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The Warrior of Light Illuminates! (Dissidia Final Fantasy)


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Character Overview
Who is the Warrior of Light?

The common answer would be the nameless heroes of the original Final Fantasy, the Heroes of Light who struck down Garland, his four fiends, the almighty evil of Chaos, and closed the eternal time loop that made him immortal.

That is merely a small part of the Warrior of Light's identity, and the character I speak of today is not one of the four heroes of Final Fantasy, but rather the original character created for Dissidia Final Fantasy. Later on his life, he would travel to the world of Final Fantasy and begin his adventure there, but before that, his story begins in Dissidia.

The Warrior of Light was not born as a man, but rather is a manikin created from Cid of the Lufaine. Soulless and without purpose, he was placed into "World B," a world of conflict, one between Cosmos, the goddess of harmony, and Chaos, the god of discord. Unlike his peers, he was not drawn into this world, rather he originated from it. This world's war however does not have an end however; after a victor is decided, the dragon Shinryu takes everyone's memories for himself and restores the dead, effectively continuing a cycle of perpetual violence. The nameless warrior is taken to Cosmos and she in turn bestowed him with power in exchange for becoming her champion. As a champion of Cosmos, he battles through a eleven cycles of warfare, though it would always end in her defeat.

During the twelfth cycle, the war once again favored Chaos's, this time thanks to an army of manikins, an unending spring of military might. The Warrior of Light, realizing that this war was unwinnable, turned his blade against his own allies, putting them to sleep for the next cycle. He had realized the reality of his cyclical world and accepted defeat preemptively knowing that the next cycle would possibly grant him the opportunity to succeed and end the cycle. His onslaught leaves Cosmos's forces crippled to only a few warriors. Said survivors dedicate themselves to stopping the flood of manikins and closing the rift from which they appear. They succeed though at the cost of their lives, exhausted to the point they cannot return to the next cycle. The Warrior of Light stays behind to protect Cosmos from the manikin army, though she sacrifices herself to save him. After her defeat, Shinryu once again takes his soul to renew the cycle, though this time now with a chance to end it once and for all.

In the thirteenth cycle, Cosmos tasks him with finding one of many crystals that may defeat Chaos and end the conflict. After cutting through Chaos's forces he faces Garland who tells him the cycle from which they are trapped. They duel and the Warrior prevails, gaining his crystal. He returns to Cosmos with the rest of the champions who each have their own crystals, however Chaos teleports everyone into his realm. With Cosmos in the palm of his hand, he incinerates her, killing her once again. However, the heroes of light do not fade. Unbenownst to them, Cosmos had imbued the crystals with every last bit of her light, making it so that she could not be revived, but the heroes would remain. Thus, the cycle had ended, with Chaos as the ultimate victor and his will was the complete destruction of the universe, leaving only chaotic nothingness behind. Cosmos's remaining forces were determined to end the destiny they were given. With the crystals, they open a portal to Chaos's Shrine and slay him, putting a definitive end to the world's conflict.

Shinryu, with no memories to feed on anymore, returns everyone to World A, the original world where Cid of Lufaine originated. Then, each of the heroes returns to their own timelines- everyone, except for the Warrior of Light. With nowhere to go, he walks forward to a castle in the distance, setting the stage for the original Final Fantasy, where he would fight Garland, save the princess, defeat the fiends, and end yet another time-loop.
Time to shine spotlight on the latest fighter, the Warrior of Light! As a character almost entirely created for Dissidia, he doesn't quite resemble his RPG brother-in-arms, Hero. However what he lacks in extensive spell-lists, he makes up for in extreme versatility.

As a Warrior, he places a huge emphasis on close-range physical combat, wielding both sword and shield equally to overwhelm the enemy and counter their attempts to strike him. His defensive and offesnive capabilities join hand-in-hand to create an extremely difficult character to attack and an even more difficult character to defend against.
4 Elements of light converge together and form the Warrior of Light, who resumes his pose.

Assumes his iconic Amano artwork stance with him holding the shield up and pointing the blade at the enemy over it.

