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Upstate New York Tournament Thread


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2009
guys, i offically dont have any time for smash

i love you all and the experience was something ill never forget

all the best

Even if you don't have the time right now you may later. We'll be here.

*sets up a little bed for you*
*saves some good weed for you*

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
its seems to me like there is/are less and less and less actual careers available where going to school for 4-8 (because 2 is clearly not enough and that idea is essentially useless) years is actually more beneficial than taking those same 4-8 years and trying to get an entry level jobs in whatever field you choose, and using those same 4-8 years to move up that ladder, knaamean?

And I realise that most of the people I play with and hang with go to RIT, so I hope to not look like I'm trying to diss any of you. But even still, it doesnt really seem that secondary education really puts you so far ahead of the game the way it used to. It just kinda makes for more headaches when after that 60-300k that you spent on education, you end up getting a job that one, barely is enough to support yourself and pay your loans back, and two, is barely making you any more (if at all) than you would be making by going straight into the work force.

KT Kasrani

Smash Champion
May 28, 2009
Philadelphia, Pa
look at it lik this.

you can graduate from high school and get a job. you prolli can make good money and support yourself but the highest education you have is your high school diploma.

if you go to secondary school for 4-8 years. you will most likely get a better job than you would have with just your high school diploma but you would be in more debt.

but then you must think ahead. how far can you go in life with just your high school diploma? now you can not go to school and work your way up the ladder. but most liekly those coming outa school with a diploma in that field will prolli be made your boss before your their boss.

plus many more doors open up for you in college and you meet many new people almost lik smash lol.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I do agree with that one part. The networking aspect is VASTLY more important than the education aspect of the whole thing.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
Goggles, it really not always about the money. The fact of the matter is there is some jobs you really cant get with out proper schooling such as some law, police enforcement, Medical and a lot of others. To look at it as "why invest this much in school when i can make this much without going to school" i think is a very poor mentality. You should really focus more on other reason why it is people go to school.

For example Frannie goes to school for environmental studies to pursue something very few people even acknowledge, though (if she were taking loans) it would put her in debt and take 3+ years out of her life, she does it cause she passionate about it. Its really not about the money its about doing something with your life that you truly want to.

While starting an entry level position and eventually making as much money as a grad student is something that some people may want to do, I guess its just not for everyone.

Somethings are not for everyone i suppose but i hardly think the investment of money shouldn't matter if you end up doing something you truly want.

ROI can't be determined by the paycheck you get.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Im pretty sure that you can obtain a law enforcement job with just a HS diploma. They put you into a training program for it, but its not really the same as a college degree.

also, a lot of those things you can go into the armed forces for. Despite the fact that I dont really condone war or the armed forces, people that do go into there are properly trained for a myraid of different jobs. Thats what Kelvin did and hes only been there for what? a year? year and a half? And that gets you the same training and even better networking contacts in significantly less time.

I never said there wasnt any job that schooling is necessary for. but many careers the majority of people get into its possible to get into with a simple HS degree.

In my personal case, I'll be honest, in terms of careers that will make me a living, Im really not passionate about anything. For the people like frannie that can find something that they feel strongly for, that just so happens to also be a good career, more power to them. But all of the things that I feel strongly about, and all the things I have a passion for, dont really make a living, so yea, Im going to look at jobs from a purely dollars and cents perspective. Because at that point its just a means to an end to get tot the things that I really want to do with myself.

And I feel that you slighting me for not having that passion for a profitable career (i.e. something that I really cant control) as "a very poor mentality" is a very tactless and tasteless thing to do, and is a big part of the reason that I avoid talking to you these days. Because you have an overarching superiority complex that I cant stand dealing with. and you seem to think, that you know everything about me and how my mind works, and that because you think im so short sighted, that you are in some way or form, a better person of more worth than myself.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Pardon me.

Is this the fruit aisle, or did someone just get graped?

In related news, as fun as this is to read, I'm afraid I can say with absolute confidence that not a single one of you knows what you're talking about.

In slightly less related news, I just took one of the best midday naps ever. Discuss.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
Don't be so salty because I speak my mind. I stand by everything I say and will rarely ever take anything back. You really need to get over this "Everyone hates goggles" Personality you have going on, im 100 percent certain thats not the case. Dont expect people to baby you though. You asked a general question to the public and stated your case and I stated mine, deal with it as is. Instead notice that im being respectful by stating my full opinion instead of holding things back. While on the subject of your reference to "SECONDARY" Education, i would like to state that you said SECONDARY. Which is not referring to anything along the lines of a degree or college, So this.

Im pretty sure that you can obtain a law enforcement job with just a HS diploma. They put you into a training program for it, but its not really the same as a college degree.
1st ive never stated that you need a college degree to get a job in law enforcement.

Any form of training is considered a level of Secondary Education where you actually have to pass certain requirements and possibly a test to get the job.

And as far as this goes, im pretty sure you need a degree or a certain amount of college credits. I would know my brother has been pursuing this for the past 2-3 years , He is currently working on his degree in Criminal Justice and will be soon be entering a police academy to get the appropriate training.

also, a lot of those things you can go into the armed forces for. Despite the fact that I dont really condone war or the armed forces, people that do go into there are properly trained for a myraid of different jobs. Thats what Kelvin did and hes only been there for what? a year? year and a half? And that gets you the same training and even better networking contacts in significantly less time.
Form of secondary education. In a way every job requires some form of secondary education the extent of which that secondary education varies from job to job. You get like 1 day of training for mcdonalds but require years of training for medical. The fact is secondary education is needed for everything we do now-a-days. If your referring strictly to college education you should clearly state that. In none of the post you made recently have you been referring to college, degrees, anything of that matter.

