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Upstate New York Tournament Thread


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
Lol, I don't know what part of those statements made you think I was being salty. I'm just putting the facts down so it's more clear to the kid what the deal is.

I'm completely chill about all of this, and I don't really care about the ranks at all. He's just putting himself out to be at a skill level that he's clearly not at yet, so I'm not scared to challenge him on it.

:yoshi: Hey hey hey.

Neither of you ever win anything, so it's not that big a deal.

I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2007
No Longer Bumping With Content, Smörgåsbords


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
Geneseo Tournament im just lazy and improper

Edit: Flaw stop lurking and post more!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Hmm. Comparing Goggles and JamesG is difficult for me, because I feel like Goggles is the encyclopedia and JamesG is more about picking things up ridiculously fast. (No srsly dude, what's up. FAAAAST.)

Generally I feel like Goggles outshines you in tournaments, as a base impression of watching you both play and generally how I've seen you place at tournaments. I didn't know you had a winning tourney record on him, that's pretty legit.

-But srsly, that's just a very at-a-glance opinion. It's worthwhile, but I don't make the PR, either, and I didn't read what started the drama. I just saw a tl;dr and then quoted posts to "salt" comments, and was like "yeah lol, our thread." Then I got here and was like DAAANG, it ain't goggles vs. Cura. ****. That's new.

As someone that admits they're not as good as you but has an open mind, I think you've got more learning to do than Goggles from where you stand right now. I'd think more people with multi-reigon experience in the lucario matchup would get around your game really fast. If I get better by next tournament we're both at (lol, I don't improve fast, I'm so casual,) I'd like to MM/friendly you low stakes and get another feel for your game in person. Because sometimes, you leave me with an impression of a really strong, adaptive player, and other times, you leave me with an impression of "people are going to figure this guy out and give him trouble later."

-Don't take me srs, I'm a dude that doesn't mind being misinformed.

So, what was the drama in the PR exactly? Goggles still over JamesG, or what?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
Actually, I don't really feel like Goggles is "outshining" me at tournaments. I guess you can say the one thing he does that I can't is beat Neil. But I have beaten Cura recently, something he can't usually do.

The most recent one, I placed 7th and he placed 5th. But if he was in the same bracket position as me, he probably would've got the same place as me if there weren't any upsets.

I lost to King Toon in winners and Cura in losers. I would expect Goggles to lose to the same people (he did in fact lose to King Toon in winners as well and he almost always loses to Cura now), but of course nothing is a guarantee.

If I were in Goggles' shoes, I could've definitely got 5th, and it probably all would've depended on whether or not I beat TUSM. I think I could've if I was on my game, but like I said nothing is certain.

His only real time doing anything significant compared to me was at RIT, the tournament with the smallest turnout in quite some time. No excuses, he beat me there, but you can't hide the fact that I outplaced him and beat him at a couple larger tourneys prior to that.

So, looking at all of this, I wouldn't say he is outshining me at all. We both have done great things and it is really debatable who has performed better between the two of us. I say he probably should be above me this power ranking just because he's had some good runs recently. I still think I will easily pass him and beat him in tourney matches in the future though, so I guess I'll just look forward to that.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
-K bro

-I'm not debating the results, I just made a snap judgment based on feeling out what I spectate, which isn't everything. I feel like that gives me a better idea, but I can't really disagree with anything you said there, either. Results are results.

If it's straight up results that made our PR, I think there'd be less drama; but the recipe calls for a teaspoon of bias, 3 cups of salt, and some instinct, which is probably why this thread is 521 pages instead of 500. I love that troll:discussion ratio, man.

So yeah. Dunno. I'd like to see you two play in person some time, guess during winter quarter (I hope.) In the meanwhile, I have two things I wanna get:
-The replay altarian has of me vs. vibe for that one edgegame that scared me ****less
-The 8-minute scout camp that is hulk vs. goggles on youtube. We're so legit guys

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
as a small note james, you havent out placed me at any tourney weve both been at since ss2.

you beat me at ss3, but we still tied in placing at that one, and to my knowledge, you havent tied or outplaced me since.

and I saw you lose to tusm that one time, but youre usually one for quick runbacks, did you play him again after that and who won?