Does the same pose, but whilst kneeling

Flies low to the ground as in Dissidia

Taunt 1
Points his sword at the enemy

Taunt 2
Holds the sword up to his face and looks up

Taunt 3
Raises his arms outwards, inviting the enemy to attack him

Victory 1
Flourishes his blade and poses with any allies in the background

Victory 2
Points the sword at the camera whilst specters of various job classes appear

Victory 3
Flourishes his blade before resuming his classic posing.

Victory Theme
The Classic Final Fantasy Fanfare, though Dissidia's rendition of the song.
Kirby Hat
Kirby wears the Warrior of Light's helm.
Puts his sword in front of his shield and turtles behind it

Thrusts his shield out with his sword behind and ready to strike

Ledge Attack
Slashes across the ground

Get-up attack
Throws his shield telepathically 180 degrees around himself
Down Special
Shield of Light
The Warrior of Light holds out his shield with both arms and projects a giant spectral shield made of light. This only protects the front of him like Sephiroth's Scintilla. Similar to Joker's Rebel's Guard, it can be held past initial hits.

Blocking physical attacks activates "Flash of Steel" which transforms the spectral shield into a spectral sword that stabs outwards. Has extremely long horizontal range, but limited vertical reach. Extremely powerful knockback due to its limited nature.

Blocking ranged attacks activates "Radiant Sword" which transforms the spectral shield into a blade of light and launches it forward full-screen. Decidedly less powerful, but may cause projectile users to think twice about launching their attacks.

Landing a counter also grants the Warrior of Light the "Protection of Light," a buff that increases the power of his smash attacks and neutral special. Lasts only a short while, but can be replenished with further counter activations.

Neutral Special
Shining Wave
Twirls and drags his sword beneath him, slashing upwards and summoning multiple pillars of light.
The pillars appear slowly allowing the Warrior of Light to follow behind them.
If Protection of Light is active, its kill power and shield damage drastically increases, forcing defensive players to take an evasive action.

Side Special
Sword Thrust
If tapped, the Warrior of Light just dashes forward while thrusting his sword.
If held, he spins and throws out his shield like a boomerang before grabbing it and thrusting forward.

Up Special
Rising Buckler
Tosses the shield up at a diagonal angle, carrying anyone caught up into it. The Warrior of Light then leaps towards the shield and grabs it, simultaneously thrusting his sword down at anyone caught by it.
2 diagonal slashes followed with an upwards slash that launches the enemy into the air.

Forward Tilt
Steps forward and stabs his sword upwards. The tip of the blade has a sweetspot that does increased damage.
Can alternatively be angled downwards if a down-forward input is used.

Down Tilt
Imbued Saber
Stabs the ground and releases a shockwave of light that launches enemies upwards.

Up Tilt
Rising Shield
Uppercuts the shield, smashing the opponent with the top side of the shield. Very fast and has a small disjoint.

Dash Attack
Indomitable Charge
A shield bash that comes out extremely fast, followed by a horizontal outwards slash, knocking enemies away.
Forward Smash
Bitter End
The Warrior of Light steps forward and holds the sword forward and up and charges light into the blade.
Releasing the charge has the Warrior of Light hold the sword back and then point forward, firing a laser beam of light at the enemy.

If under the Protection of Light, a barrier appears which protects him from projectiles while charging the attack.

Down Smash
Coruscant Saber
Holds the blade behind himself and charges.
Releasing the charge has him perform a spin-slash.

If under the Protection of Light, white light extends its rage and increases its damage.

Up Smash
Rune Saber
The Warrior of Light as he prepares to stab upwards, light circling around himself.
Releasing the charge has the Warrior of Light stab upwards, a shockwave of light around his feet first launching anyone into the sword.

If under the Protection of Light, a spectral blade of light forms, extending its vertical rage and increasing its damage.
Neutral Aerial
Telepathically swings his shield 360 degrees around himself multiple times.

Forward Aerial
Radiant Braver
Slashes diagonally twice in an X-shape.

Back Aerial
Shield Swipe
Bashes behind himself with a shield. Has invincibility if timed correctly.

Down Aerial
Shield Strike
Throws his shield down, which spins, hitting the enemy multiple times before returning back into his hand, knocking the enemy up on the way back.