In my personal case, I'll be honest, in terms of careers that will make me a living, Im really not passionate about anything. For the people like frannie that can find something that they feel strongly for, that just so happens to also be a good career, more power to them. But all of the things that I feel strongly about, and all the things I have a passion for, dont really make a living, so yea, Im going to look at jobs from a purely dollars and cents perspective. Because at that point its just a means to an end to get tot the things that I really want to do with myself.
I respect that but you cant really disapprove of secondary education completely.

And I feel that you slighting me for not having that passion for a profitable career (i.e. something that I really cant control) as "a very poor mentality" is a very tactless and tasteless thing to do, and is a big part of the reason that I avoid talking to you these days. Because you have an overarching superiority complex that I cant stand dealing with. and you seem to think, that you know everything about me and how my mind works, and that because you think im so short sighted, that you are in some way or form, a better person of more worth than myself.
I think I have something to say about this as well.


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
speaking your mind doesnt mean you have to be tactless and crass.

since you are so clearly trolling now thats the only part i felt the need to respond to.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.


**** this was a real intelligent debate until goggles took a disagreement to mean "I hate you"

that jump in logic warrants the "u mad?" picture imo because its equally childish

not saying anything personal about anyone in this thread just sayin' my $0.02 on these posts


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
That is my first umad pictures ive ever posted since ive been on smashboards. Honestly i think i deserve some sort of reward.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2010
On the fence
I want to play melee. My presents at the cuse tourney is still up in the air. Hope I see *****es, and proceed to **** *****es :)


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2008
Rochester, NY
@the whole college debate:

[120,000*(40years)]-170,000= horrible waste of time


(7.25*2000)40years = yourthemannowdawg



Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2009
Geneseo, NY
@the whole college debate:

[120,000*(40years)]-170,000= horrible waste of time


(7.25*2000)40years = yourthemannowdawg

I assume the 120,000 in line (1) refers to an average salary? (And even that is pretty generous).

But then what's the 7.25*2000 in line (2)?


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
college is good for some and not for others in terms of money and career goals.

in terms of social skills and time management and individuality everyone can use college.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2010
On the fence
the average college grad does not make 125,000 anually. specially in wny( but western ny is inexpensive too). go to college though, it's easier to suffer for 4 to 6 years than busting your *** for the rest of your life and making half the money. Although the key is to be happy doing whichever you do.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
College is fun at times, no doubt, but I honestly can't wait until I finish it. The education program in my school is pretty ridiculous, and requires a series of repetitive assignments that consume a ton of time. I also have to get up at 6AM the vast majority of the week, since I am training in classroom settings to become a teacher. If you pair that with the days I have to stay up until 1-3AM getting assignments done, I can become a pretty miserable guy. It disturbs me even more that there are probably a lot of other people dealing with more pressure and stress than I am.

I don't care about the money to a certain degree, but you would think that educators would be better rewarded for all the work that they have to do through college and in their job.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
I feel your pain JamesG. Need to do a test tonight, then try to finish my digital logic circuit project as well as some of my waves/optics, networks, and linear algebra by saturday for the tourney.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
the average college grad does not make 125,000 anually. specially in wny( but western ny is inexpensive too). go to college though, it's easier to suffer for 4 to 6 years than busting your *** for the rest of your life and making half the money. Although the key is to be happy doing whichever you do.

the underlined part is the part I have a problem with.

There is no guarantee that you will make twice as much money by going to college. The only hard data that Ive seen (which is probably embellished) is something that I saw that said that college grads (it didnt say what degree) make $1million more over the course of their lifetimes. which breaks down to something along the lines of 20k per year. and if 20k more is also double the amount, that assumes that people that dont graduate are only going to make 20k per year and those that do only make 40k per year, which really isnt that much money at all

also just for the sake of having a personal example.

soma, do you still work in construction? Judging based on your job and living situation, I would think that you didnt go to college, please correct me if Im wrong. you dont have to give exact numbers, but as far as that one construction job, how much were you making yearly?

constrast that with the dude in the quote below who is training to be a teacher (why somebody would intentionally attempt to be a teacher is beyond me, but that is neither here nor there.) and how much money do teachers make? and dont you have to have masters degree to be a teacher? (Im pretty sure you need a doctorate to be a college professor, but I also knwo college professors make vastly more than normal school teachers, also a moot point.)

But yea, exactly what you want to do has a rather large bearing on how essential college is to moving forward in that field.

College is fun at times, no doubt, but I honestly can't wait until I finish it. The education program in my school is pretty ridiculous, and requires a series of repetitive assignments that consume a ton of time. I also have to get up at 6AM the vast majority of the week, since I am training in classroom settings to become a teacher. If you pair that with the days I have to stay up until 1-3AM getting assignments done, I can become a pretty miserable guy. It disturbs me even more that there are probably a lot of other people dealing with more pressure and stress than I am.

I don't care about the money to a certain degree, but you would think that educators would be better rewarded for all the work that they have to do through college and in their job.
I agree, teachers arent paid enough.

But to be really honest. Most people dont get paid enough. the people that are out there doing the things that are necessary for our society, dont get paid nearly enough and the people that do rather superfluous things (entertainment) are laughably overpaid.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2010
On the fence
Not guarenteed but likely. It's hard to find descent money out there without breaking your back in the process. Just go to college goggles. a tough few years for an easier few decades.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Not guarenteed but likely. It's hard to find descent money out there without breaking your back in the process. Just go to college goggles. a tough few years for an easier few decades.


I went to culinary arts school for two years already dude...

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