Smash Ace
Demonstrational Video:
Here's the idea. Approaching with Sonic can be hard. We all know that. This is a new idea I had. We can abuse the infinite side - b jump to give us new approach options.
The VSDJ goes higher than a normal jump and allows Sonic to move with a higher degree of DI than a normal jump. Also, it can be fastfalled. When moving backwards in the VSDJ, Sonic has more DI than when he is moving forward in the VSDJ. I attribute this to the fact that the side-B starts pulling you back a bit as you charge which might make it so you are experiencing a boost in DI. If you try to fastfall, then you can land and get an attack out faster than if you just fell normally and attacked. The downside is that if you fastfall, then you don't have enough time to get another spin dash out in time to keep the infinite jump going. So, if you are going to fastfall, then you better be sure that you are going to be landing and attacking. This isn't much of a problem as long as you are reading your opponent well and are planning ahead properly, but your opponent may pick up on the fast falling and be able to predict when an attack is coming.
The beginning of the jump has a hitbox, where if someone is too close, they get hit for 7% (i need to check that number....) with some strangely strong knockback. So, if someone gets too close, they will get pushed back away. The hitbox is not very big and its unlikely that it will play much of a role in any match, but it's at least worth noting.
If they try to approach you as you do it, they have to predict where you will be, which is easily changed. If they don't, and they end up inside your landing area, then simply doing it again will damage and knock them away with intersting knockback direction and will get them off of you.
We can use any attack directly out of it. Smashes, Tilts, Jabs, Dash Attacks, DACUS(I forgot to show those in the vid), Grabs (Also, not in the vid), Specials, Aerials. We can vary up when it is that we use the aerials and specials while we are in the air from the VSDJ. We can change how long we charge the spin dash before using the jump. We can use the spin dash. We can spin shot. We can spin dash shield cancel so that we land safely in our shields. We can use the spindash shield cancel to land into an instant side step out of the VSDJ. We have a ton of options of what we can do out of this.
So, it can be used for approaching, mindgames, and it has a lot of options. Add the mindgames that come from spinshot and spin dash shield cancel into the mix of it and it becomes even more mindgamey. I think this could be an incredibly helpful way of approaching if done correctly.
Approaching in Different Situations
Edge Guarding
The Bad
There is a downside however. The VSDJ is not as fast of an approach as simply running at the opponent. This robs Sonic of his greatest strength: his running speed. You shouldn't try to use this as your only approach.
Here's the idea. Approaching with Sonic can be hard. We all know that. This is a new idea I had. We can abuse the infinite side - b jump to give us new approach options.
The VSDJ goes higher than a normal jump and allows Sonic to move with a higher degree of DI than a normal jump. Also, it can be fastfalled. When moving backwards in the VSDJ, Sonic has more DI than when he is moving forward in the VSDJ. I attribute this to the fact that the side-B starts pulling you back a bit as you charge which might make it so you are experiencing a boost in DI. If you try to fastfall, then you can land and get an attack out faster than if you just fell normally and attacked. The downside is that if you fastfall, then you don't have enough time to get another spin dash out in time to keep the infinite jump going. So, if you are going to fastfall, then you better be sure that you are going to be landing and attacking. This isn't much of a problem as long as you are reading your opponent well and are planning ahead properly, but your opponent may pick up on the fast falling and be able to predict when an attack is coming.
The beginning of the jump has a hitbox, where if someone is too close, they get hit for 7% (i need to check that number....) with some strangely strong knockback. So, if someone gets too close, they will get pushed back away. The hitbox is not very big and its unlikely that it will play much of a role in any match, but it's at least worth noting.
If they try to approach you as you do it, they have to predict where you will be, which is easily changed. If they don't, and they end up inside your landing area, then simply doing it again will damage and knock them away with intersting knockback direction and will get them off of you.
We can use any attack directly out of it. Smashes, Tilts, Jabs, Dash Attacks, DACUS(I forgot to show those in the vid), Grabs (Also, not in the vid), Specials, Aerials. We can vary up when it is that we use the aerials and specials while we are in the air from the VSDJ. We can change how long we charge the spin dash before using the jump. We can use the spin dash. We can spin shot. We can spin dash shield cancel so that we land safely in our shields. We can use the spindash shield cancel to land into an instant side step out of the VSDJ. We have a ton of options of what we can do out of this.
Infzy provides us with an intersting use/property of the VSDJ. This makes for an even better way to approach because you can catch Diddy's bananas, zss power suit armor pieces, snake grenades, peach turnips, wario bike pieces, link/t. link bombs, and ROB's top!! Good info Infzy. I have a kind of another idea that might be able to be added to this too. If you z drop an item at say the peak of his vsdj and it hits someone, then i bet you can fast fall and catch it before even landing.Another thing you could mention is that you can z-drop / z-catch items during the SDJ
which is supercool.
So, it can be used for approaching, mindgames, and it has a lot of options. Add the mindgames that come from spinshot and spin dash shield cancel into the mix of it and it becomes even more mindgamey. I think this could be an incredibly helpful way of approaching if done correctly.
What exactly all the uses of this could be are dependent on the player, but unfortunately I haven't experimented with this yet. I'll update with more info on this can wall jump out of SDJ.
Approaching in Different Situations
Projeciles: Assume you see a projectile coming at you. You have several options. You could just shield cancel if you are starting the spin, if you are in the air, you can just mid air dodge, if you are falling you can midair dodge to shield or just mid air jump, or if you already messed up and wasted you mid air jump then just spring. In most situations, you SHOULD be able to act in time to avoid taking a projectile.this is viable becuae it adds another dmenstion to sonic's approach game and most importantly it can be abandoned and reentered in seemless transition to/out or other approaches/ strategies. it certainly has the potential to maintain movement while avoiding projecitles too, and against grab happy opponents like D3, IC's and at the early game, Falco. i also think this will have an effect on opponents who rely on short hopped aerials as a primary approach, due to the hieght this appraoch gives you, they would have to adjust considering that you will be higher than thier SH, and your mobility is higher in SDVJ.
Edge Guarding
It all depends on what you want to do. The easiest use of it is mixing up the timing on back airs, as well as better setting up for them. For example, an opponent attempting to avoid back air is going to want to recover high. To try and get that, normally Sonic might have to double jump. With VSDJ you get the height and keep your second jump. So you could simply bair out of a VSDJ if you're at the appropriate height, or double jump out of a VSDJ if you still need more height. Furthermore, you can use VSDJ -> Double Jump to throw of your opponent's timing in evading bair. Note that you can fast fall after VSDJ. You could do something like VSDJ -> Fast fall below opponent's height -> Double Jump -> Bair.
On the flip side, you could use it to get higher than the opponent, then surprise them with a fast fall Fair.
I also use it for weird spring gimp timings. Getting height with VSDJ allows you drop the Spring really early and really get into your opponent's head.
With dair, you can be flashy and go for a stage spike behind their back, but I haven't used it for anything practical yet.
Nair can be used in pretty much every way described.
Uair can be used like bair, for the most part. Can probably be used like fair (fast fallen) for a surprise/mixup/flashiness.
The Bad
There is a downside however. The VSDJ is not as fast of an approach as simply running at the opponent. This robs Sonic of his greatest strength: his running speed. You shouldn't try to use this as your only approach.