Up Aerial
Twirls while stabbing upwards.
Shield Fling
Throws shield out which drags back any opponent away backwards into the grasp of the Warrior of Light, who binds the opponent in a field of energy.

Tightens the field around the opponent.

Forward Throw
Stabs them into the air while simultaneously detonating a multi-hitting explosion of blue microexplosions, knocking enemies back a short distance.

Back Throw
Stabs the opponent, skewering them. Then arcs his sword around his body to the back in a vertical semi-circle, causing a pale blue explosion behind him when they land.

Down Throw
Points his sword skyward, summoning an astral portal above the oponent. He then brings his sword down, summoning a cluster of violet meteors that pelts the opponent to the ground, bouncing them off of it.

Up Throw
Telepathically holds the sword and shield outwards and raises both his arms into the air, calling Holy. White light floods from beneath the opponent and flies upwards into the sky, dealing an extreme amount of knockback and damage.
Final Smash
The Warrior of Light slices a cross onto the enemy, the cross splits and shatters a hole into a separate dimension wherein a cinematic attack plays.
In this dimension, the Warrior of Light summons forth the iconic Final Fantasy jobs of old including black mage, white mage, red mage, monk, ninja, dragoon, bard, warrior, ranger, summoner, and dark knight.
They each attack the caught opponent leaving trails of blue light in their midst.
The Warrior of Light then slashes through the opponent, detonating the light within and causing a blue-white explosion to engulf them.
Alternate Colors
World B
A stage that begins in the world of Dissidia. While fighters begin in Cosmos's Sanctuary, they are soon flung into interdimensional rifts and randomly visit several iconic locales throughout the classic series.
Firstly, Cosmos's Sanctuary is a simple completely flat plain that serves as a transition point to random stages across Final Fantasy.

The original Final Fantasy has Cornelia, an open field with a walk-off to the side and a dip that descends off-screen.

Final Fantasy II has Pandaemonium, a castle with its top blown off and surrounded in deadly spikes.

Final Fantasy III has the Invincible flying around the Crystal Tower, an airship with uneven ground that flies around the flying continent in which the Crystal Tower lays its foundation.

Final Fantasy IV has the Lunar Subterrane, a plateau of rock with the Lunar Whale and the Crystal Castle lying in the distance and the Earth shining in the sky.

Final Fantasy V has the Dimensional Fortress, a balcony with a wall to the side and a flying tower serving as a platform on the other side.

Final Fantasy VI has the Narshe Outskirts, a snowy trench which is walled on either side by small cliffs.
Classic Mode
"Final Fantasy"
1. Garland - Ike (Black)
2. Lich - Robin (Blue)
3. Marilith - Roy (Red)
4. Kraken - Corrin (Blue)
5. Tiamat - Ridley (Blue)
6. Warmech - ROB (Red/Black)
7. Chaos - Ganondorf (White Hair)
Warriors of Light
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Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
I'm surprised this didn't exist before. Can't say I wouldn't prefer Tidus, Terra, or Kain, but I gotta respect the classics.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I'm surprised this didn't exist before. Can't say I wouldn't prefer Tidus, Terra, or Kain, but I gotta respect the classics.
As a character, I do like those people more. However, as a "representation of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy related media" I think the Warrior of Light, a character created solely for a crossover series would be a great way to cram in as much Final Fantasy content as feasibly possible. Also I like his character that they gave him in Dissidia, at least moreso than Firion and Luneth in their original games.

Plus I played Dissidia a ton as a kid.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
As a character, I do like those people more. However, as a "representation of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy related media" I think the Warrior of Light, a character created solely for a crossover series would be a great way to cram in as much Final Fantasy content as feasibly possible. Also I like his character that they gave him in Dissidia, at least moreso than Firion and Luneth in their original games.

Plus I played Dissidia a ton as a kid.
Yeah I'd welcome any non FF7 content. I'd say that WoL technically represents Dissidia more than he does FF as a whole, though I suppose Dissidia itself is a representation of FF, and the alternative is a Chocobo which is much less interesting.

...plus more villains are always welcome :079:
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