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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
There's no need to take off the MK section. If Mk does indeed stay banned for the rest of the metagame, (I highly doubt) that just gives me more reason to perfect that list and lock that list from discussion. The top MK's will just have to remain the Top one's because no one will have a chance to surpass them.

I don't think the ban will last though, but I think it's good for the community to see how "fun" the game is without him.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Master race though. That's like talking about time and not automatically using CST.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
ohmai. Also, kirin hasn't entered anything since i think like COT5, and before that i think his last tourney was...idk how long ago, thats how inactive he is

Exce L

Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2009
krystedez, you should make the character image for each spot

for example Metaknight -> (Metaknight) :metaknight:


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
I'll at least make it pretty for now.

Otherwise, I'm not messing with the thread too much. Rankings will stay where they are until I think about a suitable way to change up the methodology of ranking people, if needed.

King Toon petitioned miles apparently to work on it, but miles said it was fine if I wanted to take over it too. This poses a predicament. If KingToon wants to he can petition changes directly to me and oversee things, since the mod already changed it to me. It's up to KT. I'd be cool with it.

Oh and don't feel like I'm supressing discussion, you guys can continue discussing areas needing changed, I'll look at all posts from here on out when changing things in the near future.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
Statham, GA
But in all seriousness, if you can add me to 5 in the jigglypuff ranking. I've been representing her in tournaments and placing decently (I mean... its puff).


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Updated Main OP. Pretty now. Woopie.

Conceptual changes to the way this thread ranks players may occur soon, and methods by which I will do this will be presented later.


Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
I told KingToon I'd give him the thread if I didn't make it to Apex, since he wanted it because of my inactivity with the thread. The truth is it's not fair for someone in the Top 5 to have control on the thread. For a couple of reasons:

1. People will automatically think the list he/she is in is biased towards them
2. This community, most Top players are friends or respect each other to some extent, putting the pressure on someone to rank or rate them amongst themselves seems controversial.

I do realize Kryst, is apart of the Top 5, but I wasn't aware or not clear rather on how his possession of thread would come about. What I mean by this is, I was aware Kryst would take the thread, but he's also in the BBR. I wanted to leave the thread to him, because tbh that's how he approached me with the idea of him obtaining it. The discussion of the ownership of the thread was still in the works I believed, but him and Ankokou went ahead and transfered ownership.

With that being said, I'm not upset @ him owning the thread @ all. I just think the way it was done, was a bit quick lol. But I think Kryst and the BBR can handle it, and I'm glad you left that post about consulting KT. Because I'd hate to seem like I ignored him, but again I don't have time to discuss certain things, I just wanted the thread off of my hands lolol.

Exce L

Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2009
there's nothing wrong about being top 5 and owning this thread

edit: awesome layout and K prime is too low lmao


Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
there's nothing wrong about being top 5 and owning this thread

edit: awesome layout and K prime is too low lmao

If you're telling me this, I know. It's not about me though, it's about the people in the community who like to find ANYTHING wrong with a change in the list. They'll use that as a argument, but I don't think there's anything wrong with a Top Player in the Top 5 owning the list as long as they aren't biased.

Also I love what you did with the thread, I was going to add the character icons to the thread, but I never got around to it. This is exactly what I mean man. This looks great, and I hope you keep it up. I didn't have time to do all of this and keep up with the thread, I tried my hardest by myself and the help of a few others with updates, but I think you can handles this Kryst. Especially with a group of people.

But don't forget what I told you, don't be afraid to let people lash out, discuss and even insult to get their point across when it comes to the discussion of this thread and player rankings. That's the nature of this thread, because ranking and stuff can be a touchy subject, but we always have fun here. I don't wanna see the thread like, locked up or shutdown because people can't express themselves or even joke around. I think that's the reason I wanted KT to own the thread, because of his leniency towards that type of stuff. You can still keep it in on topic and in control with people doing so.


Smash Champion
Dec 20, 2008
EA, Georgia
Haha sorry, but I thought you were apart of the BBR so I thought the thread would make sense to give to Kryst then you'd have some control on it.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Just a small note to everyone:

All discussion and changes will take place unbiasedly like they have in the past, except I will be a little slower in making changes and I might be a little more active myself in discussing or pursuing those changes (like asking members of the character board, being proactive in discussion, etc)...

I want everyone to note that my original intent was to overhaul the entire Top 5 thread into a fairer system. For now, that vision takes a little more work than I'd anticipated. I will probably pitch the idea to you guys and have everyone have a say in it, and then do it during break if anyone likes the idea. For now, we'll keep this.

But in all seriousness, if you can add me to 5 in the jigglypuff ranking. I've been representing her in tournaments and placing decently (I mean... its puff).
This has been granted until a Jigglypuff comes in with actual results and wins to show off :)

Let's update the Peach list:

1) Illmatic
2) Nicole
3) Silly Kyle
4) Razmakazi
5) Kyon
It is under my understanding that Mikey has been on the list for a while. Can you show any recent results that show that Razmakazi should be on the list, and Mikey should be removed? Kyon appears to have remained in your list. You'll have to bare with me because my only familiarity with Peach mains are with King Beef, Illmatic, Nicole, and Silly Kyle. As well as Mikey.

at least put me above logic for olimar :p theres no reason he should still be above me
There was plenty of debate about this but nothing was accomplished of it. Can you show me simple results and wins you believe you have over Logic in recent days? Logic did also (toung-in-cheekingly saying this) make top 5 just recently with SiiS6, but that's just a recent accomplishment. He still has a legitimate loss against Judo for the purpose of skill, but he's 2-0 with him as far as moving on in bracket.

