-11

I'm sure there is a good way to do it.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2008
Brief shoutouts

Viva: Dw about it, just learn from the past.
Nicks: Weegee
Condog: Pools are fine, we just like to see you *****
Earl: Thanks for the counterpick tips
Haydino: Glad you came, I knew I was missing out on something all day
Dean: Better than me
Ledge: How's it hanging hohoho
Vermy: RIP PT. Also, not racist
Brian: Get a better brawl partner
Khoa: Pleasure, as always
Tan: I is lame, sorry
Tedeth: Pal ganon is lol
Luke: One sided dittos, why? lol
Ryan: Your fox is sweet
Atticus: Lets never play brawl again
Tibs: You made commentary gay
Pony: Afropony out of Afropony
Splice: You are small

Sorry if I missed you, but I did it on purpose cos I'm lazy now.


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2009
Melbourne / Darwin
I think 7 can be ok, if not then Lylat as neutral all the way!
Halberd favors S-tier and MK-tier alot while Lylat is less so. And PS1 is just gay, I hate the edges on that stage and transformations just make it even more campy.
So yeah, thats my opinion.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
I hope you understand favouring higher tier characters is good : It means it is more balanced, the better characters should be THE BETTER CHARACTERS.

Having things that lessen higher tier characters benefits and help lesser characters normally mean there are stupid things that can stuff with the match, like say a moving lip.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ok shoutouts time, but first...

I agree with the DQing of people running away. :mad088:
lololol wat? you run away and camp heaps, are you saying you want yourself to be DQed?
anyways this whole running away/camping/playing "gay" thing is the way brawl works out, dont like it? go play melee instead of complaining.
whats worse is if your complaining about it, whilst playing the 'gayest camper' in the game, ie falco.

reminds me of the time I was charged by the police for driving gay for 8 minutes and sentenced to house arrest at shatlus's house, now thats hell.


Condong: thanks for housing me dude, and good **** running teh tourney and nice placing too, shoulda played more matches with you though, also afro samurai looks pretty good, I'll have to watch some more.

vermy: being a PR player with pt isnt impossible, just be toby. but yeah, ivysaur sucks the epic wang. good to see you again, and you werent so hypo this time ;) lols at your mario impression, pretty good.

ted: "Sure, we all wish we had an utilt that we could bust out at any time and have it devistate everything in it's path, but not all of our characters are that lucky" hey ted, **** you.

Metanova: good to see you again as always dude, your a funny kid too, "great, the ledge is now marios cape" I love it!
if I told you that SA was the 7th state in australia, would that be enough to convince you to move? ;)

Dean: no way man, your marth is mad epic, your on the up and up, just need some more experiance, good to play you again, and those 2 f-smashes were both total accidents lol.

ViVa: your mario is so freakin epic, I'm heaps impressed, come down to sydney/act some time and train with us, you've got the potential for top 8.

splice: lols, well you got the 9 on ted, but you didnt use that 9 to knock him into dekars 9, but you were only like 4 seconds off (yes they did both get 9's one after the other) so thats pretty ****ing epic either way. shame we didnt get to play, but doubles was good fun, top **** dude ;)

dekar: even more lols, dekar your the best, and you were ****** **** up on brawl like you actually owned and played the game, srs buisness, hananbow was the best. teach me melee plx.

tibs: no worries man, I'll be in melbourne a fair bit this year, you better make it to grandfinals in thriller.

attila: good to have you back dude, but were's the epic fox? :( I wanted some fox dittoes, and to see some **** fox, not this falco ******, who likes failco?
mk dair beats snake utilt.
no it doesnt.

J4: lols sorry for the double dog-**** dittoes, good to see some other people pulling out the man in green though, I love it.

ledge: metaknight rage, good games though dude, well played.
I'll have my revenge though fufufufufufu


melbourne? more leik meta-bourne imo.

Wow the way that Condog does the results looks so professional. I really want to go to the next 3 stock'd. :bee:
should have come with me then like I asked you too.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Scabe plays bottom tier, pretty sure you would have to camp considering how much disadvantaged situations he would be in if he didn't =P


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2009
Melbourne / Darwin
Scabe plays bottom tier, pretty sure you would have to camp considering how much disadvantaged situations he would be in if he didn't =P
If you truly played to win you would do this with High Tiers aswell, they are high for a reason; It's not whether they need to do it, It's about maxing out your chances of winning. It is a tournament isn't it? Everyone should be trying to win.

Sorry Tak I always seem to be quoting your messages; Nothing personal :p.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2009
Cupboard under the stairs
I hope you understand favouring higher tier characters is good : It means it is more balanced, the better characters should be THE BETTER CHARACTERS.

Having things that lessen higher tier characters benefits and help lesser characters normally mean there are stupid things that can stuff with the match, like say a moving lip.
idk why you say it's more balanced to favour high-tiered characters, it makes no sense (to me) when you just say that high-tier characters should be favoured because they're better characters...

Plus learning to adapt to a moving lip, or learning stage match ups (or whatever they're called) or how to play stages should be a good thing right?

Gives the game more depth, makes it much more fun.

Or something.

Ideally you don't want to be favouring any characters over any others.
By not including any stages that benefit other characters, i.e. brinstar or greengreens (lol) or something, aren't you favouring high-tiers indirectly by not giving other characters a chance to play on their best stages?


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo
By not including any stages that benefit other characters, i.e. brinstar or greengreens (lol) or something, aren't you favouring high-tiers indirectly by not giving other characters a chance to play on their best stages?
Ideally - within the set of starter stages - you don't want to be favouring any characters over any others, whilst only including stages which are actually neutral.
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