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
In the discuss of james vs goggles.

Goggles is an extremely knowledgeable player. While i think james g is a smarter player. Goggles probably knows all the match up percents/executions/what works/what doesnt work/ while james g doesnt.

Which works against james G. For example Me (Snake) + Pikapika (Mk) vs James g (lucario) Sharky (mk). He didnt know about the c4 0-death with mk using his upthrow and we did it to him like 3 times.

But i do think in game his skill is better than goggles in terms of spacing and game play. His play style is less fancy and not as technical but is more effective than goggles play style i believe.

So my opinion.

Goggles: Better knowledge
James: Better playstyle

Hard to determine who is truly better. Having played both goggles and james a fair amount i would side with james (Not biased) but i feel i can afford to make mistakes against goggles as opposed to james where if i make is mistake it costs me more.

On a tournament win note. At bigger events which are more important. James has beaten goggles every time. He beat him at SS2 which had 34 entrants. He beat him at SS3 Which had about 34 Entrants as well.
While goggles has only beaten him at like 1 of my fests which had about 13 entrants and slashys rit which had about 13 entrants as well. Goggles does has a more recent win over PikaP! which james has yet to be able to accomplish, but james also has a win over me which goggles hasnt done since my first tournament in upstate sept 09. They both have a recent win over dr g. (as MK).

In terms of out placings. They tie frequently i suppose. James out placed goggles at SS2 (which james beat goggles). Goggles out placed james at my fest (Which james beat goggles in winners but lost to goggles in losers) . James did out place goggles at SS3 (which james beat goggles in) They tied at sheths rit tournament. Goggles out placed him at slashys rit tournament (which goggles beat james in). Goggles out placed James at the most recent event AXS.

So it truly is hard to determine im going based on how much trouble i have vs james as opposed to goggles. But there stats are fairly similar. If they both go to geneseo that may set the bar for who get placed above who in the PR.

KT Kasrani

Smash Champion
May 28, 2009
Philadelphia, Pa
Why dont you just do what other regions do.

Just put down your wins and losses. whoever lists looks better gets ranked higher. going by tourny placings is dumb

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
In terms of out placings. They tie frequently i suppose. James out placed goggles at SS2 (which james beat goggles). Goggles out placed james at my fest (Which james beat goggles in winners but lost to goggles in losers) . James did out place goggles at SS3 (which james beat goggles in) They tied at sheths rit tournament. Goggles out placed him at slashys rit tournament (which goggles beat james in). Goggles out placed James at the most recent event AXS.


why is it that neil was placed above you on the PR after the first tourney he out placed/beat you at. but the reasoning for me not being above jason or james is because of sets that happened ~6 months ago.

thats the kind of inconsistency that annoys me.

thats also why I refuse to be a part of anything you are involved with and why i was dead serious when I told you to take me off of this.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
I was making a reference in terms of comparing 2 players. Not really PR based. Which is why im using sets and matches from the past and present. Stop being a baby. Your not getting off the PR Lol. There no logical reason for me to do so besides your crying about it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
I'm pretty sure I beat you at SS2 and outplaced many players on the PR at that time and I didn't even get a spot on the power ranking the update after that. You simply have to do more than just one good performance at times. I hear things like you not beating Dr. G in a set one time in the past year except for AXS, so I could understand why he is considered above you still. Be more consistent with your performances.

In terms of us, I actually said I wouldn't mind if you take the spot over me next update, even though we have been pretty even over the past few months. It's just that your better results have obviously been more recent.

It doesn't matter to me at all, because I'm pretty sure I will just take the spot right back through future tournament results.

I would just stop complaining for now and get ready for our next match.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
So James, you played KT at AXS, so how do you feel about the TL matchup? You definitely seemed pretty unfamiliar when I brought out my (pretty scrubby) TL on you at the RIT tournament. You picked up fast and won (playing a character with such difficult kills is new to me, and wow does it make lucario annoying,) but I'm wondering what you thought after playing someone who's actually legit with this boy scout tent-pitcher extraordinaire.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2009
Syracuse, NY
I would just stop complaining for now and get ready for our next match.