For now, that is. :)

DA CALL OUT~~~~~~~

I told KingToon I'd give him the thread if I didn't make it to Apex, since he wanted it because of my inactivity with the thread. The truth is it's not fair for someone in the Top 5 to have control on the thread. For a couple of reasons:

1. People will automatically think the list he/she is in is biased towards them
2. This community, most Top players are friends or respect each other to some extent, putting the pressure on someone to rank or rate them amongst themselves seems controversial.
You can ask any of my friends or smasher family, I really am stringent on behavior like that. I am like, totally down to earth and love my Midwest brothers and sisters, but I surely won't put someone on the list above another person until it's proven they deserve it.

I do realize Kryst, is apart of the Top 5, but I wasn't aware or not clear rather on how his possession of thread would come about. What I mean by this is, I was aware Kryst would take the thread, but he's also in the BBR. I wanted to leave the thread to him, because tbh that's how he approached me with the idea of him obtaining it. The discussion of the ownership of the thread was still in the works I believed, but him and Ankokou went ahead and transfered ownership.

I did pitch the idea of controlling the thread to the BBR, but only a select few were interested and had time to spare to mess with it. To be honest, I wanted someone to make the thread better, not just replace you. I had a lot of ideas and asked everyone what they thought. However, the subjectivity (lol) of this thread and the mass amounts of salt from people at random points I think gave them the scare. I don't really care if people are mad or sad, but I will try to be objective and place people fairly.

Like I said, I told Anky that I'd ask you again to double check, but I also said you were alright with it. I guess he wanted to get it over with. . .
With that being said, I'm not upset @ him owning the thread @ all. I just think the way it was done, was a bit quick lol. But I think Kryst and the BBR can handle it, and I'm glad you left that post about consulting KT. Because I'd hate to seem like I ignored him, but again I don't have time to discuss certain things, I just wanted the thread off of my hands lolol.
Like I said, KT should PM or discuss changes to the system or people he believe need to be moved up or down. If his only concern was being your proxy, then so be it; he can control the thread to the extent that he can pitch changes and make calls, as long as he does it as fairly and unbiasedly as the thread deserves :)

there's nothing wrong about being top 5 and owning this thread

edit: awesome layout and K prime is too low lmao
Thanks Exce L. If you have ideas for why K prime should be higher please say it! I noticed too, I figured he was better than the other Pikas right before ESAM. But I don't know their recent wins or history to make such a call.

Also I love what you did with the thread, I was going to add the character icons to the thread, but I never got around to it. This is exactly what I mean man. This looks great, and I hope you keep it up. I didn't have time to do all of this and keep up with the thread, I tried my hardest by myself and the help of a few others with updates, but I think you can handles this Kryst. Especially with a group of people.
Oh it's nothing, I just had to take a lot of time. Layout changes and tables are fun :)

And it's okay, I think I will keep this planted in the BBR for discussion if there's something majorly taking place like top Pika beats top Ice Climber and deserves a boost or something. Like, I think some warios could be above me at times because my best win is against DEHF but that's from 2010, and we're almost at 2012? Lmao. But I've been keeping myself in the balance with tournament traveling like to Genesis 2. Things like that, the efforts of the players, will be taken place before anything.

ALSO! You mentioned group of people. I might enlist the help of the character boards if they are wanting to help. Have like, an ambassador type thread for each board, or just pop in every once in a while to ask "Hey guys, results thread plox" or "results of Anther vs Kprime plox" and go from there.

But don't forget what I told you, don't be afraid to let people lash out, discuss and even insult to get their point across when it comes to the discussion of this thread and player rankings. That's the nature of this thread, because ranking and stuff can be a touchy subject, but we always have fun here. I don't wanna see the thread like, locked up or shutdown because people can't express themselves or even joke around. I think that's the reason I wanted KT to own the thread, because of his leniency towards that type of stuff. You can still keep it in on topic and in control with people doing so.
You guys XD I can't control what you do. It's all up to everyone to work together to make the thread fun, especially discussion. I just hope I can be as active as you were, and make good changes.

Hey Kryz can you fix my name?

It's always kinda bothered me.
Will do it right after this post.

Wow I like this new look, and you put a "V" instead of an "X" in my name xD
Will fix it :) Sorry.

Havok's Snake definitely needs to be in the top 2-3
Results/Wins/Losses of others? Anything like that would be helpful, otherwise I'll put this on the queue for now until I get time to look myself. That'll just take longer :awesome:

Putting him in would result in having to take one of the possible better Snakes off, though. Who would you replace with him?
Yeah this, discussion would be great if we're making a major change.

wait. wtf happened
Ankoku moved thread rights to me right away when I told him that miles said it was okay at first. I didn't expect it to happen that quick either.

You can still proactively help with the thread if you want KT, and just call me out if I'm being too objective and not as lenient or something.

EDIT: LOL I just looked at the listings in all smash themes available to regular members. Smash Blue looks tight, so I'm keepin the skin too.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
Krys I'll help with things when I have spare time. Though the first change is I'm clearly better than that deltacod guy. He thinks we go even with marth :troll:


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
For the record, Zucco and Lee Martin don't play anymore, so I'd bump Fonz up, and add D. Disciple and Pitbull probably.

Then again, most of the lucarios outside of the first two aren't making a major impact, although they are trying. It's hard keeping up w/ Junebug/Trela lol :p


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
I think ESAM and I should be on the :popo: list.

edit: Vex and Alphicans should be on the g&w list, and Blackanese.

edit2: *sees Logic above Dabuz*


no offense to Logic, but I think Dabuz is the 1st/2nd best Olimar in the US, and Logic really hasn't done anything notable lately, other than winning that NC tourney.
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