i do cuz i just love how samus is a robot. I also love how mega man turn into zero suit mega man and does the screw attack. plus its really cool when mega man turns into a morph ball and drops bombs out of his butt.
Plus we all know that there is NO WAY IN HELL that sakurai could possibly think of an original moveset for a character who has starred in more games than I can count, and from the previous smash games sakurai is very uncreative.
megAMaN SaMUS CLone FtW!!!!!!!!1111
Best post ever! Let us see how many Megamn games there were...there was Megaman 1-8, Power Battles 1+2, X 1-8+Command Mission, Zero 1-3, Battle Network 1-6+2 side games, the original MM remake, and those 2 Star Force games scheduled to be released. Plus I probably forgot a few, obviously. That's 30 games...30=uber pwnage=my power level is "OVER 9,000!!!!!!" now just from that statement. Me and bluebomber22 totally own all the "MM can't be original" crowd like the n00bs they are!
Not to mention the Megaman series is the 19th best selling series of all-time, and is Capcom's official mascot. The only better selling 3rd party franchises with a chance of having a rep are Madden NFL (john madden for Brawl=ftw=jk!), Sonic (good as in), Resident Evil (in which MM is the official Capcom rep, so they stand no chance sadly), Dragon Quest (in which you make your own characters), and FF 1-6+Tatics+1-6 remakes ( 1-6 is too retro, and not recent enough to have a rep, plus Tactics isn't anywhere as near as popular as the biggest Megaman games). The Megaman franchise is closely followed by the Metal Gear series in terms of sales, so Snake wasn' completely random=ya.
In other words, Sonic, Megaman, and Snake are the best choices, and Geno (or Crono if Geno doesn't make it) for a classic cult following=pure hard proof. Top that anti-Megaman people, prove me wrong that Megaman has no chance! Out of the 30 games I listed, I'd say about 20 Megaman games I listed, about 20 of them were on Nintendo systems, and that sersiouly raises Megaman's chances...A LOT. Add a amazingly huge fanbase, and you get the picture=total n00b ownage! Don't mess with the man in Blue, because he'll pwn you!
Other than that, Capt. Olimar and Megaman should be in Brawl=both amazingly original, but I gotta say Olimar could be a lot more original. This is coming from someone who's second most wanted character is Megaman (behind only the insanely awsome WW/cel-shaded Link, and Diddy follows closely=ownage!), but they both SHOULD be in Brawl. You got that Sakurai...because if you add both of them, we will all be happy...extremely happy.
@ ness4life
I think I nominated Lucas a while back...o and Earth Bound ftw! Man did not make Earth Bound (or Megaman 1, 2, or 8), God did! Ya, they're that good=true!
O, and keep Olimar you haters! Pure original character, he's the most original character since G&W and IC, along with Balloon Fight (who probably won't make it). Add WW/cel-shaded Link.
Don't add Megaman, just to prove how popular he is to people who doubt his popularity. Ya, I'm that certain he'll make it on this poll, since he is that popular. And might I suggest expand the poll 5 or so spots...just a thought=it will be in terms more like the actual size of the character roster in Brawl. Maybe we should nominate clones, lol! (WW Link, Wolf O'Donell, and Lucas ftw!)
Originally Posted by the extremely awsome bluebomber22
what do you have against mega man??
He's too awsome....that is all I have against him at least, lol. And that's a good thing, not a bad thing, lol! XD