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Upstate New York Tournament Thread


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2009
Cortland, New York
This trash talk really needs to stop. I'm seeing more insults than support for others, which is sad. This region is falling. I'm not pointing any fingers, but all this "trash talk" is unnessacary and degrading our region. It's a shame.

We shouldn't worry about a pr update until it's time and one's actually updated. I do think that Goggles should move back above JamesG, but not quite Tiger. But that's just IMO and PR updates can wait.
Pie bro, you gotta chill. The region wont die because of mild trash talk. It's not even that bad here.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2009
Utica, NY
Ahh drama, the reason I stopped reading this thread a while back. Guess I'll continue to stop reading this thread.
Perfect example .-.

Sure our region won't die from it, but we're wasting our time trash talking ourselves when we should keep that to regional trash talk.

Uggggh, I want a name change so badly. I hate being called Pie.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
lol @ calling this drama *yawn*. I'm glad I didn't learn much about cheesecake since this fall. Every wednesday there's like 5 different kinds of cheesecake at one of the places I eat.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
xzax, why you just gonna give away 10 dollars like that?

far be it from me to stop you tho.

and lol @ yannicks title being the biggest lie I ever read on swf.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
Goggles you are just becoming a big troll. You think winning ONE MATCH makes you an overall better player than a person. Seriously? Theres many more factors to take into account. Besides I'm pretty sure I just slaughtered you in our most recent set right?

PS: Where are the youtube videos of the 3 tourney sets I beat you in?



Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2010
On the fence
Working on recovering with marth. among other things :)
Asylum is pretty much the coolest. Hope I get to play with you again.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
and lol @ yannicks title being the biggest lie I ever read on swf.
holy **** King Kong is amazing
oh snap, adum over here. educating yoshi mains about their own character.
There was little chance for M2K to win if you were actually there, but I agree that it was higher if M2k had confidence in himself and tried to forget the controller johns.
LOL Sonic Wave, we are amazing as hell.
art cant hurt
Queen is poop.
:yoshi: I mean...

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Goggles you are just becoming a big troll. You think winning ONE MATCH makes you an overall better player than a person. Seriously? Theres many more factors to take into account. Besides I'm pretty sure I just slaughtered you in our most recent set right?

PS: Where are the youtube videos of the 3 tourney sets I beat you in?

Ok, ima be real real with you.

Youve beaten my lucario, my ddd my sheik, my diddy and my zss

Ive beaten you with sonic, falco, sheik, two day old diddy, zss, fox, and wolf. My wins with sheik, diddy, and zss, were all last hit. My wins with fox, falco and sonic have all been quite decisive.

You always ask me why I never play sonic or falco against you. and the honest truth is that I dont need to. Im far enough above you as a player that just because I know your style and habits so well, I can literally pick up any character i want and beat you.

Even after the ~10 characters Ive played against you. Ill still pick up another character probably the week before I see you again and beat you with them.

Im kinda leaning toward luigi right now, but we'll see.

Where's the video of Goggles losing it and jumping at a window sill?
thats the match that caused me to do that. it was pretty heated at the end.

Still waiting on vid of Goggles winning it and thunderstorming a chair

Lol. Im pretty sure somebody recorded that and interviewed me afterwards.



neil went to a tournament today.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
hey now...

first of all, suck a ****.

secondly. Im not even going to win. im probably just going to get second and split with neil.

lastly. remember that next time you try to talk about having pride in wny and all that other nonsence.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
Goggles with all honesty you lie to yourself sometimes. You use new characters on me because I know how to adapt to characters by simply playing a few matches with them. Sometimes I will learn the matchups within the actual match itself. I think you fear using a character multiple times on me because it will just better your chances of losing.

If you want examples I'll give you these:

Not so serious reasons:

Your Sonic beat me in a Money Match, but then it has never beaten my Lucario again in any matches following them, although I will let that slide since they were just friendlies.

Your Fox I had ONE bad match against but can easily handle it, considering it never beat me in a friendly prior to that match and I also was ****** it in doubles at AXS following that match.

I don't think you ever want to use Sheik on me again because of the matches we played following the two tourney sets, one of them which I WON btw.

^^^ I don't take these seriously because most of these were done in friendlies and not in tourney, but I'm almost certain that you try your hardest in friendlies just as I do. But say what you will with these. It's still good to note because ever since I gave these characters the beat down, you refused to use them again.

Now for the important stuff:

Your Wolf beat me first match in tournament but then nearly got 2 stocked the match to follow.

Your diddy and zss barely beat me in a MM. We played another MM and I beat them by a landslide.

Your Dedede and Lucario lost to me in matches you had the lead in because I found out your playstyle with them.

So pretty much the only character that I haven't beaten of yours is your Falco. And I am sure if I played just a couple of more matches against your Falco, and I will figure out your habits/playstyle, I will win that matchup too. I'm just an overall better/smarter player than you, and plenty can agree. Your all tricks and gimmicks to be honest, and once I figure out your patterns, it's over for you.

Nobody wants to hear your lame excuses about "how many days I used this character" or "there was some cat around giving you allergies." Wins a win and loss is a loss chump. Like I've always said, I don't care if you used Ganon on me in tournament. It still counts as a 100% legit win on my part. It's not my problem you didn't use a particular character. I think you almost pick your sh*tty characters on purpose so you have an easy excuse prepared when you lose to me.

After looking at all of this I have to ask: What was that you said about being able to beat me with any character? It certainly doesn't appear that way on paper.

To say you are superior to me is foolish, but I don't really care if you think that you are. I actually kind of find it hilarious that you're still not better than me, considering you play this game like it's a daily ritual and I play it once a month. But looking at the facts, I'm still up on you in tournament sets 3-2, the sets that matter the most. You having one good day will not compensate for your overall performance. I didn't even get a spot on PR when I played my first tourney ever and beat you, did I?

As of now, I am still looked at as the better player, so stop trying to have your ONE youtube video hide that FACT.



Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Hey hey hey.

Neither of you ever win anything, so it's not that big a deal.

I wouldn't worry about it too much.
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