I think it'll be better then Melee. There's probably going to be less "advanced techs", since a few of those were exploits of the game engine that most likely weren't intentionaly (wavedashing for instance) put in by the developers. The new physics engine is why wavedashing is out, it's not to annoy pro players who liked having it.
But I think the game, with the amount of development time it's gotten, in comparison to Melee and the original, even to games in general (I think they said wdevelopment began in 2005, so over 2 years), the game is going to be very balanced. This is definitely a good thing, it'll mean no one or two characters will dominate. I think this will create a much more fun game, and more varied in battles, since there won't be lots of people leaning towards the "top tier" characters.
So in general, yes I think it'll not only match Melee for gameplay, it'll surpass it.