I really like this type of mindset. Arguing about the PR is fine when we dont have a tourny coming up. But we have one just around the corner you guys should be hyping it up. Ultimately if your gonna trash talk it should be used to hype Up a tourny/match.

Dr. Grandpa

Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2008
-K bro

-I'm not debating the results, I just made a snap judgment based on feeling out what I spectate, which isn't everything. I feel like that gives me a better idea, but I can't really disagree with anything you said there, either. Results are results.

If it's straight up results that made our PR, I think there'd be less drama; but the recipe calls for a teaspoon of bias, 3 cups of salt, and some instinct, which is probably why this thread is 521 pages instead of 500. I love that troll:discussion ratio, man.

So yeah. Dunno. I'd like to see you two play in person some time, guess during winter quarter (I hope.) In the meanwhile, I have two things I wanna get:
-The replay altarian has of me vs. vibe for that one edgegame that scared me ****less
-The 8-minute scout camp that is hulk vs. goggles on youtube. We're so legit guys
Link?? ??????????


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2009
Modesto at <3
I was making a reference in terms of comparing 2 players. Not really PR based. Which is why im using sets and matches from the past and present. Stop being a baby. Your not getting off the PR Lol. There no logical reason for me to do so besides your crying about it.
What he is crying about is not that his place will get moved, but how the PR is " conveniently" updated so it can ignore or focus on certain victories. I feel the same way too. I beat Neil three tournaments in a row, and then get dropped to third because of one shoddy tournament placing? Up until that point I had actually been the most consistent player, literally only losing to Jesse in tournament.



Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
yeah stop getting so fat, san won't be able to bear it for much longer at this rate
I just eat so well now due to all the money im winning.

Also steffon PR isnt updated that frequently. it only seems that way because its updated to accommodate the lack of tournaments we have. Since we only have like 3 tournaments every 3-4 months i usually update by every 3 or so tournaments. Though since they are becoming more frequent i will probably update at a later basis or after more tournaments. I am going to update after geneseo or so because of break in which there will be no more tournaments for awhile and since our melee scene is going to rom as well we can judge based of that.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
yeah I think overall for both games this weekend is a good time to end the season, don't end the next one til sometime next year maybe as late as early february depending on tourney frequency


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
With all honesty Sheth, I have no idea what I'm doing in the Toon Link matchup. King Toon is really good at spacing him self out and slowly and patiently building damage until finishing with a smart kill move.

Overall, I wasn't dissatisfied with my performance against him. I got him to last stock maybe towards 30-50%ish in both matches. He just played overall better than me, so I lost.

I'm trying to find strategies against the Toon Link camping, but my options feel limited as a Lucario. I think I have an idea, and it involves plenty of rolling.....haha. If I stay far away from Toon Link, I'm essentially doing what the player wants me to do. Aura spheres are really no match against a smart toon link player's projectiles from a distance. I couldn't even get the chance to charge against King Toon at times.

I think if I constantly pressure him, he won't have the chance to build damage against me in the manner that he did our last match. Applying this pressure may literally mean rolling across the stage intelligently, and not allowing him to get his space, as ridiculous as it sounds. Lucario's roll is pretty sweet though. Even though I feel that I don't roll that much, I think it should definitely be utilized in certain matchups. You shouldn't really be frowned upon if rolling actually aids you in certain situations, because I know how certain veteran players hate on the Lucario rolls.

I don't know if my idea will work until I test it, though.

Oh and as far as my perspective on the matchup, I say it's pretty close to even, and it depends a lot on how well the Toon Link player can score early kills.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Oh and as far as my perspective on the matchup, I say it's pretty close to even, and it depends a lot on how well the Toon Link player can score early kills.
Oh, that's pretty definite. I play both and couldn't agree more. You lose momentum against lucario and, huzzah, you're now risking hits that do 4x more going for your highly limited kill options. Not desirable.
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